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America is the Modern-Day Nineveh

Fellow conservatives and other Trump supporters, I’m advising and BEGGING you to stay away from all inauguration day protests and events. The left is hoping you’ll be there so they can turn you into scapegoats for whatever violence their shock troops (antifa and BLM) will instigate. Stay home, continue to organize and prepare for a down economy and whatever will be coming our way. If you’re a believer in God, you can probably see that America is like Nineveh in the book of Nahum. We strayed away, didn’t listen to His prophets, and are about to be destroyed as a nation. God will take care of His kids, but I believe America is on the way off the world stage. Be ready for what happens next. As Joseph prepared Egypt for 7 years of famine, so should you prepare for what is coming. We may or may not be able to change the course of America at this point in history. Be patient. Be where God wants you to be, doing what He wants you to do, and wait. If you stay in the Word, on your knees (spiritually), and obedient, you’ll know what to do, and when to do it.

Chavez Builds Model for Obama’s Brown Shirts

Obama said during his July 2, 2008 campaign speech

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

He has attempted to follow the model of Hugo Chavez, and other dictators thus far in his illegitimate, undocumented ‘presidency.’  He has taken over financial institutions, auto manufacturers, and begun the destruction of all private business and industry.  With the aid of Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, the Black Panthers, SEIU, ACORN, all of his communist appointees, and other union supporters, Obama has employed his thug, street organizer, Marxist, Saul Alinsky tactics to intimidate Americans and begin building the framework for his communist state.

What you see exemplified by Hugo Chavez, and quietly being put into place by Barack Obama is EXACTLY like the Nazi Brown Shirts who did Hitler’s bidding in the 30’s and 40’s, and what Lenin did in Soviet Russia.  “Oh, but you’re being too extreme and alarmist by using the Hitler analogy,” some of you will say.  If you HONESTLY examine history, there is no way that you can tell me the analogy does not fit.

Chavez is using his ‘militia’ to intimidate people into doing things his way.  Period.  It has nothing to do with the good of the people.  It is about consolidating power.

Now Chairman Maobama is quietly trying to assemble such a force.  The basis for the force is the corrupt unions that got him elected, predominantly the likes of ACORN and SEIU.  The leadership of other unions such as the UAW are also in bed with Obama, but the rank and file may not be so easily swayed.  Regardless, you have already seen his tactics employed at the voting booth intimidating voters to get him elected by either voting for him, or not voting period.  You see a ‘progressive’ congress attempting to pass laws that would essentially force unionization of the labor force.  You see attempts to publicly attack and humiliate ANYONE who disagrees with Obama’s agenda.

The words of soulless attack dog Rahm Emanuel are a perfect example.  He called those balking at Obama’s health care takeover “F—ing retarded.” This is a pretty mild attack from Mr. ‘Dead Fish’ Emanuel, who mailed dead fish to a pollster who ticked him off.  As an aide to Bill Clinton during his first presidential run, Emanuel shook up a dinner party by plunging a knife into the table and screaming “Dead!” while reciting the names of several Democrats he considered disloyal.  If Obama has a ‘Heinrich Himmler,’ Emanuel will be it.



Chavez’s Socialist Worker Militias Swell to 150,000 in Venezuela

Friday, February 05, 2010

By Matt Cover, Staff Writer

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez (AP Photo)

(CNSNews.com) – Venezuela’s socialist worker militias have grown to nearly 150,000 members since their formation in 2009. Organized by President Hugo Chavez in May 2009, the “workers’ militias” are intended to allow Chavez’s political party to assert control over key economic sectors.

According to a Jan. 29 report in the Venezuelan El Universal newspaper — translated by BBC Worldwide Monitoring – the ranks of Chavez’s workers militias have swelled to around 150,000 members, most of whom work in “strategic” economic sectors, such as oil, electricity, transportation, and “basic companies.”

Orlando Castillo, with the Socialist Workers Front, a Chavez-allied group, was quoted by El Universal as saying that the purpose of the militias was to use the labor troops to “defend the people,” adding that “there need to be many more” troops.  (Obama’s ‘civilian national security force’ anyone?)

“There need to be many more,” he said, “because they represent the idea of the integrated worker who is capable of producing and also of defending the people.”

The workers’ militias are an ideological remnant of the Communist coup d’etat in Russia 1917, whose leaders Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky created the groups and used them to overthrow the Czarist government, eventually turning them into units of the Red Army.

