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The ONLY Way to Stop Big-Tech Tyranny is to STOP PAYING THEM TO OPPRESS YOU

We can only HOPE that the tech tyrants go broke, but that will only happen if WE defund them. Switch to other platforms right away. Don’t use Google, don’t shop on Amazon, use other social media platforms. Stop being soft and lazy, and do what’s RIGHT.

GET WOKE GO BROKE? Tech Tyrants Took A POUNDING In The Markets Since Banning Trump

Written by Wes Walker on January 15, 2021

In case there is anyone out there still wondering, it’s becoming clear that the decision for Silicon Valley to dogpile and ‘cancel’ a sitting president was a political one, not a business one.

They are perfectly willing to play chicken with trillion-dollar companies (and their shareholder’s investments) so long as they can drop a hammer on Donald Trump and (more importantly) the movement he has started.

The official excuse they are giving is that they want to avoid political violence.

But Jack Dorsey, in his own words, has stated otherwise.

He has no intention of letting up the tech censorship of the political right.

You’ll notice that not only have big tech overlords excused doxxing and explicit violence by various groups on the political left — including those who have caused literally BILLIONS of dollars in property damage — they have gone so far as to a point of aligning themselves with some of them… DESPITE their explicit endorsement of violence.

Here’s a longer clip of the video Tucker took that from.

They haven’t figured out yet that individual states — including Red States — can write laws explicitly protecting political expression from being singled out for commercial suppression. Laws that will expose precisely this behavior to the same kind of legal action and financial risk that their apparent anti-competitive practices could also expose them — and their investors — to.

Silicon Valley has already paying the piper for this in the markets, what remains to be seen is whether this is just a blip or a sign of things to come.

Facebook and Twitter, the two largest social media platforms to permanently ban President Donald Trump for his role in last week’s Capitol riots, saw $51.2 billion in combined market value erased over the last two trading sessions.

…Facebook and Twitter possibly took the biggest retaliatory steps when they indefinitely banned Trump from their platforms on Thursday and Friday, respectively.

Both companies cited the risk of additional violence for their bans, but investors largely balked at the action. Facebook tumbled 4% on Monday and another 2.2% on Tuesday as shareholders dumped the stock, likely fearing the ban could drive users off the platform. By the time markets closed on Tuesday, Facebook’s market cap sat $47.6 billion below its Friday level.

There has been bounce-back since.

But between the loss of customer confidence in these companies, the likelihood that they will face an onslaught of lawsuits – even challenging the relevance of section 230 protection for the behavior they have been engaged in – why are they playing chicken with their investor’s money?

Are they expecting the dozen or more advisors big tech has inserted among Joe Biden’s advisors to shield them from the consequences of picking off Joe’s political enemies?

And if so… doesn’t that just expose this as part of an even bigger problem than the one they’re being criticized for now?

Quid Pro Joe might just take on a significance that would have made Joe Stalin blush with envy.

Stifling Free Speech the Old Fashioned Liberal Way

1st Amendment of the United States Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I believe it says freedom OF speech, not freedom FROM speech. If you are offended by what I am saying, you have a right not to listen. Simply walk away. If I don’t like what is on television, do I sue the network which airs the programming? No. I simply change the channel.

These liberals (the article originate in the UK, but there are similar examples in the US, and will be more, I’m sure.) who move into a neighborhood where a church has been for nearly half a century worshiping the same way virtually the entire time, and then complain about the noise are blatantly gaming the system. They are just like idiots who move into a neighborhood under the approach/departure path of a large airport that has been there for decades, and then complain about the noise. The argument is at best frivolous.  If we refer to what the Bible calls “sin” as “sin,” then according to liberals we are guilty of hate crimes. If we endorse candidates from the pulpit (who most likely won’t be liberal), then churches risk losing their tax exempt status. Now they will stand right outside our doors and complain that they can hear us and it bothers them.

This is part of why liberals and communists want to remove God religion from the public square.  Liberals just can’t stand the concept of “sin.”  If no one tells them what they are doing is wrong, they can feel better about themselves.  The other part of the process is the destruction of the moral underpinning of society.  The communists have always known that a populace with no moral foundation is easy to control.  You can see the fruits of their labors in the dumbing down of our society and the emergence of moral relativism, or the concept of the “gray area.”  In reality, EVERYTHING is either right or wrong.  It is man’s lack of understanding of where the demarcation line between the two lies that makes it seem “gray” to many.  Once you see something as gray, you are open to manipulation by proponents of EITHER side of the argument.

