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Google Approves App For Muslims To Report People Who Commit Blasphemy

No, this is not a joke. The app, “Smart Pakem”, which launched in Indonesia last month at the request of the Indonesian government, will allow users and government officials to uphold Sharia law and target and report people who hold “misguided” beliefs in violation of Islamic law, which forbids insults of Islam, insults against the Prophet Mohammed, or the recognition of any other religion besides Islam.

Link to article: https://bigleaguepolitics.com/google-approves-app-for-muslims-to-report-people-who-commit-blasphemy/
So much to unpack here.  Let’s start a list.

  • Low Hanging Fruit:  Google isn’t putting any energy into developing an app to report blasphemy against Christ and the Holy Spirit.  Just sayin’…
  • Islam isn’t a religion, but an oppressive system of government hiding behind a thin veneer of religion.
  • Like every other oppressive system of government, islam can’t/won’t tolerate anyone looking behind the curtain of truth, and can’t/won’t tolerate dissent.  Allowing transparency, allowing differing opinions, allowing open debate, and allowing FREE SPEECH in a totalitarian system leads to people figuring out the TRUTH, which leads to the oppressive leaders in their cushy positions of power being overthrown.  Mullahs, czars, dictators, etc. thrive on power and won’t give it up willingly.
  • Islam is incompatible with America and our Constitution.
    • A “right” is something to which one is entitled that by definition does not take away from another’s rights.
      • Example:  A RIGHT to free speech.  You can say anything you want, even if it’s offensive, as long as it doesn’t cross a line of slander/defamation.  That would unjustly take away from someone’s reputation.
      • Example:  You have a right to swing your fist anywhere you want as long as it doesn’t hit me, or my possessions, which would take away from my physical well being, and deprive me of my property without due process.
    • Islam will not tolerate any other religion or form of government, and seeks to replace it with islam, which would take away all of our constitutional rights.
    • Islam instructs its followers to murder of non-muslims.
    • Our 1st Amendment protects the freedom of religion AS LONG AS THE EXERCISE OF THAT RELIGION DOESN’T DEPRIVE ANOTHER OF THEIR RIGHTS.
    • Since islamic law forbids free speech, prevents the free exercise of religions OTHER THAN ISLAM, and tells followers to murder non-believers and take their possessions, islam is NOT protected under the 1st Amendment of our Constitution.
  • Thus, islam IS NOT PROTECTED BY OUR CONSTITUTION, should be banned in America, anyone who claims islam as their “religion” should be deported, and all mosques razed to the ground.

None of the cowards in our government have the courage to make this obviously constitutional argument, which is why without a civil war to restore the Constitution, it and our nation will eventually be overthrown by islam or some other cancerous ideology that no one has the courage to stop the spread of.

Obama Seeks to Bypass Congress (and the Constitution) to Raise Taxes

For a VERY LONG list of reasons, Obama should have been impeached long ago, and even arrested and jailed. If he does this, there are no punches left to be pulled. He MUST be overthrown. The Constitution is VERY clear on this matter. And I quote…

U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 7: ALL bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives

The president, no matter who he is, has ABSOLUTELY NO AUTHORITY in the area of raising taxes beyond signing into law a bill which originated in the house, and which also passed the senate.

White House eyes executive action for possible corporate tax hikes

Published March 03, 2015

| FoxNews.com

The White House may be inching closer to the idea of raising taxes by executive action – the same path President Obama took to push through his controversial immigration actions. Continue reading

Campaign Obama vs. Dictator Obama on Immigration

There are two ways one can view Barack Obama, neither of them flattering.  He is either a STUPID liar who can’t remember which lies he has told, or he is a PATHOLOGICAL liar who lies without remorse or conscience with specific intent to harm.  The mounting evidence supports the latter.  Obama’s OWN WORDS on immigration ‘reform’ bear this out.

When Obama was in campaign mode, he gave a constitutional answer saying that he didn’t have the authority to implement unilateral executive action on amnesty.  Now he says he’s tired of waiting on congress, and MUST act.  I agree with ‘Campaign’ Obama on this issue, and condemn ‘Dictator’ Obama.

