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Why We Are Headed for a Civil War

CIVIL WAR 2020!!!RIGHT VS WRONG!!! - YouTube

November 3rd, 2020 culminated years, no, DECADES of straying from the civic foundation of our nation.  The journey has been an incremental one, but has accelerated to one of giant leaps and bounds in recent years away from the Godly, Constitutional REPRESENTATIVE republic we began with.  So, why do I say we are headed for a civil war?

In a word, UNDERSTANDING.  In this case, understanding of our system of government, how it was founded, and the benefits of our system of government when compared to every other form of government in the history of the world to this point.  And even MORE to the point, the problem is LACK of understanding.

How did we get to the point of this lack of understanding?  Lack of education, and transition to indoctrination.  Most schools today teach only a very superficial level of civics.  Ask a high school senior or most college students today a series of civics questions that go deeper than who was the first president, and the overwhelming majority will not be able to answer them.  What are the Federalist Papers?  How was the Constitution ratified?  What struggles were there in ratification?  Why are we a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC, and NOT a democracy?  Why did states INSIST on the electoral college as part of our system of national elections?  What would our country look like WITHOUT the electoral college?  Why didn’t we start by adopting something resembling socialism?  Has socialism EVER succeeded ANYWHERE in the world?  In the world’s history, what has socialism ALWAYS resulted in?  These and many, many more topics were things that CITIZENS were once upon a time REQUIRED to learn in school.  Part of being a responsible citizen, and casting an EDUCATED vote, is thoroughly understanding how your government is SUPPOSED to work.  If you don’t know your history, and you don’t know WHY your government is the way it is, you can EASILY be lied to and fooled into believing any number of falsehoods concerning government.  Thus, the INDOCTRINATION most of our students are receiving now at the hands of teachers who were first NOT educated, and THEN indoctrinated into a system of beliefs that is not based in reality, and which seeks to destroy our Constitution and the Republic.  Think I’m getting ahead of my skis?  How many stories have you heard of “teachers” literally humiliating, or school systems punishing students who espouse a conservative viewpoint or for wearing something with conservative logos?  Dozens, perhaps hundreds.  How many stories have you heard of the opposite, where a student is humiliated by a teacher for espousing a leftist viewpoint?  I won’t say it has never happened, but if it has, it is so infrequent as to not even register on the national radar.  This is ONE SIDED indoctrination, in a system that has been slowly and insidiously taken over by leftists/socialists/communists who HATE what our nation stands for.  Nikita Khrushchev, the former Soviet communist dictator, predicted this would happen.

That is the short version of how we have gotten to the point where half of the population is willing to vote for a candidate whose platform does not contain a SINGLE thing that is based in OUR Constitution.  If you open a copy of our Constitution, and sit it side by side with the Ten Pillars of Communism, then look at each point in the democrat party platform, you will not find ONE thing they support that is Constitutionally based.

Now that we are in the aftermath of the November 3rd election, and awaiting the final outcome, with half of the country that has NO understanding of civics, half that does, and a system that has been compromised to the point that NEITHER side trusts it, it doesn’t matter WHO ultimately wins the election, half of the voters will not accept the outcome.  The civically uneducated half have also not been raised as ADULTS who can cope with life in general, and can’t handle not getting their way.  This is the half that will FORCE us into a civil war.  They are ALREADY burning down cities, shooting police officers, threatening to storm the White House to “remove” President Trump, threatening to “punish” Trump supporters simply for voting for Trump, etc, etc.  The left does NOT say let’s have a FAIR election that is fully transparent.  They do NOT allow people from the opponent’s side to simultaneously verify votes and processes so NO ONE can say anything was done illegitimately.  No.  The left in areas they control, exclude their opponents from poll watching, verifying signatures, counting ballots, monitoring election machines, etc.  The left demands removal of safeguards designed to prevent corruption at the ballot box.  So, when one side demands fairness, and will accept whatever the outcome as long as it’s fair, and the other side demands cheating and will only accept the outcome they want, the outcome is going to be predictable.  Civil war.

The only way to legitimately head it off now in a way that no one could argue with would be to do the election over again.  This time, it MUST be done with STRICT controls, deadlines, and thorough oversight of EVERY part of the process by BOTH sides so that NO ONE can say at the end of the day that the other side cheated.  What are the odds that will happen?  ZERO.