Vladimir Lenin, the Marxist leader who helped establish the Soviet Union, which lasted in Russia from 1917 to 1991

In Venezuela today the militias are made up of individual workers who are armed with guns and trained to ensure that their respective companies comply with the agenda of the ruling United Socialist Party. (As I said, it’s all about CONTROL.)

“With rifles there beside them, in case anybody makes a mistake with us,” Chavez is quoted as saying at a May 2009 socialist transformation workshop where he announced the militias’ creation.

So-called socialist patrols are also growing, with an estimated 20,000 separate patrols totaling 300,000 Venezuelans. Each patrol has an average of 15 members. Castillo said the patrols are “forging the party [United Socialist Party] in the middle of the workers [movement].”

Like the militias, these socialist patrols are intended to allow the ruling socialist government to exert greater control over key industries. However, they also operate in Venezuela’s shrinking private sector companies.

The purpose of both is “production control,” according to socialist leader Castillo, allowing members of the ruling party to wield greater influence in economic decisions.

Chavez’s government plans for companies to have a socialist triumvirate of sorts, comprised of socialist patrols, workers’ councils and labor unions. (Do you think Obama’s total support and nurturing of unions in this country is an accident?  Don’t be naive.  It is part of his plan in laying the ground work for his communist state.)

Obama Betraying Military, Causes Troops to Die in Afghanistan

From one of the mouths on one of his faces, Obama NOW says that his worries about military spending are delaying his decision on sending more troops to Afghanistan.  That’s funny.  He wasn’t worried about too much spending when he signed the $787 Billion (which we didn’t have) porkulus package into law.  He doesn’t seem too worried about spending TRILLIONS more dollars we don’t have on a freedom destroying takeover of the American health care system.  He doesn’t seem too worried about spending TRILLIONS more dollars we don’t have, and completing the destruction of our economy by pushing his cap-and-charade climate change agenda, and vowing to sign the Copenhagen Treaty.  He doesn’t seem too worried about the BILLIONS of dollars that are being funneled to his cronies and union buddies in the form of political payoffs.

The amount of fraud, waste, and abuse of the Medicare system last year would fund the 40,000 troops that General McChrystal is requesting for an entire year.

Here’s a Nancy Pelosi, “Are you kidding me?” moment if I ever saw one.  During his current Asian “Apologize for America” tour, Comrade Obama stopped at Eielson AFB in Alaska.  There he told the 1,000 some-odd troops in attendance the following:

“I want you guys to understand that I will never hesitate to use force to protect the American people and our vital interests,” Obama told the troops. “But I also make you this promise: I will not risk your lives unless it is necessary to America’s vital interests.”

“And if it is necessary,” Obama added, “the United States of America will have your back. We’ll give you the strategy and the clear mission you deserve. We’ll give you the equipment and support you need to get the job done. And that includes public support back home.”

I wonder if he includes the troops in Afghanistan and Iraq in this statement, because he is using military force, and he is risking American military lives in those places.  Does he consider Afghanistan and Iraq to be “America’s vital interests?”  If he did, he would give them a “strategy and the clear mission” they deserve, and he would indeed “have their back,” and would be giving them “the equipment and support” they “need to get the job done.”

He has delayed for 3 months giving the General THAT HE APPOINTED the men and material that he has requested, so what does that say about Obama’s attitude toward Afghanistan?  What does it say about his attitude toward the military in general when looked at in the larger context of his military spending plans?

It appears to me that Chairman Maobama is attempting to destroy the military just as he appears to be intentionally trying to destroy the economy.  What will fill the void?  Remember that “civilian security force” Obama spoke of during his campaign?  The one that he said would be “just as well funded and equipped as the military?”  The current military swears to protect and defend the constitution.  Obama’s new “military” would swear allegiance to him.

Didn’t we learn ANYTHING from the second world war?  Brown Shirts, anyone?


ACORN Promoting Prostitution and Tax Evasion

Not only does ACORN provide thugs for Obama’s Brown Shirt army, they also engage in human trafficking, prostitution, and tax evasion.  If they were not an organization that supported Obama and the liberals, the full weight of the government would be coming down on them like a ton of bricks.  But just like all of the liberal tax-cheats that fill all of the spots in the Obama administration, who raise our taxes and send us to jail if we don’t pay, ACORN will not be punished.  No one that supports Obama will ever be punished for anything, as long as they support Obama and the liberals.  Charles Rangel won’t be punished for falsifying tax forms and not paying up.  Tim “TurboTax Cheat” Geithner will never be punished for his “mistake.”  The list get’s longer every day.