There’s absolutely nothing legal or constitutional about the president unilaterally establishing a “uniform Rule of Naturalization,” which is a power SPECIFICALLY  delegated to congress in Article 1, Section 4, para 8 of the Constitution. And just because the congress doesn’t act WHEN or HOW the president wants them to, there is no trigger in the Constitution that magically gives the president to act unilaterally. The president’s job is to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed” (Article 2, Section 3).  If the president doesn’t like a law the congress passes, he can veto it. If they override the veto, he MUST obey and enforce the law, and can’t just sign it away and ignore it with signing statements and executive orders.  If he doesn’t like an existing law, he can’t just choose NOT to enforce it. It must be ruled unconstitutional by the SUPREME COURT (not the president), or repealed by congress. That’s the CONSTITUTIONAL process. Period. Obama in his own words, when he was running for office, and blaming Bush for everything, said EXACTLY this. But now he pretends that there is now some new found power for him to act unilaterally in a way that will materially damage this nation. He knows the flood of illegals will damage our economy and harm Americans. Go listen to the audio of Obama’s own book. He says it in there, so he can’t deny he once at least pretended to think this way.  Listen to him on the campaign trail, or with UNIVISION.  He said REPEATEDLY that he DOES. NOT. HAVE. THE. AUTHORITY. TO. ACT. UNILATERALLY.  But now he is flip-flopping to say he MUST act, and WILL act, and that he somehow has the power to act.

We are being backed into a corner.  We have all three branches of government acting unconstitutionally, and refusing to employ checks and balances to restrain the other branches of government.  Those three branches have now neutered the military, which by virtue of their oath of office/enlistment makes them the last governmental check on a tyrannical government.  Should Barack Obama attempt to implement this amnesty, on top of the other damaging pseudo-amnesties he has already illegally and unconstitutionally implemented, and should congress and the Supreme Court not IMMEDIATELY impeach him and rule his acts unconstitutional, OR in the absence of such action should the military fail to honor their oath to protect and defend the Constitution against ALL enemies, both foreign AND domestic, then American citizens and patriots will have no choice remaining but to remove and replace this government.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new guards for their future security-
–Excerpt from the Declaration of Independence


Flowchart of Executive Amnesty

Read and digest the documented flip-flops of Barack Obama on immigration below… Continue reading

Barack HugObama Chavez completing transformation of the press into ‘State-Run Media’

If you’re not already awake to the fact that Barack Obama is a tyrant who, along with his progressive minions, wish to rule and oppress us, what else will it take to convince you?  ALL dissent to this president and administration is being punished, and that punishment is being used to intimidate anyone else who might speak out against their tyranny.  The IRS is being used to financially intimidate political opponents.  The NSA is monitoring and collecting data from everyone that could be used against them for blackmail or other purposes.  The police forces are being militarized along with the Dept. of Homeland (in)Security to act as a force not to PROTECT us, but to CONTROL us.  The military is being purged of any senior leader who shows a willingness to honor his oath to defend the Constitution against ALL enemies, and/or who has any real leadership ability and charisma.  And now Obama is moving to ensure that an already largely compliant and subservient media is brought completely under his control, and all unfavorable reporting on him, his administration, or the agenda he is pushing is crushed.  We are one step away from Pravda, state-run media, here in America.  This is the kind of thing that was done by Hugo Chavez, Joseph Stalin, Mao, Hitler, and every other dictator who has risen to power.

With all of the MYRIAD violations of the law and the Constitution by this president and his administration, WHAT FURTHER PROOF DO YOU NEED that he is an ENEMY OF OUR REPUBLIC AND OUR CONSTITUTION?!?!?!?!

This usurper MUST be removed from office, tried, impeached, and jailed.  He has gone FAR beyond the transgressions that any previous president has EVER been impeached for, and he’s NOT SLOWING DOWN.  In fact, he is becoming more bold in his willingness to ignore the law and Constitution with each passing day, and these transgressions are right out in public for all to see.

Congress won’t act, the ballot box has already been corrupted, and the law means nothing to this president.  What avenue of redress are we left with to remove this usurping tyrant?

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness… But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.  –Excerpt from the Declaration of Independence

The only difference between the 1st American Revolution and the one we need now is that the despotic “King” is not an ocean away.

Why is the Obama Administration Putting Government Monitors in Newsrooms?

President Barack Obama

By Matthew Clark Filed in: Free Speech
4:44 PM Feb. 18, 2014
The Obama Administration’s Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is poised to place government monitors in newsrooms across the country in an absurdly draconian attempt to intimidate and control the media.

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How Obama and Allies Are Suppressing News of Economic Disaster Ahead

This is what tyrants, liars, wannabe dictators, and those who will do anything to gain power do.  People who will lie to you this easily and willingly DO NOT have your best interests at heart.  People like this want to RULE you, not LEAD you.  Most dictators through history have done the same thing.  They lie to gain power, then kill their own people, and/or throw them into the cauldron of war to hide their intentions.

Here’s the other part about this.  Those who know history don’t need the news to know how Obama’s actions will affect us.  We’ve seen it all before.

