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China Virus Exposing the Theft of Our Liberty

Guard your liberty jealously, for it is being stolen from you at an alarming and ACCELERATING rate.  We are told all the time how the government that works for us CAN’T enforce the laws, CAN’T live by the Constitution, and that we MUST give away our country to anyone who wants to come here.  If you’re paying attention, you realize that they don’t enforce the laws on the illegals, but YOU must abide by each and every single law.  There are no carveouts or sanctuaries for you, the citizen.

We are likely going to come out of this Wuhan China virus episode a less free nation.  We are going to be far more in debt, which we, the citizens, are on the hook to pay for.  Many of our liberties will be gone or substantially eroded by a power hungry government.

We have already ceded more of our liberty than we can afford, and are quickly approaching a point where the ballot box isn’t capable of restoring them.

Buttigieg Twists Bible Verse To Justify Attacking Christian Conservatives

Hey, Pete Buttigieg.  Since you pretend to like scripture so much, here are some you may enjoy.  Then again, maybe not since you seem to only believe certain parts of the Bible, and tend to pick and scriptures strictly for the purpose of demonizing opponents. 

You demonize President Trump for attempting to reduce reliance on food stamps, which he HAS done by creating an economy that has put more people back to work than at any time in the last half century.  You seem to want people dependent on you for free stuff.  What does the Bible say about getting a free ride when you’re able to work?

2 Thessalonians 3:10-12 NASB  (10)  For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.  (11)  For we hear that some among you are leading an undisciplined life, doing no work at all, but acting like busybodies.  (12)  Now such persons we command and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ to work in quiet fashion and eat their own bread.

Matthew 26:11 NASB  “For you always have the poor with you; but you do not always have Me.

This is not saying that you should not help the poor, but should focus on Jesus.  When you are focused on Him, you’ll do what God wants you to do to help the poor.

You complain that Trump wants to secure our borders and ensure our sovereignty by building a wall.  Was Nehemiah evil for wanting to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem?

Nehemiah 2:17-18 NIV  Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace.”  (18)  I also told them about the gracious hand of my God upon me and what the king had said to me. They replied, “Let us start rebuilding.” So they began this good work.

Nehemiah 6:15-16 NIV  So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days.  (16)  When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God.

When surrounding tribes and leaders protested the building of the wall around Jerusalem, what did God’s servant tell them?

Nehemiah 2:20 NIV  I answered them by saying, “The God of heaven will give us success. We his servants will start rebuilding, but as for you, you have no share in Jerusalem or any claim or historic right to it.”

Just like those who come here illegally have no share in America, or at least aren’t supposed to.

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Illegals Lose Major Excuse as Mexican Airline Begins Offering $1 Return Trips

I’d be willing to fork over the money for one first-class ticket for an illegal to be flown back to their own country. If every working, net-positive taxpaying citizen in America did the same, we could get rid of the illegals as fast as the airlines could load them up, and it would be a whole heck of a lot cheaper than the taxes we’d have to pay to support the illegals if they stay here.

The program perfectly illustrates the effectiveness of the private sector that can help solve a problem when the government isn’t able to.
— Read on www.westernjournal.com/ct/illegals-lose-major-excuse-mexican-airline-begins-offering-1-return-trips/

Trump Supporters Tired Of D.C. Swamp Stir Up Talks Of New Political Party

The simple truth is that EVERY time TRUE conservatism is used, it wins. The Republican Party is NOT a true Conservative party anymore, and hasn’t been for a very long time. The establishment of the Republican Party is honestly only shades of gray different from the democrats they claim to be the alternative to.

We NEED a true conservative party, and now is the time. As long as we ran a forceful race, not being timid about getting the conservative message out, we COULD win. If we’re weak in fighting the battle, we’ll split the vote and hand power back to the anti-God, anti-American, baby-murdering, illegal immigrant catering, socialist/communist/Marxist democrats.

We must proceed carefully, wisely, and forcefully, but proceed we must.