If you are a Christian, you should be encouraging your pastors to preach the word boldly, and you should be standing shoulder to shoulder with him to resist the onslaught of liberal attacks.  If not, you will soon lose both your freedom of speech, and your freedom to exercise worship in the religion of your choice.

Even if you are not a Christian, and you don’t go to church, the same still applies to you.  You must protect the freedom of speech and exercise of religion for all (What about islam, you ask? When an entire religion teaches that you or I must be converted or killed, then the protection no longer applies.  The freedom of your fist ends at the tip of my nose).  If one of us loses these precious rights, all of us will.  Whether they be lions, liberals, or muslims, if you appease them by sacrificing your brother, it just delays the inevitable.  They’ll be coming for you next.



Newest attack on Christianity: Just shut up!

Noise ordinances latest weapon against churches

Posted: January 16, 2010
11:10 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

A Christian legal organization in the United Kingdom is reporting a skirmish victory in the latest war against Christians and their churches – the demand that they essentially be silent in their worship.

Cases have cropped up in recent months both in the U.K. as well as the United States in which governmental bodies have demanded that Christian groups essentially be silent – so that no one can hear their worship.

The Christian Legal Centre in the U.K. is reporting a victory in a battle, although the war remains.

The group said this week there has been a “last-minute out of court settlement” that will allow a 600-member church in London to continue its worship.

The Lambeth Council previously had issued a noise abatement notice to the All Nations Centre in Kennington which prevented the church from using any amplification for its worship music and its pastor’s preaching.

No allowance was made for any of the seniors in the congregation, some of whom have hearing difficulties, officials said.

The noise abatement order was issued last fall without warning or discussion, shortly after the church, which has been in the same location for more than 45 years, began to publicize its services in its own neighborhood.  (This is just like idiots who buy a house under the approach/departure path to a large airport that has been there for decades, and then complain about the noise.  Why do we have to suffer for their stupidity?  This is about freedom OF speech, not freedom FROM speech.)

(Read complete article HERE)

Son of Climategate! Scientist says feds manipulated data

Our government wants to tax you for the carbon you produce and give that money to other countries that produce nothing, literally.  The government led by Obama, following the Dunce of Democracy, Al Gore, tell us that if we don’t pass some absurd climate treaty which destroys our economy, takes our wealth, destroys our standard of living, and suborns us to foreign governments and entities, we are all going to die, the planet “has a fever,” polar bears are dying (there are more now than ever. In fact they are terrorizing arctic cities and villages), cow and moose farts are eating away the atmosphere which will cause all of us to burn to a crisp as temperatures rise, but now global temperatures are falling and we’re headed for an ice-age, check that, global temperatures are rising and world is going to flood, no, wait, they are cooling again and we’re all going to freeze, it doesn’t matter, the climate is CHANGING, and it’s bad, and man caused it by driving our SUV’s, and our SUV’s are so bad that it actually caused the temperature on Mars to rise at the same time the temperature on Earth was rising, before it was cooling again, and the sun has absolutely nothing to do with the temperature on Earth…

Does your head hurt yet?

Here’s the Cliff’s notes:

  • Global warming/man-caused climate change is a HOAX
  • The only purposes of the global warming/climate change movement is to redistribute wealth and consolidate power
  • If the government passes some ridiculous climate legislation,
    • our standard of living will go down drastically,
    • the cost of energy will “necessarily skyrocket” as Obama promised,
    • we will lose 2-3 jobs for every “green” job created,
    • our sovereignty will be given away to foreign powers,
    • our money will be taken from us and shipped overseas (what’s new?),
  • Antarctica isn’t melting
  • Polar bears aren’t dying because of global warming
  • The earth has actually been cooling for the last decade

Elections have consequences.  We are suffering the consequences of 50 years of dumbing down by liberals.  The now uneducated masses believed anything they were told, and voted based on purely emotional arguments that had no facts to back them up.  We are being indoctrinated with a very slick propaganda machine that models itself after the National Socialists Party of WWII Germany, which modeled itself after the propaganda machine of our very own progressive socialist, Woodrow Wilson.  Only now it is much more effective in America because of the intentional destruction of our educational system, and the suppression of religion and morals.