So, what alternative remains in a country so divided, with one side that refuses to even attempt consensus, and refuses any concession to the other side?  As I see it, the LAST opportunity to avoid bloodshed is for both sides to go their separate ways.  That means an old-fashioned word known as SECESSION.  We agree to divide the nation, do our own thing, and leave the other side alone.  We can trade with each other, but there is no TAKING or redistribution.  How would this play out?  Think of who produces the overwhelming majority of things in this country, and where they are produced.  It’s NOT in the deep blue cities that dominate the POPULAR vote in this country.  Your food is grown largely by conservatives.  Most of the things you NEED to survive on a day to day basis are produced by conservatives, in conservative states.  If red and blue states separate, within a week when the store shelves stop being stocked by trucks coming from conservative states, you will see a zombie apocalypse in the “blue country.”  That will mean either BEGGING us to reunite, or the same civil war we saw in the 1860s, but for somewhat different reasons.

Again, do I think either of these will ACTUALLY be the chosen path, and will either of these avoid a bloody civil war?  No.  I pray to God for a civil, peaceful, Constitutional resolution to our problems.  But I just don’t see it happening.  I fear a civil war is inevitable, and a lot closer than we think.

New Führer, Same as the Old Führer

Why do you think the democrats are in such a rush to lower the voting age to 16? Have you ever heard the saying that “If you’re under 20 and not a liberal, you don’t have a heart, and if you’re over 30 and not a conservative you don’t have a brain?” There’s a lot of truth there.

For most people, the human brain isn’t fully developed until the late 20’s. Prior to that, a lack of life experience, and insufficient training in critical thinking, lead many younger people to emote rather than think. Why do you think that most arguments from the left are almost PURELY emotional arguments which can never be backed up with actual fact? If they can get people to FEEL rather than THINK, they have a much better chance of advancing their agenda.

This push by tyrants to indoctrinate young people is nothing new. The far left, progressives, socialists, communists, Marxists, etc, etc, have been doing it for a long time.

Thus Nancy Pelosi reveals once again who the left in America are truly aligned with, and what their ideology really is.

Tyrants Never Change - Voting age and controling children

Russia Report Done By Anti-Conservative Academics

This is why it has become very difficult or impossible to place trust in someone based on their academic pedigree.  The left has been infiltrating and taking over our education system for decades, and they have largely succeeded in turning our public schools and universities into leftist indoctrination centers.

Thus a report that puts conservatives in a bad light must now be at least initially viewed with a great deal of suspicion.

Just remember when debating a leftist, their academic pedigree doesn’t outweigh the strength of your argument.  However, that implies a responsibility for you to be well grounded in the facts.


‘Junk News’: Russia Report Done By Anti-Conservative Academics

By Corinne Weaver | December 17, 2018 1:23 PM EST

A new study has claimed Russia’s online interference tried to aid the conservative movement and Donald Trump. There’s a big problem with that assessment. It comes from a left-wing operation that previously classified more than 11 different conservative outlets as “junk news.” And two of those authors were also involved in this report.

Read rest of article here:  ‘Junk News’: Russia Report Done By Anti-Conservative Academics

You Can’t Reason With A Rabid Animal

This is what the Palestinian rock throwers are teaching their children.  They are willing to strap bombs to their own children, and send them into battle when no battle is necessary.  How do you reason with this?  How do you have civilized negotiations and civilized discussion with someone who is NOT civilized?

As Golda Meir said, “There can be no peace until they love their children more than they hate us.”

The Failure of Liberal/Progressive Education (a.k.a. Indoctrination)

Socialism at its core is diametrically opposed to everything our Constitution stands for.  So how is an avowed socialist now holding an office that requires swearing an oath to protect and defend our Constitution?  How is he being allowed to run for President of the United States when everything he openly promises to do will further erode or even finish the destruction of our Constitution?  For the first 30 years of his tenure in public office, you can blame the idiots in Vermont.  For the fact that he is a NATIONAL contender for the office of POTUS, you can blame our education system which has been steadily destroyed over the last 75 years or so by liberal-progressives to the point that we have now turned out two generations of students who are barely literate, and have been indoctrinated instead of educated on civics.  When you ask the overwhelming majority of Sanders supporters what socialism is, they have no idea.  They hear the platitudes and promises that everything will be free and equal, but haven’t been taught the history that every single time this ideology has been followed, it leads eventually to totalitarianism, shortage, suffering, and death.  Russian and the Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, Vietnam, and North Korea are classic examples.
Continue reading

Modern Ejumakashun

This may seem like a parody, but this is what’s ACTUALLY going on in our so-called education system today.  It has actually become an indoctrination system.  Rather than learning about SKILLS needed for life such as reading, writing, speaking, math, science, and history, our schools (especially most public schools) have begun focusing on this progressive, politically-correct drivel based on nothing other than control.  Actual education is no longer as important as indoctrination, and turning out compliant little skulls full of mush.


