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Green Beret Charged With Murder for Doing His Job

When you start prosecuting warriors for being warriors, you stop getting warriors when you NEED warriors, because they are afraid that if they are warriors, they will be put in prison (or worse) for acting like the warriors we trained them to be.


Decorated Green Beret charged with premeditated murder of suspected Taliban terrorist. Trump responds.

A decorated Green Beret was charged with premeditated murder for allegedly killing a man in Afghanistan nearly 10 years ago, according to published reports. The high-profile case has caught the attention of President Donald Trump, who said Sunday that he plans to review it.

Army Maj. Mathew L. Golsteyn allegedly shot an Afghan man on Feb. 22, 2010, near Forward Operating base McQuery in Marjah, Afghanistan. Last week, Golsteyn reportedly signed a memo acknowledging the charge.

He reportedly admitted to killing the man seven years after it happened. The alleged Taliban member was suspected of planting a bomb that killed two Marines.

Read entire article here:  Decorated Green Beret charged with premeditated murder of suspected Taliban terrorist. Trump responds.

Wish Osama a Happy Shot-In-The-Face Day!

A little belated, but wish your favorite terrorist a Happy Shot-In-The-Face day.

Happy Shot In The Face Day

You Can’t Reason With A Rabid Animal

This is what the Palestinian rock throwers are teaching their children.  They are willing to strap bombs to their own children, and send them into battle when no battle is necessary.  How do you reason with this?  How do you have civilized negotiations and civilized discussion with someone who is NOT civilized?

As Golda Meir said, “There can be no peace until they love their children more than they hate us.”

Al Queda Leader Captured Dressed As Woman. Should The U.S. Ban Burqas?

Burka [boo r-kuh]
1. a loose garment covering the entire body and having a veiled opening for the eyes, (usually) worn by muslim women.
2. a method of hiding shame of muslim women at being slaves to their cowardly men
3. a disguise used by effeminate, inbred, cowardly muslim men to evade detection either for the purposes of making a cowardly escape, or to facilitate a cowardly attack

Ban the Burka2

Al Queda Leader Captured Dressed As Woman. Should The U.S. Ban Burqas?

By Ed Mccain

After the reported arrest of an Al Qaeda leader dressed as a woman in Syria, several media outlets are raising important questions: Are burqas safe? Should the U.S. implementing stronger security processes when it comes to burqas?

According to the report, “Abu Muhammad al-Jawlani had managed to pass several military checkpoints dressed as a woman, until he was arrested by the Syrian army in al-Jaswiya, al-Qusayr, in his attempt to flee to neighboring Lebanon.” Authorities said the jihadist covered his face with a burqa and was even wearing makeup and lipstick.

“He shaved his beard, worked his eyebrows, and put on mascara and lipstick till he looked exactly like a woman.” Syrian forces told reporters.

France made headline news worldwide when they banned the use of burqas in public places last year.

Should the U.S. join France and other countries by banning burqas in all 50 states? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Link to article:  http://christiantelegram.com/al-queda-leader-captured-dressed-as-woman-should-the-u-s-ban-burqas/

Obama Trying to Force States to Invest In/Not Divest From Iran

The Obama/Kerry Iran treaty just gets worse and worse. There’s none of the 24/7 inspections we were promised, Iran gets billions of dollars to fund even more terrorism, Iran gets advanced weaponry such as Russian surface-to-air missiles, they are allowed to seek other advanced weapons technology such as ICBMs, the treaty says that AMERICAN MILITARY FORCES will defend IRAN against any attackers such as Israel, and now Obama is trying to force states to invest in, or not divest from Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism that is responsible for thousands of American deaths.

What time does that revolution start? It needs to get going.

States Seek to Stop the Obama Admin. From Using ‘All Available Authority’ to Force Investment in Iran

Link to Article:  http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/09/08/states-seek-to-stop-the-obama-admin-from-using-all-available-authority-to-force-investment-in-iran/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Firewire%20Morning%20Edition%20Recurring%20v2%202015-09-09&utm_term=Firewire_Morning_Test


This is what Obama traded for a Deserter

Mohammad Fazi - set free by Obama

Muslims Probing Infrastructure Preparing for Attack?