The tide of dissent is rising, Mr. Obama.  Go ahead and keep talking about how “the peasants are revolting,” and continuing with your “let them eat cake (brioche)” attitude.  Who will offer you an outstretched hand when the tide rises above your head?

Shocking Audio Could Incriminate ACORN Affiliates


Barack Obama’s Civilian Army

Brown Shirts.  A para-military force outside the law being used to strong arm people and silence dissent.  That’s what the Brown Shirts did in the 30’s, and that’s what Obama’s fledgling army is doing now.  Oh, they’re not as well organized and wearing one distinct uniform… yet.  But the SEIU shirts that many are wearing are a start.  Make no mistake, unless we stand up to and see to the dismantling of this “army” of thugs, any who dissent with Obama will wind up just like the Jews did in Germany in the 30’s and 40’s.  He is a despot looking for a throne to occupy.  The White House is just a stop on the way to that throne.  Obama will bring violence to this nation if he continues to pursue this course.  His quest for absolute power must be stopped.

WE, the Americans who love liberty and respect our Constitution, are Obama’s enemy.


Barack Obama’s Civilian Army

Thursday , August 27, 2009

By Glenn Beck


Thursday’s show, I believe, it’s the most controversial of all the shows this week — and maybe ever.

I will give you some facts, some history but also some of the future.

The reason Thursday’s show is the last before Friday’s solution, I wanted you to see who was advising the president and what they are doing, before I could ask you to look at this phrase from Barack Obama and think he meant it literally:


THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARACK OBAMA: We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.


I don’t know how anyone will respond to the facts I am going to present, because they really haven’t responded to any of our questions or challenged any of the facts in our last few shows other than “Hey, don’t call him a ‘czar!'”

But I can’t make this piece of the puzzle fit, unless this piece is about building some kind of thug-ocracy.

All week we’ve been asking tough questions — here’s one more, Mr. President: Why do we need a civilian national security force that is “just as strong, just as powerful” as the military?

Here’s why I ask this question: Who are we fighting? Who internally is threatening our security?

It’s clearly not because we feel there is a threat from illegal aliens crossing the border, because anyone who would say that has been deemed a racist. A civilian national security force on the border is called The Minuteman and the attitude from this administration — as well as the Bush administration — is that they were “vigilantes.” So it’s not for the border.

It can’t be a civilian national security force against Islamic extremists, because according to this administration we aren’t even at war against Islamic extremists anymore. Is this administration really going to ask the American people to profile and call-in tips on Muslim Americans who act suspiciously?

So, who’s left? Is it possible we are seeing the beginnings of another enemy?

Mr. President, is your civilian national security force to protect us from things the Missouri State Police, your own Homeland Security and the liberal Southern Law Poverty Center have come out and said were a threat: militia groups; tea party goers; folks with “Don’t Tread on Me” flags; me; Sarah Palin?

Think about this: Is it unreasonable to think this government would ask you to spy on your neighbors, in light of these recent stories:

— Flag.gov e-mail asking for tips on “fishy” behavior

— Cookies on your computer that track whenever you’ve been on a government Web site — this used to be illegal but that was changed

— The government is using outside companies to track and contact you. Are they gathering information on you? I know that on “cash for clunkers” they didn’t trust the dealers.

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To me, all of this sounds like a sci-fi movie, but again I have to ask the reasonable question, in these unreasonable times: Who will the civilian national security force protect us from?

Maybe a better question to ask is, Mr. President: Do you know of a coming event?

Or maybe we should ask Joe Biden, who said:


THEN-VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE JOE BIDEN: Mark my words, it will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America…. Remember I said it standing here, if you don’t remember anything else I said: Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.


Is this civilian national security force just preparing for what Joe Biden predicted?

Who builds an army against an unidentified, unrecognized threat? Because we can’t answer that question — or any of the others just proposed — then it’s up to us to look for clues.

Maybe we have to start with the company whose CEO is a close financial adviser to the president of the United States, who helped write the health care bill and cap-and-trade bill and who has billions of dollars at stake: Jeffrey Immelt.

Immelt has been appointed by president to the board of directors to the New York Federal Reserve. Does he have any information? Let’s look for what they may be saying the threat will be that we will need a civilian national security force against.