Muslim Students at Duke to Begin Weekly Call-to-Prayer

How is it some kind of violation of everyone’s privacy and rights if a Christian says “God bless you,” or hands out a pamphlet on the street, but it’s somehow NOT a violation of anyone’s rights for this satanic death cult to blare a loudspeaker that NO ONE ELSE wants to hear, and we can’t choose whether or not we hear it?  In the very least, it’s disturbing the peace.  And since Duke receives some level of public funding like most other universities, where are the liberal progressives who scream “SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE” anytime a Christian wants to do or say anything religious in public?  The hypocrisy is mind blowing, as is the total ignorance of the threat islam poses to civilization as a whole, and America in particular.

Oh, by the way, Duke is now one more place scratched off the list of possible places my child might have gone to college.  Duke can get their money to appease the muslims who hate us somewhere else.

Muslim Students at Duke to Begin Weekly Call-to-Prayer

Members of the Duke Muslim Students Association will chant a weekly call-to-prayer from the Duke Chapel bell tower

Young man rehearsing prayer from Chapel bell tower

Ibrahim Saber with the Duke Muslim Students Association rehearses the traditional Muslim call-to-prayer from the Duke Chapel bell tower.

Durham, NC – Members of the Duke Muslim Students Association will chant a weekly call-to-prayer from the Duke Chapel bell tower beginning Friday, Jan. 16. Continue reading

Progressivism Paving the Road to Communism in America

What do you know about the communist movement and what it hopes to accomplish in America?  Maybe you’ve heard of the 10 pillars of communism.  I’ll list them here, and some ideas of how much of each pillar has been completed.

  1. Abolition of private property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
    1. Nearing completion.  Liberalization of “eminent domain” and zoning regulations, Bureau of Land Management and Environmental Protection Agency oversteps of authority, and daily land/property seizures under RICO statutes.
  2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
    1. Done.
  3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
    1. In progress.  Death/estate taxes.
  4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
    1. Nearing completion. We call it government seizures, tax liens, “forfeiture” Public “law” 99-570 (1986); Executive order 11490, sections 1205, 2002 which gives private land to the Department of Urban Development; the imprisonment of “terrorists” and those who speak out or write against the “government” (1997 Crime/Terrorist Bill); or the IRS confiscation of property without due process.
  5. Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
    1. Done. The Federal Reserve System, created by the Federal Reserve Act of Congress in 1913, is indeed such a “national bank” and it politically manipulates interest rates and holds a monopoly on legal counterfeiting in the United States. This is exactly what Marx had in mind and completely fulfills this plank, another major socialist objective. Yet, most Americans naively believe the U.S. of A. is far from a Marxist or socialist nation.  Federal bailouts of large banks further extends government control of the banking industry.
  6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
    1. Nearly complete.  The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates communication, and is making intrusive regulations to control internet and cell phone usage.  The government has also recently mandated that the release of information such as unemployment statistics will only happen on government controlled systems.  The Department of Transportation, the Interstate Commerce Commission, and the Federal Aviation Administration, various executive orders, and various state bureaucracies have a pretty tight grip on transportation, a grip which is tightening via further regulation and taxation. Don’t forget the federal postal monopoly, AMTRAK and CONRAIL — outright socialist (government-owned) enterprises.
  7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
    1. Almost complete. The many various federal agencies such as the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Commerce and Labor, Department of Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Mines, National Park Service, and the IRS control of nearly all business through corporate regulations.  By implementing regulations and laws that favor massive agri-business companies, they are driving small farmers off their land and centralizing control of food production.
  8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
    1. In progress.  Government policies on debt, spending, inflation, and encouraging families to live beyond their means have over time necessitated the “two income family” to make ends meet.  At the same time “working” families are being forced to work harder, more people are being driven into government dependency.  At some point, the handouts will no longer be “free,” and if the dependent class wants to eat, they will be forced to work.
  9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.
    1. In progress.  Land use planning commissions, re-zoning laws, massive government subsidized agri-business farms.
  10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc.
    1. Done.  The government has wrapped its tentacles around the public school system via the purse strings.  They mandate what will be taught and accepted, or they cut the funding.  As for  child labor, recent regulations are making it illegal for children to even work on a FAMILY FARM.