They are probing our infrastructure. Muslims who have attacked us have followed this pattern time and again. Probe the defenses, assess our response, formulate a plan, and attack, on many fronts simultaneously if possible. If there REALLY are peaceful muslims out there who don’t think they or their brethren are called by their god to kill and subjugate us infidels, then you are RAPIDLY approaching your last chance to prove it. You need to police your own, to rat out or eliminate those among you who intend to kill non-muslims. If you don’t, we will soon have no choice but to assume that you support what they are doing, and to lump you in with the enemy we must defeat, treating accordingly. Because of your silence up to this point when terrorists kill westerners, we have our doubts about your loyalties and intentions. As the old saying goes, silence is acquiescence.

New Jersey: Muslim caught trespassing, stuck in pipe at water plant

Posted on January 18, 2014 by creeping

Officials told CBS 2 around 11:30 a.m. that 26-year-old Asef Mohamed, of Manalapan, had been freed and airlifted to an area hospital. He was 10 to 12 feet down the pipe, which was not in use, WCBS 880′s Levon Putney reported.

United Water spokesman Rich Henning said Mohamed broke into the plant that treats and pumps water for the township of Manalapan.

“This was a person that purposely climbed a six-foot fence with three or four layers of barbed wire on top,” Henning said.

United Water officials said they have no idea why Mohamed did it, but are now looking at ways to tighten up security, Putney reported.

Manalapan police announced Friday afternoon that Mohamed is being charged with fourth-degree criminal trespassing and may face additional charges as the investigation continues, CBS 2′s Steve Langford reported.

The Legacy of Nelson Mandela

The progressive media whitewashed the REAL past of Nelson Mandela, and painted him as a saint.  They overlooked the fact that he was both a terrorist and a communist.  In the end, did he do some things that were praiseworthy?  Sure.  But facts are stubborn things.

One thing the media specifically ignore is the violent tactics employed by Mandela and his communist wife Winnie as part of the enforcement wing of the ANC.  Perhaps the most horrific tactic they employed against their opponents was called “necklacing,” or as it came to be known, “The Mandela Necklace.”  It involved cutting off the hands of, and/or binding the arms of their victims, placing a gasoline-filled tire around their neck, and setting it on fire.  An agonizing death to be sure.

Here is a picture of a survivor of a “Mandela Necklace.”  After seeing this, judge for yourself how you think Nelson Mandela should be remembered.

Legacy of Mandela

DOJ internal memo confirms Obama plan for gun confiscation

Those of us who know who Barack Obama/Barry Soetoro really is are not surprised at all that he and his ilk of power-hungry tyrants ultimately want to confiscate our guns. He is repeating a historic pattern where tyrants come to power with sweet words and lofty promises, but quickly show their true colors by taking liberty, wealth, and hope from their subjects as quickly as circumstances allow. If Obama and the regressives could have taken our guns before now, make no mistake, they would have. They will not stop in their quest to take our guns, remove our liberty, and turn US into subjects unless and until we defeat them and eliminate that possibility.

Every American CITIZEN who understands what that word truly means has the DUTY to arm themselves, and be prepared to defend his or her Constitutional and God-given RIGHTS against those who seek to take them from us. It is my sincere hope that we never have to rise against our own government with force to preserve our own liberty, but our founding fathers knew that if we as citizens didn’t do our duty to keep our government in check, that we would indeed have to do so at some point. The best way to prevent that eventuality is to make sure that a power-hungry government knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that we the people will indeed overthrow them should they stray from the Constitutional reservation that created said government. The problem is that we have allowed our government to grow to a size and level of power where they now doubt we will do anything about it.

We must arm ourselves while we still can. You must be prepared not only to defend yourself and your home, but your neighbors and their homes as well. Standing alone we offer no obstacle to a large, unrestrained government with designs on total power. We MUST stand united.

DOJ internal memo confirms Obama plan for gun confiscation

November 21, 2013

An internal memo within the Department of Justice (DOJ) has surfaced which confirms that the Obama administration had plans for gun registration and confiscation in the aftermath of the Newtown school shooting.

According to Bob Owens, the NRA obtained the memo in February. But apparently there were questions as to the veracity of the information. Owens says that the existence of the memo, and its outline of a plan for gun registration and confiscation, can now be confirmed.

The document, which can be viewed here, was not released to the public via the news media.

Owens cites an analysis of the memo, including direct quotes from the document, which exposes the Obama administration’s real agenda on guns:

The DOJ memo states the administration “believes that a gun ban will not work without mandatory gun confiscation,” according to the NRA, and thinks universal background checks “won’t work without requiring national gun registration.” Obama has yet to publicly support national registration or firearms confiscation, although the memo reveals his administration is moving in that direction.

