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Facts Barack Obama Fans Should Ponder

No further comment necessary. Read and enjoy.


31 Foregone Facts Barack Obama Fans Should Ponder!

By on in Kevin’s Commentary, Politics

1. If a previous president would have increased the deficit by double the amount of his predecessor’s eight year tenure in only his first 30 months, would you have considered him an oniomaniac?

2. If a previous president had then proposed to double the current debt within 10 years, would you have approved?

3. If a previous president would have spent nearly a trillion dollars in stimulus and guaranteed unemployment would not exceed 8%, would you have called him a liar?

4. If a previous president would have played golf for thirteen weekends in a row leaving it up to congressional leaders to deal with the greatest financial crisis since the great depression, would you have considered him disengaged and out of touch?

Continue reading

Texas fights global-warming power grab

“…at stake is whether the Obama administration can impose its global-warming agenda without a vote of Congress.”

Did you catch that?

Without a vote of Congress.” Without any vote from Congress the Obama administration is usurping power to which it is not constitutionally entitled. The czars are exercising power they do not have, and it will be up to the states to stop them.


VENABLE: Texas fights global-warming power grab

Lone Star state won’t participate in Obama’s lawless policy

By Peggy Venable

The Washington Times

6:08 p.m., Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The state’s slogan is “Don’t mess with Texas.” But the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is doing just that, and at stake is whether the Obama administration can impose its global-warming agenda without a vote of Congress.

President Obama’s EPA is already well down the path to regulating greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act, something the act was not designed to do. It has a problem, however, because shoehorning greenhouse gases into that 40-year-old law would force churches, schools, warehouses, commercial kitchens and other sources to obtain costly and time-consuming permits. It would grind the economy to a halt, and the likely backlash would doom the whole scheme.

The EPA, determined to move forward anyway, is attempting to rewrite the Clean Air Act administratively via a “tailoring rule,” which would reduce the number of regulated sources. The problem with that approach? It’s illegal. The EPA has no authority to rewrite the law. To pull it off, the EPA needs every state with a State Implementation Plan to rewrite all of its statutory thresholds as well.

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Chairman Bryan W. Shaw saw the tailoring rule for what it really is: a massive power grab and centralization of authority. They are fighting back, writing to the EPA:

“In order to deter challenges to your plan for centralized control of industrial development through the issuance of permits for greenhouse gases, you have called upon each state to declare its allegiance to the Environmental Protection Agency’s recently enacted greenhouse gas regulations – regulations that are plainly contrary to U.S. laws. … To encourage acquiescence with your unsupported findings you threaten to usurp state enforcement authority and to federalize the permitting program of any state that fails to pledge their fealty to the Environmental Protection Agency. On behalf of the State of Texas, we write to inform you that Texas has neither the authority nor the intention of interpreting, ignoring or amending its laws in order to compel the permitting of greenhouse gas emissions.”

Texas leaders are doing what Congress so far has been unable to do (a Senate vote to stop the EPA’s global-warming power grab got just 47 votes on June 10): take on the EPA. Good thing, because Texas would be hit especially hard by these regulations.

Federalist principles have allowed Texas to become the strongest state in the union. The Lone Star State leads the nation in job creation, is the top state for business relocation and has more Fortune 500 companies than any other state and is the top state for wind generation. President Obama said he wants to double U.S. exports in five years; he could look to Texas, as we are the top exporting state in the country. The Obama administration could learn a lot from Texas.

Instead, it is attempting to ride roughshod over Texas, and it goes beyond the greenhouse-gas issue.

(Read complete article HERE)

Know Your Czars

These are the people that our thug, communist, dictator-wanna-be, Barack Obama, is surrounding himself with.  They are just about all, each and every one, self avowed communists and socialists.  They are all radical ‘progressives’ who think they are smarter than you, and that they should be able to run your lives for you.  They all, EACH AND EVERY ONE, think the United States Constitution is an impediment to their agenda.  They will do all they can to destroy it.

Listen to the audio “Know Your Czars” below for a Cliff’s Notes summary of the people currently advising Obama, and running our government FROM OUTSIDE THE CONSTITUTION.

Following that is an article on one of Obama’s latest HAND PICKED ADVISERS.  Remember the no-talent-keister-clown who said that conservatives, military veterans, people who disagree with abortion, and people who have Ron Paul or other conservative bumper stickers on their car should be considered ‘domestic terrorists?’  Yep.  He’s Obama’s new adviser on “military activities in the United States.”

First of all, unless you subscribe to, i.e. believe that to be true, why would you have someone who does ADVISING you on such matters?

Next, and the obvious 800 pound gorilla in the room, what does Obama mean by “military activities in the United States?”  Based upon his established history of trying to oppress and usurp power which does not belong to him, I can’t help but believe that this is something that can’t be good for America.

Keep an eye on these creeps.  Pretty soon we’re going to have to put a stop to this mess.

Know Your Czars_1


Obama’s new pick: Gov. of state that linked Christians, violence

Missouri report tied ‘domestic terrorists’ with opposition to abortion, immigration

Posted: February 07, 2010
9:24 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Missouri Gov. Nixon

President Obama has picked to advise him on military actions inside the U.S. the Missouri governor whose state “Information Analysis Center” last year linked conservative organizations to domestic terrorism and said law enforcement officers should watch for suspicious individuals who may have bumper stickers from Ron Paul or Chuck Baldwin.

Missouri Gov. Jeremiah Nixon, a Democrat, is being joined on the Obama’s special advisory panel by the governor of Puerto Rico, Luis Fortuno, and Arizona Gov. Janice Brewer, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s replacement when she moved to Washington.

They are among Obama’s nominations for the 10 positions on Obama’s new “Council of Governors” that he will use for advice on “military activities in the United States.”

(Complete article HERE)

Chavez Builds Model for Obama’s Brown Shirts

Obama said during his July 2, 2008 campaign speech

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

He has attempted to follow the model of Hugo Chavez, and other dictators thus far in his illegitimate, undocumented ‘presidency.’  He has taken over financial institutions, auto manufacturers, and begun the destruction of all private business and industry.  With the aid of Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, the Black Panthers, SEIU, ACORN, all of his communist appointees, and other union supporters, Obama has employed his thug, street organizer, Marxist, Saul Alinsky tactics to intimidate Americans and begin building the framework for his communist state.

What you see exemplified by Hugo Chavez, and quietly being put into place by Barack Obama is EXACTLY like the Nazi Brown Shirts who did Hitler’s bidding in the 30’s and 40’s, and what Lenin did in Soviet Russia.  “Oh, but you’re being too extreme and alarmist by using the Hitler analogy,” some of you will say.  If you HONESTLY examine history, there is no way that you can tell me the analogy does not fit.

Chavez is using his ‘militia’ to intimidate people into doing things his way.  Period.  It has nothing to do with the good of the people.  It is about consolidating power.

Now Chairman Maobama is quietly trying to assemble such a force.  The basis for the force is the corrupt unions that got him elected, predominantly the likes of ACORN and SEIU.  The leadership of other unions such as the UAW are also in bed with Obama, but the rank and file may not be so easily swayed.  Regardless, you have already seen his tactics employed at the voting booth intimidating voters to get him elected by either voting for him, or not voting period.  You see a ‘progressive’ congress attempting to pass laws that would essentially force unionization of the labor force.  You see attempts to publicly attack and humiliate ANYONE who disagrees with Obama’s agenda.

The words of soulless attack dog Rahm Emanuel are a perfect example.  He called those balking at Obama’s health care takeover “F—ing retarded.” This is a pretty mild attack from Mr. ‘Dead Fish’ Emanuel, who mailed dead fish to a pollster who ticked him off.  As an aide to Bill Clinton during his first presidential run, Emanuel shook up a dinner party by plunging a knife into the table and screaming “Dead!” while reciting the names of several Democrats he considered disloyal.  If Obama has a ‘Heinrich Himmler,’ Emanuel will be it.



Chavez’s Socialist Worker Militias Swell to 150,000 in Venezuela

Friday, February 05, 2010

By Matt Cover, Staff Writer

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez (AP Photo)

(CNSNews.com) – Venezuela’s socialist worker militias have grown to nearly 150,000 members since their formation in 2009. Organized by President Hugo Chavez in May 2009, the “workers’ militias” are intended to allow Chavez’s political party to assert control over key economic sectors.

According to a Jan. 29 report in the Venezuelan El Universal newspaper — translated by BBC Worldwide Monitoring – the ranks of Chavez’s workers militias have swelled to around 150,000 members, most of whom work in “strategic” economic sectors, such as oil, electricity, transportation, and “basic companies.”

Orlando Castillo, with the Socialist Workers Front, a Chavez-allied group, was quoted by El Universal as saying that the purpose of the militias was to use the labor troops to “defend the people,” adding that “there need to be many more” troops.  (Obama’s ‘civilian national security force’ anyone?)

“There need to be many more,” he said, “because they represent the idea of the integrated worker who is capable of producing and also of defending the people.”

The workers’ militias are an ideological remnant of the Communist coup d’etat in Russia 1917, whose leaders Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky created the groups and used them to overthrow the Czarist government, eventually turning them into units of the Red Army.

