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America is the Modern-Day Nineveh

Fellow conservatives and other Trump supporters, I’m advising and BEGGING you to stay away from all inauguration day protests and events. The left is hoping you’ll be there so they can turn you into scapegoats for whatever violence their shock troops (antifa and BLM) will instigate. Stay home, continue to organize and prepare for a down economy and whatever will be coming our way. If you’re a believer in God, you can probably see that America is like Nineveh in the book of Nahum. We strayed away, didn’t listen to His prophets, and are about to be destroyed as a nation. God will take care of His kids, but I believe America is on the way off the world stage. Be ready for what happens next. As Joseph prepared Egypt for 7 years of famine, so should you prepare for what is coming. We may or may not be able to change the course of America at this point in history. Be patient. Be where God wants you to be, doing what He wants you to do, and wait. If you stay in the Word, on your knees (spiritually), and obedient, you’ll know what to do, and when to do it.

Why We Are Headed for a Civil War

CIVIL WAR 2020!!!RIGHT VS WRONG!!! - YouTube

November 3rd, 2020 culminated years, no, DECADES of straying from the civic foundation of our nation.  The journey has been an incremental one, but has accelerated to one of giant leaps and bounds in recent years away from the Godly, Constitutional REPRESENTATIVE republic we began with.  So, why do I say we are headed for a civil war?

In a word, UNDERSTANDING.  In this case, understanding of our system of government, how it was founded, and the benefits of our system of government when compared to every other form of government in the history of the world to this point.  And even MORE to the point, the problem is LACK of understanding.

How did we get to the point of this lack of understanding?  Lack of education, and transition to indoctrination.  Most schools today teach only a very superficial level of civics.  Ask a high school senior or most college students today a series of civics questions that go deeper than who was the first president, and the overwhelming majority will not be able to answer them.  What are the Federalist Papers?  How was the Constitution ratified?  What struggles were there in ratification?  Why are we a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC, and NOT a democracy?  Why did states INSIST on the electoral college as part of our system of national elections?  What would our country look like WITHOUT the electoral college?  Why didn’t we start by adopting something resembling socialism?  Has socialism EVER succeeded ANYWHERE in the world?  In the world’s history, what has socialism ALWAYS resulted in?  These and many, many more topics were things that CITIZENS were once upon a time REQUIRED to learn in school.  Part of being a responsible citizen, and casting an EDUCATED vote, is thoroughly understanding how your government is SUPPOSED to work.  If you don’t know your history, and you don’t know WHY your government is the way it is, you can EASILY be lied to and fooled into believing any number of falsehoods concerning government.  Thus, the INDOCTRINATION most of our students are receiving now at the hands of teachers who were first NOT educated, and THEN indoctrinated into a system of beliefs that is not based in reality, and which seeks to destroy our Constitution and the Republic.  Think I’m getting ahead of my skis?  How many stories have you heard of “teachers” literally humiliating, or school systems punishing students who espouse a conservative viewpoint or for wearing something with conservative logos?  Dozens, perhaps hundreds.  How many stories have you heard of the opposite, where a student is humiliated by a teacher for espousing a leftist viewpoint?  I won’t say it has never happened, but if it has, it is so infrequent as to not even register on the national radar.  This is ONE SIDED indoctrination, in a system that has been slowly and insidiously taken over by leftists/socialists/communists who HATE what our nation stands for.  Nikita Khrushchev, the former Soviet communist dictator, predicted this would happen.

That is the short version of how we have gotten to the point where half of the population is willing to vote for a candidate whose platform does not contain a SINGLE thing that is based in OUR Constitution.  If you open a copy of our Constitution, and sit it side by side with the Ten Pillars of Communism, then look at each point in the democrat party platform, you will not find ONE thing they support that is Constitutionally based.

Now that we are in the aftermath of the November 3rd election, and awaiting the final outcome, with half of the country that has NO understanding of civics, half that does, and a system that has been compromised to the point that NEITHER side trusts it, it doesn’t matter WHO ultimately wins the election, half of the voters will not accept the outcome.  The civically uneducated half have also not been raised as ADULTS who can cope with life in general, and can’t handle not getting their way.  This is the half that will FORCE us into a civil war.  They are ALREADY burning down cities, shooting police officers, threatening to storm the White House to “remove” President Trump, threatening to “punish” Trump supporters simply for voting for Trump, etc, etc.  The left does NOT say let’s have a FAIR election that is fully transparent.  They do NOT allow people from the opponent’s side to simultaneously verify votes and processes so NO ONE can say anything was done illegitimately.  No.  The left in areas they control, exclude their opponents from poll watching, verifying signatures, counting ballots, monitoring election machines, etc.  The left demands removal of safeguards designed to prevent corruption at the ballot box.  So, when one side demands fairness, and will accept whatever the outcome as long as it’s fair, and the other side demands cheating and will only accept the outcome they want, the outcome is going to be predictable.  Civil war.

