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America is the Modern-Day Nineveh

Fellow conservatives and other Trump supporters, I’m advising and BEGGING you to stay away from all inauguration day protests and events. The left is hoping you’ll be there so they can turn you into scapegoats for whatever violence their shock troops (antifa and BLM) will instigate. Stay home, continue to organize and prepare for a down economy and whatever will be coming our way. If you’re a believer in God, you can probably see that America is like Nineveh in the book of Nahum. We strayed away, didn’t listen to His prophets, and are about to be destroyed as a nation. God will take care of His kids, but I believe America is on the way off the world stage. Be ready for what happens next. As Joseph prepared Egypt for 7 years of famine, so should you prepare for what is coming. We may or may not be able to change the course of America at this point in history. Be patient. Be where God wants you to be, doing what He wants you to do, and wait. If you stay in the Word, on your knees (spiritually), and obedient, you’ll know what to do, and when to do it.

GOP Capitulation? Or RINOs Showing Their Stripes?

To the congressmen and senators like Brian Fitzpatrick, Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and many others who didn’t oppose the obvious voter fraud that legitimately cast doubt on the outcome of the election, and who are now supporting censure and/or impeachment of a president based on ANOTHER lie, I’ll ask you if it hurt your fingers to be crossing them so hard when you swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.  You ALL ran as conservatives (i.e. lied), and abandoned actual conservatism as soon as the polls closed.  And now you have abandoned the Constitution and rule of law for what?  The promise of keeping your seat?  Being “liked” by a media who will stab you in the back anyway?  To appease the very people who are destroying the Constitution and rule of law?  On what FACTUAL basis are you pushing to censure and/or impeach Donald Trump?  The one I’ve heard most frequently is that he gave a speech inciting violence against the government.  Remember when I asked you about facts?  The speech in question occurred over 2 miles away, and did not end until AFTER the violence had already begun, confirmed by the Hill and other less than conservative outlets.  Even IF he had encouraged violence, which he did not, none of the people could have reached the Hill for probably 45 minutes after the speech ended, which would be an hour or more AFTER the violence began, because of traffic and street closures.  This is just like what the media has been doing since Trump announced his candidacy.  They say things like “Trump called all Mexicans animals and rapists,” but they NEVER produce or play the FULL clip of what he ACTUALLY SAID, even though it exists and is readily available.  Don’t be one of those truth-twisting liars.  As for “insurrection,” did any of YOU, the media, or the democrats scream “INSURRECTION!” when Antifa was occupying and destroying police stations and federal court houses? Did any of you scream “INSURRECTION!” when DEMOCRATS occupied the capitol during the Kavanaugh hearings?  Were any of you screaming “INSURRECTION!” when Antifa was burning down cities and demanding overthrow of the police and government?  NO, you didn’t, even though those were far more legitimate examples of an insurrection.  What about when people like Maxine Waters were OPENLY encouraging violence against Trump and his supporters?  Crickets from all of you.  I encourage you to reconsider your course of action.  Doing what’s right is hard, but the consequences of doing what’s wrong will eventually be much harder to live with than doing what’s right to begin with. 

Chinese Spy Arrested with Vials of Biological Material at Boston Airport in December

China is the largest holder of our debt.  China is the largest importer of, well, everything into the United States.  Chinese students occupy a high percentage of research positions for technical fields in our universities.  They are the largest thieves of our intellectual property.  They are stealing their way to parity with us, and then they will try to defeat us.  If we don’t treat them like the enemy they are, they will succeed.

Alleged Chinese Spy Arrested with Vials of Biological Material at Boston Airport in December


Visiting researchers, almost entirely from China, were described by FBI Director Christopher Wray as “nontraditional collectors” of intelligence for the government in China as part of an attempt to “steal their way up the economic ladder at our expense.”…

Trump is right. The Chinese aren’t our friends and we can’t deal with them as such — not when the stakes are so high.

Read entire article HERE

Government Regulation: It’s What’s in the Way of Corona Virus Testing

The one thing that prevented a test from being available sooner was a creation of liberal/progressive government, and it’s the one thing that Trump has been so successful at reducing.

Government regulation.