Stupid people with no moral values are easy to manipulate.

The few “educated” people who voted for Rope and Chains are beginning to have voters remorse.  Sadly, the majority are far too stupid to know anything except they were promised something for “free.”  They are the societal inertia we must overcome to get the American train back on the tracks and rolling again.  Those that have grown up in the culture of laziness and dependence built for them by liberals are going to squeal like stuck pigs when they have to actually provide for themselves.  Here are some of those people:



Son of Climategate! Scientist says feds manipulated data

Reporting points in coldest regions simply eliminated by U.S. agencies

Posted: January 16, 2010
12:20 am Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

In a one-two series of Climategate aftershocks that assuredly will further rattle the global warming community, a report has been issued by U.S. researchers accusing government agencies of cherry-picking temperature readings used to assess global temperatures, and a series of embarrassing e-mails were released revealing what happened when a blogger dared to point out a mistake by NASA climate scientists.

The new report is from scientist Joseph D’Aleo and was highlighted in a report on global warming on KUSI television in San Diego.

It comes only weeks after the tumultuous climategate e-mail scandal in Britain erupted, proving top global warming scientists manipulated data there.

The report from D’Aleo, a retired climatologist who has been skeptical of global warming, contends climate data has been corrupted and skewed by “urbanization and other local factors such as land-use-land-cover changes and improper siting.”

He blamed the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which he described as “seriously complicit in data manipulation and fraud.”

The East Anglia e-mail leak focused on the work at the Climate Research Unit there, but the director there has confirmed “almost all the data” in the archive “is exactly the same as in the Global Historical Climatology Network archive used by the NOAA National Climatic Data Center,” D’Aleo said.

But he noted that an analysis by San Jose computer programmer E.M. Smith of the data “found they systematically eliminated 75 percent of the world’s stations with a clear bias towards removing higher latitude, high altitude and rural locations.”

“The thermometers in a sense marched towards the tropics, the sea and to airport tarmacs,” he said.

For example, the report said the number of reporting stations in Canada dropped from 600 to 35 with the percentage of stations at lower elevations tripling while the numbers of those at higher elevations plummeted.

Further, a vast majority of the climate stations reporting in the U.S. were either poorly or very poorly sited, taking temperature readings from paved driveways, in a waste treatment facility, on rooftops or near the exhaust from idling jet engines, rather than in open areas.

Stations in such locations as the Andes and Bolivia have virtually vanished, meaning that temperatures for those areas now are “determined by interpolation from stations hundreds of miles away on the coast or in the Amazon.”

“Think of it this way,” D’Aleo told the television station, “if Minneapolis and other northern cities suddenly disappeared but Kansas City and St. Louis were still available, would you think an average of Kansas City and St. Louis would provide an accurate replacement for Minneapolis and expect to use that to determine how Minneapolis’ temperature has changed with any hope of accuracy?”

D’Aleo said that the coolest stations in a particular reporting period sometimes disappeared in the next.

“This would indicate a deliberate attempt to create a warm bias on the part of NOAA because in calculating the average temperatures in this way it would ensure that the global average temperature for each month and year would now show a positive temperature anomaly,” the report said.

Such anomalies, it added, make climate reports based on those figures simply unreliable.

“You can trust in the data that shows there has been warming from 1979 to 1998, just as there was warming the around 1920 to 1940. But there has been cooling from 1940 to the late 1970s and since 2001. It is the long term trend on which this cyclical pattern is superimposed that is exaggerated,” the report said.

Meanwhile, Washington, D.C.-based government watchdog Judicial Watch has released several hundred pages of e-mails from U.S. government scientists reacting – sometimes with disdain and arrogance – when an independent investigator pointed out an error in their global warming statistics.

When the mistake ultimately was corrected, the tables reflected slightly lower temperatures for years following 2000, and the reshuffled rankings revealed that several years from the 1930s were, in fact, warmer than during the last decade.

That, of course, undercut arguments that the life of modern man is generating emissions that would, if left unchecked, eventually threaten life on earth because of melting ice caps, rising seas and climates too hot to support food production.

In the British scandal prior to Christmas, purloined e-mails from the East Anglia Climate Research Unit, one of the world’s premier global warming investigative organizations, included references to a “trick” to “hide the decline.”