The only way to legitimately head it off now in a way that no one could argue with would be to do the election over again.  This time, it MUST be done with STRICT controls, deadlines, and thorough oversight of EVERY part of the process by BOTH sides so that NO ONE can say at the end of the day that the other side cheated.  What are the odds that will happen?  ZERO.

So, what alternative remains in a country so divided, with one side that refuses to even attempt consensus, and refuses any concession to the other side?  As I see it, the LAST opportunity to avoid bloodshed is for both sides to go their separate ways.  That means an old-fashioned word known as SECESSION.  We agree to divide the nation, do our own thing, and leave the other side alone.  We can trade with each other, but there is no TAKING or redistribution.  How would this play out?  Think of who produces the overwhelming majority of things in this country, and where they are produced.  It’s NOT in the deep blue cities that dominate the POPULAR vote in this country.  Your food is grown largely by conservatives.  Most of the things you NEED to survive on a day to day basis are produced by conservatives, in conservative states.  If red and blue states separate, within a week when the store shelves stop being stocked by trucks coming from conservative states, you will see a zombie apocalypse in the “blue country.”  That will mean either BEGGING us to reunite, or the same civil war we saw in the 1860s, but for somewhat different reasons.

Again, do I think either of these will ACTUALLY be the chosen path, and will either of these avoid a bloody civil war?  No.  I pray to God for a civil, peaceful, Constitutional resolution to our problems.  But I just don’t see it happening.  I fear a civil war is inevitable, and a lot closer than we think.

Bill Whittle – The Cold War: What We Saw

Bill Whittle is a storyteller of the highest order. If you haven’t been keeping up with his series on the Cold War, you’ve been missing out.

Here he strikes several hammer blows to popular leftist myths.  

Propagandist Media ALWAYS Paints muslims as the Victims

How many times do you have to prove it? Over and over… The muslims have NO legitimate claim to the Temple Mount, Jerusalem, or ANYTHING in Israel. Judaism and Israel predate islame by many CENTURIES. The Israelis have been more than patient and tolerant of the muslims in their country. They need to expel them ALL. They also need to expel them all from Gaza, bulldoze it, and reclaim it.


Klein: Media Distort Muslim Riots on Temple Mount

By Aaron Klein | 12 Aug 2019

Muslims on the Temple Mount – Judaism’s holiest site – engaged in a clearly orchestrated assault on Israeli police protecting the site on the very day that Jews worldwide mourned the destruction of the First and Second Jewish Temples.

Despite the unprovoked violence in which Israeli police acted to protect themselves, Arab nations claimed that Israel was responsible for the riots and the mainstream U.S. news media painted a picture of seemingly spontaneous protests in which some 37 Muslims were injured, at least one seriously. Four Israeli police officers were wounded.

A widely-circulated Associated Press article titled “Muslims clash with Israeli police at Jerusalem holy site” was published by scores of major newspapers.

“Muslim worshippers and Israeli police clashed Sunday at a major Jerusalem holy site during prayers marking the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha,” the screed begins. “Clouds of tear gas swirled and stun grenades thundered across the stone-paved esplanade as masses of worshippers skirmished with police in the worst bout of fighting at the contested holy site in months.”

One needs to scroll down eight paragraphs to divine the reported origin of the clashes:

Large numbers of Palestinians had gathered at the gates of the compound early Sunday after rumors circulated that police would allow Jewish visitors to enter the site. The protesters chanted “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest) and threw stones at police, who then charged into the compound while firing stun grenades and rubber-coated bullets.

So Palestinian protesters already had stones (and other objects, according to numerous other mainstream media reports) ready to instigate clashes and the rent-a-mob “violence” began when these rioters threw stones at police, a potentially fatal assault on Israeli security forces.

To be clear, Muslims on the Temple Mount carried out a preplanned assault on Israeli forces, and those forces responded in self-defense.

NBC News published its own story titled, “Muslim worshippers clash with Israeli police at Jerusalem holy site.”

Read entire article here: https://www.breitbart.com/middle-east/2019/08/12/klein-media-distort-muslim-riots-on-temple-mount/

Elijah “The Phallus” Cummings Butthurt Because Trump Tells the Truth About His District

“There is no greater champion for Baltimore and cities like Baltimore than Congressman Elijah Cummings. He has undoubtedly been and continues to be a hero across Baltimore and across our great country,” —Baltimore City Council President Brandon Scott

Elijah Cummings is the national face for a local problem.  Baltimore is indeed a third-world cesspool.  The poverty, food-deserts, crime, riots where residents burn down their own city, decaying infrastructure, and moral/ideological bankruptcy are representative of who has been in charge of Baltimore since 1967, which was the last time Baltimore had a Republican mayor.  YOU CAN’T BLAME REPUBLICANS FOR THE DUMPSTER FIRE THAT IS BALTIMORE!  Democrats and their bankrupt ideology of socialism, government dependency, racial division, and victim mentality are ENTIRELY responsible for the problems of Baltimore because there hasn’t been a Republican to blame for HALF A CENTURY.  

