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Obama and Liberal/Progressives Pushing for Slavery

PUBLICLY Funding Health Care Means


Health care is a service, not a right.

Rights are given by GOD, not by government.

A RIGHT is something that does not take away from another.

If you declare health care to be a RIGHT, you are saying that either:

  1. A person can demand service from a doctor, and the doctor can’t charge for his service.  This would also imply that a person could be forced to become a doctor without compensation.  This is SLAVERY.  Or …

  2. A person can take money or wealth from another person or persons against their will to pay for products or services.  This is THEFT.

The constitution and the law have already been disregarded in the many attempts to shove this poison pill suppository up the rectum of America, and President Obama and the democrats just won’t quit.

President Obama and democrats have offered illegal and unconstitutional deals, bribes and threats to congressmen and senators for their votes, despite the FACT that nearly 75% of Americans DON’T WANT GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH CARE.

America is a constitutional, representative republic, and NOT a democracy.  A constitutional republic is a government of law.  Democracy is mob-rule, and merely a transition between our form of government, and the oligarchy which progressives are seeking.  In other words, we are being pushed back into bondage.  That being said, those representatives voting for this legislation are not representing the will of the voters they were hired to represent.

The Declaration of Independence which is a large part of the foundation upon which our great nation was built says the following:

… That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. …

Americans have shrugged off the bonds of oppressive government once in their history, and we are prepared to do it again.  We will do it peacefully if possible, but by any means necessary to preserve our nation, constitution, and freedom.

Don’t Tread On Us.

Mr. Obama: I’m calling you out

This is what the REAL mainstream of America is thinking and feeling.


Mr. Obama: I’m calling you out

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
By William Piercey Sr.

The new era of government control over our lives and freedoms has begun. This week, it got personal, and I felt helpless.

The doctor overseeing my health care advised me to get an H1N1 flu shot. I’ve been under a six-year treatment program for a chronic infection, plus I have heart and lung problems. Therefore, I am considered a high risk. Fortunately, my doctor had three shots available, but I would have to get approval from my county health department. Much to my surprise, the woman at the health department apologized and told me that even though I was a senior citizen at high risk, the health department had been instructed to approve shots only for children and pregnant mothers. I asked when a shot for my situation might be available. “We really don’t know. Check back with us sometime in December.”

What? The terrorist detainees in Gitmo are getting shots this month. Why not a high-risk senior citizen?

Mr. Obama, this is what we call health care rationing, which you claim won’t happen under a government-run health care program.

If George W. Bush was considered the Barney Fife of executive power, then welcome to the Chicago-style politics of the new Vito Corleone family. The president himself, like a strong-armed enforcer, said in a nationally televised speech, “If you misrepresent anything in this plan, I will call you out.” This administration has turned the once dignified and esteemed Oval Office into a war room for its liberal propaganda.

On his first day in office, the president signed the Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Personnel executive order. During the campaign he vowed to keep lobbyists out of the administration. But in Section 3 of this order is a waiver clause. The director of the Office of Management and Budget “may grant” a written waiver of any restrictions. Former lobbyists were given waivers and now hold key positions in government. Mr. Obama, you lied.

At the same time lobbyists were coming in the front door, dozens of new unvetted, hand-picked ideologues were being shuttled in the back door. Many of these people were placed in key policymaking positions. U.S. Sen. Susan Collins of Maine was worried about 18 of these unvetted czars, 10 of whom worked in the White House. An amendment to force these appointees to testify in oversight hearings was shot down by the Democratic leadership. Collins was especially concerned about Carol Browner, who negotiated fuel-economy standards with the auto industry. She even sent a letter to Obama, and one of his counsels replied that no one would be made available. This administration fears no one, especially a senator who dares to enforce something as minor as checks and balances. Obama promised transparency. He lied.

On the topic of transparency, the $787 billion stimulus bill was a progressive Trojan horse. It’s loaded with political favors and programs that set up the infrastructure for education, health care and climate change. It was passed and signed in a matter of weeks. This was not a bill to put Americans back to work. Obama said it would produce 3.5 million jobs in two years. Over the past year the administration has changed its story daily but finally settled on the “create or save” propaganda. Obama also said the bill would keep unemployment under 8 percent. The rate has climbed to over 10 percent. Either his economic advisers are incompetent and need to be fired, or, once again, Mr. President, you lied.