Vladimir Lenin, the Marxist leader who helped establish the Soviet Union, which lasted in Russia from 1917 to 1991

In Venezuela today the militias are made up of individual workers who are armed with guns and trained to ensure that their respective companies comply with the agenda of the ruling United Socialist Party. (As I said, it’s all about CONTROL.)

“With rifles there beside them, in case anybody makes a mistake with us,” Chavez is quoted as saying at a May 2009 socialist transformation workshop where he announced the militias’ creation.

So-called socialist patrols are also growing, with an estimated 20,000 separate patrols totaling 300,000 Venezuelans. Each patrol has an average of 15 members. Castillo said the patrols are “forging the party [United Socialist Party] in the middle of the workers [movement].”

Like the militias, these socialist patrols are intended to allow the ruling socialist government to exert greater control over key industries. However, they also operate in Venezuela’s shrinking private sector companies.

The purpose of both is “production control,” according to socialist leader Castillo, allowing members of the ruling party to wield greater influence in economic decisions.

Chavez’s government plans for companies to have a socialist triumvirate of sorts, comprised of socialist patrols, workers’ councils and labor unions. (Do you think Obama’s total support and nurturing of unions in this country is an accident?  Don’t be naive.  It is part of his plan in laying the ground work for his communist state.)

Corruption is How Obama Rolls, or Why Unions are Bad for America

How many times have I and other conservatives told you that Obama is beholden to unions who got him elected?  Continued payouts of taxpayer money to ACORN even after congress said “no,” and union lobbyists streaming in and out of the White House, both as employees and visitors, despite Obama’s pledge that no lobbyists would be anywhere near his administration.  Need more proof that Obama will willingly screw you to pay off the unions?  Here ya’ go.

Yet another in a continuous stream of non-transparent, smoke filled backroom deals has produced another payoff for the unions who elected Obama.

Obama is exempting the unions from the “Cadillac tax” on “high-cost” health care plans.  Because of Obama’s and the liberals/democrats efforts to destroy the health care system, the cost of your insurance will go up to the point that a whole lot more of us will be considered to have “Cadillac” plans under the new bill.  So what does that mean?

It means if you individually have a plan costing more than $8,900, or $24,000 as a family, you will pay a 40% excise tax on that plan.  That tax was intended to reap some $149 billion in revenue to offset the cost of the government takeover of health care.  But with the unions not paying their “fair share,” it will take $60 billion out of the revenue pool.  So who is going to pay for it?  You will, and I will.

Obama and the democrats aren’t dumb enough to think their takeover will actually improve health care.  This is just part of their Cloward and Piven strategy to collapse the whole thing so they can seize more power and install a command economy, i.e. communist oligarchy.  Conspiracy theorist?  Believe that if you want.  If you are actually listening to what they are saying, they are only hiding their intentions under a thin, lacy veil.  Sometime they let things slip that reveal very clearly their true intentions.

Either way, this deal is unconstitutional as it unfairly burdens some segments of society to benefit others who are merely political special interest groups.


Unions will dodge O’s health tax


Last Updated: 10:55 AM, January 15, 2010

Posted: 2:49 AM, January 15, 2010

Big Labor got some big love from President Obama and congressional Democrats yesterday after they agreed to exempt union workers from the whopping “Cadillac tax” on high-cost health-care plans until 2018.

The sweetheart deal, hammered out behind closed doors, will save union employees at least $60 billion over the years involved, while others won’t be as lucky — they’ll have to cough up almost $90 billion.

The 40 percent excise tax on what have come to be called “Cadillac” health-care plans would exempt collective-bargaining contracts covering government employees and other union members until Jan. 1, 2018.

In another major concession to labor, the value of dental and vision plans would be exempt from the tax even after the deal expires in eight years, negotiators said.

Under the plan to help fund health-care reform, the tax would kick in for plans valued at $8,900 or more for individuals and $24,000 or more for families.

That’s slightly higher than the $8,500 and $23,000 thresholds in the bill passed by the Senate last month.

The threshold will be even higher for certain plans with many older workers and women — a move to benefit unions with a high proportion of female membership, sources said.

New York labor leaders — who had initially campaigned against the Cadillac tax, favoring instead a surcharge on the wealthy — said they are thrilled.

“We can live with it. We have an agreement that nothing will be taxed until 2018,” crowed George Boncoraglio, regional president of the Civil Service Employees Association.

Officials said the deal was thrashed out over more than 15 hours of negotiating at the White House that ended after midnight Wednesday.

Powerful unions were well-represented around the bargaining table.

Participants included AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka and Andy Stern, head of Service Employees International Union; Anna Burger, head of Change to Win; and the leaders of unions representing teachers, government workers, food and commercial workers, and electricians.

Stern has been among the most frequent visitors to the White House over the last year, showing up more than 20 times, according to logs.

Originally, the Cadillac tax included in the Senate bill was estimated to raise $149 billion through 2019.

But Trumka said the exemption would reduce that amount by $60 billionmoney that negotiators will now have to find elsewhere, or reduce the coverage in the legislation.

Boncoraglio said CSEA leaders were meeting in Albany — preparing to wage a major offensive against the tax — when their Washington lobbyist called and briefed them on the changes.

Obama backs the Cadillac excise tax, citing economists who say it would drive down costs by encouraging insurance companies to offer employers and workers a chance to buy lower-cost health plans to avoid the levy.  (This is the democrats way of RATIONING HEALTH CARE.  They just make it too expensive to afford the plan you need or want, but give you the “opportunity” to buy one of the (mandatory) government plans that is cheaper (and offers fewer benefits and services).



Son of Climategate! Scientist says feds manipulated data

Our government wants to tax you for the carbon you produce and give that money to other countries that produce nothing, literally.  The government led by Obama, following the Dunce of Democracy, Al Gore, tell us that if we don’t pass some absurd climate treaty which destroys our economy, takes our wealth, destroys our standard of living, and suborns us to foreign governments and entities, we are all going to die, the planet “has a fever,” polar bears are dying (there are more now than ever. In fact they are terrorizing arctic cities and villages), cow and moose farts are eating away the atmosphere which will cause all of us to burn to a crisp as temperatures rise, but now global temperatures are falling and we’re headed for an ice-age, check that, global temperatures are rising and world is going to flood, no, wait, they are cooling again and we’re all going to freeze, it doesn’t matter, the climate is CHANGING, and it’s bad, and man caused it by driving our SUV’s, and our SUV’s are so bad that it actually caused the temperature on Mars to rise at the same time the temperature on Earth was rising, before it was cooling again, and the sun has absolutely nothing to do with the temperature on Earth…

Does your head hurt yet?

Here’s the Cliff’s notes:

  • Global warming/man-caused climate change is a HOAX
  • The only purposes of the global warming/climate change movement is to redistribute wealth and consolidate power
  • If the government passes some ridiculous climate legislation,
    • our standard of living will go down drastically,
    • the cost of energy will “necessarily skyrocket” as Obama promised,
    • we will lose 2-3 jobs for every “green” job created,
    • our sovereignty will be given away to foreign powers,
    • our money will be taken from us and shipped overseas (what’s new?),
  • Antarctica isn’t melting
  • Polar bears aren’t dying because of global warming
  • The earth has actually been cooling for the last decade

Elections have consequences.  We are suffering the consequences of 50 years of dumbing down by liberals.  The now uneducated masses believed anything they were told, and voted based on purely emotional arguments that had no facts to back them up.  We are being indoctrinated with a very slick propaganda machine that models itself after the National Socialists Party of WWII Germany, which modeled itself after the propaganda machine of our very own progressive socialist, Woodrow Wilson.  Only now it is much more effective in America because of the intentional destruction of our educational system, and the suppression of religion and morals.

Stupid people with no moral values are easy to manipulate.

The few “educated” people who voted for Rope and Chains are beginning to have voters remorse.  Sadly, the majority are far too stupid to know anything except they were promised something for “free.”  They are the societal inertia we must overcome to get the American train back on the tracks and rolling again.  Those that have grown up in the culture of laziness and dependence built for them by liberals are going to squeal like stuck pigs when they have to actually provide for themselves.  Here are some of those people:



Son of Climategate! Scientist says feds manipulated data

Reporting points in coldest regions simply eliminated by U.S. agencies

Posted: January 16, 2010
12:20 am Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

In a one-two series of Climategate aftershocks that assuredly will further rattle the global warming community, a report has been issued by U.S. researchers accusing government agencies of cherry-picking temperature readings used to assess global temperatures, and a series of embarrassing e-mails were released revealing what happened when a blogger dared to point out a mistake by NASA climate scientists.

The new report is from scientist Joseph D’Aleo and was highlighted in a report on global warming on KUSI television in San Diego.

It comes only weeks after the tumultuous climategate e-mail scandal in Britain erupted, proving top global warming scientists manipulated data there.

The report from D’Aleo, a retired climatologist who has been skeptical of global warming, contends climate data has been corrupted and skewed by “urbanization and other local factors such as land-use-land-cover changes and improper siting.”

He blamed the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which he described as “seriously complicit in data manipulation and fraud.”

The East Anglia e-mail leak focused on the work at the Climate Research Unit there, but the director there has confirmed “almost all the data” in the archive “is exactly the same as in the Global Historical Climatology Network archive used by the NOAA National Climatic Data Center,” D’Aleo said.