Elijah Cummings has been repeatedly elected to national office by the same morons who keep electing democrats at the local level, despite those democrats NEVER delivering on ANY of the promises they make.  That’s not just insanity, that’s STUPIDITY.

Oh, and the fact that a socialist called out Baltimore for being a third-world cesspool back in 2015 makes Elijah’s case of Trump-hating butthurt all the more empty.

New Führer, Same as the Old Führer

Why do you think the democrats are in such a rush to lower the voting age to 16? Have you ever heard the saying that “If you’re under 20 and not a liberal, you don’t have a heart, and if you’re over 30 and not a conservative you don’t have a brain?” There’s a lot of truth there.

For most people, the human brain isn’t fully developed until the late 20’s. Prior to that, a lack of life experience, and insufficient training in critical thinking, lead many younger people to emote rather than think. Why do you think that most arguments from the left are almost PURELY emotional arguments which can never be backed up with actual fact? If they can get people to FEEL rather than THINK, they have a much better chance of advancing their agenda.

This push by tyrants to indoctrinate young people is nothing new. The far left, progressives, socialists, communists, Marxists, etc, etc, have been doing it for a long time.

Thus Nancy Pelosi reveals once again who the left in America are truly aligned with, and what their ideology really is.

Tyrants Never Change - Voting age and controling children

Muslims are Making Many Europeans Feel Comfortable Displaying Their Old Feelings of Anti-Semitism

This rise in anti-Semitism directly parallels, but is not limited to the massive influx of muslims into Europe.  Europe has NEVER liked the Jews.  They’ve covered up their hate fairly well over the last half century, but it has still been there.  Now that the muslims are taking over Europe and openly persecuting Jews, many Europeans who have always harbored feelings of anti-Semitism feel free to jump on that particular bandwagon with the muslims.  Either way, the Jews are running out of places that are safe to live.  As more emigrate from their current homes, and many immigrate to Israel, prophecy gets closer and closer to being fulfilled.


European Jews feel under threat, think of emigrating: EU survey

BRUSSELS (Reuters) – More than one in three European Jews have considered emigrating over the past five years because they no longer feel safe amid a surge in anti-Semitism, a European Union study showed on Monday.
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A new Watergate every week.  A very appropriate analogy to what his happening in our government today.  The author of the article gets this exactly right.  And he also correctly nails the essence of WHY we’re seeing a new Watergate every week.  Here’s the money quote that sums it up.

These are the police state tactics usually used by Communist dictatorships where domestic security agencies accuse the political opposition of treason, spy on them, raid their homes on fake charges and then look for anything that can be used to put them away. Just like in Russia. And for the same reasons.

Russian domestic security agencies, from the KGB to the FSB, used these tactics against political opponents who might pose a threat to their rule. That is exactly what’s happening here.

The democrats are communists.  

Everything the democrats believe and support is not found in the Constitution, but can be found in the Communist Manifesto.

All the people they look up to are Marxists, communists, socialists, and acolytes of them who prescribe how to advance the cause of totalitarian communism.

All of the tactics they employ to destroy their political opponents are those of the communist agitators such as Alinsky.

Everything the democrats stand for directly conflicts with the things America was founded on and for.

We are witnessing a communist revolution, or more accurately a Menshevik revolution right here in America just as took place in Russia.  The history of communism across the world is not one of peace, prosperity, and happiness.  It is a history of totalitarianism, oppression, death, and suffering.  It is important to understand this history to see where the communists in America are taking us.  For the most recent example, look at Venezuela.  It NEVER ends well.

The chances that communism will work THIS time are about as good as surviving a jump from the top of the Empire State Building on the SECOND attempt.  If we don’t stop it here and now, they will destroy America as we know it, and we will be the next Venezuela. 


From Steele to Mueller, the cost of overturning the 2016 election.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.

In the early seventies, political operatives disguised as delivery men broke into a Washington D.C. office. These efforts to spy on the political opposition would culminate in what we know as Watergate.

In the late teens, political operatives disguised as FBI agents, NSA personnel and other employees of the Federal government eavesdropped, harassed and raided the offices of the political opposition.

The raids of Michael Cohen’s hotel room, home and office are just this week’s Watergate.

