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Why We Are Headed for a Civil War

CIVIL WAR 2020!!!RIGHT VS WRONG!!! - YouTube

November 3rd, 2020 culminated years, no, DECADES of straying from the civic foundation of our nation.  The journey has been an incremental one, but has accelerated to one of giant leaps and bounds in recent years away from the Godly, Constitutional REPRESENTATIVE republic we began with.  So, why do I say we are headed for a civil war?

In a word, UNDERSTANDING.  In this case, understanding of our system of government, how it was founded, and the benefits of our system of government when compared to every other form of government in the history of the world to this point.  And even MORE to the point, the problem is LACK of understanding.

How did we get to the point of this lack of understanding?  Lack of education, and transition to indoctrination.  Most schools today teach only a very superficial level of civics.  Ask a high school senior or most college students today a series of civics questions that go deeper than who was the first president, and the overwhelming majority will not be able to answer them.  What are the Federalist Papers?  How was the Constitution ratified?  What struggles were there in ratification?  Why are we a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC, and NOT a democracy?  Why did states INSIST on the electoral college as part of our system of national elections?  What would our country look like WITHOUT the electoral college?  Why didn’t we start by adopting something resembling socialism?  Has socialism EVER succeeded ANYWHERE in the world?  In the world’s history, what has socialism ALWAYS resulted in?  These and many, many more topics were things that CITIZENS were once upon a time REQUIRED to learn in school.  Part of being a responsible citizen, and casting an EDUCATED vote, is thoroughly understanding how your government is SUPPOSED to work.  If you don’t know your history, and you don’t know WHY your government is the way it is, you can EASILY be lied to and fooled into believing any number of falsehoods concerning government.  Thus, the INDOCTRINATION most of our students are receiving now at the hands of teachers who were first NOT educated, and THEN indoctrinated into a system of beliefs that is not based in reality, and which seeks to destroy our Constitution and the Republic.  Think I’m getting ahead of my skis?  How many stories have you heard of “teachers” literally humiliating, or school systems punishing students who espouse a conservative viewpoint or for wearing something with conservative logos?  Dozens, perhaps hundreds.  How many stories have you heard of the opposite, where a student is humiliated by a teacher for espousing a leftist viewpoint?  I won’t say it has never happened, but if it has, it is so infrequent as to not even register on the national radar.  This is ONE SIDED indoctrination, in a system that has been slowly and insidiously taken over by leftists/socialists/communists who HATE what our nation stands for.  Nikita Khrushchev, the former Soviet communist dictator, predicted this would happen.

That is the short version of how we have gotten to the point where half of the population is willing to vote for a candidate whose platform does not contain a SINGLE thing that is based in OUR Constitution.  If you open a copy of our Constitution, and sit it side by side with the Ten Pillars of Communism, then look at each point in the democrat party platform, you will not find ONE thing they support that is Constitutionally based.

Now that we are in the aftermath of the November 3rd election, and awaiting the final outcome, with half of the country that has NO understanding of civics, half that does, and a system that has been compromised to the point that NEITHER side trusts it, it doesn’t matter WHO ultimately wins the election, half of the voters will not accept the outcome.  The civically uneducated half have also not been raised as ADULTS who can cope with life in general, and can’t handle not getting their way.  This is the half that will FORCE us into a civil war.  They are ALREADY burning down cities, shooting police officers, threatening to storm the White House to “remove” President Trump, threatening to “punish” Trump supporters simply for voting for Trump, etc, etc.  The left does NOT say let’s have a FAIR election that is fully transparent.  They do NOT allow people from the opponent’s side to simultaneously verify votes and processes so NO ONE can say anything was done illegitimately.  No.  The left in areas they control, exclude their opponents from poll watching, verifying signatures, counting ballots, monitoring election machines, etc.  The left demands removal of safeguards designed to prevent corruption at the ballot box.  So, when one side demands fairness, and will accept whatever the outcome as long as it’s fair, and the other side demands cheating and will only accept the outcome they want, the outcome is going to be predictable.  Civil war.

The only way to legitimately head it off now in a way that no one could argue with would be to do the election over again.  This time, it MUST be done with STRICT controls, deadlines, and thorough oversight of EVERY part of the process by BOTH sides so that NO ONE can say at the end of the day that the other side cheated.  What are the odds that will happen?  ZERO.

