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The ONLY Way to Stop Big-Tech Tyranny is to STOP PAYING THEM TO OPPRESS YOU

We can only HOPE that the tech tyrants go broke, but that will only happen if WE defund them. Switch to other platforms right away. Don’t use Google, don’t shop on Amazon, use other social media platforms. Stop being soft and lazy, and do what’s RIGHT.

GET WOKE GO BROKE? Tech Tyrants Took A POUNDING In The Markets Since Banning Trump

Written by Wes Walker on January 15, 2021

In case there is anyone out there still wondering, it’s becoming clear that the decision for Silicon Valley to dogpile and ‘cancel’ a sitting president was a political one, not a business one.

They are perfectly willing to play chicken with trillion-dollar companies (and their shareholder’s investments) so long as they can drop a hammer on Donald Trump and (more importantly) the movement he has started.

The official excuse they are giving is that they want to avoid political violence.

But Jack Dorsey, in his own words, has stated otherwise.

He has no intention of letting up the tech censorship of the political right.

You’ll notice that not only have big tech overlords excused doxxing and explicit violence by various groups on the political left — including those who have caused literally BILLIONS of dollars in property damage — they have gone so far as to a point of aligning themselves with some of them… DESPITE their explicit endorsement of violence.

Here’s a longer clip of the video Tucker took that from.

They haven’t figured out yet that individual states — including Red States — can write laws explicitly protecting political expression from being singled out for commercial suppression. Laws that will expose precisely this behavior to the same kind of legal action and financial risk that their apparent anti-competitive practices could also expose them — and their investors — to.

Silicon Valley has already paying the piper for this in the markets, what remains to be seen is whether this is just a blip or a sign of things to come.

Facebook and Twitter, the two largest social media platforms to permanently ban President Donald Trump for his role in last week’s Capitol riots, saw $51.2 billion in combined market value erased over the last two trading sessions.

…Facebook and Twitter possibly took the biggest retaliatory steps when they indefinitely banned Trump from their platforms on Thursday and Friday, respectively.

Both companies cited the risk of additional violence for their bans, but investors largely balked at the action. Facebook tumbled 4% on Monday and another 2.2% on Tuesday as shareholders dumped the stock, likely fearing the ban could drive users off the platform. By the time markets closed on Tuesday, Facebook’s market cap sat $47.6 billion below its Friday level.

There has been bounce-back since.

But between the loss of customer confidence in these companies, the likelihood that they will face an onslaught of lawsuits – even challenging the relevance of section 230 protection for the behavior they have been engaged in – why are they playing chicken with their investor’s money?

Are they expecting the dozen or more advisors big tech has inserted among Joe Biden’s advisors to shield them from the consequences of picking off Joe’s political enemies?

And if so… doesn’t that just expose this as part of an even bigger problem than the one they’re being criticized for now?

Quid Pro Joe might just take on a significance that would have made Joe Stalin blush with envy.

Screw Fascistbook and *uckerberg

Can’t Stay Out of Fascistbook Jail. Guess I’m Doing Something Right.

Mark ZuckerGoebbels is Hell-bent on censoring anything resembling truth and/or an opinion which differs from his own. I know I’m not the only one being banned on a regular basis for innocuous posts that simply go against *uckerberg’s grain, but this is getting ridiculous. ZuckerGoebbels is using his near monopoly over social media to control the flow of information and sway political opinions and influence elections.

It pains me to say this as a conservative, free-market kind of guy, but Facebook needs to be broken up. They have gone too far with no accountability. If the DoJ and FCC need to be investigating someone, and seeking to regulate them, it’s Facistbook.


Facistbook to be Fined?

Good, good, and GOOD. SCREW FASCISTBOOK AND MARK *UCKerberg. He has turned into a good little fascist propaganda minister for the left. I’m so sick of his bullcrap, and fascistbook’s lies and censorship of conservatives. I hope they get fined into oblivion, and broken up for anti-trust reasons. We would all be better off without them.