Political operatives have now seized privileged communications between the President of the United States and his lawyer. Despite fairy tales about a clean process, these communications will be harvested by the counterparts of Peter Strzok, who unlike him are still on the case at the FBI, some of it will appear in the Washington Post and the New York Times, and some will be passed along to other political allies.

That’s what happened at every juncture of Watergate 2.0. And it only follows that it will happen again.

Just like the eavesdropping, the process will be compartmentalized for maximum plausible deniability. The leakers will be protected by their superiors. The media will shrilly focus the public’s attention on the revelations in the documents rather than on the more serious crimes committed in obtaining them.

Nixon couldn’t have even dreamed of doing this in his wildest fantasies. But Obama could and did. Now his operatives throughout the government are continuing the work that they began during his regime.

Attorney-client privilege is just one of those rights we have to give up to protect ourselves from a conspiracy theory invented by the Clinton campaign. (But no amount of dead Americans can ever justify ending immigration from Islamic terror states or deporting illegal alien gang members.)

We are at the latest stage of a process that began when the Clinton campaign funded a dossier alleging foreign ties by her political opponent. It did this using a law firm while lying on its FEC disclosures about payments to that firm. (But unlike Cohen, Hillary’s lawyers will never be raided by the FBI.)

That dossier was then used to justify eavesdropping on Trump associates by political allies in the State Department, the FBI, the CIA and the National Security Council. This wasn’t really breaking new ground. Obama had already been caught using the NSA to spy on members of Congress opposed to his Iran Deal.

The contents of the dossier were rambling nonsense. Its claims about Michael Cohen were easily disproven. But that covert investigation was transformed into an overt one with Mueller. And Mueller’s very public investigation follows the same path as the secret investigation by Obama associates. Both used the dubious claims of the Clinton dossier as the starting point for an endless fishing expedition.

Eavesdrop enough, raid enough, squeeze enough and you will eventually find something. And even if you don’t, you can always manipulate them into denying something and nail them for lying to the FBI.

Keep squeezing and maybe you’ll even find someone willing to lie under oath for you.

Mueller has yet to deliver on Russian collusion. But Susan Rice and Samantha Power couldn’t do it either. Instead they all assembled a vast network of international conspiracy theories whose only purpose is to justify more raids, more eavesdropping and more fishing expeditions.

These are the police state tactics usually used by Communist dictatorships where domestic security agencies accuse the political opposition of treason, spy on them, raid their homes on fake charges and then look for anything that can be used to put them away. Just like in Russia. And for the same reasons.

Russian domestic security agencies, from the KGB to the FSB, used these tactics against political opponents who might pose a threat to their rule. That is exactly what’s happening here.

This isn’t just an ideological war. Washington D.C. is fighting to suppress a political revolution.

Even Obama and Hillary’s political operatives couldn’t have pushed the DOJ and other agencies this far outside their comfort zone under ordinary circumstances. There had been previous abuses of power, under JFK, LBJ, Nixon and Clinton, but there has been nothing like this since the Alien and Sedition Acts or Madison’s Machiavellian scapegoating of the Federalists for the disastrous War of 1812.

To apolitical operatives like Mueller, Strzok and their many allies in the FBI, Trump is an unprecedented threat to the business of the Federal government. They shrug at the economy or tax reform, except where it affects them. And social issues don’t move them either. They are as interested in the ideological left-right battles as the nomenklatura were in the works of Karl Marx.

There are indeed two Americas. One is your country. The other consists of the people who run it. Both have their headquarters in Washington D.C. And they get along pretty well most of the time.

The people are allowed to vote for whomever their party chooses. They can even vote for less respectable choices as long as they understand that those people will never get anywhere. Then the people they select will go to Washington D.C. and be briefed on what they can and can’t do. There they will rent pricey condos, bicker with each other, eat at nice restaurants and, in theory, make laws.

Then the nomenklatura, the bureaucracy that runs the country, will transform laws into policy. The policy will be shaped by judicial rulings and expert opinion. By the time the policy sausage comes out the other end of the Imperial City, it will have very little to do with what the voters might have wanted.

There are plenty of gatekeepers to keep a common sense idea from being implemented. If a congressman proposes that sensible measure you suggest to him, it will never leave the committee or it’ll be watered down. The Senate will neuter it or the president, on the advice of his advisors, will veto.

And then came Trump.

The gates began to collapse. The nomenklatura propped them up. Judicial rulings were used to block everything. The petty bureaucracies within government agencies stalled and sabotaged. Former agency bosses, their internal allies and the media colluded to target Trump’s agency heads with scandals.

The elected head of the government and the unelected heads of the government were at war.

Mueller is the tip of the nomenklatura’s spear. The DOJ is the bluntest weapon in the D.C. arsenal and for the first time it’s been completely unleashed to undo the results of a presidential election.