Whether or not you actually believe this or not, I encourage you to at least open your mind to the POSSIBILITY that it MIGHT be true, or at least have some merit.  Ask yourself what you can and should do in case it is true. Continue reading

Union Thuggery 101

This is the kind of crap that illustrates why unions in general are no longer good for America. Once upon a time in America, when 12 year old kids were being forced to work in coal mines, labor unions served a purpose. Now, (for the most part) the unions aren’t in business to protect workers, they are in business to protect unions and acquire power.

Think about this. If joining a union were such a great thing today, would unions need to have politicians pass card check and other pro-union legislation that FORCES people into the unions, or turns a blind eye to union coercion? Would the union leaders need to threaten to, or actually sabotage businesses if they don’t accept unionization? No.

Unions in America are in their death throws, but like any wounded animal they are still dangerous and will “bite” if not handled properly.

Time to show the union dog where the property line is and whack his nose if he steps over the line.


Union Thuggery 101

The University of Missouri is receiving some unwanted attention after conservative website BigGovernment.com posted video clips from a course on organized labor. Lecture comments from the two instructors sounded more like a seminar in coercive organizing and negotiating tactics than a college-level survey of the American Labor movement.

The videos show course instructors Judy Ancel, director of the Institute for Labor Studies, and Don Giljum, a self-described Communist and business manager of the union representing Missouri power company Ameren UE workers, describing various “creative” union negotiating tactics. Continue reading

Defund RACIST La Raza Now!!!

The fact that MY tax dollars are being used to fund the anti-American, racist indoctrination of American children PISSES… ME… OFF. This crap better stop NOW.

SEIU drops mask, goes full commie

Oh, noooooooo. The unions and communists aren’t in any way affiliated. That’s just a GOP concocted lie. And all those pictures were Photoshopped. Who you gonna’ believe? Me, or your lyin’ eyes?


SEIU drops mask, goes full commie

May 6, 2011 – 11:10 am – by Zombie

A May Day rally in Los Angeles, co-sponsored by the SEIU and various communist groups, as well as other unions, reflected yet another step in the normalization of self-identified communist and socialist ideologies in the Obama era. Not only did the SEIU help to organize the rally in conjunction with communists, they marched side-by-side with communists, while union members carried communist flags, communists carried union signs, and altogether there was no real way to tell the two apart.

Southern California citizen journalist and photographer “Ringo” was on hand to record the day’s events, and posted a full-length photo essay on his site Ringo’s Pictures. To bring this important photo essay to a wider audience, I present here a small selection of Ringo’s May Day pictures; visit his site to see dozens more photos from the rally.

When I tell people that public political rallies are more and more being led by communists and socialists, most folks simply don’t believe me. Aw, come on, you’re just giving decent protesters an extreme label, they say. No, actually, I’m not: The communists freely and proudly declare their affiliation.

And the SEIU has no problem marching arm-in-arm with them.

“Smash Capitalism” is a slogan the SEIU apparently endorses — or at least doesn’t mind marching behind.

In case you think the SEIU is some peripheral out-of-the-mainstream organization:

The SEIU devoted $28 million to Obama’s campaign, making the SEIU “the organization that spent the most to help Barack Obama get elected president.” Furthermore, who is Obama’s favorite White House guest and one of his closest confidants?

The individual who has visited the Obama White House the most: SEIU President Andy Stern, who has visited 53 times.

Obama is closely linked with the SEIU.
The SEIU is closely linked with communists.
You do the math.

Did I say communists? Sorry, I meant Communists (with a capital “C”).

Note how the Communists that day (like the women on the right in this photo) carried solid red flags symbolizing their ideology. Keep that in mind as you view the next photo…

One of the SEIU leaders picked up a Communist flag and led a contingent of rank-and-file SEIU members. Everyone was OK with that.

The way you can identify the SEIU members in all these pictures: They’re the ones in purple t-shirts carrying blue-and-yellow signs.

So, as you can see, the communists and the union members intermingled as the march progressed.