How Obama and Allies Are Suppressing News of Economic Disaster Ahead

Posted By Arnold Ahlert On September 28, 2012 @ 12:45 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage

On May 7th, it was revealed that the Obama administration spent $8.35 billion on a “demonstration project” designed to postpone the vast majority of Obamacare’s Medicare Advantage cuts until after the election. On July 31st, it was revealed that the Labor Department warned defense contractors against notifying workers of impending layoffs before the election as well, despite the fact that it would require violating the law to do so. On September 21, it was revealed that a report on the Greek bailout will also be postponed until after the U.S. election. On September 13th, Fed Chief Ben Bernanke announced that he will be pursuing a third round of Quantitative Easing (QE3), once again under the auspices of “stimulating” the economy. The over-arching theme here is clear: anything that constitutes an “inconvenient reality” for this president, especially with respect to economics, will be delayed until after the election.

Thus, the president can continue to campaign on the “heartless” cuts a Romney administration will administer to healthcare in general, and seniors’ healthcare in particular, even as those same seniors remain oblivious to the reality that $7.4 billion will be cut from the Medicare Advantage program in 2013. As a result, enrollees will lose an average of $515 in benefits. Americans remain equally oblivious to the reality that family health insurance premiums have gone up by an average $2,730, despite a 2008 promise Obama made to lower premiums by $2500 by the end of his first term.

With respect to layoffs of employees who work in the defense industry, the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act is quite clear: employers are required to give employees 60 days notice before mass layoffs take place. As a result of the failure of the congressional super-committee to reach a budget deal during the debt ceiling negotiations last August, automatic cuts in defense spending, aka sequestration, are scheduled to kick in on January 2nd. If the WARN Act were enforced, thousands of defense employees would receive their layoff notices on November 3rd–three days before the election.

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Obama Demands Court Uphold His “Right” To Ignore Constitution

“Obama made it clear his Administration would ignore the court and its injunction regardless of what the judge may decide, claiming incorrectly that “…[the] injunction would have ‘nil’ effect, for the government would continue to possess the identical detention authority under the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force…” Of course, that is a lie, as the AUMF applies only to known members of al Qaeda or the Taliban.”

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! (scream of pained frustration)
IMPEACH THIS POWER HUNGRY, USURPING, LAW BREAKING, CONSTITUTION DESTROYING PIECE OF CRAP, AND I MEAN YESTERDAY.  In the many episodes of Obama violating the law (ignoring judges orders to lift drilling ban, ignoring the War Powers Act, breaking contract and bankruptcy laws, etc, etc) at least up to this point he was silent and just did it. Now he is BLATANTLY saying HE. WILL. NOT. OBEY. A. COURT. ORDER. He is emperor Obama. He is above the law. Or so he thinks.


Every American must follow this story closely since the media has ignored it completely.  The media is now the enemy, and a mouthpiece for a corrupt, tyrannical government.  We, the people must restore accountability to the media and our government.


Obama Demands Court Uphold His “Right” To Ignore Constitution

August 15, 2012 By

obama speech 7 SC Obama demands court uphold his “Right” to ignore Constitution

Obama’s Department of Justice is demanding a federal judge dismiss the injunction with which she sought to uphold the constitutional rights of the American people.

On May 16th, federal judge Kathleen Forrest granted a preliminary injunction to plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed against Barack Obama and the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA), striking down those sections of the Act that provide the president the power to indefinitely detain American citizens without benefit of their 5th and 6th Amendment rights.

Under the terms of the Act, Obama had been given exclusive authority to direct members of the US military to arrest and imprison anyone he believed to have “substantially supported” al Qaeda, the Taliban, or “associated forces.” When pressed by plaintiff’s attorneys about the practical extent of this authority, government lawyers admitted “…the NDAA does give the president the power to lock up people like journalist Chris Hedges and peaceful activists,” admitting that “…even war correspondents could be locked up indefinitely under the NDAA.”  (unlimited power in the hands of a tyrant who has repeatedly and consistently ignored the Constitution and our rights is a BAD thing)

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Democrats and Obama guilty of Sedition

Merriam-Webster defines “sedition” as:

incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority

US Code, TITLE 18, PART I, CHAPTER 115, § 2384 – Seditious conspiracy

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

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Obama Tells Advisers To Find How To Approve Stimulus Projects “Without Additional Congressional Authorization”

Remember when Obama wanted to pass cap-and-trade, but couldn’t get congress or the senate to pass it?  What did he do?  He did it anyway by getting the EPA to pass all kinds of regulations to effectively do the same thing.  It’s what’s known as “legislation by regulation,” and is usurping powers not reserved for the executive branch.

Obama fancies himself a dictator in the mold of a Hugo Chavez or Fidel Castro. The really screwed up thing is that we, the American people, are indulging his fantasy and letting him get away with it.

This tyranny must stop. Is congress going to evolve into a species with a spine and impeach the dirtbag, or are the American people going to have to do it for them?


Obama Tells Advisers To Find How To Approve Stimulus Projects “Without Additional Congressional Authorization”

“Scour this report, identify all those areas in which we can act administratively without additional congressional authorization and just get it done,” President Obama said today to a “Jobs Council” meeting.