The same leftists that fought for the civil rights of terrorists and drug dealers, cheer government eavesdropping on the political opposition and the violation of attorney-client privilege because it was never about civil rights, it was about protecting their political allies and punishing their enemies.

Radical movements are inherently totalitarian. And totalitarians view process, whether of elections or criminal justice proceedings, as a train that they ride until they take power and then disembark.

As Roger Nash Baldwin, a co-founder of the ACLU, wrote, “If I aid the reactionaries to get free speech now and then… it is only because those liberties help to create a more hospitable atmosphere for working class liberties… When that power of the working class is once achieved, as it has been only in the Soviet Union, I am for maintaining it by any means whatever.”

The working class of Washington D.C. has achieved quite a bit of power along with a fortune in overseas bank accounts, mansions, private schools and all the privileges of membership in the ruling class.

But the leftists cheering Mueller’s abuses might pause to consider the consequences.

The Romans broke their republic. Now we’re breaking ours. The pink hat brigade enlisted the Praetorian Guard to bring down Trump. But the Roman lesson is that once you break the republic, it stays broken. Once you use political mercenaries like Mueller to overturn an election for you, they might not stop.

The left likes to believe that it can close Pandora’s Box whenever it pleases. History tells us differently.

The Praetorian Guard didn’t stop. What can be done once, will be done again. When control of the DOJ and FBI matters more than elections, then voters will be irrelevant and the Praetorian of D.C. will rule.

And then a new Watergate really will happen every week.


Link to article:  https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/269851/watergate-every-week-using-fbi-suppress-political-daniel-greenfield#.WtBQrastOyM.twitter

“Palestinian” Prime Minister: We’re following the path of the Nazi Mufti

If there was ever justification for the Israelis to bulldoze Gaza into the Mediterranean and reclaim ownership of it, this would be it.  Israel, including the Gaza strip, was historically the homeland of the Jews for centuries before the psychotic delusion that is islam was ever created.  The muslims since the creation of their “religion” have consistently held the position that all Jews must be exterminated, and that Israel has no right to exist.  Below is a little piece of history tied into the modern day that is, shall we say, inconvenient for the muslims.

You may remember or have heard of a man by the name of Adolf Hitler who was evil incarnate.  The muslims led by Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini were allies of Adolf Hitler.  Guess what?  They still are.  Today’s “Palestinian Authority,” and its leader Mahmoud Abbas, unflinchingly and unabashedly pronounce that they are following the path of the demon Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini.  That means they are still seeking the destruction of Israel and the Jews.  But you should already know that, because they have ALWAYS said that, and in the “negotiations” with Israel have NEVER changed that position.


“Palestinian” Prime Minister: We’re following the path of the Nazi Mufti

ByPamela Geller on May 11, 2016


The Muslim leader aligned with Hitler during World War II. He lived in the lap of luxury (on Hitler’s dime) while raising Muslim armies for Hitler. He was responsible for the death of over 400,000 Jewish women and children.

The Nazis paid for their actions during the Holocaust. The Muslim world never did. They never even apologized. They were rewarded, and they are still being rewarded. Read more here (scroll).

My ads (above) caused a firestorm — but I was right. Continue reading

The Legacy of Nelson Mandela

The progressive media whitewashed the REAL past of Nelson Mandela, and painted him as a saint.  They overlooked the fact that he was both a terrorist and a communist.  In the end, did he do some things that were praiseworthy?  Sure.  But facts are stubborn things.

One thing the media specifically ignore is the violent tactics employed by Mandela and his communist wife Winnie as part of the enforcement wing of the ANC.  Perhaps the most horrific tactic they employed against their opponents was called “necklacing,” or as it came to be known, “The Mandela Necklace.”  It involved cutting off the hands of, and/or binding the arms of their victims, placing a gasoline-filled tire around their neck, and setting it on fire.  An agonizing death to be sure.

Here is a picture of a survivor of a “Mandela Necklace.”  After seeing this, judge for yourself how you think Nelson Mandela should be remembered.

Legacy of Mandela

How Thomas Jefferson Led America’s First “War On Terror”

The threat we face from Islam is not new.  It is a threat that is as evil today as it was when it was founded.  The only difference is that they have learned to battle us using our own system against us. If we can not name the threat, and acknowledge the threat for what it is, it will consume and destroy as.


May 5, 2013 by Tim Brown

How Thomas Jefferson Led America’s First “War On Terror”

Today, I hear a lot of cries for tolerance, especially of Islam. I’m told, “Stop the hating of Muslims.” Many of the very people I hear this from like to point to the Constitution and to the Founding Fathers and especially to the First Amendment and declare that Islam should be tolerated in America. However, I wonder if they have paid attention to either the Constitution or the Founding Fathers on this matter. Specifically, I wonder if they have even considered the words and actions of the third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, especially his sense of reading their own texts from the Qur’an and knowing just what his enemies thought. Let’s take a stroll down memory lane, shall we?