But he noted that an analysis by San Jose computer programmer E.M. Smith of the data “found they systematically eliminated 75 percent of the world’s stations with a clear bias towards removing higher latitude, high altitude and rural locations.”

“The thermometers in a sense marched towards the tropics, the sea and to airport tarmacs,” he said.

For example, the report said the number of reporting stations in Canada dropped from 600 to 35 with the percentage of stations at lower elevations tripling while the numbers of those at higher elevations plummeted.

Further, a vast majority of the climate stations reporting in the U.S. were either poorly or very poorly sited, taking temperature readings from paved driveways, in a waste treatment facility, on rooftops or near the exhaust from idling jet engines, rather than in open areas.

Stations in such locations as the Andes and Bolivia have virtually vanished, meaning that temperatures for those areas now are “determined by interpolation from stations hundreds of miles away on the coast or in the Amazon.”

“Think of it this way,” D’Aleo told the television station, “if Minneapolis and other northern cities suddenly disappeared but Kansas City and St. Louis were still available, would you think an average of Kansas City and St. Louis would provide an accurate replacement for Minneapolis and expect to use that to determine how Minneapolis’ temperature has changed with any hope of accuracy?”

D’Aleo said that the coolest stations in a particular reporting period sometimes disappeared in the next.

“This would indicate a deliberate attempt to create a warm bias on the part of NOAA because in calculating the average temperatures in this way it would ensure that the global average temperature for each month and year would now show a positive temperature anomaly,” the report said.

Such anomalies, it added, make climate reports based on those figures simply unreliable.

“You can trust in the data that shows there has been warming from 1979 to 1998, just as there was warming the around 1920 to 1940. But there has been cooling from 1940 to the late 1970s and since 2001. It is the long term trend on which this cyclical pattern is superimposed that is exaggerated,” the report said.

Meanwhile, Washington, D.C.-based government watchdog Judicial Watch has released several hundred pages of e-mails from U.S. government scientists reacting – sometimes with disdain and arrogance – when an independent investigator pointed out an error in their global warming statistics.

When the mistake ultimately was corrected, the tables reflected slightly lower temperatures for years following 2000, and the reshuffled rankings revealed that several years from the 1930s were, in fact, warmer than during the last decade.

That, of course, undercut arguments that the life of modern man is generating emissions that would, if left unchecked, eventually threaten life on earth because of melting ice caps, rising seas and climates too hot to support food production.

In the British scandal prior to Christmas, purloined e-mails from the East Anglia Climate Research Unit, one of the world’s premier global warming investigative organizations, included references to a “trick” to “hide the decline.”

The NASA issue developed around 2007 when Canadian blogger Stephen McIntyre exposed an error in NASA’s handling of raw temperature data from 2000-2006 at its Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

The issue was that temperature readings apparently weren’t handled in a consistent fashion, leaving them open for challenge. Sometimes “raw” data was used, while other times it was adjusted for “time of observation.”

The mistake noted by McIntyre prompted the government agency to “re-process” data to eliminate an “artificial step” in the charts.

“Obviously, combining the uncorrected [data] with the [corrected] records for earlier years caused jumps in the records at those stations,” a government e-mail responded. “The net effect averaged over the U.S. was an error of about 0.15C or less in the post-2000 years.”

However, 0.15 degrees Centigrade is one-third of a degree Fahrenheit, which could be considered a significant change in an overall climate average.

The e-mails show the impact was that while 1998 previously had a deviation of 1.24 degrees Centrigrade, that should have been 1.23 – bringing it below 1934. The lists for the highest deviations, the e-mails show, had listed 1998, 1934, 2006, 1921, 1931, 1999, 1953, 2001, 1990 and 1938.

The new list was changed to: 1934, 1998, 1921, 2006, 1931, 1999, 1953, 1990, 1938, 1939.

Instead of simply correcting the errors, however, government scientist Jim Hansen responded by labeling McIntyre a “pest,” and suggested that those who disagree with global warming “should be ready to crawl under a rock by now.”

“This e-mail traffic ought to be embarrassing for NASA,” said Tom Fitton, chief of Judicial Watch, which obtained the documents under a Freedom of Information Act request. “Given the recent Climategate scandal, NASA has an obligation to be completely transparent with its handling of temperature data.”

“Instead of insulting those who point out their mistakes, NASA scientists should engage the public in an open, professional and honest matter,” he said.

The hundreds of pages of documents concern what the government described as a “glitch” in official assessments of temperatures.

Judicial Watch noted that a Bloomberg reporter had e-mailed to Hansen, “The U.S. figures showed 1998 as the warmest year. Nevertheless, NASA has indeed newly ranked 1934 as the warmest year…”

Hansen responded, “We have not changed ranking of warmest year in the U.S. As you will see in our 2001 paper we found 1934 slightly warmer, by an insignificant hair over 1998. We still find that result. The flaw affected temperatures only after 2000, not 1998 and 1934.”

To which NASA scientist Makiko Sato told Hansen, “I am sure I had 1998 warmer at least once on my own temperature web page…”

Fitton told WND the e-mails reveal at “unflattering portrait of NASA scientists who, rather than deal forthrightly with their error, attacked those who called them on it.”

He said he would leave to scientific experts the exact analysis of the impact of the flaw. But he said the dispute – and the government’s response – “calls into question other data that is being presented by NASA [and others] in the global warming community.”

“One has to wonder whether or not it would have been caught but for a diligent researcher,” he said. “These are not everyday scientists in the private sector who can do whatever they want to do. These are government scientists trashing citizens and bloggers.”

He said the e-mails make it appear the government didn’t even want to engage in a discussion over the mistake – but for political, not scientific reasons.

One of the newly revealed e-mails documents a government scientist writing about those who were questioning the government’s mistake: “This seems to be a tempest inside somebody’s teapot dome… It is unclear why anyone would try to make something out of this, perhaps a light not on upstairs? Or perhaps this is coming from one of the old contrarians? They can’t seem to get over the fact that the real world has proven them to be full of malarkey! You would think that they would be ready to crawl under a rock by now!”

McIntyre’s website comment on the e-mail revelation today was that, “If anyone is wondering whether e-mails by U.S. government employees are ‘private’ and ‘personal’ – an assertion sometimes made in respect to emails at CRU, an institution subject to UK FOI – the answer in respect to NASA GISS appears to be no.”

The previous e-mails from East Anglia, posted online after a hacker found them, said, “The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t. The CERES data published in the August (Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society) 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate.”

Suggestions to suppress information also were documented at East Anglia, “Can you delete any e-mails you may have had with Keith re (Assessment Report 4)? Keith will do likewise. He’s not in at the moment – minor family crisis.”

They also suggest how “warmists,” as critics label those who believe in global warming, conspired to squeeze dissenting scientists out of the peer-review process.

Myron Ebell, of the GlobalWarming.org website where “cooler heads prevail,” had described the East Anglia e-mails as “shocking.”

“It’s kind of interesting to learn that petty politics seems to be more prevalent in the scientific community than in the political community,” he said.

The documents, he said, “raise a huge number of questions about the integrity of a lot of people in the alarmist community.

“What I’ve seen there is a very strong effort to manage the issue by scientists and not as a scientific issue. It’s very improper,” he said. “One of the criticisms is that we need scientists to be scientists, and policy can be handled in public debate.”

There also is an effort called the Petition Project which was launched some 10 years ago when the first few thousand signatures were gathered. The effort, assembled by Art Robinson, a research professor of chemistry and cofounder of the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine in 1973, now lists tens of thousands of qualified scientists who endorse this:

There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.

WND also reported recently on the United Nation’s summit in Copenhagen, which failed to produce a global carbon emissions agreement as advocates had sought.

That meeting, instead, was simply about American money, according to Steve Stockman, a former Texas congressman who was in the Danish capital for the two-week event before Christmas.

“It was about transferring the wealth of taxpayers,” he said. “This has nothing to do with science.”

Further, a Colorado scientist described by the Washington Post as “the World’s Most Famous Hurricane Expert” said the East Anglia e-mails “are but the tip of a giant iceberg of a well-organized international climate-warming conspiracy that has been gathering momentum for the last 25 years.”

The comment came from Colorado State University’s William Gray, whose annual hurricane forecasts are the standard for weather prognostications. His work pioneered the science of forecasting hurricanes, and he has served as weather forecaster for the U.S. Air Force. He is emeritus professor of atmospheric science at CSU and heads the school’s Department of Atmospheric Sciences Tropical Meteorology Project.

He had forecast that U.S. researchers eventually would be caught by their own e-mails, too.

“This conspiracy would become much more manifest if all the e-mails of the publicly funded climate-research groups of the U.S. and of foreign governments were ever made public,” he said at the time.

In Other Words…

Ann Coulter does a good job in this article of debunking a false attack by the left on Senator Coburn of Oklahoma, and of reiterating why the left is lying about their health care “reform” plan.

They are lying, and it’s not hard to uncover.

The liberals said the goal was to insure EVERYBODY.  By their own admissions 20 million people will still be uninsured by 2019.