So, what alternative remains in a country so divided, with one side that refuses to even attempt consensus, and refuses any concession to the other side?  As I see it, the LAST opportunity to avoid bloodshed is for both sides to go their separate ways.  That means an old-fashioned word known as SECESSION.  We agree to divide the nation, do our own thing, and leave the other side alone.  We can trade with each other, but there is no TAKING or redistribution.  How would this play out?  Think of who produces the overwhelming majority of things in this country, and where they are produced.  It’s NOT in the deep blue cities that dominate the POPULAR vote in this country.  Your food is grown largely by conservatives.  Most of the things you NEED to survive on a day to day basis are produced by conservatives, in conservative states.  If red and blue states separate, within a week when the store shelves stop being stocked by trucks coming from conservative states, you will see a zombie apocalypse in the “blue country.”  That will mean either BEGGING us to reunite, or the same civil war we saw in the 1860s, but for somewhat different reasons.

Again, do I think either of these will ACTUALLY be the chosen path, and will either of these avoid a bloody civil war?  No.  I pray to God for a civil, peaceful, Constitutional resolution to our problems.  But I just don’t see it happening.  I fear a civil war is inevitable, and a lot closer than we think.

Trump Supporters Tired Of D.C. Swamp Stir Up Talks Of New Political Party

The simple truth is that EVERY time TRUE conservatism is used, it wins. The Republican Party is NOT a true Conservative party anymore, and hasn’t been for a very long time. The establishment of the Republican Party is honestly only shades of gray different from the democrats they claim to be the alternative to.

We NEED a true conservative party, and now is the time. As long as we ran a forceful race, not being timid about getting the conservative message out, we COULD win. If we’re weak in fighting the battle, we’ll split the vote and hand power back to the anti-God, anti-American, baby-murdering, illegal immigrant catering, socialist/communist/Marxist democrats.

We must proceed carefully, wisely, and forcefully, but proceed we must.

Bold Leadership Begets Bold Changes – Trump Supporters Tired Of D.C. Swamp Stir Up Talks Of New Political Party – enVolve
— Read on en-volve.com/2019/06/07/bold-leadership-begets-bold-changes-trump-supporters-tired-of-d-c-swamp-stir-up-talks-of-new-political-party/

Facistbook to be Fined?

Good, good, and GOOD. SCREW FASCISTBOOK AND MARK *UCKerberg. He has turned into a good little fascist propaganda minister for the left. I’m so sick of his bullcrap, and fascistbook’s lies and censorship of conservatives. I hope they get fined into oblivion, and broken up for anti-trust reasons. We would all be better off without them.


Facebook anticipates an FTC privacy fine of up to $5 billion



SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Facebook said it expects a fine of up to $5 billion from the Federal Trade Commission, which is investigating whether the social network violated its users’ privacy.

The company set aside $3 billion in its quarterly earnings report Wednesday as a contingency against the possible penalty but noted that the “matter remains unresolved.”

The one-time charge slashed Facebook’s first-quarter net income considerably, although revenue grew 26% in the period. The FTC has been looking into whether Facebook broke its own 2011 agreement promising to protect user privacy.

Read entire article here: https://apnews.com/ae0f1c8b66404d36a3db596a463ed191

Democrats STILL Seeking Government Takeover of Healthcare, Lying to Sell the Myth of “Free” Healthcare

The democrats are using several LIES to sell this push for government run, a.k.a. “single-payer” healthcare.

They say it will be more affordable. Remember Barack Hussein Obama promising it would cut premiums by $2,500 per year for most families? In actuality, premiums went UP as much as 400% in some cases.

Obama also promised “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” Yet many doctors would not, and do not accept Obamacare, meaning you had to find a doctor that would.

They say that under Obamacare, millions more got health insurance. They don’t discuss the millions who were KICKED OFF their health insurance, and had to pay much higher premiums to cover the freeloaders. Nor do the tell you that having insurance is not the same as having healthcare, as described above because not all doctors take that insurance.

They say healthcare will be “free.” Someone promising you something for nothing is ALWAYS lying to you. There is no such thing as “free” when it comes to cost. SOMEONE has to pay the price. Everyone WILL pay the price in the form of higher taxes on a whole host of things, fees, etc. They also tell you healthcare is a “right.” A “right,” by definition, does not infringe upon or take away from another person. That means that everyone who supports the idea that “free” healthcare is somehow a “right” also supports legalized theft and slavery because to make it “free” means you would either take the money from someone else to pay for it, or you would require the doctor to treat you without compensation, which is slavery.