Dan Crenshaw Confirms COVID-19 Testing Issues Are Absolutely Not Trump’s Fault

By Christine Favocci
Published March 16, 2020 at 9:52am

As the nation begins to effectively shut down in an effort to slow the spread of a new, deadly strain of coronavirus that has caused a global pandemic, the left is full steam ahead in blaming President Donald Trump for just about everything, including a delay in useful testing for the virus.

Although a test was available through the World Health Organization before the virus arrived in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention opted to create its own test that would include COVID-19 as well as a wide array of other potentially deadly strains of coronaviruses.

There were early problems with manufacturing, distribution and accuracy as the test produced false positives for some of the other strains included in the testing. This delay was serious but short-lived as the private sector was able to create a better test.

Despite the seriousness of the global pandemic, media outlets such as Politico were quick to pounce on the administration’s handling of the situation, including the tests, in an effort to blame Trump for the spread of a virus.

In his usual straight-shooting style, Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas destroyed that narrative. Continue reading

Mitch’s RINO Roots are Showing Again

THIS is why Mitch McConnell MUST go. Why in the world should our government spend a trillion dollars when half of that would be more than enough? He’s been hiding his establishment roots for a little while, but they’re showing again.

McConnell to Senate Republicans Opposed to Coronavirus Bill: ‘Gag and Vote for It Anyway’

By Andrew J. Sciascia
Published March 17, 2020 at 3:56pm

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell cracked the whip this week on potentially foot-dragging GOP colleagues in an effort to respond quickly as the coronavirus spreads across the country.

After the weekly Republican caucus meeting, McConnell expressed understanding regarding some of his colleagues’ concerns over a recently passed House pandemic response bill, but urged them to “gag and vote for it anyway” in order to quickly aid those affected by the outbreak.

“A number of my members think there are considerable shortcomings in the House bill,” McConnell told reporters following the meeting.

“My counsel to them is to gag and vote for it anyway, even if they they it has some shortcomings, and to address those shortcomings in the bill that we’re in the process of crafting.

“I cannot predict how long we will be here. But we will be here as long as it takes to pass yet another measure beyond the one that came over from the House,” the Kentucky Republican added. Continue reading

Democrat Corona Virus PORK

Wuhan Corona Virus Relief PORK

What’s Opera, Trump?

PERFECT!!!! You won’t find a better meme anywhere. Pure awesomeness. You MUST watch this video. MUST, I say.

Elijah “The Phallus” Cummings Butthurt Because Trump Tells the Truth About His District

“There is no greater champion for Baltimore and cities like Baltimore than Congressman Elijah Cummings. He has undoubtedly been and continues to be a hero across Baltimore and across our great country,” —Baltimore City Council President Brandon Scott

Elijah Cummings is the national face for a local problem.  Baltimore is indeed a third-world cesspool.  The poverty, food-deserts, crime, riots where residents burn down their own city, decaying infrastructure, and moral/ideological bankruptcy are representative of who has been in charge of Baltimore since 1967, which was the last time Baltimore had a Republican mayor.  YOU CAN’T BLAME REPUBLICANS FOR THE DUMPSTER FIRE THAT IS BALTIMORE!  Democrats and their bankrupt ideology of socialism, government dependency, racial division, and victim mentality are ENTIRELY responsible for the problems of Baltimore because there hasn’t been a Republican to blame for HALF A CENTURY.  

Elijah Cummings has been repeatedly elected to national office by the same morons who keep electing democrats at the local level, despite those democrats NEVER delivering on ANY of the promises they make.  That’s not just insanity, that’s STUPIDITY.

Oh, and the fact that a socialist called out Baltimore for being a third-world cesspool back in 2015 makes Elijah’s case of Trump-hating butthurt all the more empty.

Trump Supporters Lining Up More Than 40 Hours Before Event

With Trump drawing more than FIVE TIMES what a venue will hold while Biden only draws 600 at his campaign kickoff, and Beto Nobody draws about a dozen people, the pollsters STILL want us to believe that Biden is “thrashing” Trump in the polls??? We saw this play before in 2016. Remember how as recently as the day of the election Hillary was still up double digits in the polls, and Trump had “no chance” of winning?

If you still trust the polls or the mainstream media, you’re a special kind of stupid.

Link to article: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-supporters-start-lining-up-for-campaign-kick-off-more-than-40-hours-before-event

Valerie Jarrett Says Obama Would Have Fired Her… BWAAAAHAHAHA!