In case you were wondering what the SEIU was saying during all of this, here’s a video of the SEIU chanting “Legalization or REVOLUTION!” Clear enough?

And it wasn’t just the SEIU at the march — other “normal” unions like the AFL-CIO were on hand as well.

There were plenty of teachers’ unions attending too, and they brought along many of their public school students for some good old-fashioned communist indoctrination, as this video shows.

Most of the idiots in the US who walk around with Che buttons or Che shirts do so simply because they foolishly think he’s “cool.” These hardcore communists carry his image not because he’s “cool,” but because he was one of the most radical revolutionaries who ever lived. Right up there with Lenin, apparently.

In order to have a more “civil dialogue” with their political opponents, the marchers made a puppet of a demonic Statue of Liberty aligned with the “Tea Bag Party.”

OK, I guess Hitler comparisons are off the table for now — too many people have called it taboo. So what’s second best? The Devil!

Tell me the honest truth: If the Tea Party had marched in a rally behind a banner held up by fascists or neo-Nazis, don’t you think it would have been national news? But the nation’s biggest Obama-supporting political organization marched behind banners like these, and not a peep about it in the media. Hmmmm….

Until recently, the average American has regarded fascists and communists as equally noxious and equally malignant. As well they should have. But the drive these days by the left side of the spectrum is to make communism and socialism somewhat less remarkable and more palatable. For two years they angrily denied the Tea Party accusation that Obama’s policies and supporters had a socialist bent. But in recent months, as the accusation had started to gain traction, the new leftist tactic has become: “What’s so bad about socialism after all? You’re demonizing a very popular and respectable ideology!”

“Imposin’ crime”??? That’s an interesting spin I’d never seen before: “Hey America, it’s your fault we’re criminals!”

The never-ending quest to become king-of-the-hill in the victimology sweepstakes. The higher your victimhood status, the more politically successful you will be!

Want more? View the full report here at Ringo’s Pictures.


In case you aren’t quite aware of just how close our current president is to the SEIU, here’s Barack Obama speaking at an SEIU rally on January 15, 2008:

Barack Obama: “Everybody: There’s not a presidential candidate, a gubernatorial candidate, a congressional candidate, who won’t tell ya, that they’re pro-union, when they’re looking for their endorsements. They’ll all say, ‘Oh we love SEIU.’ But the question you gotta ask yourself is, do they have it in their gut, do they have a track record of standing alongside you on picket lines? Do they have a track record of going after the companies that aren’t letting you organize? Do they have a track record of voting the right way? But also helping you organize to build more and more power?

And some of you know I come from an organizing background, so — I’ve been working with the SEIU before I was elected to anything. When I was a community organizer, SEIU Local 880 and myself we organized people, to make sure that healthcare workers had basic rights; we organized voter registration drives, that’s how we built political power on the South Side of Chicago….and now the time has come for us to do it all across this country, and then we’ll paint the nation purple, with SEIU!

I would not be a United States Senator had it not been for the support of your brothers and sisters in Illinois. Those folks, they supported me early, they supported me often. I’ve got my purple windbreaker from my campaign in 2004.

And so, we’ve just got, what, four more days? Four more days of knocking on some doors. Four more days of working the precinct. Four more days of making sure all your co-workers are caucusing.

SEIU, I am glad you are with me, let’s together change the country! SEIU! SEIU! SEIU! SEIU! SEIU!”


Standardizing Mediocrity: What Obama’s “quiet revolution” will do to your child’s education

Obama and the progressives want your money, your freedom, and they want your children.

Progressives/communists have been after your children for a long time. As noted in the congressional record of 1963, one of the communists stated goals was “Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.” http://www.rense.com/general32/americ.htm

Now they are being much more bold, much less secretive about what they intend to do.


Morning Bell: The Quiet Education Overhaul

Posted July 30th, 2010 at 8:33am

Yesterday, President Obama delivered a major speech on education in an effort to garner support for his Race to the Top grant program and his push for national education standards and tests. The President’s remarks came on the heels of a speech delivered by Education Secretary Arne Duncan on Tuesday at the National Press Club, during which Duncan attempted to paint the Administration’s policies as part of a “quiet revolution.”

(Read entire article HERE)

Obama and Progressives Turning Children Against Parents

For a long time I’ve been saying that the communist/liberal/progressives have known for a long time that they can’t win by making adults change their minds.  They have known for a long time that victory for them will come by controling the minds of our children.  Glenn Beck does a nice job of exposing this on his March 5th show which you can watch by going to http://www.watchglennbeck.com/.