The liberals said access to health care would increase.  By cutting compensation to doctors, the doctors will either quit taking new patients on the plans that don’t sufficiently compensate them, or leave medical practice altogether if forced to operate at a loss.  Since we already have a shortage of doctors, and the democrats intend to add between 30 and 50 million new people to the insurance rolls, how is access to doctors and health care going to INCREASE?

The liberals said health care would be cheaper.  Here’s what came out of their own bill.  An UNMARRIED couple each making $30,000 per year would pay approximately $1,500 to $3,000 more for health care under the new plan.  A MARRIED couple would pay approximately $12,000 more for health care under the democrat plan.  Double whammy.  Everybody pays more, and you further promote the destruction of the American family by HEAVILY penalizing MARRIED couples.  There are myriad other taxes and fees associated with this bill that impact EVERYBODY, not just the top 5% of wage earners in the country as Mr. Obama promised.

The bill they are trying to pass is unconstitutional under the 10th Amendment.  The government does NOT have the authority to force anyone to buy their insurance.  Hate to break it to you liberals (i.e. Diane Feinstein) who think they do, but the commerce clause and general welfare clause don’t give them that authority.

Assuming that the senate and congress are able to reconcile their versions of the bill and get it to Chairman Maobama’s desk for signature, there will be immediate constitutional challenges.

Can you afford $1,500 to $12,000 more in medical insurance costs?  Can you afford it when Obama’s economic development plan costs you your job, or at least results in a pay cut?  Will you choose to pay your mortgage, or pay the mandatory health care insurance premium levied unconstitutionally by the government?  What about your car payment?  Are you willing to risk jail time for not paying the mandatory insurance bill?  These and many other choices are ones you are about to be forced to make.


In Other Words…

by Ann Coulter
Posted 12/23/2009 ET
Updated 12/23/2009 ET

Irritated at the bumps on the road to the Democrats’ Thousand-Year Reich, liberals are now claiming that Republican Sen. Tom Coburn requested a prayer for the death of Sen. Bob Byrd during the health care debate last Saturday night.

Here is what Coburn actually said: “What the American people ought to pray is that somebody can’t make the vote tonight. That’s what they ought to pray.”

After reporting Coburn’s remark, The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank added: “It was difficult to escape the conclusion that Coburn was referring to the 92-year-old, wheelchair-bound Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.V.).”

Contrary to Milbank’s claim, I find it extremely easy to get away from that conclusion. In fact, I’m a regular Houdini when it comes to that conclusion. That conclusion couldn’t hold me for a second.

There are a million ways a senator could miss a vote, other than by dying. Ask Patrick Kennedy. At 1 a.m. on a Sunday night in the middle of a historic blizzard in the nation’s capital, I don’t think the first thing that came to anyone’s mind was death. More likely it was: “Last call.”

Milbank was employing the MSNBC motto, “In Other Words,” which provides the formula for 90 percent of the political commentary on that network. The MSNBC host quotes a Republican, then says “in other words,” translates the statement into something that would be stupid to say, and spends the next 10 minutes ridiculing the translated version. Which no one said. Except the host.

Also, by the way, Sen. Coburn did not “go to the Senate floor to propose a prayer,” as Milbank reported. He was giving a floor speech in which he used the turn of phrase, “What the American people ought to pray is …”

Inasmuch as liberals want to talk about anything but their plan to take over one-sixth of the American economy, let’s talk about health care!

Democrats tout Medicare as their model for a government-run health care system, bragging about what an extremely popular government program it is.

Medicare is tens of trillions of dollars in the red. It is expected to go bankrupt by 2017. In order to pay for Medicare alone, the government will either have to cut every other federal program in existence, or raise federal income taxes to rates as high as 77 percent.

Medicare is like a $500 hamburger: I assume it’s good — it had better be — but no one would say, “THAT’S A FANTASTIC SUCCESS!”

Until 10 minutes ago, the liberal argument for national health care was that it wasn’t fair that some people — “the rich” — have access to better health care than others.

In liberals’ ideal world, everyone lives in abject poverty and stands in long lines, but we all live in the same abject poverty and stand in the same long lines — just like in their beloved Soviet Union of recent memory! (Except the commissars, who get excellent health care, food, housing, maid service and no lines.)

Instead of being honest and telling us that their plan is to make health care worse and more expensive — but fairer! — liberals have recently begun claiming that providing universal health care will actually save money. Overnight, they went from wailing about basic human needs being “more important than bombs” to claiming: “Our plan will be cheaper!”

Hmmm, I didn’t make any notes to debate the manifestly insane points. But I’m pretty sure that extending full medical benefits to 30 million people who don’t currently have them — 47 million once the federal health commission rules that illegal aliens are covered — will not be less expensive than the current system.

You can say — mistakenly — that the liberals’ plan is more compassionate. You can say — also incorrectly — that it will be fairer. On no set of facts can you say it will be cheaper.

Democrats keep citing the Congressional Budget Office’s “scoring” of their bills as if that means something.

The CBO is required to score a bill based on the assumptions provided by the bill’s authors. It’s worth about as much as a report card filled out by the student himself.

Democrats could write a bill saying: “Assume we invent a magic pill that will make cars get 1,000 miles per gallon. Now, CBO, would that save money?”

The CBO would have to conclude: Yes, that bill will save money.

Among the tricks the Democrats put into their health care bills for the CBO is that the government will collect taxes for 10 years, but only pay out benefits for the last six years. Will that save money? Yes, the CBO says, this bill is “deficit neutral”!

But what about the next 10 years and the next 10 years and the next 10 years after that? Will the health care plan continually pay benefits only in the last six years of every 10-year period? I think their plan assumes we’ll all be dead from global warming in a decade.

Also, I note that the Democrats claim it’s urgent that we pass ObamaCare by Christmas, but the bill doesn’t get around to paying out any benefits until 2014. Poor uninsured chumps.

In other words … Democrats are praying for the death of Bob Byrd!

Ann Coulter is Legal Affairs Correspondent for HUMAN EVENTS and author of “High Crimes and Misdemeanors,” “Slander,” “”How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must),” “Godless,” “If Democrats Had Any Brains, They’d Be Republicans” and most recently, Guilty: Liberal “Victims” and their Assault on America.

Mr. Obama: I’m calling you out

This is what the REAL mainstream of America is thinking and feeling.


Mr. Obama: I’m calling you out

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
By William Piercey Sr.

The new era of government control over our lives and freedoms has begun. This week, it got personal, and I felt helpless.

The doctor overseeing my health care advised me to get an H1N1 flu shot. I’ve been under a six-year treatment program for a chronic infection, plus I have heart and lung problems. Therefore, I am considered a high risk. Fortunately, my doctor had three shots available, but I would have to get approval from my county health department. Much to my surprise, the woman at the health department apologized and told me that even though I was a senior citizen at high risk, the health department had been instructed to approve shots only for children and pregnant mothers. I asked when a shot for my situation might be available. “We really don’t know. Check back with us sometime in December.”

What? The terrorist detainees in Gitmo are getting shots this month. Why not a high-risk senior citizen?

Mr. Obama, this is what we call health care rationing, which you claim won’t happen under a government-run health care program.

If George W. Bush was considered the Barney Fife of executive power, then welcome to the Chicago-style politics of the new Vito Corleone family. The president himself, like a strong-armed enforcer, said in a nationally televised speech, “If you misrepresent anything in this plan, I will call you out.” This administration has turned the once dignified and esteemed Oval Office into a war room for its liberal propaganda.

On his first day in office, the president signed the Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Personnel executive order. During the campaign he vowed to keep lobbyists out of the administration. But in Section 3 of this order is a waiver clause. The director of the Office of Management and Budget “may grant” a written waiver of any restrictions. Former lobbyists were given waivers and now hold key positions in government. Mr. Obama, you lied.

At the same time lobbyists were coming in the front door, dozens of new unvetted, hand-picked ideologues were being shuttled in the back door. Many of these people were placed in key policymaking positions. U.S. Sen. Susan Collins of Maine was worried about 18 of these unvetted czars, 10 of whom worked in the White House. An amendment to force these appointees to testify in oversight hearings was shot down by the Democratic leadership. Collins was especially concerned about Carol Browner, who negotiated fuel-economy standards with the auto industry. She even sent a letter to Obama, and one of his counsels replied that no one would be made available. This administration fears no one, especially a senator who dares to enforce something as minor as checks and balances. Obama promised transparency. He lied.

On the topic of transparency, the $787 billion stimulus bill was a progressive Trojan horse. It’s loaded with political favors and programs that set up the infrastructure for education, health care and climate change. It was passed and signed in a matter of weeks. This was not a bill to put Americans back to work. Obama said it would produce 3.5 million jobs in two years. Over the past year the administration has changed its story daily but finally settled on the “create or save” propaganda. Obama also said the bill would keep unemployment under 8 percent. The rate has climbed to over 10 percent. Either his economic advisers are incompetent and need to be fired, or, once again, Mr. President, you lied.

Mr. President, you said you didn’t want to run our car companies and banks, but you do. With the $350 billion in TARP funds left by President Bush, Obama’s people continued the surge of bailouts. Americans might be shocked to know the recipients of bailout money now total 727 institutions. This government control in the private sector is unprecedented.

Government-run health care, card check, cap-and-trade, net neutrality, control of radio stations and possible newspaper bailouts are just part of this administration’s agenda.