Bold Leadership Begets Bold Changes – Trump Supporters Tired Of D.C. Swamp Stir Up Talks Of New Political Party – enVolve
— Read on en-volve.com/2019/06/07/bold-leadership-begets-bold-changes-trump-supporters-tired-of-d-c-swamp-stir-up-talks-of-new-political-party/

We No Longer Have the Luxury of Compassion

We could have been compassionate with SOME of the illegal immigrants… A LONG TIME AGO, IF congress had gotten off their collective @$$3$ and SECURED OUR BORDER. But now we no longer have the luxury of compassion. There are more than THIRTY MILLION illegal aliens in America already, and OVER A MILLION have entered in just the first five months of THIS year. Illegals are soaking up taxpayer funded benefits paid for and intended for CITIZENS. Illegals are taking jobs that Americans could fill, likely at higher wages, and are driving down wages in the unskilled/low-skilled segments of the labor market. Illegals are bringing diseases to America that were once though eradicated, or have seldom if ever been seen here before. Illegals are KILLING AMERICAN CITIZENS. Democrats and RINO Republicans too spineless to stand up for the Constitution and rule of law, (i.e. to cowardly to honor THEIR OATH OF OFFICE) are legitimizing illegals by giving them identification, letting them vote, and now trying to let them fill GOVERNMENT JOBS.

You read that right. Illegals will work in OUR government, and be making regulations that carry the weight of law, thus having non-citizens ruling over Americans.

This must end NOW. Even if we must take up arms to make it stop. Our government has overstepped its bounds and shirked its Constitutional duty for far too long. It’s time to set things straight.

500 African Migrants Apprehended Since May 30 in Single Border Patrol Sector

Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Del Rio Sector


6 Jun 2019

Del Rio Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 500 migrants from the continent of Africa since May 30. The numbers jumped after large numbers of African migrants adopted a strategy of crossing in large numbers. On Wednesday, a group of 34 African migrants crossed the border illegally near Eagle Pass, Texas.

Eagle Pass Station agents apprehended a group of 34 illegal aliens from Africa on June 5, according to information provided to Breitbart Texas by Del Rio Sector Border Patrol officials. On May 30, large numbers of African migrants who had been waiting in Mexico to cross at ports of entry changed their strategy and began crossing illegally in the largely-unsecured Del Rio Sector. The first group to cross included 117 African migrants, mostly from the Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Angola, officials stated.

YouTube video of African migrants being apprehended at the border:


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Democrats (Again) Side With Criminal Illegal Aliens in Amnesty Bill

The choice has NEVER been more clear. You side with the socialist/communist anti-American democrats, and choose civil war and revolution, or you side with Constitutional conservatives who value the citizen and rule of law over non-citizen illegals. You CANNOT show me the democrat platform and point to where any of it resides in the Constitution. Our Constitution and the ideas that created it ARE America. Standing against those, as the democrats OPENLY do, is standing AGAINST America. Period. End of story.

.06/05/2019 17:59:34PM EST.
— Read on townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2019/06/05/the-democrats-daca-bill-is-full-of-loopholes-for-criminals-n2547479

America’s Next Number One Export

Illegals should be America's number 1 export

Opponents Will Say That This Is Why A Wall Won’t Work

Opponents of a border wall (and proponents of open borders and unchecked illegal immigration) will cite this as proof that a border wall doesn’t work.  It is very easy to prove that they are completely and utterly WRONG.

ANY barrier has at least SOME deterrent effect.  If you put a single strand of barbed wire waist high, some who obey the law, or have back problems and don’t want to bend over, will turn around and go away.  If you build a wall from the surface of the ground up to some height, you will deter those without the means or ability to climb over it.  If they can just dig a foot or two down to get under it, you have still deterred people from simply walking across the border unchecked.  You will never stop ALL people from coming here illegally, but you can slow down the flow dramatically.  And if walls don’t work, just have the people who say that answer the question posed by Donald Trump.  Why do you have walls around YOUR house?

IN ADDITION to building a wall, we MUST remove the incentive to cross the border ILLEGALLY in the first place.  The law must be DRASTICALLY changed to severely tighten the criteria for claiming asylum.  The federal government MUST stop providing money, medical care, and other forms of aid to illegals.  It must be made illegal at ALL levels to knowingly provide employment, housing, education, medical care, etc. to illegal aliens.  When there is no economic benefit to coming here illegally, most will simply stop coming.


Largest single group of migrants ever tunnels under border wall in Arizona, says Border Protection

A group of 376, including nearly 200 minors, was arrested.

The largest single group of asylum seekers ever to cross into the U.S. tunneled beneath the border wall near San Luis, Arizona, on Monday, voluntarily turning themselves into Customs and Border Protection, according to the agency.

Read entire article here:  Largest single group of migrants ever tunnels under border wall in Arizona, says Border Protection

Immigration case backlog keeps growing

Fixing this backlog would be very simple if we only had the spine to do it.

Until the shutdown is over, no catch-and-release.  Any illegal caught is stacked and packed in whatever detention center or tent city there is within a few miles of where they were caught.  Make it like being thrown into a Turkish prison.  The word will spread to the illegals, and many will turn around.  Once the shutdown is over, deputize a few thousand judges for a week or two.  Each person or family will be brought before the judge or deputy judge and asked a few simple questions, and asked to provide documentation verifying their citizenship.