Barbary Wars: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cM97XzQn9IQ&feature=player_embedded

First, keep in mind that Islam and terrorism have gone hand in hand since its inception at the beginning of the 7th century. In fact, it’s founder Muhammad was a terrorist and used “religion” to band his merry men together to conquer, rape and pillage. Continue reading

At War With Islam? Yes, Since… ALWAYS.

Are ALL muslims evil?  I don’t think so.  However, that depends on how closely they choose to follow the doctrine of their faith.  Is the ideology of islam evil?  Demonstrably so.

As Mr. Adams writes,

There certainly are “moderate Muslims”; they are friends, colleagues, acquaintances. They are our specialist doctors and our neighbors. Some may have even married into the family. But here’s the thing: they aren’t practicing their faith properly. Or they choose to emphasize other parts of the religion. Their, and our problem, is the lesson of Boston: a “moderate’ can be activated any time.

Having several instances of “peaceful/moderate” muslims who “became radicalized” both here and in the combat zones in which we are engaged, and having seen the principle of taqiyya (disguising one’s beliefs, intentions, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions or strategies to advance islam) in action, how is it possible to truly and completely trust someone who claims islam as their religion?

At War With Islam? Yes; Since Always.

Written on Friday, May 3, 2013 by

It was the great poet T.S. Eliot who said, “April is the cruelest month.”

And so it was.

First, Islamic evil rocked the city of Boston, ripping hearts and limbs from innocents. And just when we thought it impossible, the tragedy of West struck. But there is no nation more resilient than the American one. History has proved this.

But now more than ever, everyday Americans must revisit history.

For it has never been clearer: the West is at war with Islam. This is neither hypothesis or opinion; it is reality. No delicacy, diplomacy, disguise or differentiation can alter this.

The media-academic complex, the West’s left and their doctrine of relativism is costing us lives. The Bible is not the same as the Koran. Sorry, global elitists, but all religions are not the same. Continue reading

Correcting the ‘fairy tale’: A SEAL’s account of how Osama bin Laden really died

So, Obama and all his flunkies may be telling us a fib about what transpired in the Osama bin Laden raid?  Color me not surprised.

The fact(?) that bin Laden is dead (we hope, but won’t know for sure unless we talk to those who were actually there, since the body just HAD to be dumped into the ocean immediately) and how that came about is only being brought into question because Obama and his administration don’t exactly have the track record of “transparency” that he campaigned on.

But, I’m sure that surprises many out there.


Correcting the ‘fairy tale’: A SEAL’s account of how Osama bin Laden really died

12:42 AM 11/07/2011

Forget whatever you think you know about the night Osama bin Laden was killed. According to a former Navy SEAL who claims to have the inside track, the mangled tales told of that historic night have only now been corrected.

“It became obvious in the weeks evolving after the mission that the story that was getting put out there was not only untrue, but it was a really ugly farce of what did happen,” said Chuck Pfarrer, author of Seal Target Geronimo: The Inside Story of the Mission to Kill Osama Bin Laden.

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9/11 – Ten Years Later

Ten years ago today, I was wrapping up a family vacation in Orlando, FL following a deployment to the middle east.  Up to that point, America had pretty much succeeded at ensuring that when we had to engage our enemies, we always played the “away game.”  But on September, 11th 2001 America would experience the kind of “homecoming” that we never wanted.

As we were packing our bags to go to the airport for the trip home, we had CNN playing in the background.  I was brushing my teeth when my wife said that an airplane had crashed into the World Trade Center, which immediately caught my attention.  I walked into the room and was staring at the image of the first tower.  I saw that the sky was clear, which made the hair on my neck stand up.  Having flown into NY a time or two, I knew that especially on a clear day one would have to try pretty hard to hit the WTC unless there was some greater problem beyond your control.  As my mind was following this train of thought, second plane flew into the picture and struck the second tower, eliminating any thought that this had been an accident.

Next came the images we will never forget.  Images of firemen and police officers rescuing people and moving toward the scene as others fled.  Images of people trapped in the upper floors jumping to their deaths.  Images of the towers collapsing.  Images of the Pentagon attack.  Images of confusion, death, and destruction.  And most infuriating of all, images of celebration by our enemies.


What began to form inside me, and evidently inside millions of Americans, was a cold resolve combined with the growing flame of anger, and a frustration at being unable to immediately so SOMETHING.  In the days and weeks that followed, we had to figure out how to get home or wherever we were going.  We had to figure out how the aftermath of the attack was going to change our lives, and our nation.  We’re still figuring that out 10 years later.