Being that “free” healthcare is also a socialist idea (actually closet communist since it always involves more government control), as always, it ignores human nature in forecasting the results. Doctors who aren’t being reimbursed adequately to cover their costs either will not accept that insurance, or if forced to, will eventually just stop practicing medicine, as many have done. That means a shortage of doctors. When something is “free,” people will consume more of it than if their is a cost they must consider vs. spending those dollars on other necessities. That means increased demand for doctors. Increased demand on fewer doctors inevitably leads to longer wait times and inferior care. It has happened EVERYWHERE this has been tried.

If you are a recent product of the public school system, unless your parents had a good head on their shoulders and raised you right, there’s a good chance you believe the drivel you have been indoctrinate with by our liberal/socialist/communist public school system. You have been taught that basically everything the democrats are saying is right and good.

Hear me now, believe me later. Don’t take my word for it. Do UNBIASED research, and apply common sense and human nature to what you find. Educate yourself on what has worked in the past (i.e. NOT socialism and more government control of things), and what is likely to work in the future.

It’s not too late YET, but we’re quickly approaching the point of no return in terms of having enough people smart enough, educated enough, and honest enough to keep America from collapsing into an idiocracy, and just collapsing completely.


Democratic chairman begins prep work for legislation to enact ‘single payer’ healthcare

House Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth, D-Ky., has asked the Congressional Budget Office to analyze the effects of shifting all healthcare costs onto the federal government, a first step toward the “Medicare for all” legislation sought by progressives.

“Members of Congress developing proposals seeking to establish a single-payer system will face many important decisions that could have major implications for federal spending, national healthcare spending, and access to care,” Yarmuth said in a letter to Keith Hall, the director of the CBO.


Read entire article here: Democratic chairman begins prep work for legislation to enact ‘single payer’ healthcare

Since When Has the Constitution Ever Stopped a Democrat from Taking Away Your Rights?

Since when has a democrat been concerned that the Constitution supposedly limits their power to infringe on our rights?  It hasn’t been in the last 20 years at least.  They do it EVERY. SINGLE. DAY, without any remorse whatsoever.

Rep. Ted Lieu (D., Calif.) said he would “love to be able to regulate the content of speech” during an interview Wednesday, noting he was prevented from doing that by the First Amendment.

Link to article:  https://freebeacon.com/politics/lieu-i-would-love-to-be-able-to-regulate-the-content-of-speech-but-the-first-amendment-stops-me/

The ACLU Admits It No Longer Supports the Constitution (If It Ever Did)

The ACLU (Anti-Christian Lawyers Union, or American Communists Living Unchecked), like the rest of the left, is letting its mask slip.


If the American Civil Liberties Union was ever a champion of its supposed namesake—civil liberties—it no longer is.
— Read on constitution.com/the-aclu-admits-it-no-longer-supports-the-constitution-if-it-ever-did/

Racist Professor Asks “Can My Children Be Friends With White People?”

Where does one even begin with this level of absurdity?  This so-called professor of law posits the question “Can My Children Be Friends With White People?”, and unequivocally answers with “NO.”  He uses lots of broad brush arguments with no basis in fact that I would assume he KNOWS would never hold up in court, and would be immediately thrown out as hearsay and slander.  He is a “law” professor, right?  Let’s look at some of the more egregious examples of his projectionism and hypocrisy.

“Donald Trump’s election has made it clear that I will teach my boys the lesson generations old, one that I for the most part nearly escaped.”

As you do later in your diatribe, you are associating Donald Trump and his supporters with racism against blacks, yet you provide not one scintilla of evidence that Donald Trump is or has done anything racist against blacks.  I guess the approximately 8% of the black community who voted for Trump aren’t black enough for you?  Perhaps they are “Uncle Toms?”

“The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous dream of black and white children holding hands was a dream precisely because he realized that in Alabama, conditions of dominance made real friendship between white and black people impossible.”

Mr. Yankah is accusing an entire race of being racist, but in doing so is showing himself to be the bigoted racist.  There are SOME white people who are racist, just as there are SOME black people who are racist.  Mr. Yankah, why aren’t you embracing the words of the man whose coattails you hide behind by judging INDIVIDUALS by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin?  Hypocrite.

“History has provided little reason for people of color to trust white people in this way, and these recent months have put in the starkest relief the contempt with which the country measures the value of racial minorities.”