Obama STILL lying – AFRICOM: AF, Navy still flying Libya missions

Obama is STILL lying, and is STILL in violation of the War Powers Act. Whether or not the act is unconstitutional is not for Obama to decide under our system of LAW. Every president since the act’s passage has thought it unconstitutional, but has obeyed the law. However, Obama the imperial president, as in so many other cases has simply decided the law doesn’t apply to him.

The congress had an opportunity to make itself relevant again and defund the operation, but as usual they caved leaving Obama unchecked and free to do whatever he wishes.

I’m beginning to think it’s time for an impeachment, and several recalls of elected officials.


AFRICOM: AF, Navy still flying Libya missions

By Dave Majumdar – Staff writer
Posted : Thursday Jun 30, 2011 12:33:04 EDT

Air Force and Navy aircraft are still flying hundreds of strike missions over Libya despite the Obama administration’s claim that American forces are playing only a limited support role in the NATO operation. Continue reading

10 Planks of Communism – Know Your Enemy

Although Marx advocated the use of any means, especially including violent revolution, to bring about socialist dictatorship, he suggested ten political goals for developed countries such as the United States. How far has the United States — traditionally the bastion of freedom, free markets, and private property — gone down the Marxist road to fulfill these socialist aims? Judge for yourself how successful the Communists have been in changing American society up to this point. If you think that it can’t be true, just ask yourself:

If an enemy was trying to change an ENTIRE nation, would they do it by announcing their presence to the world, or would they do it by pretending that they don’t even exist?  They deny being liberals, progressives, and/or communists, and they will often change what they call themselves to something that sounds kinder and gentler.

  1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. (Excessive and expanding use of “imminent domain,” federal land grabs across the country, increasing pressures that push people to rent rather than own cars/houses/property…)
  2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. (If this isn’t obvious, you’re in trouble. In the last century, nearly ever time progressive liberals were in charge, we had high taxes and a depressed economy. Now the uber-progressive Obama and his minions are pushing for higher taxes at, you guessed it, a progressive rate punishing the successful and productive among us.)
  3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. (Pushing for more and higher “death taxes” comes to mind.)
  4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. (Rebels? How about those who disagree with the administration, i.e. Obama and the progressive liberals? Think it’s a coincidence that they get audited at a much higher rate than Obama supporters?)
  5. Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. (If you weren’t paying attention during the credit and housing crisis, you missed policies that forced smaller banks out of business or to be absorbed by larger banks. You also missed a greater amount of control being exercised over the remaining banks through “stress tests,” and forcing executives to resign so they could be replaced with more “progressive” executives. Recurring bailouts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac ring a bell?)
  6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state. (Net “neutrality,” increasing FCC intrusion into internet and telecommunication business…)
  7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. (Government takeover of car makers in violation of contract law.)
  8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture. (Some have a more “equal” obligation than others. Notice the political elites aren’t exactly breaking a sweat at anything other than soaking up perks and a paycheck while the rest of us are struggling to stay out of the poor house. Socialism has never been for the socialists, just for the rest of us.)
  9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.
  10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc (Taxpayer funded schools that must teach what the government says they will teach? Legal attacks on home-schooling?)

Indiana Will Defy Obama Admin Order to Not De-Fund Planned Parenthood

Mr. Berwick, Mr. Obama, is or is not the 10th Amendment still a valid part of the constitution? Yes? The BACK OFF. It’s time for the states to flex their 10th Amendment muscles on many issues and tell the tyrannical Federal gubmint “we’re not playing.”


Indiana Will Defy Obama Admin Order to Not De-Fund Planned Parenthood

by Steven Ertelt | LifeNews.com | 6/2/11 8:07 PM

State officials in Indiana say they will defy the decision by the Obama administration asking it to not proceed with implementing a new pro-life state law that would revoke taxpayer funding for the Planned Parenthood abortion business.

Yesterday, the top Medicaid official in the Obama administration denied Indiana’s use of its new state law that would deny millions in taxpayer dollars to the Indiana affiliate of the nation’s largest abortion business.

Governor Mitch Daniels signed the law, which would cut off anywhere from $2 million to $3 million the Planned Parenthood abortion business receives in federal funds via the Indiana government through Medicaid. Daniels said that “any organization affected by this provision can resume receiving taxpayer dollars immediately by ceasing or separating its operations that perform abortions.”

However, the Obama administration told the state it can’t implement the new law, with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Donald Berwick denying a request to deny funds saying the federal Medicaid law stipulates that states can’t exclude providers based on the services they provide.

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An Important Message from Barack Obama

Stand by for an important message from the President regarding health care,

…and Cap-and-Trade/Global Warming

…and jobs

…and the 2nd Amendment

…and illegal immigration

…and so on, and so on, and so on…

"F*** you, America. I do what I want."