It would seem to me the network that sells “Yes We Did” dolls, mugs and t-shirts and is obviously extraordinarily close to the president in seven different ways — is it possible to watch their network and their news, to see if they have any inside information as to what this threat may be? Immelt’s network seems to be the leading network in predicting a lot of trouble, but they’re not alone:


ED SCHULTZ RADIO SHOW: Folks, these people are psycho. That’s what they are. Sometimes I think they want Obama to get shot. I do. I really think that there are conservative broadcasters in this country who would love to see Obama taken out.

FRANK RICH, NEW YORK TIMES COLUMNIST: I’m just old enough, I was a kid, I remember I woke up in 1963 to the horrible events in Dallas. Even as a kid, I happened to be growing up in Washington, D.C., it was palatable to me all this hate talk about Kennedy and this sort of crazy fear…. But there were a lot of threats. There was a lot of stuff going on that in tone resembles this.

SEN. BARBARA BOXER, D-CALIF.: All of this is a diversion by the people who want to, frankly, hurt President Obama. And by the way I saw some of the clips of people storming these townhall meetings. The last time I saw well-dressed people doing this, was when Al Gore asked me to go down to Florida when they were recounting the ballots, and I was confronted with the same type of people. They were there screaming and yelling, “Go back to California! Get out of here!” and all the rest of it.

CONTESSA BREWER, MSNBC: “A man at a pro-health care reform rally just outside, wore a semiautomatic assault rifle on his shoulder and a pistol on his hip…. The Associated Press reports about a dozen people in all at that event were visible carrying firearms…. There are questions about whether this has racial overtones. I mean, here you have a man of color in the presidency and white people showing up with guns strapped to their waists.


Is it reasonable to ask the question — based on these clips — do they think that a good portion of the American people are the enemy? They are such a danger we need a civilian national security force as well-funded and well-trained as the military?

That’s who they think the enemy is and, once again, the media has it completely wrong.

So who is the real enemy?

“Common Sense” has been No. 1 for the last 10 weeks. One of the last chapters is “The Enemy Within” — I wrote it months ago. It doesn’t take a genius to figure this out — let me give you this quote:

“It’s not just the political class who has mastered the art of deception. There are other potentially deadly masters who will seek to exploit your frustration and sense of desperation. Many will warn you of government tyranny; they’ll talk of secret societies, vast conspiracies, shadow governments, and the need for violent action. I urge you to stay away from these individuals and those ideas.”

We’ve showed you the radicals in this administration. Now I’ll show you the radicals outside the administration who are being used and will be used by the media and by this administration:

There was the Obama Joker poster creator; the right tried to take advantage of this and added the word “socialist” under it. But the creator of the poster is a Kucinich supporter who doesn’t like Obama because he’s not left enough.

Then there was that clip on MSNBC: The racist white person (according to MSNBC) who brought a rifle to the Obama town hall — wasn’t even white! He was black.

In Denver, Maurice Joseph Schwenkler and an at-large accomplish smashed in windows at the Democratic Party HQ in Denver. Both parties accused Schwenkler of supporting the other, but he’s a “trans-gendered anarchist” who belongs to the radical anarchist protest group Denver Bash Back.

While the radicals in the White House may not be connected to the radicals just mentioned, they are connected by the fact that they are radicals.

Remember, Obama adviser “czar” Jones created STORM who believes: “Revolutionaries need to be militant in street actions. As leaders in the fight for liberation, we should be role models of fearlessness before the state and the oppressor.”

These are the sort of tactics some of Obama’s “czars” know best.

So when we’ve got a president creating a “civilian force” as strong as the military and an admitted far-left radical in the White House doing this:


VAN JONES, GREEN JOBS ‘CZAR’: Actually, my job is not so dissimilar than my job was before…. What I do, can I make it simple, I’m basically a community organizer with the federal family.


How else am I supposed to read this? I’m happy to hear any other explanation than “don’t call him a czar.”

DHS: Returning US Veterans May Become Terrorists

Every totalitarian regime has cemented its power base the same way. They preemptively discredit and foment fear against any segment of the populace that holds dissenting views to the government. Once the government has agitated the mobs to the point they begin to march, the government backs them and ensures that the mobs fever pitch doesn’t subside. 6 million dead Jews don’t lie. Hitler did exactly this prior to WWII to create fear and anger against the Jews, blaming them for all of the pain that Germans were experiencing. Once the mobs, backed up by the Brown Shirts and later the SS, began to march, an unimaginable level of violence and series of atrocities began which only ended when allied forces (mostly American) defeated Germany and occupied it.