The NASA issue developed around 2007 when Canadian blogger Stephen McIntyre exposed an error in NASA’s handling of raw temperature data from 2000-2006 at its Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

The issue was that temperature readings apparently weren’t handled in a consistent fashion, leaving them open for challenge. Sometimes “raw” data was used, while other times it was adjusted for “time of observation.”

The mistake noted by McIntyre prompted the government agency to “re-process” data to eliminate an “artificial step” in the charts.

“Obviously, combining the uncorrected [data] with the [corrected] records for earlier years caused jumps in the records at those stations,” a government e-mail responded. “The net effect averaged over the U.S. was an error of about 0.15C or less in the post-2000 years.”

However, 0.15 degrees Centigrade is one-third of a degree Fahrenheit, which could be considered a significant change in an overall climate average.

The e-mails show the impact was that while 1998 previously had a deviation of 1.24 degrees Centrigrade, that should have been 1.23 – bringing it below 1934. The lists for the highest deviations, the e-mails show, had listed 1998, 1934, 2006, 1921, 1931, 1999, 1953, 2001, 1990 and 1938.

The new list was changed to: 1934, 1998, 1921, 2006, 1931, 1999, 1953, 1990, 1938, 1939.

Instead of simply correcting the errors, however, government scientist Jim Hansen responded by labeling McIntyre a “pest,” and suggested that those who disagree with global warming “should be ready to crawl under a rock by now.”

“This e-mail traffic ought to be embarrassing for NASA,” said Tom Fitton, chief of Judicial Watch, which obtained the documents under a Freedom of Information Act request. “Given the recent Climategate scandal, NASA has an obligation to be completely transparent with its handling of temperature data.”

“Instead of insulting those who point out their mistakes, NASA scientists should engage the public in an open, professional and honest matter,” he said.

The hundreds of pages of documents concern what the government described as a “glitch” in official assessments of temperatures.

Judicial Watch noted that a Bloomberg reporter had e-mailed to Hansen, “The U.S. figures showed 1998 as the warmest year. Nevertheless, NASA has indeed newly ranked 1934 as the warmest year…”

Hansen responded, “We have not changed ranking of warmest year in the U.S. As you will see in our 2001 paper we found 1934 slightly warmer, by an insignificant hair over 1998. We still find that result. The flaw affected temperatures only after 2000, not 1998 and 1934.”

To which NASA scientist Makiko Sato told Hansen, “I am sure I had 1998 warmer at least once on my own temperature web page…”

Fitton told WND the e-mails reveal at “unflattering portrait of NASA scientists who, rather than deal forthrightly with their error, attacked those who called them on it.”

He said he would leave to scientific experts the exact analysis of the impact of the flaw. But he said the dispute – and the government’s response – “calls into question other data that is being presented by NASA [and others] in the global warming community.”

“One has to wonder whether or not it would have been caught but for a diligent researcher,” he said. “These are not everyday scientists in the private sector who can do whatever they want to do. These are government scientists trashing citizens and bloggers.”

He said the e-mails make it appear the government didn’t even want to engage in a discussion over the mistake – but for political, not scientific reasons.

One of the newly revealed e-mails documents a government scientist writing about those who were questioning the government’s mistake: “This seems to be a tempest inside somebody’s teapot dome… It is unclear why anyone would try to make something out of this, perhaps a light not on upstairs? Or perhaps this is coming from one of the old contrarians? They can’t seem to get over the fact that the real world has proven them to be full of malarkey! You would think that they would be ready to crawl under a rock by now!”

McIntyre’s website comment on the e-mail revelation today was that, “If anyone is wondering whether e-mails by U.S. government employees are ‘private’ and ‘personal’ – an assertion sometimes made in respect to emails at CRU, an institution subject to UK FOI – the answer in respect to NASA GISS appears to be no.”

The previous e-mails from East Anglia, posted online after a hacker found them, said, “The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t. The CERES data published in the August (Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society) 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate.”

Suggestions to suppress information also were documented at East Anglia, “Can you delete any e-mails you may have had with Keith re (Assessment Report 4)? Keith will do likewise. He’s not in at the moment – minor family crisis.”

They also suggest how “warmists,” as critics label those who believe in global warming, conspired to squeeze dissenting scientists out of the peer-review process.