Facebook anticipates an FTC privacy fine of up to $5 billion



SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Facebook said it expects a fine of up to $5 billion from the Federal Trade Commission, which is investigating whether the social network violated its users’ privacy.

The company set aside $3 billion in its quarterly earnings report Wednesday as a contingency against the possible penalty but noted that the “matter remains unresolved.”

The one-time charge slashed Facebook’s first-quarter net income considerably, although revenue grew 26% in the period. The FTC has been looking into whether Facebook broke its own 2011 agreement promising to protect user privacy.

Read entire article here: https://apnews.com/ae0f1c8b66404d36a3db596a463ed191

Mark “Napoleon” Zuckerberg Used Booster Seat During Testimony

Zuckerberg in booster seat

To soothe his little-guy syndrome, Zuckerberg used a booster seat to make himself not appear quite so small as he was placed under the public and congressional microscope yesterday.  While nothing substantive came from the hearing, and only a few meaningful questions were asked, and even fewer actually answered, we got to see a little man on a power trip.  He has enough money to buy the world, can influence elections, has a near monopoly on social media, and knows he can buy off nearly every politician on Capitol Hill to get out of this mess, and probably already has.  If there are any governmental regulations that come from this mess, they will likely have the effect of LIMITING competition with Facebook rather than encouraging it by erecting regulatory barriers to entry.  That’s EXACTLY what Zuckerberg wants.

Business Insider:  Mark Zuckerberg gave his grueling, 5-hour testimony to Congress from a 4-inch booster seat

Leaked Emails Show Facebook Exec Shared Research With Clinton Campaign

Nope.  No liberal agenda or collusion here.  Nothing to see.  Move along.  Zuckerberg had already been caught with his liberal pants down suppressing conservative stories on Facebook.  Now we find that Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg is colluding with the Clinton campaign with promises of a position in her administration.  QUID. PRO. QUO.

For Trump to win, he will have to win “SO YUGE” to overcome the cheating by the left.  He will have to win by a lot to win by a little.


Leaked Emails Show Facebook Exec Shared Research With Clinton Campaign

Posted By Peter Hasson On 4:02 PM 10/10/2016 In | No Comments

Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg shared research with key members of the Clinton campaign, newly released emails show.
Sheryl Sandberg (Photo: Kimberly White/Getty Images for Fortune)   Sheryl Sandberg (Photo: Kimberly White/Getty Images for Fortune)   

Sandberg has endorsed Clinton, and just last month Politico reported that Clinton may tap Sandberg for Treasury secretary if elected.

Clinton aide Cheryl Mills set up a meeting in March, 2015 for Sandberg to share research with members of Hillary Clinton’s inner circle, including chief campaign strategist Joel Benenson and campaign manager John Podesta. Continue reading

Jeff Sessions “State of the Union” Speech On Amnesty

Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) delivered a speech from the senate floor on Wednesday that was “State of the Union” quality, and should have been broadcast in prime time on every network.  He very eloquently debunks the myth that there is ANY kind of labor shortage in America, especially any shortage that importing millions of low-skilled illegal aliens would solve.  He also very deftly exposes the democrats (especially Harry Reid and senate democrats) for their support of Obama’s lawlessness and unconstitutional behavior, and their encouragement of Obama to “go big, or go home” when it comes to signing his illegal amnesty.

The time where this type of statesmanship could have actually changed the course of our nation away from becoming the Marxist clone of Venezuela which we are becoming likely passed a few years ago.  The liberal/progressive media will not give it air time, and the people who need to understand the truth which Mr. Sessions is speaking are either profiting from the flood of illegals, or they are ideologically blind to the truth.

Don’t Give the Masters of the Universe Their Amnesty

The Senate isn’t doing anything to stop Obama’s plans — thank the plutocrats.

By Jeff Sessions