Are you in this country legally?  Show me your passport, or other documentation verifying you are here legally.  If you don’t have the documentation, you get a free trip back across the border.”

Build a giant water slide going back across the border, hopefully soon to be back across the border WALL.  If they’re not here legally, put them on the water slide and give them a push.

Each judge should be able to process 20 cases per hour, maybe more.  Difficult cases are put back in the detention facility awaiting further adjudication.  It should take a week to get through the cases, then let the deputy judges go back to whatever they normally do.

Problem solved.

Immigration case backlog keeps growing as shutdown drags on

‘Some people have been waiting years to have their cases heard,’ immigration attorney says

The partial federal government shutdown has closed most immigration courts, exacerbating the immigration case backlog as judges postpone scores of court cases.

Ashley Tabaddor, the president of the National Association of Immigration Judges, said that many immigration judges are on furlough, or unpaid leave, and had to postpone immigration cases, which can take years before they are reheard.

“There is an irony of shutting down the immigration courts when the whole issue on the government shutdown is about immigration,” she said. “The court system should not be used as a political tool.”

Read rest of article here:  Immigration case backlog keeps growing as shutdown drags on

Migrant groups march to U.S. consulate in Tijuana demanding reparations

“Two groups of Central American migrants made separate marches on the U.S. Consulate in Tijuana Tuesday, demanding that they be processed through the asylum system more quickly and in greater numbers, that deportations be halted and that President Trump either let them into the country or pay them $50,000 each to go home.”

Link to article:  https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/border-baja-california/sd-me-migrant-demands-12122018-story.html

Let me consider that for a sec…  NO.

You as a non-citizen illegal alien have NO rights in America, nor do we have ANY obligation to give you ANYTHING.  You have not right to enter the country, you have not right to be in our country, you have not right to make demands of our country, and you have no right to receive the fruits or our taxpayers’ labor.  The ONLY right you have is to return to your home, at your own expense.

If you cross our border illegally, the only thing you should receive from American taxpayers is a 50¢ lead injection at around 2,800 feet per second.


Why We MUST Build the Border Wall

Here are two articles that illustrate very clearly two of the main reasons why we MUST control our borders, and in this case build a physical barrier whether that be a wall, fences that can’t be climbed or cut through easily, minefields, snipers and machine guns, whatever it takes.

We’ve known this for a long time, but the facts (as generous as they might be) solidly bear this out.  Immigrants, and ESPECIALLY illegal immigrants who SHOULD be denied ANY assistance, are receiving welfare, healthcare, education, and other benefits, all at taxpayer expense.  The CONSERVATIVE, GENEROUS estimates are that this is costing taxpayers around $125 BILLION a year, for about 11 million illegals.  They have been saying “11 million illegals” for nearly two decades now, so we all know it’s probably AT LEAST double that number, and that it’s likely costing us far more than $125 billion each year to keep them here. 

Back when we applied at least SOME sanity to our immigration system, we screened immigrants to admit only those who would benefit and be a net positive to our society. LEGAL immigrants were told that if they couldn’t make their own way, there would be on welfare, and ILLEGAL immigrants simply weren’t tolerated.  Now the idiotic or evil open border crowd wants a welfare state with open borders.  The two simply can’t coexist.

We can’t feed and house all of our own citizens, to include our veterans whom we asked to sacrifice their bodies and lives on our behalf.  So, how in the name of all that is good and Holy are we importing the poverty classes of every nation in this hemisphere, and many nations around the world, before taking care of our own?

Hear this loud and clear.  I don’t care if it’s hungry children and abused mothers banging on the door of our border wall.  If I have only one dollar to give, I will give it to a veteran in need before giving it to the citizen of another country, and our government should do the same.  As long as there is one of our CITIZENS in need, we MUST NOT import any others who will become wards of the state, as the vast majority of immigrants are now allowed to do.  We do not owe these invaders anything.  They have no right to come here, or stay here.  We have no obligation to give them a single penny of taxpayer money.  The obligation our government has to OUR citizens is to protect us from this invasion.  End of story.

Democrats, leftists, communists, socialists, and RINOs (repetitive, I know), hear this.  You are acting as enemies of America, and you are betraying the oath you swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.  YOU work for US.  Not the other way around.  We are growing weary of your constant betrayal.  Get in line with the Constitution, or resign before we come and throw you out.  That day isn’t too far in the future.