Now we’re seeing the same pattern emerge in our own country. Military veterans and conservatives who believe the liberals are spending too much, that we are taxed too much, that the way to solve an over-spending problem is not to over-spend more, that the way to recover from massive debt is not to borrow tons of money and triple the debt you already have, that the U.S. Constitution is the bedrock of our country and that it is being shredded by Obama and the liberals, that less government is better than more government, etc. are seen as a threat to the agenda of Obama and the left. So now the left is overtly attacking anyone who disagrees with them. How soon before we are pulled over and arrested as potential terrorists for having a Bush/McCain/Palin sticker on our car? If you own a gun that is registered, how long before your house is surrounded by ATF/FBI agents accusing you of plotting against the government? Call me a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist if you want. You won’t be laughing when you’re hauled off to the re-education camps or gulags.

Disagree with Obama?
Gov’t has eyes on you

Roger Hedgecock
Posted: April 13, 2009
1:00 am Eastern

On Feb. 20, 2009, Missouri’s Department of Public Safety issued a report to all law enforcement in the state entitled “Missouri Information Analysis Center Strategic Report: The Modern Militia Movement.”

The report linked people holding conservative views on immigration, abortion, the U.N., the New World Order, etc., to dangerous and violent “militias” that Missouri law enforcement were instructed to be on guard against. Conservative opinions were demonized and made the subject of law enforcement scrutiny.

The report was leaked. National and state public reaction was strong and negative, and Missouri retracted the report and apologized.

This victory was short lived. The substance of the report is back, this time distributed to “federal, state, local, and tribal counterterrorism and law enforcement officials …” by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security as an “assessment” dated April 7, 2009, entitled “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.”

The entire assessment is available at the Roger Hedgecock website.

The assessment states it was “prepared by the Extremism and Radicalization Branch, Homeland Environment Threat Analysis Division” and “coordinated with the FBI.”

It admits that “The DHS/Office of Intelligence and Analysis has no specific information that domestic right wing terrorists are currently planning acts of violence.” Nonetheless, it states that “right wing extremists may be gaining new recruits by playing on their fears about … the economic downturn and the election of the first African-American President …”

The report elaborates that …”right wing extremists are antagonistic toward the new presidential administration and its perceived stance on a range of issues, including immigration and citizenship, the expansion of social programs to minorities, and restrictions on firearms and use.”

So, if you disagree with Obama on amnesty for illegals or stand up for the Second Amendment, you are branded a “rightwing extremist” by the Department of Homeland Security and become the subject of scrutiny by some 850,000 local and state law enforcement personnel.

The assessment goes on to link concerns about the economy, and the stockpiling of emergency food supplies and weapons and ammunition to violent militias and extremist “rightwing” groups. In my state of California, the state government urges all citizens to keep emergency food supplies in case of earthquake. And who isn’t concerned about the economy?

Most disgusting of all, it targets veterans for increased law enforcement scrutiny.

“Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to rightwing extremists. DHS/I&A is concerned that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to boost their violent capabilities.”

What’s the evidence for this? None. The assessment admits that membership in “rightwing extremist” groups is in decline and asserts that no increase in such violence has been detected. But it might happen. So “intense scrutiny” is advised as the “DHS/I&A will be working with its state and local partners over the next few months to ascertain with greater regional specificity the rise of rightwing extremist activity in the United States …”

This report smacks of profiling and harassing American citizens based on their political views, and specifically based on their opposition to the Obama administration’s proposals.

This used to be called “democracy” and “free speech” protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution. But under Obama, “Homeland Security” has become an instrument of oppression of opposing points of view.

Roger Hedgecock is the longtime top-rated radio talk host in San Diego, Calif., on KOGO and, more recently, a nationally syndicated daily radio host heard already in 75+ markets and on XM Satellite. Listeners may tune in to his show at Radio America. He is the author of “The 2008 Conservative Voters Field Guide,” a series of books on 2008 issues. Guide No. 1-Immigration and No. 2-The War are available at the WorldNetDaily store. Learn more about Roger at www.rogerreport.com.


The execrable DHS report on “right-wing extremism”

posted at 10:57 am on April 14, 2009 by Ed Morrissey

Michelle has it covered pretty well, but I looked at the DHS report on “right-wing extremism” myself, and it’s every bit as bad as she says, and as Roger Hedgecock and the Liberty Papers first reported.  The DHS fails to provide any specifics at all, preferring instead to smear half of the country or more as kooks for criticizing the government’s handling of the economy.  As Eli Lake reports, the DHS has all but declared war on federalism, which used to be the founding concept of our republic:

The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement officials about a rise in “rightwing extremist activity,” saying the economic recession, the election of America’s first black president and the return of a few disgruntled war veterans could swell the ranks of white-power militias.