No reason to trust whites?  While blacks were at one time enslaved by whites (AND by blacks, AND by arab muslims), you were also freed by WHITES.  You were given the right to vote by WHITES.  The Civil Rights Act was passed by, you guessed it, WHITES.  The VAST majority of welfare dollars going to the black community is also be collected overwhelmingly from… wait for it… WHITES.  Sir, if you couldn’t trust whites, you would still be in chains working in cotton fields.  If you can read this, thank a WHITE Republican.

“America is transfixed on the opioid epidemic among white Americans (who often get hooked after being overprescribed painkillers — while studies show that doctors underprescribe pain medication for African-Americans). But when black lives were struck by addiction, we cordoned off minority communities with the police and threw away an entire generation of black and Hispanic men.”

Notice what the disingenuous “professor” of law does here.  He does the bait and switch.  He tries to equate the opioid problem in the white community with the illicit trade and addiction problems of crack, heroin, and meth in the black community.  Both are horrible, but they are NOT the same thing.  One who is prescribed opioids by a doctor is generally taking them for pain associated with a medical procedure, at least initially.  Those who take and become addicted to crack, meth, and/or heroine do it by CHOICE from the beginning.

“I will teach my boys to have profound doubts that friendship with white people is possible.”

You, sir, are a flaming racist, projecting your own faults onto people whom you have never met, and do not know.  You are making a sweeping generalization that is PURELY based on race while pointing the finger of racism at others.  Hypocrite.

“Only white people can cordon off Mr. Trump’s political meaning, ignore the “unpleasantness” from a position of safety.”

EXCUSE ME????  WHO has been more in danger since Trump was elected, and just as much during Barack Obama’s presidency???  You can’t continue the bullcrap lie that blacks are being targeted by white cops, or are being murdered by whites at some abnormally high rate.  The ACTUAL crime statistics prove that to be entirely false.  The ACTUAL crime statistics prove that blacks are MANY times more likely to be murdered by a BLACK person than by a white person.  They also prove that a white person is more likely to be killed by a black person than a white person.  But let’s go back to the “fear” thing.  Are their roving bands of whites roaming the inner cities LITERALLY hunting black people?  No.  There ARE mobs of blacks beating up whites.  How about things like the “knockout” “game?” Most perpetrators have been black attacking whites.  If there is ANY group that should be afraid of another based on the evidence, it is whites who should be “suspicious” of blacks.  But I don’t advocate the broad brush racism that you do.  I advocate a situational suspicion instead of a race-based suspicion.  If an angry mob of ANY color of people is moving toward you, you don’t wait around to see if they want to be friends.  If someone is pointing a gun at you, it doesn’t matter what skin color they are.  If someone is passing laws that are detrimental to your freedom and liberty, it doesn’t matter what their skin color happens to be, right?

“So, too, is his history of housing discrimination,…”

Again, you offer ZERO proof of your allegations.  Just like the rest of the Alinsky-left, you are just slinging mud to see what sticks.  You are repeating progressive media talking points with no citation, or research of your own.  You’re supposed to be a freaking LAW professor.  You of all people should know you don’t build a case on hearsay.

“…his casual conflation of Muslims with terrorists,…”

See above.  He has NEVER said that all muslims are terrorists.  He has POINTED OUT that many of the terrorist attacks in this country have been committed by MUSLIMS, most of whom were IMMIGRANTS or “REFUGEES” who were NEVER PROPERLY VETTED.  Donald Trump has been attempting to put in place travel and immigration restrictions on the VERY SAME countries that BARACK OBAMA did.  So, are you going to be intellectually honest and call Barack Obama an islamophobe and racist now?  No, you’re too much of an intellectually weak coward to be that even handed.

“…his reducing Mexican-Americans to murderers and rapists.”

TRUMP. NEVER. SAID. THIS.  You are quoting a viral MISQUOTATION of Donald Trump when he said that there are SOME bad people, rapists and murderers, coming across our border.  And he is FACTUALLY, 100% CORRECT to say so.  Does MS-13 ring a bell?  Do you read the news AT ALL?  There are dozens of stories every week of illegal aliens killing Americans, stealing identities, and all sorts of other crimes, ON TOP OF THEIR ORIGINAL CRIME OF COMING HERE ILLEGALLY.  Oh, and you refer to a group of “Mexican-Americans.”  I say you’re either American, or you’re whatever nationality the country you came from calls its citizens.  If you become an American citizen, there can be no dual loyalty.  One cannot serve two masters.  There can be no hyphens.

“They bristle at the accusation that they supported racism, insisting they had to ignore Mr. Trump’s ugliness.”