Thus, despite the many denials by Obama, by members of his administration, and by Congressional Democrats, once again it has become clear that the administration’s true agenda is very different from that which is presented to the public.

The goal is and always has been gun registration and confiscation.

The Examiner has often reported the Obama agenda on guns, which can be traced all the way back to his years in the Illinois legislature. He was considered among the most aggressive anti-gun advocates in Illinois.

Obama voted to criminalize any homeowner who used an illegal firearm to defend himself and/or his family in the event of a home invasion by dangerous criminals.

The philosophy that underlies such a point of view is clear. To Obama it is more important that a gun be “legal” than for human lives to be saved. This stance portrays a shocking disregard for the sanctity of human life.

Thus, many conservatives warned as far back as 2007 that an Obama candidacy for the presidency would be a very dangerous turn for America. Obama would never tell the public just how radical he is. To do so would end his political career.

This is why Obama denied repeatedly that he had been close friends with murderous homegrown terrorists such as Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn. The couple bombed federal buildings, encouraged teenagers to murder their parents, and were arrested for the murder of a police officer but were released on a technicality.

It turns out that Ayers launched Obama’s political career in his living room — all confirmed as fact. Birds of a feather. And the Obama agenda reflects it.

But like so many other components of the Obama agenda, the public only finds out the real truth once the program is actually implemented. It is only then that it becomes clear that the emperor has no clothes. Only then it is too late.

Fortunately for the populace, enough conservatives, libertarians, and other freedom-loving citizens were on to the Obama gun ban agenda long before it became an issue. Nationally his agenda was thus thwarted. But astute citizens are certain that this is not the end of it.

The forces of tyranny never give up.

Link to article:  http://www.examiner.com/article/doj-internal-memo-confirms-obama-plan-for-gun-confiscation



What a brilliant labor-saving product!  Now you won’t have to spend all that time rubbing each of your bullets with bacon grease.  I know some people take the shortcut of just pouring bacon grease over large piles of ammo, but you’re not assured of even coverage that way.  This new infusion of bacon grease into the ballistic paint for the bullets is pure GENIUS!!!

UPDATE: Forgot the link:  http://www.ammoland.com/2013/06/new-ammo-cancels-free-ticket-to-terroist-paradise/#axzz2WCRp0KyJ


By Jeff Knox


New Ammo Cancels Free Ticket To Terroist Paradise

Manassas, VA –-(Ammoland.com)- You’ve probably already heard about the bizarre, Islamist slaughter of an off-duty British soldier in broad daylight on a busy street in London in May 2013.

The two assailants struck the victim with a car then jumped out and began hacking and slashing him with knives and a meat cleaver. The murderers then strutted around the victim’s body for 15 to 20 minutes until armed police arrived, upon which the self-proclaimed jihadists launched an assault on the police and were shot.

The attack occurred in the middle of the day on a busy city street, and though there were numerous witnesses to the atrocity – including at least one uniformed London police officer – no one made any effort to stop the assault in progress. Continue reading

Co-exist with Evil? How’s that workin’ our for ya?

Muslims will co-exist with you until they can dominate you, and defeat you. Then they will either enslave or kill you.

Coexist carjack

Obama administration ends post-9/11 restrictions on Saudis entering U.S.

This is NOT in America’s best interest. You may remember that most of the 9/11 attackers were Saudis, and that the schools and education system that indoctrinated them are not only still in place, but flourishing. The Saudi royal family is playing both ends against the middle by talking nice to us while letting the wahabbis do whatever they please. The royals know that if they resist the radical cancer consuming their country, they will be eaten by it. Thus their self preservation instinct causes them to be a front group for what amounts to state sponsored terrorism. But our government won’t touch the truth about the Saudis with a ten foot pole.

Sunday, January 6th, 2013 | Posted by WorldTribune.com

Obama administration ends post-9/11 restrictions on Saudis entering U.S.

Special to WorldTribune.com

ABU DHABI — The United States, a decade after Al Qaida strikes in New York and Washington, has opened its doors to Saudi nationals.

Diplomats said the administration of President Barack Obama has removed most restrictions on the entry of Saudis to the United States. They said the percentage of visa approvals for Saudis has reached unprecedented levels.

 “The United States aims to raise the number of visas that it issues annually, particularly to Saudi nationals, who represent an important group,” Joseph Hood, U.S. consul-general in the Saudi city of Dhahran, said.