Census confirms: 63 percent of ‘non-citizens’ on welfare, 4.6 million households

Newsflash: DNC Chair Tom Perez Kids NOT Americans

DNC Chair Tom Perez says “I think our DREAMers are every bit as American as my three U.S.-born kids.”

Based on the FACT that so-called “DREAMers” are not in fact Americans, one can only draw the logical conclusion that Perez’s kids are not Americans.

Facts, Tom. Facts. I know you and the rest of the left base all of your actions on FEELINGS instead of rational thought, but give me a break.


Protecting the Country Means Protecting the Border

Here is an oldie, but a goody from 2009. This shows you once again that illegal immigration is NOT a new issue for the American citizens. We have spoken time and time again to the isolated, insulated elites of Washington DC on this issue only to be ignored repeatedly. Bush, Obama, and many before them all ignored this problem. Now we’re not just speaking. We’re shouting, and if the elitist politicians don’t listen, we’ll stop shouting and start acting. When that point comes, and it’s not far away, those in power may want to look for a new country to live in, and make hasty arrangements to get there.

Keep you eyes on both hands in this government slight of hand trick. Bush tried to deflect attention away from the border, and the Obama administration is no different. The government is like Kevin Bacon in the parade scene of Animal House. They are saying “Remain calm. All is well…” just before being trampled to death by the stampede from the south. With the many attacks on your freedom being perpetrated by Obama, the congress, and senate, this is all a lot to keep up with. That’s what the liberals are counting on. They want you to feel overwhelmed and alone so you will just give up. DON’T DO IT! We may still have one last opportunity to fix this.


Protecting the Country Means Protecting the Border

Posted By Bobby Eberle On March 11, 2009 at 6:49 am

During the previous administration, few issues drew the wrath of the American people as illegal immigration and border security did. Funds were allocated for more border security agents, but those funds went unused. Legislation was put forward to reward illegal immigration. The American people spoke out and sent a message.

Now, there is a new administration, and nothing has changed. The violence along the Mexican border is increasing, and it is spilling over into our country. Action must be taken now. One of the fundamental roles of the federal government is to keep the country safe, so rather than spending trillions on stimulus or billions on studying cows and crickets, how about some real protection?

According to an Associated Press story running on GOPUSA — Lawmakers challenge border security priorities — “Since 2008, about 7,000 people have been killed in the Mexican drug wars, and violence is spilling into U.S. cities in some parts of the country. There have been reports of drug cartel members settling scores with adversaries in such places as Atlanta, Phoenix and Birmingham, Ala.”

Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-CA) said the problem with Mexico is “a lot more important, in my own judgment, than Afghanistan at this moment.” As the AP reports, “Lewis and other lawmakers Tuesday hammered the need for U.S. agencies to do a better job of working together to secure the border and keep the drug cartels from spilling their violence into the U.S.”

There always seems to be a breakdown between Washington and common sense. Cracking down on illegal immigration and ramping up border security has so many benefits that it seems almost silly to list them. But, for the benefit of the Washington elite, I’ll do so, and I’ll use small words.

First, it is THE LAW. Illegal immigration and illegal border crossings are ILLEGAL. Enforce the bleepin’ laws that are already on the books. We don’t need studies or commissions or reports or legislation. We just need people with the political will to enforce the current laws. If Mexican drug lords are crossing into sovereign America territory in the commission of crimes, arrest them! Don’t just turn a blind eye.

Second, it’s the economy, stupid. America is sending billions of dollars back across the border every year. If this money were to stay in this country to be used to purchase goods and services inside America, that would certainly be a “stimulus.” Stop allowing cash to flow out. Give American jobs to Americans.

Third, security starts at home. The Mexican violence is affecting Americans. People living near the border are fearful. Drug gangs are crossing the border, illegal alien suppliers are crossing the border, and America is doing a poor job in cracking down on these activities.

The federal government must take this problem seriously, and it must do it intelligently.

Just as the U.S. agencies need to do a better job coordinating resources, Lewis said, lawmakers need to work together and not in separate committees. Two committees held separate hearings on Mexico and border violence Tuesday. Two other committees have plans for more hearings on these issues later this week.

We can’t waste time duplicating efforts in multiple committees. Congress must get its act together. It has no problem passing bills loaded with earmarks, but it can’t seem to protect its own borders.

Deplorables vs. Deportables

Deplorable vs Deportable

Nancy “Botox Bolshevik” Pelosi Demonstrating She Values ILLEGALS Over American Citizens

Stood 8 hours for ILLEGALS