So, if I as a white American say that I do not support or condone racism in any way, I am to be dismissed and labeled a racist despite the COMPLETE LACK OF EVIDENCE that would back any assertion of racism, but if YOU say you’re not a racist, despite an entire article of evidence which the New York Times has published for you, we’re supposed to just believe you?  Again, Mr. Morally Superior Black Man, I point you back to the message of MLK, Jr. which you hide behind and PRETEND to embrace.  He would disavow you in a heartbeat, you noisy cymbal and clanging gong.

“They protest: Have they ever said anything racist? Don’t they shovel the sidewalk of the new black neighbors? Surely, they say, politics — a single vote — does not mean we can’t be friends.”

Yes, you jackwagon.  That’s EXACTLY what we say, and BELIEVE.  I don’t care if my neighbor is black, white, latino, oriental, Indian, Native American, etc.  I care that my neighbor ISN’T AN A**HOLE.

“My bi-ethnic wife, my most trusted friend, understands she is seen as a white woman, even though her brother and father are not. Among my dearest friends, the wedding party and children’s godparents variety, many are white.”

Funny how if a white person points out that they have black friends, or even a black spouse, people like YOU immediately say they have a “token black” friend to “hide their racism.”  Do you see the irony here?

As a self-respecting PERSON, I would be ashamed to pen my name to such an ignorant, racist piece of drivel as this NYT article by Mr. Ekow N. Yankah. However, the left has no shame, and doesn’t seem to have a problem exposing their own ignorance, racism, hatred, and hypocrisy. In fact, they seem to be wearing them as badges of “honor.”

Link to article:  https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/11/opinion/sunday/interracial-friendship-donald-trump.html

The Enemy Within

How many times do I have to say it?  McCarthy was RIGHT.  Communism is diametrically opposed to the values that founded America, and we USED TO fight to keep communism OUT of America.  Now we not only DON’T fight it any more, we are VOTING FOR IT.

Make no mistake, the ideology that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, the democrat party, and those identifying as “progressives” in America are pushing communism, or a stepping stone to it.  The ignorant among us look as someone like Bernie Sanders and think he’s just a nice old man.  But the ideology he openly espouses, socialism, is merely communism with out the force.  In the Russian communist revolution, you had two major camps.  The Mensheviks, and the Bolsheviks.  They both wanted the same things, but the Mensheviks thought it could and should be achieved at the ballot box, while the Bolsheviks had no problem using force to achieve their goals.  In today’s America, the socialist democrats are the Mensheviks, and “progressives” are the Bolsheviks.

What do the communists want?  Control.  Centralized government control of basically everything.  They sell a Utopian view of equality, but it is a smoke screen.  There will be two classes.  The ruling class that is all powerful and very well off, and everyone else.  Everyone else will be poor and miserable.  Communist Russia, the Soviet Union, was the model for what we can expect.  Venezuela is a more modern example.

To achieve their desired goals, the communists will stop at nothing.  They will cozy up to enemies in order to destroy other enemies, then betray the enemies they were cozying up to.  You can see this happening right now as the communist progressive left is trying to destroy Christianity.  They are cozying up to muslims and selling islam as a good thing, using it as one of many hammers to strike against Christianity.  Once they have destroyed Christianity, they will turn on muslims, and any other religion.  Under communism, there can be no religion other than the government.  Worship of anything other than government can not be tolerated.  They have used the same strategy with blacks in America for decades.  They have promised blacks the moon and stars in exchange for their vote, but delivered none of the promises.  Now they are abandoning blacks for the newest protected class of Hispanics and illegal aliens.  They see that flooding the nation with these people will achieve their goals more quickly than they could be achieved using blacks.  Too bad that such a small percentage of blacks in America can see this for what it actually is.  Same with gays, transgenders, and any other faction group that the left tries to split us into.  The communist progressives see you as nothing other than a tool to dismantle America as we once knew it.

The bottom line is this.  As a nation we have reached a T-intersection.  We can turn left, and follow the communists to sure destruction, or we can turn right and try to salvage what’s left of the American way, and return to opportunity and prosperity.  A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for that left turn, and a vote for destruction.  You may not like Trump, and I’m not a big fan, but at this point is the only viable opportunity to prevent that hard left turn.  Keep these things in mind as you go to the polls on November 8th.  A vote for Hillary, Stein, Johnson, or McMullen is a vote for that hard left turn.  The vote for Hillary needs no explanation.  But a vote for any of the other three is a wasted vote because none of them has a chance at getting elected.  McMullen sounds like a much better choice than Hillary, but has no chance beyond the borders of Utah.  Johnson and Stein are both for open borders, and would be almost as disastrous as Hillary.  Trump may say “mean things,” but has surrounded himself with good people and has at least a chance of making a positive impact on America.  If you’re a “never Trumper,” you own Hillary Clinton if she gets elected.  That includes the RINOs like the Bush family, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, John McCain, and a host of others calling themselves “Republicans” who are quietly supporting Hillary.