It’s time for Americans to get in this government’s face and call it out. This coup d’etat can be defeated. We have the numbers, the votes and the will power to turn back this assault on our individual freedoms.

With 15 million unemployed Americans, I’m sure we can find a few willing patriots to fill all those upcoming vacant seats in Washington, especially with an annual salary of $170,000, office, staff, insurance, expense account and, best of all, a three-day workweek. The only requirements for this job are honesty, integrity and a love of country.

William Piercey Sr. is a Cape Girardeau resident.


Obama, WE Noticed, so YOU TAKE NOTICE

Reportedly written by Sherry Hackett, the widow of Buddy Hackett.



President Obama:

Today I read of your administration’s plan to re-define September 11 as a National Service Day. Sir, it’s time we had a talk………

During your campaign, Americans watched as you made mockery of our tradition of standing and crossing your heart when the Pledge of Allegiance was spoken. You, out of four people on the stage, were the only one not honoring our tradition.

YES, “We noticed.”

During one of your many speeches, Americans heard you say that you intended to visit all 57 states. We all know that Islam, not America has 57 states.

YES, “We noticed.”

When President Bush leaned over at Ground Zero and gently placed a flower on the memorial, while you nonchalantly tossed your flower onto the pile without leaning over.

YES, “We noticed.”

Every time you apologized to other countries for America’s position on an issue we have wondered why you don’t share our pride in this great country. When you have heard foreign leaders berate our country and our beliefs, you have not defended us. In fact, you insulted the British Crown beyond belief.

YES, “We noticed.”

When your pastor of 20 years, “God-damned America” and said that 9/11 was “America’s chickens coming home to roost” and you denied having heard recriminations of that nature, we wondered how that could be. You later disassociated yourself from that church and Pastor Wright because it was politically expedient to do so.

YES, “We noticed.”

When you announced that you would transform America, we wondered why. With all her faults, America is the greatest country on earth. Sir, KEEP THIS IN MIND, “if not for America and the people who built her, you wouldn’t be sitting in the White House now.” Prior to your election to the highest office in this Country, you were a senator from Illinois and from what we can glean from the records available, not a very remarkable one.

YES, “We noticed.”

All through your campaign and even now, you have surrounded yourself with individuals who are basically unqualified for the positions for which you appointed them. Worse than that, the majority of them are people who, like you, bear no special allegiance, respect, or affection for this country and her traditions.

YES, “We noticed.”

You are 9 months into your term and every morning millions of Americans wake up to a new horror heaped on us by you. You seek to saddle working Americans with a health care/insurance reform package that, along with cap and trade , will bankrupt this nation.

YES, “We noticed.”

We seek, by protesting, to let our representatives know that we are not in favor of these crippling expenditures and we are labeled “un-American”, “racist”, “mob”. We wonder how we are supposed to let you know how frustrated we are. You have attempted to make our protests seem isolated and insignificant. Until your appointment, Americans had the right to speak out.

YES, “We noticed.”

On September 11, 2001 there were no Republicans or Democrats, only Americans. And we all grieved together and helped each other in whatever way we could. The attack on 9/11 was carried out because we are Americans.

YES, “We noticed.”

There were many of us who prayed that as a black president you could help unite this nation. In six months you have done more to destroy this nation than the attack on 9/11. You have failed us.

YES, “We noticed.”

September 11 is a day of remembrance for all Americans. You propose to make 9/11 a “National Service Day”. While we know that you don’t share our reverence for 9/11, we pray that history will report your proposal as what it is…a disgrace.

YES, “We noticed.”

You have made a mockery of our Constitution and the office that you hold. You have embarrassed and slighted us in foreign visits and policy.

YES, “We noticed.”

We have noticed all these things. We will deal with you. When Americans come together again, it will be to remove you from office.

Take notice.

Psa 118:8-9 NIV  It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man.  (9)  It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes.


I Told You So: Pay Czar Strikes

Remember when Obama said he didn’t want to run the car companies or the banks?  One of the early lies in his administration.  I guess it’s like the fox saying he doesn’t want to run the chicken farm.  He just wants free chickens and eggs.

When Bush started, and Obama implemented the takeover of the American auto and banking industry, I told you it was going to be bad for America.  Once these industries and companies took the bailout, they wrote their own obituaries.  I told you the government would control salaries and prices, and eventually run these businesses into the ground, or prop them up forever at tax payer expense like AMTRAK and the Post Office.  Now you have Comrade Obama’s Czar deciding arbitrarily that certain people make too much money.  Don’t believe the lie that Obama didn’t know.  He directed the whole show.

Now I, along with people like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, don’t look so much like conspiracy theorists.

On the surface this may not seem so bad.  The companies took tax payer money to stay afloat.  It would seem reasonable for the tax payers to then have some say in how that company is run.  That’s where sanity ends and the government begins.  But letting the camel’s nose of government under the tent of business is always bad.  Let’s look at why government intervention in our economy’s businesses is a bad thing.

First of all, a failing company is failing for a reason. For the benefit of consumers and the economy as a whole, companies must be allowed to fail.  Stronger, better managed ones will spring up to take their place if there is a demand for what they produce.  Subsidizing failure with tax payer dollars helps no one except bureaucrats seeking power.  You don’t get lower prices or a better product.

Second, government is inefficient.  I use the example of helping a homeless person as an example.  There are numerous churches and shelters in most cities whose mission is to help the homeless.  If I walk into one of them and give them $100, they are so close to the front lines that very little of that money will be wasted, and more food and service can be provided for the money.  If I give that same $100 to the government, less than a penny of it will trickle back down to the shelter I could have given it to.  A certain percentage of the $100 will go to running various agencies of the government.  Most of it will be used for purposes for which it was never intended (i.e. all the money that’s supposed to be in the Social Security “lock box”).  After all the money has been laundered through the apparatus of government, lost to fraud, waste, and abuse, the inefficiency leaves little money for where it was needed the most.

Third, when government interferes with business, they screw it up.  The Clinton foray into the vaccine business is one example.  They “only” took over about a third of the industry, but they started price fixing.  That’s another area where government ALWAYS screws up.  The don’t understand the difference between PRICE and COST.  When the started dictating the price of vaccines (which they arbitrarily set, and which were lower than actual costs), it became unprofitable so companies either quit making vaccines or went out of business.  The current housing and banking mess are another prime example of how government interference screws things up.  A bank, just like any other business, is in business to make money.  A bank makes money by loaning money to people for a fee.  That fee is what we know as “interest.”  Banks charge enough interest to cover their costs and make a reasonable profit to expand their business or have savings to cover tough times.  Normally, banks loan to people who are able and likely to pay the money back.  These customers are low risk.  If they loan to someone who may have trouble paying back the loan, or who is in some other way a risk, they are charged a higher interest rate to cover that risk.  That’s basically how banking has run for centuries.  Now enter Bill Clinton, Barney Frank (pronounced Fwank), Chris Dodd and company.  They authored and implemented changes to this thing known as the Community Reinvestment Act program, I’ll just call it CRAP for short.  The stated goal of their CRAP was to increase home ownership by minorities.  Again, that sounds good on the surface, but as with all things liberal it can not be taken at face value.  What it did in essence was force banks to lend based on skin color rather than risk or ability to repay.  The AMERICAN way to accomplish the goal of home ownership is for people to work hard, earn higher wages, start their own businesses, and in general improve their economic position THROUGH THEIR OWN LABORS.  The liberal way to accomplish this goal is to take from those who have earned, and give to those who have not.  So what did CRAP do?  It coerced banks into making loans to people who could not pay them back, but at the same lower interest rates charged to those who would be a lower risk.  With the normal restraint of sound banking and business practices stripped away by government, the bankers looked for a way to make money out of the scheme they had been forced into.  The details are complicated and take a while to work through.  So what happened?  The ones who would not normally have been given the loans they received defaulted on those loans.  All the bad debt that had been bought up and sold as “securities” came due and couldn’t be paid, thus causing both the banking and housing crash.  And yet Bahnee Fwank and Chris Dodd still walk the streets as free men, serving as poster children for how government screws up our lives.  As parting examples you have Medicare (the program that wasn’t supposed to cost more than $4 billion, but now cost more than $400 billion), the Department of Energy (created in the 70’s for the purpose of decreasing our dependence on foreign oil, now a huge bureaucracy costing billions of dollars and producing no results), and the Department of Education (as the number of billions of dollars poured into this money pit grows higher, our children’s test scores and education level gets lower).  The list of government failures goes on and on and on.  Tell me again why you want government in charge of ANYTHING other than national defense?

Fourth, government control removes incentive to excel or improve.  Let’s say you work for Gidget, Inc. manufacturing widgets.  You are paid by the number or properly manufactured widgets you manufacture.  You will first learn how widgets are made.  Then you will begin to make them and become proficient at making them.  Once you are proficient, you will likely try to become faster at making them so you can make more money.  This will either be done by you becoming a faster laborer, or by figuring out a way to improve the process of making widgets.  Either way makes you more valuable to the company because you are allowing the company to produce more widgets more quickly for less money, thereby increasing the company’s profit.  When government takes over Gidget, Inc. they change the wage structure for workers to an hourly wage.  Now, regardless how many widgets you produce you will get paid the same amount as someone who produces far less than you.  The natural reaction to this situation is to ask yourself “why am I killing myself for no reason?”  Workers production decreases to the minimum level that will keep them employed.  Without further incentive, workers are not likely to increase their output.