Obama/Democrat Tax Policy NOT about Fairness, But about CONTROL

Commentary below…


That Cornhusker Kickback Will Cost You Plenty

April 2, 2010 by Chip Wood

That Cornhusker Kickback Will Cost You Plenty

Remember when Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson cut a deal with the Obama Administration to deliver the 60th vote in favor of Obamacare? To the ever-lasting shame of both sides, the result was an embarrassment that came to be known as the Cornhusker Kickback.

Basically, Big Ben asked for some special help so Nebraska could cover the increased costs of Medicaid when Obamacare finally passed. Barack and his buddies said “done” and—viola!—suddenly there was an additional $100 million for Nebraska buried deep in the legislation. (Victory at any cost, regardless of whether or not it is good for the American people.  Sure, they are willing to make the other 49 states pay to buy one vote.  Why not?)

When news of this sweetheart deal got out, I’m delighted to report that a mighty outcry went up around the country. No one was willing to defend this crass example of Washington payola—not the folks who arranged it or even the voters who benefited from it.

In a sane world such overt bribery would never make it past a conference committee. But fiscal sanity—or even outright honesty—hasn’t been much of a factor in Washington politics for years. Instead of slicing $100 million out of Obamacare, the wheeler-dealers in charge of spending your money decided that “the only fair thing to do” was to give the same benefits to the other 49 states.

All of a sudden a special subsidy that was going to cost us $100 million—pocket change when you’re talking about a $870-billion piece of legislation—soared to $30 billion. Even by Washington’s spendthrift standards, we’re starting to talk about some real money here, folks.

What happened next shouldn’t have surprised me: The powers that be decided to cover the costs by slapping a new tax on well-off Americans. (Except for democrats, democrat supporters, and Obama’s cabinet. There are several multi-millionaires in that group that pay little or no tax whatsoever. If it’s so freaking FAIR for the “rich” to pay more taxes, why don’t they join the party? Oh, wait. I see the difference. You are only supposed to tax those who actually EARN their money. That would rule out the liberals and democrats right away.) After all, as President Obama keeps reiterating, it’s only right that the wealthiest among us pay “their fair share.”

So that’s how a brand-new tax on what the redistributionists like to call “unearned income” became the law of the land. (And of course Tim Geithner who will be telling us to pay this tax won’t be paying his using the excuse that he’s too dumb to figure out Turbo Tax. That may actually be true. Nor will the rules apply to Charlie “Condo” Rangel, and I’m sure to most or all of the democrats and their supporters. Mr. Obama keeps talking about all of this “fairness,” yet I don’t see him or his amazon wife donating any of their millions and lowering their standards to match ours which he is destroying daily. What gives?) Starting next year, if you earn more than $200,000 a year, expect to see another bite taken out of anything you’ve managed to save. The new tax will cover interest on your Certificates of Deposit and other savings accounts; any dividends you make on stocks or mutual funds, rental income on any real estate you own, and anything else our masters in Washington can classify as “unearned” income. (For people who claim to be so smart, these democrats sure are dumb. They don’t understand basic economics, they either don’t study history, or just don’t care, and they don’t seem to care that their policies ALWAYS have the direct opposite of their stated intent. By taxing the producers of this country at such a high level, you remove their incentive to produce. When that happens, factories close, jobs vanish, the tax base and industrial base dry up, and no wealth is being produced from which to tax anymore. This is not a hard concept to understand, and has been borne out through thousands of years of economic history.)

Excuse me for a moment while I let out a primal scream or two about the Marxist misnaming of my so-called unearned income.  I worked mighty hard to earn every penny I’ve managed to save. There were a lot of 80 and 90 hour weeks when I was younger and just starting in business. I had to do the work of two or three people every week to keep my company’s doors open. And I’ll bet a lot of you who will be hit by this new tax can say the same thing.

Even Ben Nelson is now in full retreat from the monstrosity he helped create. No sooner had the Senate version of Obamacare finally been approved in the House than he became the first Democrat in the Senate to denounce “reconciliation.” He said he was especially troubled by the new tax he helped foist on us. He also denounced all those other add-ons that have pushed “the total cost of health reform up billions of dollars.”

Gee, does anyone think the senator is trying to curry favor with the voters back home? (Of course he is. He is a coward trying to save his own skin, preserve his own job, and maintain a hold on political power.) I hope a lot of Nebraskans will remember all of this when they go to the polls this November.

By the way, while I’m on the subject, may I ask for a show of hands of all of you who feel you don’t pay your fair share of taxes? And yes, Mr. Buffett, if by any chance someone sends you this column, we would love to publish your reply. I’ve seen reports that you think you should pay more. So why don’t you? There’s no law against Berkshire Hathaway adding a zero to every check it sends Uncle Sam.