Hillary Clinton: America’s Most Dangerous Enemy Within

From Florida, I flew out to Reno to entertain at the 2016 Nevada Women’s Expo. In between my shows, I made pit-stops in my hotel room. Folks, I could hardly believe what I was seeing. Every news TV channel I turned to was beating the crap out of Trump trying to brand him an abuser of women. Leaked Hillary emails have revealed that the mainstream media gets its marching orders from the Clinton campaign.

Thus, the media fix is in: portray Trump in a red hoodie with a pitchfork; portray wicked-crooked Hillary as angelic, wearing a pure white flowing gown. Never have I seen such a shock-and-awe orchestrated media campaign to demonize a candidate. Continue reading

The Press Buries Hillary Clinton’s Sins

All of this has been VERY well known to conservatives for a long time, and the leaks just confirm what we already knew.  Those who REALLY need to digest this information are the very ones who refuse to even hear it.  Sadly, I think America is finished.  When half of America is willing to vote for such an evil, corrupt person, and the other half is unwilling to stand up and fight for what is right, you have what you saw at the end of the Roman empire.  I’m sure there will be isolated pockets of resistance, but I don’t think America has the intestinal fortitude it once had that is necessary to overcome the evil which we ourselves have allowed to overtake us.  

It was nice while it lasted, America.


The Press Buries Hillary Clinton’s Sins

As reporters focus on Trump, they miss new details on Clinton’s rotten record.

Hillary Clinton testifies before the House Select Committee on Benghazi in Washington, D.C., Oct. 22, 2015.ENLARGE
Hillary Clinton testifies before the House Select Committee on Benghazi in Washington, D.C., Oct. 22, 2015. PHOTO: CORBIS/GETTY IMAGES

If average voters turned on the TV for five minutes this week, chances are they know thatDonald Trump made lewd remarks a decade ago and now stands accused of groping women.

But even if average voters had the TV on 24/7, they still probably haven’t heard the news about Hillary Clinton: That the nation now has proof of pretty much everything she has been accused of. Continue reading

The Fate of a Disarmed Populace

Show this to anyone who tells you gun control is a good idea. If they still think it’s a good idea after seeing what happens to unarmed people, they are the enemy and someone to be feared.


Unarmed Christians

Military Men and Women, you MUST Not Obey That Order

All men and women in the military, and concerned citizens, need to watch this video.

I have often spoken of the purge taking place in the military at the hands of Barack Hussein Obama.  Bill Whittle does an exceptional job of explaining how this is taking place, and why Americans SHOULD be worried about it.  There are very, VERY few leaders in the military left today who will refuse to obey unlawful, unconstitutional orders from those careerist officers appointed above them, who are in turn receiving their orders from Obama.  Most who would refuse have either left, or been kicked out. 

Men and women in the military, you MUST refuse to obey such orders.  You MUST honor your oath to protect and defend the Constitution.  It is under attack now, and has almost been put out of its misery.  You are the last line of defense between a tyrannical, out of control government and the citizenry wondering if they will be citizens or subjects when they wake up tomorrow.  If you fail to act… yes, FAIL… then we will be forced to act. 

Do your duty, and HONOR YOUR OATH.


Dixie’s Censored Subject – Black Slaveowners

Ruh Roh. Liberal-progressive narrative, and boogey man for liberal blacks, destroyed. Now who are you going to demonize? Who sold blacks into slavery? Muslims. Who enslaved blacks in America prior to 1865? Blacks, and a small percentage of whites. Who has enslaved blacks since the Civil War? The democrats. Democrats founded the KKK. Democrats were responsible for poll taxes and “Jim Crow” laws. Democrats fought AGAINST the Civil Rights Act. Democrat laws and policies have destroyed the black nuclear family, and done nothing but increase dependence on government. It was DEMOCRAT president Lyndon B. Johnson who said “I’ll have those ni****s voting democrat for the next 200 years.” Apparently he was right.