Fifth, government stifles competition.  A government run entity does not have to make a profit.  It will be propped up by taxpayer dollars regardless of how much it costs, or how much money it looses.  When government entities “compete” against private businesses that MUST make a profit, THERE IS NO COMPETITION.  The government will undercut the private business every time until the private business simply can’t afford to stay in business.

Don’t think that just because your business didn’t take the bailout that you will be exempt from the intrusion of one or more of Comrade Maobama’s Czar’s.  They have already dreamed up ways to justify controlling just about everything.  They are just waiting for a big enough “crisis” to justify the takeover.



Pay Czar Feinberg, Not Obama, Behind Decision to Slash Executive Pay

White House pay czar Kenneth Feinberg did not seek President Obama’s approval to order steep pay cuts from bailed-out executives.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

White House pay czar Kenneth Feinberg was the driving force behind the move to order steep pay cuts from bailed-out executives, and did not even seek the president’s approval before making his decision.  (Lie.  This is a smokescreen to give Obama deniability.)

The Treasury Department is expected to formally announce in the next few days a plan to slash annual salaries by about 90 percent from last year for the 25 highest-paid executives at the seven companies that received the most from the Wall Street bailout. Total compensation for the top executives at the firms would decline, on average, by about 50 percent.

The sweeping decision, though, came from Feinberg and not from President Obama. (“You lie!”)

One official told Fox News that Feinberg from the start had the independent authority to work with companies and make such a call. Obama was never required to sign off before final decisions were made. (No, but Obama told Mr. Feinberg what he expected.)

On Thursday, the chairwoman of the panel that oversees the $700 billion federal bailout fund said the Obama administration is serious about the new plan. In an interview, Elizabeth Warren said reports of pending slashes in executive salaries are “real.”  (Of course they are real.  By dictating pay an bonuses, they are ensuring that no one who is qualified to do the job will want to work there.)

“It’s real in the sense that it says, ‘Guys, you have to understand that you can’t party on like it’s 2007. (Unless you are Barack Obama, who can have lavish weekly parties in the White House at tax payer expense while “Rome” burns.) If you’re going to take taxpayer dollars, then the game has to change. In that sense it’s real,'” she said on CBS’ “The Early Show.”

The seven affected companies are: Bank of America, American International Group, Citigroup, General Motors, GMAC, Chrysler and Chrysler Financial.

Smaller companies and those that have repaid the bailout money, including Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co., are not affected.  (Yet.)

Treasury said that Feinberg scheduled a news conference at the department to discuss the matter Thursday afternoon.

Under the plan, at the financial products division of AIG, the giant insurance company which has received taxpayer assistance valued at more than $180 billion, no top executive will receive more than $200,000 in total compensation, one person familiar with Feinberg’s plan said.

The administration also will warn AIG that it must fulfill a commitment to significantly reduce the $198 million in bonuses promised to employees in its financial services division, the arm of the company whose risky trades caused its downfall.

The pay restrictions for all seven companies will require any executive seeking more than $25,000 in special benefits — things such as country club memberships, private planes and company cars — to get permission for those perks from the government. (You’re only allowed to have things like that if you’re the government.)

Feinberg’s decisions on pay come after administration officials voiced sharp criticism in recent days of the plans of Wall Street firms to pay huge bonuses at a time when the country is still coping with rising unemployment and the effects of the recession.

It was unclear exactly how much the executives would be allowed to make, or how that would be determined. Each case is being handled individually, and no details were available on how the calculations were being made.

Tom Wilkinson, a GM spokesman, said Wednesday that the auto company was “currently in discussions with Mr. Feinberg’s office regarding executive compensation. We will have further information once those discussions have concluded.”

Gina Proia, a spokeswoman for GMAC, said the finance company has “been working on a proposal that aims at embodying the principles set forth for compensation along with balancing the need to retain critical talent necessary to execute our turnaround. Until we receive notification about that plan, we have no further comment.”

Chrysler Group issued a similar statement.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Another Communist Obama Czar Illustrates Obama’s (lack of) Character

In recent days we saw White House Communications Director Anita Dunn admit that Mao Tse-tung is one of the primary people she looks to as a mentor for her “philosophical” views. This in addition to her own words and actions attacking the 1st Amendment.

Now we have Obama’s Manufacturing Czar Ron Bloom, the guy who Obama put in charge of “restructuring” the manufacturing segment of our economy, saying

“We get the joke. We know that the free market is nonsense. We know that the whole point is to game the system, to beat the market or at least find someone who will pay you a lot of money because they’re convinced that there is a free lunch. We know this is largely about power, that it’s an adults-only, no-limit game. We kind of agree with Mao that political “power comes largely from the barrel of a gun.”

So, the guy Obama puts in charge of a huge segment of our economy thinks that the “free market” upon which our nation’s economic success is built is “nonsense?”

Ron Bloom is obviously a left wing individual, probably a socialist, possibly a communist. That’s all very interesting, and he is definitely NOT someone I want in charge of ANY portion of my government. But what is really at the center of all of this?

Peel back the layer after layer of communists, socialists, pedophiles, tax-cheats, etc. and what you find at the center of the stinky onion is BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA.

Obama said during his campaign that we should judge him by the people he surrounds himself with, and the people from whom he seeks advice.

OK. It’s just like what your parents probably told you when they said “show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.” So, let’s take a look at the people with whom our Comrade-in-Chief chooses to surround himself with.


Tim Geithner – Treasury Secretary.  Tax cheat

Kathleen Sebelius – Health and Human Services Secretary.  Tax cheat.

Tom Daschle – Former South Dakota Congressman/Senator.  He co-authored a book advocating universal health care.  Nominated as HHS Secretary, but withdrew because he was exposed as a… Tax cheat

Kevin Jennings – Safe School Czar – cofounder and executive director of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), told attendees at a GLSEN conference over a decade ago that he looked forward to the day when promoting homosexuality in schools will be seen in a positive light. Also BROKE LAW, as a teacher by NOT notifying authorities of a sexual relationship between one of his male students, and an adult male.

Van Jones – Green Jobs Czar – Admitted racist, avowed communist, “rowdy black nationalist” and radical activist. Jones also worked on the board of a front environmental group established by one of the founders of the violent Weather Underground.

Valerie Jarrett – Chicago lawyer.  Advisor to Barack Obama.  Recruited Van Jones.  Needed an “ethics waiver” to work for Obama under his own rules.

John Holdren – Science Czar – Supports FORCED Sterilization, and the drugging of drinking water. Holdren has called for a “Planetary Regime” to control human population and its usage of earth resources. He has stated his belief that “to provide a high quality of life for all, there must be fewer people.”

Cass Sunstein – Regulatory Czar – Wants to ban hunting, ban guns, give animals lawyers, and the right to sue. Monitor, and control internet blogging etc. Explicitly supports using the courts to impose a “chilling effect” on speech that might hurt someone’s feelings.

Mark Lloyd – FCC “Diversity” Czar – Marxist.  Hugo Chavez admirer, and racist who wants qualified whites to step down to make room for minorities and gays, AND also wants to silence free speech (opposing views) conservative radio, by implementing a 100% tax on talk radio operating costs.. “It should be clear by now that my focus here is not freedom of speech or the press…. This freedom is all too often an exaggeration…. At the very least, blind references to freedom of speech or the press serve as a distraction from the critical examination of other communications policies.” Wants to back door the “fairness doctrine” by using “diversity” on the local level in conjunction with Cass Sunstein to drive conservative talk radio out of business.

Harold Koh – State Dept Legal Advisor – Says “Sharia Law could apply to disputes in US courts”

Adolfo Carrion – Urban Czar – Pocketed thousands of dollars in campaign cash from city developers whose projects he approved or funded with taxpayers’ money.

Michelle Obama – The First “Lady.” Oversaw patient dumping scheme for profit, as the vice president Of University of Chicago Hospital, where she also coincidently went from 100K to over 300K promotion upon Barack Obama becoming state senator.

Tony Rezko – Chicago Slum lord, Convicted on 16 counts of corruption

Jeremiah Wright – Obama spiritual mentor 20 years, who promoted anti-government, anti-white sentiment. America-hater. Thinks 9/11 was America’s fault. “…not God Bless America, God D*** America!”

ACORN – Corrupt federally funded organization, who Obama gave 800K to, and who Obama lawyered for, and benefitted from politically. Fraudulent voter registration drives. Recently exposed advising a pimp , and prostitute on how to bring in minors from other countries for purposes of prostitution, how to get illegal tax breaks, and how to stash away profits. Still not defunded. That was a lie to buy political points for the politicians. Their funding will be restored on 01 November.

William Ayers – Weather Underground domestic terrorist who Obama partnered with (Chicago Annenberg Challenge) (Woods Fund) on radical left projects with the intent of indoctrinating youth. Obama also launched his bid for Chicago senate from Ayers home. Ayers said that he edited Obama’s book.

Nancy-Ann DeParle – Health Czar –pro-partial birth abortion.

