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National Guard Being Treated Like Pigs

I never thought that when I said “BRING OUR TROOPS HOME!” that I would mean FROM A PLACE ON AMERICAN SOIL.

National Guard being treated like pigs

Pelosi Gavels House Out Of Session After Just THREE Minutes, Refuses To Vote On Coronavirus Relief

America, and Californians in Nancy Pelosi’s district who are expecting to see checks in the mail and money flowing to address THE CHINA/CORONA VIRUS crisis (not strengthening labor unions, implementing Green New Deal agenda, paying favors to donors, growing government, etc), you need to remember the MULTIPLE occasions where Nancy Pelosi has loaded up the relief package with pork, causing people to RIGHTLY vote against it, and now she is stonewalling the package that has finally passed.  If your business is suffering and your expecting relief, if you are unemployed because of this crisis and you’re expecting relief, you can BLAME NANCY PELOSI FOR DELAYING IT.

Nancy Pelosi should have been impeached for unethical behavior long ago, and if her constituents had any morals and ethics of their own, she would have been voted out long ago.  She is the face of establishment government that is destroying our liberty and our Constitution.

Pelosi Gavels House Out Of Session After Just Three Minutes, Will Not Commit To Vote On Coronavirus Relief

By  Emily ZanottiDailyWire.com

WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 23: U.S. Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) delivers a statement at the hallway of the Speaker’s Balcony at the U.S. Capitol March 23, 2020 in Washington, DC. Speaker Pelosi spoke on the 10th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act and introduced the Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act in response to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, also known as coronavirus. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Wednesday morning, as the House gaveled into session, it suddenly became clear that Pelosi did not intend to have House members review the bill; the House went in and out of session in just under three minutes.

Acting DHS Chief Says All Illegal Border Crossers Being Released | NumbersUSA

It’s time to form a militia to repel illegal border crossers by force, even if we have to fight our own government to do it. As it stands right now, we are no longer a sovereign nation. A nation has borders and controls who comes and goes. We effectively have no border, and we DEFINITELY have no control on who is entering the country. Our government has failed totally at one of the few constitutional duties it actually has, and it expects us to stand idly by and accept (and PAY FOR) the consequences. No more. The federal government must either step up, or step down. No more status quo, and no more politicians empowering and enriching themselves from the status quo.

Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan told a Senate panel on Thursday that all illegal border crossers are currently being released from custody and most receive work permits within a month or two. McAleenan testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee regarding the ongoing border surge that has seen a record number of family units apprehended in just the first half of the current fiscal year.
— Read on www.numbersusa.com/news/acting-dhs-chief-says-all-illegal-border-crossers-being-released

Eric Swalwell – Overcompensating for Multiple Deficiencies

Every obnoxious little prick I have ever met has been overcompensating for one or more “shortcomings.”  This guy has been nothing short of a complete jackass ever since he arrived in the public eye, and probably before.  He’s rude, obnoxious, smug, and he hates our Constitution.  What’s to like?  Hint:  Nothing.

Eric Swalwell Accused of Sexism over Insulting Response to Dana Loesch

By Jack Davis
Published April 20, 2019 at 10:51am

Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Eric Swalwell of California appeared to shoot himself in the foot Friday with tweeted comments that said debating National Rifle Association spokeswoman Dana Loesch was beneath him.

Swalwell, who has made gun control a major part of his campaign, told Loesch on Twitter, “I don’t aim down, so I don’t debate mouthpieces.”

Read rest of article here:  https://www.westernjournal.com/eric-swalwell-accused-sexism-insulting-response-dana-loesch/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=conservative-brief-WJ&utm_campaign=dailypm&utm_content=western-journal

Dead Man Walking, But With a Severe Limp

This story from 2013 is more true now than ever. We didn’t buy enough F-22s to do the job, so the F-35 is going to be asked to do things it was never intended to do, and probably isn’t capable of doing.

A phrase I sadly use often, “symptomatic of a larger problem,” comes into play. Our increasingly leftist government refuses to pay the price of freedom. Our adversaries are circling us, waiting for the moment they feel we are weak enough to defeat. With our refusal to maintain a force strong and modern enough to serve as a deterrent, that time is rapidly approaching.

I pray that God gives us mercy because we are rapidly spiraling towards some very dark times in America.