How many liberals, and liberal blacks will EVER acknowledge these facts, and begin to think for themselves instead of listening to the “evil racist white Republican” bull crap they have been fed for over 100 years? Blacks have been promised the moon and the stars by democrats for almost a century now, and what do you have to show for it? Nothing. Instead of waiting on someone else to give you prosperity which never comes, don’t you think you should go back to the Frederick Douglas model of hard work and take advantage of opportunities to better your own life?

Look at cities like Ferguson, MO, and now Baltimore, MD. Look at failed cities like Detroit, MI, and failing cities like Chicago, IL. There are many others where there are high concentrations of blacks who complain about lack of opportunity, crime, police brutality, etc. Who do you usually blame for the conditions in these cities? You usually blame Republicans and whites, but NEVER acknowledge that there haven’t been any Republicans in charge of these cities for 30-75 years, and most of the politicians, and many of the police in these cities are black/minority. You blame police for the police state you live in, yet fail to understand that the police merely enforce the laws passed by the politicians that YOU elect. That’s right. You either voted for the politicians oppressing you and ruining your cities, or you stayed home letting others elect them. But you at least share the responsibility for electing the people who have destroyed your cities.

Black Americans have reached a crossroads. You can continue to take no responsibility for your problems, and start a senseless race war over your very real problems caused by YOU and the people YOU elected. Or you can accept appropriate responsibility for your own actions, pull yourself up, and EARN a life worth living. MOST whites, including myself, will gladly work alongside you as you seek to honestly make your own way. Those who would stand in your way will be those, both black and white, who benefit and profit from your dependence. That would be a long list of politicians, and race/poverty pimps like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Free yourselves from people like this, and free yourselves of dependence on government, and you will finally be free indeed.



By Robert M. Grooms

© 1997

In an 1856 letter to his wife Mary Custis Lee, Robert E. Lee called slavery “a moral and political evil.” Yet he concluded that black slaves were immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially and physically.

The fact is large numbers of free Negroes owned black slaves; in fact, in numbers disproportionate to their representation in society at large. In 1860 only a small minority of whites owned slaves. According to the U.S. census report for that last year before the Civil War, there were nearly 27 million whites in the country. Some eight million of them lived in the slaveholding states. Continue reading

Your Voting Choice – Explained

It can’t be explained more simply than this.  We either elect CONSTITUTIONAL conservatives to pull us out of our crash dive, commit slow suicide by electing more RINOs, or kill ourselves quickly by electing democrats.


Einstein Explains Barack Obama


Matt Walsh’s letter calling out Obama as a liar is one of the best you’ll read any time soon

The sooner we as Americans drop the chains and false pretenses of political correctness, and start boldly calling things what they really are, the sooner we can point America in the right direction again. Matt Walsh does a fantastic job of that in this letter.

Dear Mr. Obama,

Congratulations on getting 7.1 million people enrolled in Obamacare before the March 31st deadline!

Not to muddy the festivities by harping on technicalities, but I thought I’d pass along just a few corrections, in case you plan on giving anymore speeches or anything:

Alright, by ‘March 31st’ you mean ‘sometime in April,’ and by ‘deadline’ you mean‘suggestion which is subject to change.’

And, obviously, by ‘enrolled’ you mean ‘people who have filled some information out on a website.’

And by ’7.1 million’ you mean ‘probably like 858 thousand or something.’

In your speech on Tuesday, when you said that Obamacare is ‘the law’ and ‘it’s here to stay,’ you really meant that Obamacare is ‘a fluid and constantly adjusted set of unconstitutional decrees, which can be imposed or withdrawn by the Executive Branch at any point, for any reason, up to 21 times and counting.’ And by ‘here to stay,’you actually meant to say that ‘most of it is neither here nor staying, because you don’t want America to feel the full brunt of it until after the midterm elections.’

You claimed that ‘more than 3 million young adults have gained insurance’ by staying on their parents’ plan. Even if that were true, it seems to take for granted that there’s anything remotely positive about the government forcing insurance companies to treat 25-year-old men and women like children. But, more importantly, it isn’t.

Indeed, when you said ‘more than 3 million,’ you really meant ‘extrapolations based on faulty estimates conjured up by Health and Human Services almost two years ago have brought us to the dubious conclusion that we can claim 3 million, because nobody will understand how we arrived at that figure, and most everyone will be too lazy to even attempt to check our numbers.’