Their campaign to control the minds of our children has been going on for a long time.  It has been a campaign of patience and incrementalism.  The progressives have been chipping away at the foundations of our nation one court case, and one election at a time for nearly a century.  They have worked to get local officials and judges elected, moved on to state and national candidates, all while hiding their real agenda.  They get a sympathetic judge to misinterpret the constitution in their favor on the issue of prayer in school.  They get control of school boards and rewrite text books to remove traditional teachings of God and American history.  They are now pushing the idea to kids that they are smarter and more informed and/or educated than their parents.  They are driving a wedge between parents and their children.

Malachi chapter 4, verse 6 says “He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.”  (Mal 4:6 NASB)  As this verse indicates, anyone who would drive a wedge between parent and child is EVIL.  That’s EVIL with a capitol E.

Here are some examples of the destruction of the fabric of our nation. The soul-killers are at work.

  • Look what they’re erasing from U.S. history! They are trying to revise U.S. textbooks to omit references to people and events such as Daniel Boone, Gen. George Patton, Nathan Hale, Columbus Day and Christmas. Even worse than that, they remove all references to God, and remove the term “American” and replace it with “global citizen.” They remove or alter the Declaration of Independence, and include lessons on various religious holidays around the world other than Christian holidays.
  • Obama 9th Circuit Nominee: Constitution Must Adapt to Changes in the World Obama and progressives trying to take over courts to undermine the constitution.
  • Vote for marriage? You’re on a hit list Intimidating people into silence or submission. This is the same thing as removing the secret ballot when voting on unionization. The thugs will rough you up if you don’t vote their way.
  • Maine fines group for criticizing Islam More attempts to silence Christians, and destroy the Christian foundations of America.
  • Declaration of Independence gets PC revision for kids Subtly altering the true history of America, then brainwashing the children to believe it is fact.
  • Legendary Christian coach canned after student converts Muslims come to this country and refuse to assimilate to the American culture, gain some power and use the American system against us. The liberal/progressive judges and politicians let them get away with it. In this case, a muslim student in Dearborn(istan), Michigan converted to Christianity at an event not sanctioned by the school. The muslim principal fires the coach and his assistant, and in plain view of many witnesses punches the student and tells the student he has disgraced his family by converting to Christianity. Muslims insist that they be allowed to share their faith with us, but violently refuse to let the Christian faith be shared with muslims. Those leading islam know that muslims who aren’t totally brainwashed yet are likely to become curious about Christianity if allowed to hear about it. Which god do you want to follow? The one that tells you to hate all others and kill them or die trying, or the God who sent His Son to die in your place? Until muslims love their children more than they hate us, there is no chance for peace.

Texan Teachers Being Brainwashed to Brainwash

This is brainwashing.  Plain and simple.  Is this the crap you want taught to your children?  This is EXACTLY why my kids will not darken the door of a public school as long as I can afford a decent REAL education for them.  The day I can’t afford the school they are in is the day I start home schooling.


Friday, January 01, 2010

WorldNetDaily Exclusive

Texas teachers warned against being ‘heterosexist’

‘We must help people to become committed to social change’

Posted: December 31, 2009
11:10 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh

Candidates for certification to teach in public schools in Texas are being told that they will be held accountable for any “heterosexist” leanings and must become agents working to change society, according to one candidate who was alarmed by the demands.

The applicant, who requested anonymity for fear of repercussions, told WND part of the teachings on multiculturalism required him to read several online postings about the issue inside the education industry.

One warns that “teachers and administrators must be held accountable for practices deemed to be racist, sexist, heterosexist, classist, or in any other way discriminatory.” And a second warned that educators must not define education as the basic skills. (WTF?!?! Reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic.  When we had these three skills mastered, and they were the cornerstone of our education, we lead the world in EVERY arena.  Now, as we destroy the moral fabric of our nation and corrupt our education system, we lead the world in nothing but consumption and confusion.)

“How do we create a better world? How do we do more than simply survive? As educators, we must help people to become committed to social change,” the article demanded.  (“Social change” happens when educated and RESPONSIBLE people see that something isn’t working and try to improve it.  It does not come from a minority forcing their view on the rest of a nation and by brainwashing the children to accept a minority view.)