Carol Browner – Global Warming Czar — was part of Socialist International, a group for “global governance”

Ezekiel Emmanuel – Healthcare Advisor – Brother of Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel (a real saint in his own right). Proponent of the Complete Lives System, which puts values on lives based mostly by age

Looks to me like the cast of scum from the Star Wars bar scene.  Do you want someone who surrounds himself with anti-American people like this running our country?  Well, thanks to the idiots who voted based on “hope and change” instead of facts for electing the enemy.


10 Fundamental Truths About Obama-Care

Bigger government (IRS and other new bureaucracies), less freedom, much higher taxes, less availability of doctors and healthcare, rationing of what’s left, and elimination of the middle class.  Sounds like a communist dream.  Well, Obama is a communist, so that only makes sense.



Obamacare Dissected

Ten things that probably will be in the health-care bill (but shouldn’t be).

By Stephen Spruiell

Rummaging through the stacks here at National Review world headquarters, I discovered in our Dec. 13, 1993, special supplement on Hillarycare a curious little ad that read “Just say NO to socialized health care.” The ad implored me to call 1-800-5RESIST, so just for fun, I dialed the number, hoping that maybe, just maybe, the brave soul who set up this hotline back in the ’90s was still manning the post, dispensing advice on the best way to oppose Obamacare.

Wrong. A male voice offered me an invitation to “talk to ladies all over the country,” and I don’t think he meant Blanche Lincoln and Olympia Snowe. I hung up and returned to the health-care debate, 2009. The Republicans are in disarray. The Democrats are cutting deals. The Congressional Budget Office is acting like Burger King, telling Max Baucus, “Have it your way.” Of course 1-800-5RESIST is now a phone-sex line: We’re screwed.

Or are we? After all, back in 1993, conservatives were able to stop a health-care-reform plan that looked just as ominous and unstoppable. The Democrats had the White House, 56 senators, and an 80-vote margin in the House. They had James Carville, Hillary Clinton, and a secretive task force (though these might have turned out to be liabilities). They faced a Republican party coming off a historic defeat. R. Emmett Tyrrell had just published The Conservative Crack-Up about infighting among conservatives following the end of the Cold War. Then as now, the Right lacked an identifiable leader, save for Rush Limbaugh.

But we did have one thing going for us: Hillarycare was awful. It was loaded with mandates, government control, empty promises, and taxes. Obamacare differs in the particulars, but it is built on the same rotten foundation: a belief that dumb consumers and greedy insurance companies are to blame for the health-care mess, and therefore bureaucrats need to step in and tell them what to do while the rich pay for it.

Has this diagnosis ever been right? Has this prescription ever cured a single patient? Of course not. In fact, government interference initially created and has since greatly exacerbated the third-party-payer problem that has saddled the system with runaway costs. Wage and price controls during World War II prompted companies to compete for workers by offering generous medical benefits, and changes in the tax code entrenched this practice to the point where we now use insurance to pay for routine health care. For the poor and the elderly, the government created a system of entitlements whose bad design led to cost-shifting in the private sector and looming budgetary shortfalls in the public sector that the political class has no idea how to finance.

Instead of reintroducing concepts like competition and personal responsibility as a way to bring down costs and make coverage more affordable, Obamacare relies on coercion and taxation to pursue these same goals less efficiently. Here are ten reasons why no proposal built on this foundation deserves to pass:

1) Removal of the Ability of Insurers to Deny Coverage. The first thing Obama and his backers want to do — the main thing they all agree on — is take away insurers’ ability to deny people coverage or charge them different rates based on pre-existing conditions. The question of what to do for people whose health status has rendered them uninsurable is a thorny one, but the heavy hand of regulation is not the answer. States have conducted successful experiments with “high-risk pools,” and “health-status insurance” offers another promising idea. The problem with what the Democrats want — mandatory coverage at low rates for sick people (also known as “guaranteed issue” and “community rating”) — is that it gives people an incentive to postpone buying insurance until they need expensive care. Theoretically, guaranteed issue and community rating work only if the government requires everyone to have insurance. The Democrats know this; insurance mandates are integral to Obamacare.

2) Coverage Mandates on Individuals and Employers. Once upon a time, Obama was against insurance mandates. In the run-up to the Iowa caucuses, his campaign ran an ad attacking Hillary Clinton on the grounds that the mandates in her plan “would force people to buy insurance even if they can’t afford it.” Realizing that his health-care plan would be unworkable without a mandate, Obama has flip-flopped and rebranded required coverage as “shared responsibility.” Clinton fired back at the time, and Obamacare supporters argue now, that the mandate would come with subsidies to help lower-income people afford the coverage they would be forced to buy. A look at the fine print on that offer reveals that many Americans would be forced to buy pricey policies without any help from the government. Workers offered coverage by their employers (who would be required to offer it) would not be eligible for subsidies and would have to take what they’re given — which, under Obamacare, would be some minimum package of benefits designed by bureaucrats in Washington. That sounds like something that could quickly exceed what a lot of people consider affordable.

3) Government-Designed Insurance Plans. We don’t have to guess about whether government-designed insurance plans cause costs to spiral upward. We can look to Massachusetts, where in 2006 the Brahmins of Beacon Hill enacted a health-care-reform bill similar to what the Solons of Capitol Hill are pushing today. Commonwealth Care, as the Bay State’s version is called, also requires individuals to purchase a government-designed “minimum” level of coverage. As Michael Cannon of the Cato Institute has pointed out, lobbyists in Massachusetts have successfully pushed for that “minimum” to include prescription drugs, preventive care, drug-abuse treatment, hospice services, fertility treatments, prosthetics, telemedicine, and numerous other mandates. No wonder the average premium in Massachusetts has gone up significantly faster than has the national average. Even if you have insurance you’re happy with, Obamacare would eventually force you to upgrade to one of these more “comprehensive” plans. So much for his promise that you can keep the simple, affordable plan that you like.

4) Threats to Medicare Advantage. Obama’s promise to let you keep your current insurance plan must look even emptier to the approximately 9 million seniors currently enrolled in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. MA gives seniors the option of getting their coverage from a private insurer rather than from the traditional, government-run Medicare. The government then reimburses the private insurer for the cost of that coverage. The program has proven popular: Enrollment has nearly doubled in the last five years, because the private insurers offer better benefits than Medicare. But these benefits come at a cost: Instead of requiring the private insurers to compete to provide better coverage for less, the government reimburses insurers using a Byzantine rate formula. On average, it costs the government 12 to 14 percent more to cover the average MA enrollee than the average Medicare recipient. To fix this problem — which is an artifact of Medicare’s own artificially low price-setting — the Baucus bill proposes to reimburse private insurers only for what it would have cost Medicare to cover the same enrollee. But remember, Medicare has unfair advantages in the marketplace — it can dictate prices to doctors and hospitals. Because private insurers can’t use the same strong-arm tactics to get their prices down, many would instead cut benefits, raise premiums, or drop out of MA altogether. In other words: No, not everyone can keep the plan she likes.

5) New Taxes. According to the CBO, the Senate Finance Committee’s version of Obamacare would achieve “deficit neutrality” by increasing taxes by more than $300 billion over the next ten years. Who pays? Starting in 2013, the tax would be assessed on all insurance plans that cost more than $8,000 per year for single coverage or $21,000 for family coverage. That sounds like a lot, until you consider that those thresholds are pegged to inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index. The cost of health care generally increases much faster than that. As James C. Capretta has noted, “by 2019 and beyond, this tax would hit pretty much the entire middle class of America very hard.” Obamacare would also use tax penalties to punish those who fail to comply with its insurance mandates. The 25-year-old men who calculate that paying the penalty is a better deal than buying the pricey government-designed plan with fertility treatments are expected to be good for $1 billion or so in tax revenue over the next ten years. Taxing the young at the beginning of their careers and using the money to pay for middle-aged men at the peak of their earning power: That’s Obamacare!

6) A Stronger IRS. Over 30 new federal programs, agencies, and commissions would be required to administer the massive new health-care entitlement. Obamacare would establish a “Health Choices Administration” to dictate what your insurance plan can and cannot cover and a “Health Benefits Advisory Committee” to guide these “choices.” And if the government decides your choices are not acceptable, Obamacare gives the Internal Revenue Service the power to levy substantial fines against you. An overlooked ramification is that the IRS would have to coordinate with the Health Choices Commissioner and whatever other officials are deemed necessary to decide whether your coverage meets the government’s minimum standard. That means the IRS will be sharing your tax records with Obama’s health czars, who could use them in new and intrusive ways. As Byron York has reported, one version of Obamacare (there are five or six floating around Capitol Hill) envisions the use of tax records to “find qualifying seniors who can then be encouraged to enroll in the [Medicare] prescription drug program.” By filing your tax return, you could be signing up for government junk mail — or worse.

7) “Managed Competition” (a.k.a. “Government Control”). In the early 1990s, the buzzword was “managed competition,” which in the context of Hillarycare meant “government control.” Today, the buzzword is back, and guess what? It means the same thing. “One of the best ways to bring down costs, provide more choices, and assure quality,” Obama says, “is a public option that will force the insurance companies to compete and keep them honest.” But whether this public option takes the form of a federal-government-run insurance plan or state-sponsored, public-private co-ops, its true purpose would be to serve as a stalking horse for a fully nationalized single-payer system. We are watching this happen right now with student loans and to a lesser extent with Medicare Advantage: The government cooks the books to make it look as if cutting out the private sector would yield tremendous savings. In fact, real savings would come only from cutting out the government.