As we bury 10 years of 9/11 memories and move on with life, I challenge you to never forget.  Never.  Never forget that it was radical muslims who attacked us first.  Never forget that they are still plotting ways to attack and subjugate us, both through violence, and by using our own kindness and tolerance against us from within.  If we wish to survive as a nation, we must understand that there are limits to tolerance.  Tolerating things we disagree with is a basic American principle.  However, tolerating things that will destroy us is just suicidal and stupid.

Sir Karl Popper summed it up very well when he said “Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.

Never forget.  Never.


Watch this video of Americans jumping to their deaths and impacting the ground, and look at the images of the attack, and NEVER FORGET WHO DID THIS.


Hitler and the muslim brotherhood

Here’s a little piece of history that the liberals and muslims would rather you forget. If the muslim brotherhood or any of their bastard offspring like al Qaeda and hamas gain power in Egypt or any other country, it will not be good.


January 31, 2011

Why We Should Fear the Moslem Brother

By Karin McQuillan

As we follow the unfolding story in Egypt, we are torn between hope and fear — hope that democracy will gain a toehold and fear that the fundamentalist Moslem Brothers could take control of Egypt.  Perhaps you have heard the Moslem Brothers are the oldest and largest radical Islamic group, the grandfather of Hezbollah, Hamas, and al-Qaeda.
What you haven’t been told is this: the Moslem Brothers were a small, unpopular group of anti-modern fanatics unable to attract members, until they were adopted by Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich beginning in the 1930s.  Under the tutelage of the Third Reich, the Brothers started the modern jihadi movement, complete with a genocidal program against Jews.  In the words of Matthias Kuntzel, “[t]he significance of the Brotherhood to Islamism is comparable to that of the Bolshevik Party to communism: It was and remains to this day the ideological reference point and organizational core for all later Islamist groups, including al-Qaeda and Hamas.”
What is equally ominous for Jews and Israel is that despite Mubarak’s pragmatic coexistence with Israel for the last thirty years, every Egyptian leader from Nasser through Sadat to Mubarak has enshrined Nazi Jew-hatred in mainstream Egyptian culture out of both conviction and political calculation.  Nasser, trained by Nazis as a youth, spread the genocidal conspiracy theories of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, making it a bestseller throughout the Arab world.  On the Ramadan following 9/11, Mubarak presided over a thirty-week-long TV series dramatizing Elders and its genocidal message.
It is impossible to assess the danger posed by a takeover of Egypt today by the Moslem Brothers without knowing that Nazism launched the Brothers and is still at their core.  This response to modernity and to Jews was not predetermined by Egyptian history or culture.  It was Germany under Hitler that changed the course of history for Egypt and the Middle East.
How do we know all this?  We know it because the Third Reich was a meticulous keeper  of records.  We have the memos, the planning documents, the budgets, even photos and films of the Reich’s spectacularly successful campaign, implemented by the Moslem Brothers, to turn the Middle East into a hotbed of virulent Jew-hatred.  We have the minutes, the photo, and the memo of understanding, when Hitler and the head of the Moslem Brothers in Palestine, the Mufti of Jerusalem, shook hands on a plan for a Final Solution in the Middle East.
We have the records of this meeting, in which Hitler and the head of the Moslem Brothers in Palestine shook hands on a Final Solution for the Middle East — years before the creation of Israel.
The Moslem Brothers helped Hitler succeed in genocide by slamming shut the door to safety in Palestine.  This was a key part of the success of the Final Solution.  The anti-Jewish riots in Palestine that led the British to cave to Arab pressure and shut off Jewish escape are well-known — how many of us know they were funded by Hitler? Winston Churchill protested the closing of Palestine to the Jews in the House of Commons, arguing against the appeasement of Nazi-funded Arab violence:
So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied till their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population. … We are now asked to submit, and this is what rankles most with me, to an agitation which is fed with foreign money and ceaselessly inflamed by Nazi and by Fascist propaganda.
Who knows how many Jews would have escaped Hitler if the Jewish National Home in Palestine had remained open to them?
We do know that without the work of Hitler’s allies, the Moslem Brothers, many signs indicate that Israel would have been a welcome neighbor in the Middle East, but this path was closed off by Moslem Brotherhood terrorism.  This is not “ancient history.”  According to Prime Minister Netanyahu, Yasser Arafat (born Mohammed Al-Husseini, in Cairo) adopted the name Yasser to honor the Moslem Brothers’ terror chief, who threw moderate Palestinians into pits of scorpions and snakes, eliminated the entire Nashashibi family of Jerusalem because they welcomed Jews into Palestine, and drove forty thousand Arabs into exile.  The corpses of their victims would be left in the street for days, shoes stuck in their mouths, as a lesson for any Arab who believed in tolerating a Jewish homeland.  Arafat as a member of the Moslem Brothers was directly trained by Nazi officers who were invited to Egypt after the fall of Hitler in Europe.
Like the pro-democracy demonstrators out in the streets of Cairo this week, immediately after World War I, Egypt was filled with hope for developing a modern, tolerant society.  The Egyptian revolution of 1919 united the country’s Moslems, Christians, and Jews around the slogan “Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood.”  The constitution of 1923 was completely secular, establishing a constitutional monarchy.  It took Western democracy as a model and worked for the equal status of women.  Jews were an accepted part of public life.  There were Jewish members of parliament.  The Zionist movement was accepted with “considerable sympathy,” because the government’s priority was to maintain good relations between the three most important religious groups — Moslems, Jews, and Coptic Christians.  Today, the Jews are gone, and the Copts are viciously persecuted.  But in 1919, there was even an Egyptian section of the International Zionist Organization.  Its founder, Leon Castro, a Jew, was also the spokesman of the largest Egyptian political party, the Wafd, related to the largest opposition party taking part in this week’s demonstrations.
When, in March 1928, the charismatic preacher Hassan al-Banna founded the Moslem Brotherhood in Egypt, it was a flop.  It promoted world domination by Islam and the restoration of the Caliphate, focusing on a complete subjugation of women.  In its first decade, the Moslem Brothers attracted only eight hundred members.
Then Hitler ascended to power.  A branch of the Nazi party was set up in Cairo.  The Egyptian government was told that if it did not begin to persecute their Jews, Germany would boycott Egyptian cotton.  When the government caved and began a press campaign and discriminatory measures against Jews, it was rewarded by Germany’s becoming the second largest importer of Egyptian goods.  The Egyptian public was impressed by the propaganda about Germany’s economic progress and impressive Nazi mass marches.  The pro-fascist Young Egypt movement was founded in 1933.  Abdel Nasser, later Egypt’s most famous leader, remained loyal to Nazi ideology for the rest of his career.  During the war there was a popular street song in the Middle East: “Allah in heaven, Hitler on earth.”
In the 1930s, the Third Reich poured men, money, weapons, and propaganda training into the Moslem Brotherhood.  It was the Reich that taught the fundamentalists to focus their anger on the Jews instead of on women.  By war’s end, thanks entirely to Hitler’s tutelage and direct support, the brotherhood had swelled to a million members, and Jew-hatred had become central to mainstream Arab culture.  Iranian Ayatollah Khomeini listened daily to the Nazi propaganda broadcast from Berlin by Moslem Brother Haj Amin al-Husseini.  So did every Arab with a radio, throughout the war, as it was the most popular programming in the Middle East.  Thanks to Hitler, the Moslem Brothers enshrined anti-Semitism as the main organizing force of Middle East politics for the next eighty years.