Dead Man Flying

Regardless of how much the Air Force has to shrink, it can’t do the air superiority mission with just fourth-generation fighters, no matter how “efficient” they may look on paper, Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh said on June 17. During an AFA-sponsored Air Force breakfast event, Welsh acknowledged that USAF will field a “mix” of fourth-generation F-15s and F-16s as well as  fifth-generation fighters like F-22s and F-35s “years into our future.”  But the F-35 is not negotiable, he said.  â€śWhen we truncated our F-22 buy, we ended up with a force that can’t provide air superiority in more than one area at a time,” he acknowledged.  The F-35 “is going to be part of the air superiority equation whether it was intended to be, originally, or not.” Competitors with fifth-gen fighters will field them not in 15 to 20 years, but “five to 10 years from now,” Welsh said, and if the US doesn’t have a credible fifth-gen force to counter them in a “high end fight”  it will be “in trouble.” There’s “nothing else that can do” what the F-35 can, he said. “Out there where people fight and die, for real, if a fourth-generation aircraft meets a fifth-generation aircraft, the fourth-generation aircraft may be more efficient, but it’s also dead.”

Link to article: http://www.airforcemag.com/DRArchive/Pages/2013/June%202013/June%2018%202013/Dead-Man-Flying.aspx

Democrats STILL Seeking Government Takeover of Healthcare, Lying to Sell the Myth of “Free” Healthcare

The democrats are using several LIES to sell this push for government run, a.k.a. “single-payer” healthcare.

They say it will be more affordable. Remember Barack Hussein Obama promising it would cut premiums by $2,500 per year for most families? In actuality, premiums went UP as much as 400% in some cases.

Obama also promised “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” Yet many doctors would not, and do not accept Obamacare, meaning you had to find a doctor that would.

They say that under Obamacare, millions more got health insurance. They don’t discuss the millions who were KICKED OFF their health insurance, and had to pay much higher premiums to cover the freeloaders. Nor do the tell you that having insurance is not the same as having healthcare, as described above because not all doctors take that insurance.

They say healthcare will be “free.” Someone promising you something for nothing is ALWAYS lying to you. There is no such thing as “free” when it comes to cost. SOMEONE has to pay the price. Everyone WILL pay the price in the form of higher taxes on a whole host of things, fees, etc. They also tell you healthcare is a “right.” A “right,” by definition, does not infringe upon or take away from another person. That means that everyone who supports the idea that “free” healthcare is somehow a “right” also supports legalized theft and slavery because to make it “free” means you would either take the money from someone else to pay for it, or you would require the doctor to treat you without compensation, which is slavery.

Being that “free” healthcare is also a socialist idea (actually closet communist since it always involves more government control), as always, it ignores human nature in forecasting the results. Doctors who aren’t being reimbursed adequately to cover their costs either will not accept that insurance, or if forced to, will eventually just stop practicing medicine, as many have done. That means a shortage of doctors. When something is “free,” people will consume more of it than if their is a cost they must consider vs. spending those dollars on other necessities. That means increased demand for doctors. Increased demand on fewer doctors inevitably leads to longer wait times and inferior care. It has happened EVERYWHERE this has been tried.

If you are a recent product of the public school system, unless your parents had a good head on their shoulders and raised you right, there’s a good chance you believe the drivel you have been indoctrinate with by our liberal/socialist/communist public school system. You have been taught that basically everything the democrats are saying is right and good.

Hear me now, believe me later. Don’t take my word for it. Do UNBIASED research, and apply common sense and human nature to what you find. Educate yourself on what has worked in the past (i.e. NOT socialism and more government control of things), and what is likely to work in the future.

It’s not too late YET, but we’re quickly approaching the point of no return in terms of having enough people smart enough, educated enough, and honest enough to keep America from collapsing into an idiocracy, and just collapsing completely.


Democratic chairman begins prep work for legislation to enact ‘single payer’ healthcare

House Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth, D-Ky., has asked the Congressional Budget Office to analyze the effects of shifting all healthcare costs onto the federal government, a first step toward the “Medicare for all” legislation sought by progressives.

“Members of Congress developing proposals seeking to establish a single-payer system will face many important decisions that could have major implications for federal spending, national healthcare spending, and access to care,” Yarmuth said in a letter to Keith Hall, the director of the CBO.


Read entire article here: Democratic chairman begins prep work for legislation to enact ‘single payer’ healthcare

Why Should ANY Lawmaker or the President Get a Paycheck If They Can’t Get Budgets Passed?