Myron Ebell, of the GlobalWarming.org website where “cooler heads prevail,” had described the East Anglia e-mails as “shocking.”

“It’s kind of interesting to learn that petty politics seems to be more prevalent in the scientific community than in the political community,” he said.

The documents, he said, “raise a huge number of questions about the integrity of a lot of people in the alarmist community.

“What I’ve seen there is a very strong effort to manage the issue by scientists and not as a scientific issue. It’s very improper,” he said. “One of the criticisms is that we need scientists to be scientists, and policy can be handled in public debate.”

There also is an effort called the Petition Project which was launched some 10 years ago when the first few thousand signatures were gathered. The effort, assembled by Art Robinson, a research professor of chemistry and cofounder of the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine in 1973, now lists tens of thousands of qualified scientists who endorse this:

There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.

WND also reported recently on the United Nation’s summit in Copenhagen, which failed to produce a global carbon emissions agreement as advocates had sought.

That meeting, instead, was simply about American money, according to Steve Stockman, a former Texas congressman who was in the Danish capital for the two-week event before Christmas.

“It was about transferring the wealth of taxpayers,” he said. “This has nothing to do with science.”

Further, a Colorado scientist described by the Washington Post as “the World’s Most Famous Hurricane Expert” said the East Anglia e-mails “are but the tip of a giant iceberg of a well-organized international climate-warming conspiracy that has been gathering momentum for the last 25 years.”

The comment came from Colorado State University’s William Gray, whose annual hurricane forecasts are the standard for weather prognostications. His work pioneered the science of forecasting hurricanes, and he has served as weather forecaster for the U.S. Air Force. He is emeritus professor of atmospheric science at CSU and heads the school’s Department of Atmospheric Sciences Tropical Meteorology Project.

He had forecast that U.S. researchers eventually would be caught by their own e-mails, too.

“This conspiracy would become much more manifest if all the e-mails of the publicly funded climate-research groups of the U.S. and of foreign governments were ever made public,” he said at the time.

Eric Holder and the ‘Blog Squad’

Am I supposed to believe and trust an administration who has been caught in more lies in 9 months than the last 3 administrations combined?  Am I to trust an administration whose idea of “transparency” is a slight of hand trick telling you what they want you to hear while covering up all evidence and ability to find the truth?  The only thing transparent about this administration is that they are transparently a bunch of communist/socialists.  Their unprecedented attacks on ANY media outlet that disagrees with them is openly communist.



DOJ denies existence of a ‘blog squad’

By Kerry Picket on Oct. 8, 2009 into Water Cooler

Various conservative blogs are talking about the existence of a “blog squad” at the U.S. Justice Department. The website, the Muffled Oar writes that a blogging unit formed within the Department of Justice to counter websites with posts, articles, and user comments critical of the Obama administration.  Matthew Miller Director of Public Affair at the Justice Department told the Washington Times,:

“There is no ‘blog squad’. There is Tracy [Russo] who handles online media.  It’s the policy of the office of public affairs to not post anonymous comments.  We have not seen any evidence that anyone does post comments, and if we did have evidence of that, people would no longer work here.”

Mr. Miller countered accusations of the existence of a “blog squad” pointing to what he says is lack of evidence.

“I noticed, actually, that the posts don’t actually point to any evidence of anonymous comments coming from the Department of Justice, which of course, I believe you can trace.  I think it says they’ve seen an uptick.”

The Muffled Oar, first reported on the existence of such a blogging unit, writing:

“Tracy Russo is one such blogger from the campaign of John Edwards. The unit is housed in the Office of Public Affairs. Not only is the Department of Justice Blog Squad going to reach out to nontraditional media like TPM Muckraker or the Muffled Oar, but they are also tasked with fostering anonymous comments at conservative leaning blogs such as the Free Republic. They are also tasked with fostering anonymous comments, or comments under pseudonyms, at newspaper websites with stories critical of the Department of Justice, Holder and President Obama.”

National Review’s the Corner blog picked up this story from Muffled Oar on Tuesday:

“At the same time that DOJ was refusing to answer questions about its outrageous dismissal of the voter-intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party and apparently paying government employees to post anonymous or pseudonymous comments or comments under false names attacking critics of the administration, the department declared that it was launching its new website “to increase openness and transparency in government.”