For the sake of this discussion, I’m willing to grant that every American who is worth more than $50 billion should pay more in taxes than I do. Not just more total dollars, but I’ll compromise my principles enough to tolerate the plank in the Communist Manifesto that calls for a progressive income tax being levied against them.

But for the rest of us, let’s get real, as my kids would say. The canard that well-off Americans aren’t paying “their fair share” is one of the biggest of the Big Lies that socialists have used for decades to foster the culture of envy that dominates almost all of our politics.

Let’s look at the numbers to see what the truth really is. The last year for which the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released figures is 2007, so what follows is a bit out of date. But I can’t imagine that the percentages have changed much in ’08 and ’09. Look at what the government’s own figures show:

  • The top 1 percent of taxpayers in this country pay 40.42 percent of all income taxes.
  • For the top 5 percent, the percentage is even higher. The 7.1 million taxpayers who fit this description pay 60.63 percent of all Federal income taxes.
  • The bigger the net, the greater the discrepancy. The top 25 percent of taxpayers (35.3 million of us) can take pride in knowing that we contribute 86.59 percent of federal taxes. And the top 50 percent (70.5 million of us) pay 97.11 percent of the total taxes collected.

In comparison, the bottom 50 percent of filers—some 70.5 million of Americans with any kind of income—pay a minuscule 2.89 percent of federal tax dollars.

(Did you get that? The bottom 50% of FILERS don’t pay ANY federal income tax. If you are getting the “Earned Income Tax Credit,” you aren’t paying taxes. Obama and company are trying to push more of the middle class into the dependent class so they can create a super majority of voters who are dependent on the purse strings of government. The end result is twofold. You get a bunch of zero-liability voters telling the producers how to spend what they earn, and you have an ever expanding class of people beholden to and dependent on government. That’s enough to secure power, and eventually get to the point that votes don’t matter any more. Then we are ALL serfs.)

By what possible rationale can anyone say that the “rich” in this country don’t pay their fare share? You tell me. If the 71.22 percent that the top 10 percent in this country pay isn’t “their fair share,” then what is? I’d really like to know how you Obamaites (and yes, there are lots of you who read this column) justify urging government to confiscate more of our earnings.

With tax-collection day now less than two weeks away (Tax Freedom Day won’t happen for nearly two more months; I’ll write about that as it gets closer), I’ve been thinking a lot about our rapacious government and what it will take to put it on a diet.

As we’ve just seen, asking nicely ain’t gonna do it. Even yelling loud and long won’t be enough.

We’ve got to run the rascals out of office. Not all of them, I’m happy to say. Get rid of the worst 10 or 15 percent and the rest of the crowd in Washington will move to the right so fast the loony left won’t know what hit them. (I can only hope and pray that our republic survives that long, and that we can indeed save the republic without the need for a 2nd American Revolution.)

Remember, most legislators aren’t dedicated to making government bigger. They aren’t dedicated to making it smaller, either. They’re just dedicated to staying in office. And if sounding (and voting) like a new Sarah Palin is what it will take to protect their careers, most of them will move right so fast all you’ll see is a blur. (He is absolutely correct in that they want to stay in office. However, I feel the author is a bit optimistic about a shift to the right for the democrats. They have let the cat out of the proverbial bag, shown their true stripes, and shown us what is REALLY at the core of their being. Their core is rabid social progressivism. They can’t put that genie back in the bottle now. It is up to the voters to rid us of these vermin. Should the voters fail, and their tyranny continue unchecked, the responsibility of saving this republic will fall upon the shoulders of a few brave men and women willing to sacrifice everything, just as they did in the 1700’s against the British. God, help us and show your mercy upon us so that it does not become necessary for Americans to shed the blood of fellow Americans to preserve liberty and our republic.)

In this country, we can still “throw the rascals out.”  But it will only happen, as I’ve said before, if those of us who work for a living become as devoted to the battle as those who vote for a living.

Until next Friday, think about what you’ll do to make a difference. And keep some powder dry. (Gun owning patriots are the last line of defense between America and slavery. As the saying goes, “Fear the Government That Fears Your Guns.” If you study history, you know that is exactly why the 2nd Amendment exists in our constitution. It is to remind our government that they work for us, not the other way around. Watch as Obama and the progressives try to circumvent and destroy our 2nd Amendment rights. He intends to do it by international treaty if necessary, but he intends to do it, make no mistake. The moment he tries will likely be the moment the shooting starts.)

—Chip Wood


It WAS A Republic…

It’s our fault, America. We let our republic slip away. We let socialist politicians calling themselves both republicans and democrats lead us into this wilderness while we blindly followed. While it’s nice that the republicans appear to be listening at the moment, the fact still remains that they are all politicians, and many of them played the political game that compromised away our constitution to the progressive/socialists on the left who have TOTALLY taken over the democrat party.