While I applaud these lawmakers gesture to refuse their paycheck, it shouldn’t be just an option if they can’t do their jobs and get budgets passed.  They should not receive a check for the duration of any shutdown, or for any period where they are operating under a continuing resolution.  They should BY LAW forfeit their paychecks, and NOT get back pay when the government reopens, or when they finally pass a budget.  That would be a small incentive to DO THEIR JOB.

p.s.:  There should be no such thing as “omnibus” budgets.  EVERY budget for EVERY agency/department should have to be passed INDIVIDUALLY after appropriate consideration.  This means that lawmakers would actually have to work all year long to get budgets passed in time for the next fiscal year.  Cry me a river.


Some freshmen say no paycheck during shutdown, but most lawmakers get paid




Military Readiness: 1940 and 2018 – Same Old Situation

“Navy readiness is “heading in the wrong direction,” the Government Accountability Office told the Senate this morning, with only 15 percent of Navy F-35Cs rated “fully mission capable.” At the same hearing, a four-star admiral acknowledged three nuclear-powered attack submarines were still stuck awaiting overhaul, with the USS Boise expected to be out of action for a total of six years.”

Link to cited article:  Three Attack Subs ‘Not Certified To Dive’; Navy F-35s at 15 Percent Readiness

In 1940, just as in 1914, America was weak militarily, which emboldened the aggression of evil powers against us.  After years of sacrificing security and strength for comfort, we find ourselves in the same situation.  Isn’t it funny how history repeats itself for those too lazy and irresponsible to learn it?

I appreciate Gen. Mattis’ decree that readiness be improved, but unless congress acknowledges that freedom has a price and demonstrates a willingness to pay it, it’s just an unfunded mandate.  Our increasingly corrupt and power hungry politicians have been using our tax dollars to buy votes instead of securing our freedom by ensuring a strong military.  Nor does it help that our increasingly political yes-men military leadership have been hiding the extent of our readiness problem to further their own careers.  They fail to speak the truth about the situation until they are safely retired, earning a handsome salary in some consulting or lobbying job which their military position secured for them.  Then they snipe from the sidelines.  I have no respect for such people.

The true depths to which our level of military readiness have descended have largely been hidden from the American public.  They take for granted that the military will simply always be there, and always be ready to take on all comers.  One has to but look at the increased aggression and boldness of Russia, China, and various muslim nations to see the truth.  Our military and its equipment are worn out from nearly two decades of continuous war.  Our potential adversaries sense this, and sense opportunity to advance their interests.  Just as Japan and Germany did in 1940 and 1941.



Difference Between Death and Taxes

Difference between death and taxes


A new Watergate every week.  A very appropriate analogy to what his happening in our government today.  The author of the article gets this exactly right.  And he also correctly nails the essence of WHY we’re seeing a new Watergate every week.  Here’s the money quote that sums it up.

These are the police state tactics usually used by Communist dictatorships where domestic security agencies accuse the political opposition of treason, spy on them, raid their homes on fake charges and then look for anything that can be used to put them away. Just like in Russia. And for the same reasons.

Russian domestic security agencies, from the KGB to the FSB, used these tactics against political opponents who might pose a threat to their rule. That is exactly what’s happening here.

The democrats are communists.  

Everything the democrats believe and support is not found in the Constitution, but can be found in the Communist Manifesto.

All the people they look up to are Marxists, communists, socialists, and acolytes of them who prescribe how to advance the cause of totalitarian communism.

All of the tactics they employ to destroy their political opponents are those of the communist agitators such as Alinsky.

Everything the democrats stand for directly conflicts with the things America was founded on and for.

We are witnessing a communist revolution, or more accurately a Menshevik revolution right here in America just as took place in Russia.  The history of communism across the world is not one of peace, prosperity, and happiness.  It is a history of totalitarianism, oppression, death, and suffering.  It is important to understand this history to see where the communists in America are taking us.  For the most recent example, look at Venezuela.  It NEVER ends well.

The chances that communism will work THIS time are about as good as surviving a jump from the top of the Empire State Building on the SECOND attempt.  If we don’t stop it here and now, they will destroy America as we know it, and we will be the next Venezuela. 


From Steele to Mueller, the cost of overturning the 2016 election.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.

In the early seventies, political operatives disguised as delivery men broke into a Washington D.C. office. These efforts to spy on the political opposition would culminate in what we know as Watergate.

In the late teens, political operatives disguised as FBI agents, NSA personnel and other employees of the Federal government eavesdropped, harassed and raided the offices of the political opposition.

The raids of Michael Cohen’s hotel room, home and office are just this week’s Watergate.

Political operatives have now seized privileged communications between the President of the United States and his lawyer. Despite fairy tales about a clean process, these communications will be harvested by the counterparts of Peter Strzok, who unlike him are still on the case at the FBI, some of it will appear in the Washington Post and the New York Times, and some will be passed along to other political allies.