The teacher candidate told WND the studies were mandated by the Region 10 service center for the public school educators’ program.

The center had a recording that it was closed throughout the holidays and officials could not be reached by WND.

But spokeswoman Debbie Ratcliffe at the Texas Education Agency said the state rules require teacher preparation programs to cover 17 curriculum topics, but not multiculturalism. (Right.  And Barney Frank didn’t recognize what his gay lover was growing in his living room was marijuana.)

“Although the training should address educating special populations such as English language learners and children with disabilities,” she added.

“While we establish the broad rules that are to be followed, we do not write or approve a training program’s curriculum,” she said.

She said the articles, if part of the program, were chosen at the region level.

One of the articles was on the EdChange Multicultural Pavilion and discussed defining “multicultural education.”

There it states that there are several focuses for such programs, including those that insist “on education change as part of a larger societal transformation in which we more closely explore and criticize the oppressive foundations of society and how education serves to maintain the status quo – foundations such as white supremacy, capitalism, global socioeconomic situations, and exploitation.” (This is right out of the communist manual.  Demonize the engine of economic success, break down the educational and moral fiber of the nation, and build a framework for centralized control.)

The article demands, “Schools must be active participants in ending oppression of all types, first by ending oppression within their own walls, then by producing socially and critically active and aware students.”  (The REAL oppression is being generated by liberals, and by the very tyrants they hero worship.  Liberals kiss the a$$ets of people like Hugo Chavez and Mymood I’m-in-a-jihad while calling true liberators and heroes Nazis and oppressors.  Up is down, and black is white.)

“The underlying goal of multicultural education is to affect social change. The pathway toward this goal incorporates three strands of transformation: 1. The transformation of self; 2. The transformation of schools and schooling; and 3. The transformation of society,” the teaching material said.  (At least they’re honest about one part.  Multiculturalism is designed to “change” a society.  Rather than immigrants and those of different races ASSIMILATING into a homogenous society, multiculturalism seeks to fracture a society by pitting each of its component parts against one another.  Under multiculturalism, we are no longer Americans who just happen to be black, asian, white, Hispanic, etc.  Under multiculturalism we are divided into African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Chinese-Americans, etc.  We are hyphenated.  Hyphenation in this context is destroying America because we are being divided so we can be conqured.)

The traditional teaching approaches, it continued, “must be deconstructed to examine how they are contributing to and supporting institutional systems of oppression.”  (Oppression?  Forcing me or my children to accept a view that we do not believe in is oppression.  This should remind everyone of the Soviet “re-education” camps.)

It demands that the “transformation of society” be part of a school’s goals.

“It is not enough to continue working within an ailing, oppressive, and outdated system to make changes, when the problems in education are themselves symptoms of a system that continues to be controlled by the economic elite.”  (Who controls the economic system in America?  It is controlled by LIBERALS!  All the rejects from the 60’s and many of their progeny are the administrators, professors, and teachers in our schools and universities now.  They have infiltrated these former institutions of higher learning to the point that traditional conservative thought or speech is overtly frowned upon, and covertly forbidden.  This is Saul Alinsky, communist strategy in action.  Control the youth, control their minds, and you control their future.)

A second article that was assigned to the student, the candidate told WND, was “Multicultural Education and Developmental Education: A Conversation About Principles and Connections with James A. Banks,” and included the same concepts of change.

“In the Pedagogy of the Oppressed [the author] says that we must teach students to read the word, which is basic skills, but we also must teach them to read the world, and that is to critique and change society,” the article said.

“One of the things that is happening in this assessment mania that is going on is that we’ve defined education too narrowly. We’ve defined it as only basic skills: reading, writing, and arithmetic. We’re missing that the biggest problem of humankind is not basic skills but how to get along. How do we create a better world? How do we do more than simply survive? As educators, we must help people to become committed to social change,” it stated.  (This is the difference between conservatism and liberalism.  Conservatives teach their children HOW to think.  Liberals teach their children WHAT to think.)

The article also warned instructors must lead their students in a specific social direction.  (Again, teaching what to think instead of how to think.  I believe that’s the basic definition of INDOCTRINATION.)

“I think it is essential that students acquire basic skills and I don’t think they’re neutral. The skills are as value laden as the commitments we want students to share. Although it’s essential that students acquire basic skills, this alone is clearly not sufficient for them to become effective citizens in a global society. They must also develop the commitment and ability to critique and change society,” the article said.