You appeared to venture into the vicinity of truth when you stated that Obamacare is‘doing what it’s supposed to do,‘ but then you forgot to stipulate what, precisely, that happens to be.

It has not, nor was it meant to, make insurance cheaper and more accessible – but it has stripped away choice and freedom, and made more people dependent on the government.

It has forced single men and elderly couples and nuns to pay for maternity care and birth control. Likewise, it has compelled everyone to purchase coverage for psychiatric illness and drug addiction treatment, even if we aren’t necessarily psychiatrically ill or addicted to drugs (though, with your help, the pharmaceutical industry will soon get us all under one or both of those umbrellas).

And, while you spiked the football in the Rose Garden, you still failed to indicate how many people have purchased and paid for a plan, as opposed to just checking some boxes. And you forgot to tell us how many of the Obamacare ’enrollees’ were only inclined to enroll in Obamacare because your law forced them off of their original plans.

You celebrated a ‘law’ that will supposedly ’insure the uninsurable,’ even though most of the people now insured by Obamacare aren’t actually yet insured, but they were insured before Obamacare made them uninsured under their original insurance.

Of course, this is all after you famously told us we can ‘keep our plans’ if we ‘like them,’while omitting that by ‘keep’ you meant ‘watch as it is demolished in front of our eyes,’and when you said ‘like’ you didn’t include the disclaimer that we’d all be legally obligated to adjust our affections in the direction of the type of plan you think we should like.

Whew. My head is spinning.

You’re a slippery one, Mr. Obama.

I feel like I’m beginning to learn your language, although I haven’t deciphered the entire code. I do know that, essentially, when you say a certain thing, what you really mean is anything but the thing you just said.

Honestly, I’m starting to think that you’re doing this on purpose.

I’m starting to think that you’re… lying.

You’re a liar.

Yes, that explains it. You’re either enormously inaccurate and oblivious in ways that just so happen to suit your political goals, or you’re a scheming, conniving liar.

I’m going with the latter. You lie. That’s all you do. You’re a liar.

I know, in this day and age of ‘civil discourse,’ we aren’t allowed use words like ‘liar’ anymore. It’s such a harsh and startling term. It upsets people. It makes them sad. It makes them feel all icky inside. But, Lord forgive me, I’d rather call a spade a spade and a liar a liar — as opposed to your strategy, which is to call a spade a tortoise, or an apple, or a three toed sloth, or anything but a spade.

I would label you pathological — as deception seems to drip like putrid sewage from every single word and phrase that escapes your lips — but I know your lies are calculated, not compulsive. You can’t be a pathological liar for the same reason that an effective diamond thief can’t be a kleptomaniac. Your lie, like his heist, requires careful planning and plotting. You’re very aware of the truth, which is what makes you so adept at avoiding it.

Still, I’d like to, for your sake, take you seriously on one count.

In your speech, you said this:

“I’ve got to admit, I don’t get it. Why are folks working so hard for people not to have health insurance? Why are they so mad about the idea of folks having health insurance?”

Why are folks mad at you? Well, as you’ve pointed out in the past, it’s probably because you’re black.

Yeah, that’s gotta be part of it. I’m sure cancer patients would be excited about having their plans abolished and their out-of-pocket expenses skyrocket, if only it had come at the hands of a white dude.

But, beneath the racism, maybe there’s something deeper going on.

Maybe, Mr. Obama, we’re all just tired of the lies.

Maybe we’re mad because you used the IRS against your political opponents, and lied about it. And you spied on everyone’s phone records (after specifically condemning that sort of practice), and lied about it. And you sent your Justice Department after journalists and whistleblowers, and lied about it. And you funneled weapons to drug cartels and terrorists, and lied about it. And you assassinated American citizens and drone bombed hundreds of innocent civilians, and lied about it. And you filled your administration with lobbyists, and lied about it. And you armed a terrorist insurrection in Libya, then orchestrated a cover-up once the terrorists murdered our ambassador, and lied about it. And, in general — whether it’s wiretapping, or Guantanamo, or deficit spending, or Obamacare, or whatever else – we’ve seen you do everything you said you wouldn’t, and little of what you said you would.

We’ve heard you lie. Over. And over. And over. And over again.

Maybe that’s why folks are so mad.

Maybe you’re a liar, and we know it.

And so do you.

I hope this helps clear up your confusion.


Matt Walsh

LINK to article: http://youngcons.com/matt-walshs-letter-to-obama-calling-him-out-as-a-liar-is-the-best-thing-youll-read-for-a-while/