Hood cited economic reasons for the easing of restrictions on Saudis. He said Saudi businessmen and students have been allowed to enter the United States in record numbers, with a 60 percent increase since 2010.

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I Will ALWAYS Remember

  • I will always remember the 9/11 attacks on America.
  • I will always remember where I was, and what I was doing when the 9/11 attacks occurred.
  • I will always remember what I felt when I saw those planes hit the World Trade Center towers.
  • I will always remember what I felt when I saw innocent people jumping to their deaths to escape the flames.
  • I will always remember the horror of watching those buildings collapse.
  • I will always remember WHO it was that attacked us.
  • I will always remember that it was an IDEOLOGY, and not a RACE that attacked us.
  • I will always remember watching the adherents to this ideology all over the world, including HERE IN OUR OWN STREETS, celebrating the blow that was struck against America that day.
  • I will always remember that the adherents to the ideology that attacked us STILL WANT US DEAD.
  • I will always remember that those people hate us because of who we are, and the freedom that we have.
  • I will always remember that the god of that ideology teaches HATE and MURDER, instead of LOVE and TOLERANCE.
  • I will always remember that we must remain forever vigilant against the threat posed by this ideology, lest we be conquered by it.
  • I will always remember that submission or surrender to the ideology that attacked us WILL. NEVER. BE. AN. OPTION.
  • I will always remember how America united on that day, even if only for a short time.

I will always remember…

God give rest to the souls of those who perished in this evil attack, and to those who have given their lives combatting this evil ideology.  Amen.

Australia Gets it. Why Don’t We???

Are the Australians really that much smarter than we are? Or are we simply choosing to be this stupid?

This quote sums up the entire affair: 


America was formed over more than 200 years by trial and error, having learned from thousands of years of history prior to our founding.  We created a nation unlike any other on earth, better and more free than any on earth.  We created a Constitution and form of government to protect the liberties for which we struggled so mightily.  If you wish to live in America, or even become an American, then you must assimilate and adapt to America.  We don’t have to adapt to you. 

‘If you aren’t happy here then LEAVE.   We didn’t force you to come here.   You asked to be here.   So accept the country  YOU accepted.’

The Constitution and our way of life are diametrically opposed to sharia law.  Sharia can not coexist with our Constitution. If you despise liberty and feel the need to live under sharia law, or any other code of conduct that violates out Constitution, then leave.  There are plenty of 3rd world hell-hole sewers in the world who practice such lifestyles and will gladly allow you to submit to the subjugation of sharia law.



Posted on January 1, 2011

(Prime Minister Julia Gillard –  Australia )

Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the  government targeted radicals in a bid to head off  potential terror attacks.

Separately, Gillard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying she supported spy agencies monitoring the nation’s mosques.


Continue reading

Official list of Occupy Wall Street’s supporters, sponsors and sympathizers

If you were born more than 30 years ago, your mother may have told you once upon a time “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.” Truer words have seldom been spoken.

In yet more evidence that the Occupy <insert city here> movement is 180 degrees different than the Tea Party movement it is being compared to, below is a list of the kind of people and organizations who are supporting the Occupy movement. In a time when America actually attempted to defend herself against those who wisher her ill, most of these people would have been blacklisted, and perhaps jailed. America would have been at war with nations who supported these ideologies.

America, what has become of you? Now people who openly want the destruction of what America stands for are not only tolerated, but elected to office in our government. How do we defend ourselves against a national suicide that has been more than a half century in the making?

When the movement in question is sanctioned and supported by the socialist party, communist party, communist leaders, and communist governments, Nazis, radical muslim leaders both here and abroad, terrorist organizations, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), Black Panthers, and other racist organizations, do you REALLY want to be identified with that movement or any of the politicians who identify with it? Politicians like Obama, Biden, and Nancy Pelosi?

Odds are that you either support the Occupy movement without reservation, or you oppose it completely. However, there is the small (almost infinitesimally small) chance that you haven’t been paying attention to the subversive elements associated with the movement, and really don’t want to be known as a socialist, communist, Nazi, racist, terrorist sympathizer.

Just sayin’…

The 99%: Official list of Occupy Wall Street’s supporters, sponsors and sympathizers

Communist Party USA


Communist Party USA, OWS speech, The Daily Caller

American Nazi Party


Media Matters, American Nazi Party, White Honor, Sunshine State News

Ayatollah Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran


The Guardian, Tehran Times, CBS News

Barack Obama


ABC News, CBS News, ForexTV, NBC New York

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