8) Reckless Expansion of Medicaid. Obamacare would make federal Medicaid dollars available to childless adults for the first time in the program’s history. Not only would this change the nature of the program from one that is primarily designed to protect children living in poverty, it would also impose new burdens on already-strapped state governments, which would be forced to come up with matching dollars to pay for the newly eligible. Not that this matters as much as it should: Many states, especially those where Democrats dominate, have expanded Medicaid eligibility even further than Obamacare envisions; whenever they run out of money, they simply ask Washington for a bailout, and responsible states end up subsidizing the reckless ones. Obamacare does nothing to change this perverse incentive structure. To the contrary: It adds to the perversity.

9) Welfare for the Middle Class. Mark Steyn has called government-run health care the “game changer” that forever alters the relationship between the citizen and the state. Nowhere is this more clear than in the way the bill means-tests for subsidy eligibility. Households with incomes between 100 and 400 percent of the federal poverty level — that’s north of $80,000 for a family of four — can have their premiums fixed as a percentage of their income, making mandatory employer-provided care even more of a raw deal (see No. 2 above).

10) Government Rationing. This is where Obamacare ends. We know this because we’ve seen what happened to health-care systems in Canada and Britain. Wherever government fiat replaces private contracting as a method for setting prices, basic problems of supply and demand crop up, and with health care, the problem is almost always too little supply. When third parties pay the bill, consumers lose the incentive to consume rationally and providers lose the incentive to provide efficiently. Supporters of Obamacare have identified the problem as one of greed and stupidity, but their solution would entrench the third-party-payer system that rewards greed and stupidity. To swim against this tide of incentives will require coercion on a massive scale and — yes — rationing.

— Stephen Spruiell is an NRO staff reporter.


Government: Do as I say, not as I do.

Not only did the liberals in congress omit wording that would make healthcare reform apply to them, THEY SPECIFICALLY REJECTED AMENDMENTS that would have made the new bill apply equally to them.  The same has been true of almost all of their legislation in recent years.

If congressmen and senators saying that their healthcare reform ISN’T GOOD ENOUGH FOR THEM doesn’t tell you it should be rejected, you must be a masochist who loves being abused by all comers.



October 13, 2009

Time for Congress to Work Under the Same Rules as the Private Sector

by James Sherk and Ryan O’Donnell
Backgrounder #2326

Abstract: All too often, Congress imposes restrictive and burdensome regulations on employers in the private sec­tor–while conveniently exempting itself from these same rules. Many Members of Congress are currently urging passage of the misnamed Employee Free Choice Act and RESPECT Act, which, again, would leave Congress untouched. This paper demonstrates the hypocrisy of such an approach, and urges Congress to either swallow its own medicine or to extend the same rights to the private sector that it claims for itself. …

(click HERE for complete article)

Insurance Companies Fight Back

The demo-rats call this and “insurance industry hatchet job.”  No, they’re just fighting back because Obama screwed them.  They signed a deal with the devil, and it became evident that Obama and company weren’t going to hold up their end of the bargain.

Now they are fighting for their own survival, because the government takeover is going to drive them all out of business.



Insurers mount attack against health reform

Oct 12, 6:50 AM (ET)

WASHINGTON (AP) – After working for months behind the scenes to help shape health care reform, the insurance industry is now sharply attacking the emerging plan with a report that maintains Senate legislation would increase the cost of a typical policy by hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars a year.

A spokesman for Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., whose 10-year, $829 billion overhaul plan faces a final Finance Committee vote Tuesday, was quick to react Sunday, questioning the credibility of the industry’s late-in-coming cost estimate.

“It’s a health insurance company hatchet job, plain and simple,” said the spokesman, Scott Mulhauser.

The health insurance industry has been working until recently to help draft legislation, while publicly endorsing President Barack Obama’s goal of affordable coverage for all Americans. The alliance has grown strained as legislation advances toward votes in Congress.

Late Sunday, the industry trade group America’s Health Insurance Plans sent its member companies a new accounting firm study that projects the legislation would add $1,700 a year to the cost of family coverage in 2013, when most of the major provisions in the bill would be in effect.

Premiums for a single person would go up by $600 more than would be the case without the legislation, the PricewaterhouseCoopers analysis concluded in the study commissioned by the insurance group.

“Several major provisions in the current legislative proposal will cause health care costs to increase far faster and higher than they would under the current system,” Karen Ignagni, the top industry lobbyist in Washington, wrote in a memo to insurance company CEOs.

The study projected that in 2019, family premiums could be $4,000 higher and individual premiums could be $1,500 higher.

Baucus spokesman Mulhauser said the study is “seriously flawed” because it doesn’t take into account provisions in the legislation that would lower the cost of coverage, such as tax credits to help people buy private insurance, protections for current policies and administrative savings from a revamped marketplace.

White House health care spokeswoman Linda Douglass concurred. “This is an insurance industry analysis that is designed to reach a conclusion which benefits the industry, and does not represent what the bill does,” she said.

The Baucus plan faces a final committee vote on Tuesday. It got a boost last week when the Congressional Budget Office estimated it would cover 94 percent of eligible Americans while reducing the federal deficit.

But the PricewaterhouseCoopers analysis attempted to get at a different issue – costs for privately insured individuals.

It concluded that a combination of factors in the bill – and decisions by lawmakers as they amended it – would raise costs.

The chief reason, said the report, is a decision by lawmakers to weaken proposed penalties for failing to get health insurance. The bill would require insurers to take all applicants, doing away with denials for pre-existing health problems. In return, all Americans would be required to carry coverage, either through an employer or a government program, or by buying it themselves.

But the CBO estimated that even with new federal subsidies, some 17 million Americans would still be unable to afford health insurance. Faced with that affordability problem, senators opted to ease the fines for going without coverage from the levels Baucus originally proposed. The industry says that will only let people postpone getting coverage until they get sick.

Other factors leading to higher costs include a new tax on high-cost health insurance plans, cuts in Medicare payments to hospitals and doctors, and a series of new taxes on insurers and other health care industries, the report said.

“Health reform could have a significant impact on the cost of private health insurance coverage,” it concluded.

Insurers played a major role in defeating then-President Bill Clinton’s health care plan in the 1990s. Sunday, the industry stopped short of signaling all-out opposition. “We will continue to work with policymakers in support of workable bipartisan reform,” Ignagni said in her memo.

To Senator Harry Reid: You Can’t Vote on Something That Doesn’t Exist

There’s fast and loose, then there’s downright unconstitutional.  That’s what we have here with the way Harry Reid and company are playing with the Baucus healthcare bill.  Excuse me, that’s healthcare NOTES.  There is no bill.  They plan to vote on a skeleton of a bill, then fill in the blanks with things that haven’t been approved AFTER THE “BILL” PASSES.  If that sounds to you like a recipe for raping taxpayers, usurping power, and destroying the country, then move to the head of the class.  They plan to fill this thing with all kinds of pork, and rules that will enslave us for generations to come.  We are so close to the edge of the abyss that each of us needs to be filling every e-mail inbox on Capitol Hill, running every fax machine out of paper with our faxes, and clogging every switch board with phone calls.  We can’t go down without a fight.


October 09, 2009

To:    Senator Harry Reid
522 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Subject:  Voting on a Myth

Senator Reid,

I am writing to encourage you to stop the insane pursuit of government run healthcare in which you are currently engaged.  What you are doing by voting on legislation that does not yet exist, only to fill in the blanks later with secret pork, additional taxes, rules that destroy choice, destroy free enterprise, and confiscate American freedom is at the very least underhanded, and more likely unconstitutional.

Mr. Reid, I don’t recall seeing reports of you at town hall meetings this summer listening to your constituents air their displeasure with the performance and policies of you and your colleagues.  Maybe your meetings just didn’t get covered, or perhaps you were like many of your colleagues who didn’t have the courage to face the people who elected you.  The message that you apparently did not hear is that Americans, even those from your home state of Nevada, are tired of not being listened to by those who are supposed to represent us.  We do not want LESS freedom and MORE government.  We do not want less choice.  We do not want higher taxes.  We simply do not want what you are trying to shove down our throats.  WE DO NOT WANT HEALTHCARE REFORM IN THE FORM YOU ARE TRYING TO IMPLEMENT IT!

We all agree that healthcare costs are high, and that these costs need to be addressed.  But the approach of having MORE involvement of an inefficient government who takes away our choice, raises our taxes, and reduces the quality and availability of healthcare IS NOT the choice Americans want.  We want the choice that REMOVES government control, reforms the legal system, and increases competition without the government.  Many of you in Washington these days are trial lawyers, and are beholden to that special interest group.  That is why you refuse to address the abuses of that group.

Mr. Reid, you, your colleagues, and Mr. Obama are dividing America and driving this country to a point where Americans will no longer tolerate your foolishness and tyrannical behavior.  You are driving us to a point where our backs are against the wall and we will be forced to extreme measures to ensure the survival of our nation.  I will remind you of the words of our Declaration of Independence:

“…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. … “

Mr. Reid, you have reached that point.