Mr. President, you said you didn’t want to run our car companies and banks, but you do. With the $350 billion in TARP funds left by President Bush, Obama’s people continued the surge of bailouts. Americans might be shocked to know the recipients of bailout money now total 727 institutions. This government control in the private sector is unprecedented.

Government-run health care, card check, cap-and-trade, net neutrality, control of radio stations and possible newspaper bailouts are just part of this administration’s agenda.

It’s time for Americans to get in this government’s face and call it out. This coup d’etat can be defeated. We have the numbers, the votes and the will power to turn back this assault on our individual freedoms.

With 15 million unemployed Americans, I’m sure we can find a few willing patriots to fill all those upcoming vacant seats in Washington, especially with an annual salary of $170,000, office, staff, insurance, expense account and, best of all, a three-day workweek. The only requirements for this job are honesty, integrity and a love of country.

William Piercey Sr. is a Cape Girardeau resident.


Nov 7, 2009: Today Our Government Chooses to Either Defend or Oppress Us

To the members of Congress, especially the “Blue Dogs:”


She is willing to throw you and your career under the bus to grab power.

The current health care proposals from Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid…

  • Push state-run health care
  • Unconstitutionally mandate that private citizens purchase government products
  • Uses taxpayer funds to pay for abortions
  • Raise taxes
  • Destroy jobs
  • DRAMATICALLY increase the size of government
  • Reduce the availability of health care
  • Increase the cost of health care
  • Reduce the quality of health care
  • Do nothing to address the REAL reasons that health care is more expensive than it should be
  • Will do all of the above for the purpose of “making health care more affordable,” which it will not do

Instead of punishing 95% of Americans to help 5% or less, if you really want to make health care more affordable, you have to reduce the COST, not just the PRICE.  There is a big difference.

One of the biggest reasons health care is so expensive is because doctors have to spend vast sums of money defending themselves from frivolous lawsuits, and when damages are awarded they are exorbitant.  Tort reform and limiting or capping medical liability to eliminate “jackpot justice” would dramatically reduce costs of health care.

Next you need to increase competition in insurance, but not with government in the competition.  Allow competition across state lines.  These few things along with portable medical savings accounts, allowing patients to pay a cash price for services would truly make health care more affordable WITHOUT COSTING TAXPAYERS MORE MONEY,  DESTROYING A SOLID HEALTHCARE SYSTEM, OR INCREASING THE SIZE OF GOVERNMENT.


We do not want government takeover of our health care, or anything else.  The government has stolen too much of our freedom and choice already.

Voting for this bill, or anything resembling it will ensure that your career in Washington is over.  You will be voted from office, recalled, impeached, or removed by whatever mechanism your state has in place to remove you.  I and legions like me will vote against you, campaign against you, donate funds to candidates who oppose you, and do all that it takes to make sure your career is over sooner rather than later.  Don’t let Nancy’s ambition come at your expense.






White House Liars Caught Lying Again, and Again…

First you have Obama who promises no special interests or lobbyists will be in his administration.  In actual fact the Obama ship is riding low in the water due to the weight of all the lobbyists and special interest groups that he panders to and is paying back politically.  A great example example is Ms. Linda Douglas, formerly of the ABC branch of the state run media, who is now the “Communications Director for the Office of Health Reform.”  Why not call her what she actually is?  She is a propagandist.  In the videos below, you will see her lying to you about Obama’s plan for health care.  How do we know she’s lying?  Because you will see Obama in his own words contradicting everything she says in the other videos.

Americans have begun to wake up about the tyranny being pushed down our throats by this administration, and by the liberals in the house and senate.  In the few “town hall” meetings most of them have had since going on break, they are meeting crowds who are angry about all of the lies and who want REAL answers.  They are angry about bourgeoisie politicians passing laws for we in the proletariat that THEY, the ruling class don’t have to live by.  Not ONE of these elitists has any intention of living under the health care plan they are trying to use and an enema for America.  Some conservatives have submitted amendments that would force the politicians to live under the same laws.  As soon as they were passed and got out of committee, Nazi Pelosi and Harry Reid shot them down.


If it’s not good enough for them, it’s not good enough for us.  Period.

See also: Politico: Barack Obama vs. Drudge Report