That’s what happened at every juncture of Watergate 2.0. And it only follows that it will happen again.

Just like the eavesdropping, the process will be compartmentalized for maximum plausible deniability. The leakers will be protected by their superiors. The media will shrilly focus the public’s attention on the revelations in the documents rather than on the more serious crimes committed in obtaining them.

Nixon couldn’t have even dreamed of doing this in his wildest fantasies. But Obama could and did. Now his operatives throughout the government are continuing the work that they began during his regime.

Attorney-client privilege is just one of those rights we have to give up to protect ourselves from a conspiracy theory invented by the Clinton campaign. (But no amount of dead Americans can ever justify ending immigration from Islamic terror states or deporting illegal alien gang members.)

We are at the latest stage of a process that began when the Clinton campaign funded a dossier alleging foreign ties by her political opponent. It did this using a law firm while lying on its FEC disclosures about payments to that firm. (But unlike Cohen, Hillary’s lawyers will never be raided by the FBI.)

That dossier was then used to justify eavesdropping on Trump associates by political allies in the State Department, the FBI, the CIA and the National Security Council. This wasn’t really breaking new ground. Obama had already been caught using the NSA to spy on members of Congress opposed to his Iran Deal.

The contents of the dossier were rambling nonsense. Its claims about Michael Cohen were easily disproven. But that covert investigation was transformed into an overt one with Mueller. And Mueller’s very public investigation follows the same path as the secret investigation by Obama associates. Both used the dubious claims of the Clinton dossier as the starting point for an endless fishing expedition.

Eavesdrop enough, raid enough, squeeze enough and you will eventually find something. And even if you don’t, you can always manipulate them into denying something and nail them for lying to the FBI.

Keep squeezing and maybe you’ll even find someone willing to lie under oath for you.

Mueller has yet to deliver on Russian collusion. But Susan Rice and Samantha Power couldn’t do it either. Instead they all assembled a vast network of international conspiracy theories whose only purpose is to justify more raids, more eavesdropping and more fishing expeditions.

These are the police state tactics usually used by Communist dictatorships where domestic security agencies accuse the political opposition of treason, spy on them, raid their homes on fake charges and then look for anything that can be used to put them away. Just like in Russia. And for the same reasons.

Russian domestic security agencies, from the KGB to the FSB, used these tactics against political opponents who might pose a threat to their rule. That is exactly what’s happening here.

This isn’t just an ideological war. Washington D.C. is fighting to suppress a political revolution.

Even Obama and Hillary’s political operatives couldn’t have pushed the DOJ and other agencies this far outside their comfort zone under ordinary circumstances. There had been previous abuses of power, under JFK, LBJ, Nixon and Clinton, but there has been nothing like this since the Alien and Sedition Acts or Madison’s Machiavellian scapegoating of the Federalists for the disastrous War of 1812.

To apolitical operatives like Mueller, Strzok and their many allies in the FBI, Trump is an unprecedented threat to the business of the Federal government. They shrug at the economy or tax reform, except where it affects them. And social issues don’t move them either. They are as interested in the ideological left-right battles as the nomenklatura were in the works of Karl Marx.

There are indeed two Americas. One is your country. The other consists of the people who run it. Both have their headquarters in Washington D.C. And they get along pretty well most of the time.

The people are allowed to vote for whomever their party chooses. They can even vote for less respectable choices as long as they understand that those people will never get anywhere. Then the people they select will go to Washington D.C. and be briefed on what they can and can’t do. There they will rent pricey condos, bicker with each other, eat at nice restaurants and, in theory, make laws.

Then the nomenklatura, the bureaucracy that runs the country, will transform laws into policy. The policy will be shaped by judicial rulings and expert opinion. By the time the policy sausage comes out the other end of the Imperial City, it will have very little to do with what the voters might have wanted.

There are plenty of gatekeepers to keep a common sense idea from being implemented. If a congressman proposes that sensible measure you suggest to him, it will never leave the committee or it’ll be watered down. The Senate will neuter it or the president, on the advice of his advisors, will veto.

And then came Trump.

The gates began to collapse. The nomenklatura propped them up. Judicial rulings were used to block everything. The petty bureaucracies within government agencies stalled and sabotaged. Former agency bosses, their internal allies and the media colluded to target Trump’s agency heads with scandals.

The elected head of the government and the unelected heads of the government were at war.

Mueller is the tip of the nomenklatura’s spear. The DOJ is the bluntest weapon in the D.C. arsenal and for the first time it’s been completely unleashed to undo the results of a presidential election.