Egyptian society has lived in Hitler’s world of hate ever since.  According to leading expert on the Third Reich’s fusion with Islamism in Egypt Matthias Kunztel:

On this point (Jews), the entire Egyptian society has been Islamized.  In Egypt the ostracism and demonization of Jews is not a matter of debate, but a basic assumption of everyday discourse.  As if the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty had never been signed, Israel and Israelis are today totally boycotted … be it lawyers, journalists, doctors or artists…all Egyptian universities, sports associations, theatres and orchestras. … If there is one theme in contemporary Egypt which unites Islamists, Liberals, Nasserites and Marxists, it is the collective fantasy of the common enemy in the shape of Israel and the Jews, which almost always correlates with the wish to destroy Israel.

In launching the Moslem Brothers’ modern jihadi movement, Hitler did far more than enshrine anti-Semitism in the Middle East.  As if some kind of divine punishment, the creation of jihadism also sabotaged the move towards modernity and representative government, ruining hopes for freedom and prosperity for the Arab people.  The Brothers were the excuse for Mubarak’s thirty years of emergency rule.  The Brothers were central to both the PLO and Hamas, killing all hope for peaceful coexistence and prosperity for the Palestinian people.  They had an early role in founding the Ba’ath Party in Syria and Iraq, turning those countries over to kleptocratic tyrants.  Moslem Brothers taught Osama bin Laden, and their philosophy is considered the foundational doctrine of al-Qaeda.
Will history repeat itself?  Or will the Egyptian people take back their country, throw off Hitler’s long shadow, and begin again on the hopeful path to democracy and a decent life that they began at the beginning of the modern era?

Page Printed from: http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/01/why_we_should_fear_the_moslem.html at January 31, 2011 – 07:55:00 PM CST