We are seeing a great deal of unrest in America today from both conservatives and liberals. From the conservatives because our liberty is being destroyed, and from the left because it isn’t being destroyed fast enough. For you dimwits who voted for our undocumented president, what did you think would happen? He told you in no uncertain terms what he was going to do, and EXACTLY what kind of “hope and change” he was going to give you. Why didn’t you listen? Now as many of you wake up to the reality that the republic we once new is lying on the ground, quickly bleeding to death with both legs and one arm severed, you say in your uneducated ignorance “…I had no idea this would happen.” If you have any desire to save this nation from the ash heap of history, join us now or get your anus out of the way.

We have a chance to start over in the house, and make a down payment on our future in the senate. We have a chance to throw out EVERY member of the house in November and replace them with someone who will respect and obey our constitution. We have the chance to do the same with 1/3 of the senate. If the future of this nation is important to you, then you will do everything within your power to help make sure this happens.


It Was A Republic, But We Couldn’t Keep It

March 29, 2010 by Bob Livingston

It Was A Republic, But We Couldn’t Keep It

Will it never end?

Will the daily, relentless assault on our freedoms by the current socialist-in-chief, President Barack Obama, and the socialist Democrat-controlled Congress never end? (Not until they are gone.)

Will the constant pounding and pounding on the Constitution by Obama and Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the rest of the socialist elite elected class—as they work to not just chip away at our nation’s foundation as progressives before them, but to obliterate it completely—never end?  (Not until we get rid of them.)

Will the takeover of business and industry never end?  (Not until we make them stop.)

Will the calls for a cap-and-trade system that will raise taxes and energy costs and further erode out economic well-being never end?  (Not until we stop it.)

Will the push for amnesty for illegal aliens never end?  (Not until they are afraid enough of us to quit pushing it.)

Will the spending and the money printing and currency debasement never end?  (When the economy collapses and the revolution begins.)

Will the hubris of the elected class never end?  (Only when we the people end it for them.)

Apparently not.

Day by day; week by week; month by month the socialist Democrats pounded away at so-called healthcare reform. In office for 14 months, the Obama-Pelosi-Reid triumvirate worked to enact a socialist, European-style big government healthcare system on America.

The American people didn’t want what Obama, Reid and Pelosi were peddling. By 59 percent to 39 percent (by up to 80% against it in many polls), according to the latest CNN/Opinion Research poll, Americans opposed Obamacare.

And they said so over and over. They said “no” to the secrecy of the bills, which were crafted in smoke-filled rooms, behind closed doors and foisted upon the public at the moment of the vote. They said “no” to the cost which kept growing and growing with each incarnation. They said “no” to the Louisiana Purchase (to get Mary Landrieu’s vote), the Cornhusker Kickback (to garner Ben Nelson’s support) and to the Gator Aid (to secure the support of senior citizens).  (Not just “no,” but “H*** NO!”)

They said “no” by marching on Washington D.C., by the tens of thousands. They said “no” through the Tea Parties. They said so through calls and letters. They said “no” at town hall meetings. They said “no,” “no,” “No,” “NO!”

They said “no” at the voting booth in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts. Yet the socialist Democrats passed it anyway.

So the people ask, “What part of no don’t you understand?”

Know this: Pelosi, Reid and Obama—they understand. They just don’t care. It’s the progressive way.

Responding to questions about the special favors garnered by recalcitrant Senators in order to enlist their support, Reid replied with something to the effect of: That’s the legislative process. If a Senator didn’t get something he wasn’t doing his job.

Hey. It’s only money, and printing it is cheap.  (OPM, Other People’s Money.)

As Pelosi responded when asked where Congress gets the authority to mandate United States citizens purchase health insurance: “Are you serious?”

Well, yes Madame Speaker, Constitutional issues are serious business to us. They should be to you. But they’re not. That’s because the Constitution limits their power over the citizenry and power is what the socialist elected elites seek.

If the Constitution was important to the socialist elite there would have been an open process in putting together a bill that reformed the health insurance system by letting the free market system work rather than further empowering government. And certainly there would have been no talk of using parliamentary trickery—the Slaughter Rule, also known as Deem and Pass—to pass it.

If the Constitution was important to the socialists there would be no provisions mandating that people buy something simply for being American and no need for 14 states to file suit against the Federal government for violating the 10th Amendment.

If the Constitution was important to the socialists Americans wouldn’t be sitting back asking themselves, “What’s next on their agenda: Another stab at amnesty for illegals, another run at cap-and-trade, a gun grab, a value added tax?”

If the Constitution was important the government wouldn’t own General Motors, Chrysler, the financial industry and now, insurance companies.