The Muffled Oar points out that Ms. Russo of the DOJ’s Public Affair’s office is a former John Edwards campaign blogger. However, Mr. Miller defends Ms. Russo’s role at DOJ saying,:

“Tracy [Russo] was hired to lead our online efforts which have been to redesign the department’s web page to lead the post into social media to use new communications tools to communicate with the American people.”

This story seems far from over. Should it be surprising web users are suspicious of a Democrat political partisan former campaign blogger who has the power of the Justice Department behind her now?  Apparently this administration still has not learned much from their past mistakes.


“Hate Speech” = Anything a Liberal Disagrees With

Tolerance is Becoming Intolerance

Floyd and Mary Beth Brown, Expose Obama.com

Modern America preaches the value of tolerance. This says you have the right to your opinion, and I have the right to mine. We can agree to disagree. While this level of tolerance for all viewpoints has never been completely achieved, those on the left certainly preach it when they are vilifying those who hold traditional values, and attempt to label them as intolerant. In recent years, and culminating in the election of Barack Obama, we are entering a new era where you have only the right to agree with the modern liberal view, or else be ostracized as an extremist.

Upon Obama’s election, he promised to usher in a new era of post-partisan politics. No more conservative and liberal — just hope. On abortion, he said he wanted to move past the tired old politics. Translation: he wants to repeal all restrictions on abortion, but expects pro-life supporters to drop their disagreements and support him. Obama said it’s no longer about whether government is too big or too small, it’s about how effective it is. In reality, Obama has ushered in the largest expansion of federal government in any 100-day period in United States history. This period of censorship of disagreement goes well beyond Obama to many of the liberal elites.

Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano joined the thought police by allowing her department to issue a report labeling any person holding a conservative political viewpoint a potential terrorist. This is the same Department of Homeland Security that said from now on, terrorism will be called man-caused disasters. Napolitano will tolerate Islamic terrorists, yet she has no tolerance for pro-life individuals. People who favor a smaller federal government are considered dangerous enemies of the state. This type of discrimination against opposing viewpoints is becoming rampant in our society.
American “enemies of the state” took to the streets to show their support for fiscal responsibility by attending tea parties. Because this view was not approved by the liberal elites, these protesters were mocked incessantly on CNN, NBC and CBS. The worst case of disdain for tea party participants came from Janeane Garofalo. Speaking on “Countdown with Keith Olbermann,” she said, “Let’s be very honest about what this is about. They have no idea what the Boston Tea party was about. They don’t know their history at all. It’s about hating a black man in the White House.This is racism straight up and is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks. There is no way around that.” Garofalo proceeded to claim that conservatives suffer from a mental disorder. None of this was refuted in any way by host Keith Olbermann. Evidently, hate speech is only allowed when it is against Christians or conservatives. There are allegations that the FBI was spying on these very peaceful demonstrations.
Another example of this suppression of traditional thought occurred at the Miss USA pageant. Celebrity judge Perez Hilton, a famous gay blogger, asked Miss California if she supported gay marriage. She very politely and graciously said that is up to the different states but she personally opposes it. The Miss USA contest strongly disagreed with Miss California’s position, and after the show Perez Hilton launched a diatribe calling the young lady a “dumb B” and later called her the C-word. These hateful attacks would certainly be repudiated if it were a conservative saying them. However, Perez Hilton and his far-left cohorts are free to say whatever they want as long as they are attacking conservatives.
This same principle applies as the left pushes the fairness doctrine and attempts to pass hate-speech laws that will silence Bible-believing Christians. If you disagree with them, then you have no right to speak your beliefs.
America is founded on the principles that all men are created equal and have inalienable rights protected by our Constitution. These rights and protections are what separate our free society from authoritarian governments that have no constraints on government power. Yet Alexis de Tocqueville warned about coercion of thought in his classic book, “Democracy of America.” He cautions us, saying that democracies can become even more oppressive than other forms of government when conformity is pushed in the culture. This conformity is being shoved on our society at an alarming rate. Christians and people who hold conservative viewpoints are demonized and mocked in schools, in the media and now by the Dept. of Homeland Security and the Obama administration. Those who hold traditional viewpoints had better speak out; otherwise, in the near future they may be forced to keep their lips zipped.