The same leftists that fought for the civil rights of terrorists and drug dealers, cheer government eavesdropping on the political opposition and the violation of attorney-client privilege because it was never about civil rights, it was about protecting their political allies and punishing their enemies.

Radical movements are inherently totalitarian. And totalitarians view process, whether of elections or criminal justice proceedings, as a train that they ride until they take power and then disembark.

As Roger Nash Baldwin, a co-founder of the ACLU, wrote, “If I aid the reactionaries to get free speech now and then… it is only because those liberties help to create a more hospitable atmosphere for working class liberties… When that power of the working class is once achieved, as it has been only in the Soviet Union, I am for maintaining it by any means whatever.”

The working class of Washington D.C. has achieved quite a bit of power along with a fortune in overseas bank accounts, mansions, private schools and all the privileges of membership in the ruling class.

But the leftists cheering Mueller’s abuses might pause to consider the consequences.

The Romans broke their republic. Now we’re breaking ours. The pink hat brigade enlisted the Praetorian Guard to bring down Trump. But the Roman lesson is that once you break the republic, it stays broken. Once you use political mercenaries like Mueller to overturn an election for you, they might not stop.

The left likes to believe that it can close Pandora’s Box whenever it pleases. History tells us differently.

The Praetorian Guard didn’t stop. What can be done once, will be done again. When control of the DOJ and FBI matters more than elections, then voters will be irrelevant and the Praetorian of D.C. will rule.

And then a new Watergate really will happen every week.


Link to article:  https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/269851/watergate-every-week-using-fbi-suppress-political-daniel-greenfield#.WtBQrastOyM.twitter

Paul Ryan Not Running for Reelection

Good news to start the day off right.  Paul Ryan just announced he will not seek reelection in November.  Hopefully we can get a REAL conservative to replace him, both in his seat, and as Speaker of the House.

He says he doesn’t want his kids to know him only as a “weekend dad,” and that he’s changing priorities in his life.  I’m so glad that it’s such an easy decision for you, Paul, especially since you’ll have a nice, fat government pension to lean on and won’t have any financial worries, unlike the American taxpayers you have been screwing for so long.

Paul, my disgust for you and your dishonesty knows no bounds, and I only wish we would have found a way to FIRE you rather than watch you ride off into the sunset, taking even MORE of our tax dollars with you.

Democrats Hate America

Yes, the title says it all. How can a reasonable person draw a different conclusion based on the facts?

The simple truth is that democrats are willing to make AMERICANS suffer to benefit ILLEGAL ALIENS. They are putting the interests of criminals and other nations ahead of and above those of the AMERICAN CITIZENS whom they are supposed to serve. In the house version of a continuing resolution to fund the government, the democrats were given all of the stuff they typically support, but they STILL insist on shutting down government, and penalizing our military and veterans, children, and the elderly.


U.S. House Paid $15 Million to Its Secret Sexual Harassment Victims

Excuse my language, but why am I paying for the sins of these sons of bitches when they rape or sexually abuse someone?  What is the origin of debt on THAT turd?  If I get in legal trouble for some reason, is congress going to pay my legal bills, or pay off people to make them go away?  We all know the answer to that.

Congress, and our federal government as a whole, is a wretched hive of scum, villainy, and evil the likes of which this country has never known.  If our enemies were to treacherously knock out the entire congress while they were in session, they would actually be doing us a favor.  We could start over.

Are you mad enough yet?  What’s it going to take?


Link to article:

Speier: U.S. House Paid $15 Million to Its Secret Sexual Harassment Victims

Is America Now a Failed Socialist State?

Are we a failed socialist state

Obamacare: Broken Promises and Lies

This article from the typically liberal leaning Time does a good job of dismantling the lies of Obamacare.


One must understand that Obamacare was DESIGNED to fail.  If Obama and the democrats could have made the leap straight to completely government run healthcare, they would have done so.  But they knew better.  First, they had to set the hook and bury it as deeply as possible.  They had to make it so painful to dismantle Obamacare that those who had gotten hooked on it, mostly those who were getting it for “free” or without paying the full freight, would revolt if you took away their “free” stuff, and would demand the government take over the whole system.

We warned you back in 2010 what you would get with Obamacare.  I wish we had been wrong, and America was actually better off and improving.  But sadly, we were right.  Now Obamacare is collapsing around us as even the subsidized insurers can’t make a profit on this abomination.  Obamacare WILL collapse.  It’s only a matter of time.

Aetna Has Revealed Obamacare’s Many Broken Promises

Continue reading