If the Constitution was important the government wouldn’t be in the business of setting the salaries of everyone from the lowest level employee to the CEOs of large companies.

To be fair, all of this can be laid at the feet of the socialist Republicans who blindly followed George W. Bush’s big government socialism over the economic cliff. They—the socialist Republicans—are claiming an epiphany now and appear to be standing up to the Democrat tyranny. But like all socialist elected elites, when they controlled Congress the socialist Republicans grew government, expanded its power to monitor its citizenry and supported Bush’s nation-building, empire-expanding war policies and his original $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).

Though they—the socialist Republicans—claim to be strict constructionists when it comes to the Constitution now, they helped Bush enact his ridiculous “compassionate conservatism” that increased government entitlement spending and therefore increased the roles of non-producers eager to sponge off the hard work of the producers.

But that’s what you get from the socialist elected elites. They ignore the Constitution because to them the “be all and end all” is government. They like big government and they like bigger government even better.

You can be sure that the Obama-Pelosi-Reid triumvirate isn’t going to rest on its laurels. More big government programs are on the way.

And Pelosi is not afraid to kick in a few doors to accomplish it. As she told a group of Leftwing bloggers leading up the passage of Obamacare, “…once we kick through this door there will be more legislation to follow.”

So this is only the beginning of the socialist takeover of America. It’s evidence that sovereignty is in the hands of but a few, just as the writer Brutus warned in Anti-Federalist No. 1: “If the people are to give their assent to the laws, by persons chosen and appointed by them, the manner of the choice and the number chosen, must be such, as to possess, be disposed, and consequently qualified to declare the sentiments of the people; for if they do not know, or are not disposed to speak the sentiments of the people, the people do not govern, but the sovereignty is in a few.”

At the close of the Constitutional Convention a woman asked Benjamin Franklin what type of government had been created. Franklin’s reply: “A republic, if you can keep it.”

We couldn’t.

Throw the ALL out.

Obama Wants You to Pay More for Energy

Obama said during his campaign that under his plan, the price we pay for energy would NECESSARILY SKYROCKET.  Does that sound like a receipe for economic success?  Does that sound like a plan that would help the average person?  The overwhelming evidence from Obama’s first 14 months in office would seem to support the theory that Obama is following a Cloward and Piven style strategy to intentionally collapse the economy and American way of life by introducing one crisis after another to which the system eventually will be unable to respond.

Now we see further evidence that Obama has no intention of trying to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.  He has no intention of trying to reduce the cost of our energy.  He has EVERY intention of using skyrocketing energy prices as a crisis from which he and the progressives can usurp even more control over our lives.

Mr. Obama, you and your progressive liberal friends may succeed in plunging our country into crisis, but you will never take it over.  When the balloon goes up, you spineless liberals won’t be able to stop American patriots from regaining control of this country and restoring CONSTITUTIONAL law.  Your attempted destruction of America will not be allowed to succeed.


The Obama Moratorium: No offshore drilling while he’s in office

By: Barbara Hollingsworth
Local Opinion Editor
03/10/10 1:19 PM EST

The Obama administration’s six-month delay in approving new offshore drilling leases in federal waters will become a new three-year ban, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar quietly told reporters last Friday. Which means that no new oil and gas leases will be approved during President Obama’s term even though two –thirds of the American public supports such activity, according to a December 2009 Rasmussen poll.

Sixty percent also believe that gas and oil prices will drop if the government allows offshore drilling, opening up an estimate 14 billion barrels of oil and 55 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.  (Of course prices will drop.  During the ’70s when the Arabs jacked up oil prices, we started to get serious about drilling.  When we did, two things happened.  The supply of oil increased, thus dropping the price, and the Arabs saw that we were serious about supplying our own oil so they simply dropped their prices to a point that we could not afford to drill for our own oil instead of buying theirs.  If we start drilling, we will eventually produce our own oil as cheaply as the Arabs can and be able to control our own price and supply.  This will also buy us time to develop VIABLE sources of cleaner energy while not collapsing our economy.)

On July 14, 2008 President George W. Bush lifted an executive ban on Outer Continental Shelf leasing. On October 1, 2008, in a bipartisan agreement, Congress lifted another longstanding ban on new oil and gas leasing in the OCS.

Drilling was supposed to begin this July. But Salazar said he intends to discard the 2010-2015 lease plan developed by the Bush administration in favor of a new plan that won’t even go into effect until 2012.

“Secretary Salazar has finally confirmed what had long been feared – that the Obama Administration has no intention of opening up new areas for offshore drilling during his four-years in office, said Rep. Doc Hastings, the ranking Republican on the House Natural Resources Committee.

So for the next three years and probably more, trillions of dollars in domestic energy assets will remain untouched while billions of dollars more are spent on foreign oil.