This little Marxist/muslim Iranian troll CAN’T be serious.  She was, and probably still is Obama’s handler.  There’s no way on God’s green earth that Obama would have fired Jarrett.  And for her to pretend that she DIDN’T make political statements that violated the Hatch Act is beyond ridiculous. 

The entire Obama administration’s relationship with actual facts and history is one that could at best be described as tenuous.

Kamala Harris: DoJ Would Have No Choice But to Prosecute Trump After Presidency

We don’t question WHY you became a prosecutor, Kamala. We question HOW you became a prosecutor and moved up the ladder from there. By your own admission, you slept your way to the top, lying on your back waiving your ankles in the air. America doesn’t need a woman of the night leading our nation to destruction. So, to you, I say “no thanks.”

Kamala Harris: DoJ ‘Would Have No Choice’ But to Prosecute Trump After Presidency

‘There has to be accountability’


HOST: “If you become president, if he was never impeached would you want the Department of Justice, now that he is no longer a sitting president to go forward with those obstructions of justice charges?”
HARRIS: “I believe that they would have no choice and that they should, yes. There has to be accountability. I mean look, people might, you know, question why I became a prosecutor. Well, I’ll tell you one of the reasons — I believe there should be accountability. Everyone should be held accountable, and the president is not above the law.”

LINK to article https://grabien.com/story.php?id=239301

US Women’s Gay Soccer Star Uses National Anthem to Send ‘F You’ to Trump

After a Christian gets kicked off the team for not wearing a gay pride jersey, the gay team captain uses her position as captain to not only attempt to turn the team into “dikes in spikes,” but further abuses her position by using it to make a political statement. Even more reason for me not to enjoy or watch women’s sports because so many have been corrupted and poisoned like this.

Megan Rapinoe
— Read on http://www.westernjournal.com/wc/us-womens-soccer-star-delivers-f-trump-anthem-world-cup/

‘This Is a Category One Insurrection’: US Diplomats Fly LGBT Flag at Embassies Despite Trump Administration Instructions

If you are a private business owner, or flying this offensive flag on your own property which is NOT on government property, then feel free to display this flag, a confederate flag, a Nazi swastika, a communist hammer and sickle, or whatever you want. The diplomats who allowed this, and the people responsible, should be recalled immediately, and fired for insubordination.

Several U.S. embassies have disregarded the State Department’s directive not to display rainbow flags on flagpoles during Pride Month.
— Read on www.westernjournal.com/category-one-insurrection-us-diplomats-fly-lgbt-flag-embassies-despite-trump-administration-instructions/

Trump Supporters Tired Of D.C. Swamp Stir Up Talks Of New Political Party

The simple truth is that EVERY time TRUE conservatism is used, it wins. The Republican Party is NOT a true Conservative party anymore, and hasn’t been for a very long time. The establishment of the Republican Party is honestly only shades of gray different from the democrats they claim to be the alternative to.

We NEED a true conservative party, and now is the time. As long as we ran a forceful race, not being timid about getting the conservative message out, we COULD win. If we’re weak in fighting the battle, we’ll split the vote and hand power back to the anti-God, anti-American, baby-murdering, illegal immigrant catering, socialist/communist/Marxist democrats.

We must proceed carefully, wisely, and forcefully, but proceed we must.

Bold Leadership Begets Bold Changes – Trump Supporters Tired Of D.C. Swamp Stir Up Talks Of New Political Party – enVolve
— Read on en-volve.com/2019/06/07/bold-leadership-begets-bold-changes-trump-supporters-tired-of-d-c-swamp-stir-up-talks-of-new-political-party/

Pelosi says Trump’s ‘temper tantrums’ are no way to negotiate with other countries Conservative News Today

What the Botox Bolshevik Nancy Pelosi refuses to admit is that Donald Trump’s ‘temper tantrums’ have accomplished more in negotiating with other countries than all of the past five presidents COMBINED. Shut up, Nancy.

Pelosi says Trump’s ‘temper tantrums’ are no way to negotiate with other countries Conservative News Today
— Read on www.bizpacreview.com/2019/06/08/pelosi-says-trumps-temper-tantrums-are-no-way-to-negotiate-with-other-countries-762998