A similar issue of demanding a specific social perspective arose recently at the University of Minnesota.

Officials at the school there backed off a proposal after publicity about its planned requirements to examine teacher candidates about “white privilege” as well as provide “remedial re-education” for those who hold the “wrong” views.  (Oh, dear Lord!  Can’t everyone see clearly that this is a blatant cut-and-paste from the old Soviet Union?)

That case was taken up by the the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, which promotes civil liberties on the campuses of America’s colleges and universities.

FIRE officer Adam Kissel said the report from the Race, Culture, Class, and Gender Task Group apparently would involve screening teacher applicants for “wrong” views and withholding their degrees if “the university’s political re-education efforts proved ineffective.”  (This should TERRIFY you!  These are the socialist/progressive/communists who are INDOCTRINATING your children!)

By any “nontotalitarian” standards, he wrote, the plans being made so far by the school are “severely unjust and impermissibly intrude into matters of individual conscience.”

In Minnesota, among the issues discussed in the plans, are requirements that teachers would be able to instruct students on the “myth of meritocracy” in the United States, “the history of demands for assimilation to white, middle-class, Christian meanings and values,” and the “history of white racism.”  (What is the “myth” of meritocracy?  This is the belief that your standing, promotion, etc. should have nothing to do with your ability.  The Soviets did away with meritocracy, and they wound up with a system of division by class, and nepotism.  Rather than putting the competent people in charge, the privileged people of the “party” were in charge, resulting in incompetent leadership which ultimately led to the downfall of the Soviet Union.  This is where these communists are trying to lead us.  Assimilation provides a national identity.  Without it, you have a fractured society that can’t stand against outside forces, or progress beyond separatist bickering, group identity, and self interest.  Christian meanings and values were what this nation was founded on.  They were and have been proven to work.  History of white racism?  That has been supplanted by the history of liberal racism.  Liberals divide us into groups that they can pit against one another.  They keep groups down so they can have people to exploit.  They give them just enough handouts for them to believe the lie that “liberals are for the little people.”  Then they tell them the reason they are still “oppressed” is because white conservatives want it that way.  Liberals give these groups just enough rope to keep from drowning, but never enough to climb out of the water.  Liberals have to keep these groups dependant on them, or they lose power.)

Those demands appeared to be similar to those promoted earlier at the University of Delaware.

As WND reported, the Delaware university’s office of residential life was caught requiring students to participate in a program that taught “all whites are racist.”

School officials immediately defended the teaching, but in the face of a backlash from alumni and publicity about its work, the school decided to drop the curriculum, although some factions later suggested its revival.

FIRE, which challenged the Delaware plan, later produced a video explaining how the institution of the university pushed for the teachings, was caught and later backed off:


Delaware School Brainwashing

Minneapolis Star-Tribune columnist Katherine Kersten said the Minnesota plan would have required teachers to “embrace – and be prepared to teach our state’s kids – the task force’s own vision of America as an oppressive hellhole: racist, sexist and homophobic.”

She wrote, “The first step toward ‘cultural competence,’ says the task group, is for future teachers to recognize – and confess – their own bigotry. Anyone familiar with the re-education camps of China’s Cultural Revolution will recognize the modus operandi.  (Cultural competence?  What kind of Orwellian big-brother brainwashing crap is that?  How to think vs. what to think.)

“What if some aspiring teachers resist this effort at thought control and object to parroting back an ideological line as a condition of future employment?” she posed. “The task group has Orwellian plans for such rebels: The U, it says, must ‘develop clear steps and procedures for working with nonperforming students, including a remediation plan.'”

Obama Zombies Brainwashing Your Children

This should scare the crap out of you whether you are a parent or not.  I am blessed in that for the time being I can afford to send my children to a private Christian school.  We are involved enough in the school and more importantly with our children’s lives that I can be pretty sure that my children aren’t getting this brain-dead, mind-numbed robot brainwashing.  If your children are in the public schools, or any school that accepts government money, and therefore government direction on what to teach, then they are at risk.

My family already has a savior.  We are looking for a president.  What we have is a pretender to the office of the President of the United States who fancies himself to be the messiah.  Narcissism in its most refined form.

What do God and Obama have in common?  Neither one has a birth certificate.  What makes them different?  God doesn’t think He’s Barack Obama.