A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines “rightwing extremism in the United States” as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.

“It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration,” the warning says.

The first question we should ask is whether the DHS is reacting to any specific threats at all?  Er … no (emphasis mine):

The DHS/Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) has no specific information that domestic rightwing* terrorists are currently planning acts of violence, but rightwing extremists may be gaining new recruits by playing on their fears about several emergent issues.

This gets repeated over and over again during the report.  They have no threat information.  In fact, the report can’t even say definitively whether “extremists” are gaining “new recruits”.  In order to find that, they’d have to identify the actual groups, note the recruiting patterns, and determine whether in fact they’re gaining recruits or losing members.  Bottom line: DHS has no actual data.  They’re pulling threats out of their collective arse and publishing them without any supporting research whatsoever.

DHS acts as though white-supremacist groups and militias believing in Zionist world conspiracies stopped existing between 2000 and 2008.  Of course they didn’t; George Bush’s strong support for Israel fed those nutcase groups for eight years.  Are those groups growing in the last five months, after what DHS assumes is the trigger for all this hate — the election of Barack Obama?  They provide absolutely no evidence at all for it, and in fact repeat over and over again that they don’t have that data in a hail of May Bes.

So what’s triggered their antennae?

The current economic and political climate has some similarities to the 1990s when rightwing extremism experienced a resurgence fueled largely by an economic recession, criticism about the outsourcing of jobs, and the perceived threat to U.S. power and sovereignty by other foreign powers.

In the first place, the “outsourcing of jobs” outrage didn’t get stoked by the Right.  That outrage got fed by the Democrats in the last two elections, and it’s a feature of the same anti-globalization loons of the hard Left that continually disrupt G-20 summits as they violently did in London.  Barack Obama himself stoked a fair share of it during the presidential campaign with his NAFTA Dance.

And should we not have some concern about the economic recession, debate about trade policy, and insist on maintaining American power and sovereignty?  Since when did those topics indicate criminality and terrorism?

DHS also manages to make several hysterical references to returning veterans.  I’ll highlight the weasel words and provide the translation at the end:

The possible passage of new restrictions on firearms and the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.

Gee, it could lead?  What evidence does DHS have of this?  Oh, yeah, Timothy McVeigh was a veteran … and that’s it.  I’m not joking:

After Operation Desert Shield/Storm in 1990-1991, some returning military veterans—including Timothy McVeigh—joined or associated with rightwing extremist groups.

So let’s be terrified of veterans!  Let’s treat them all like potential suspects, even though we don’t have one iota of evidence of any wrongdoing at all.  Yeah, that’s the American way.

Imagine, if you will, what the Left would say if we took this entire document and replaced all references to “military veterans” with “Muslims”, and all references to “abortion” with “universal health care”, and then predated this DHS report to 2008, during the Bush administration.  They’d be screaming about being smeared as traitors for their political beliefs, and they’d be right to do so.  That’s exactly what the Obama administration and Janet Napolitano has done here.

This is a disgrace.  Congress should demand Napolitano’s resignation immediately, and the White House should apologize for this attack on normal political dissent.

Update: A few say that the DHS has to track threats and give these kinds of assessments.  Read the report again.  DHS can’t find any threats, nor do they provide even a hint that they have any evidence that extremism on the Right has increased.  They don’t claim to see increases in fringe-group memberships from last year, or even last decade.  This report is filled with nothing but completely unsupported conjecture about what might happen if people get upset about the economy or a retreat on American sovereignty.  It’s not an honest national-security threat assessment at all.  It’s a political hit piece aimed at this administration’s critics in order to cast them as extremists.

Update II: My friend Jazz Shaw files this under “fauxrage”, which makes a nice companion set with Obamteurisms.  Read the whole thing, but I’ll challenge my pal to identify one actual threat cited by DHS, or one set of actual data in the entire report.  Oh, and the veteran thing?  I’m not the one who took offense to that.  Talk to the American Legion, which is extremely unhappy with DHS at the moment.

Obama Seeks Power to Seize Firms

Uh-Bama and the Demo-rats are trying to take ALL of our freedoms before enough people wake up.  This is an overt power grab, and an obvious shift to communism/socialism.  They have already grabbed control of the census so they can shore up their power base.  Via a dishonest campaign of fear-mongering, they have spent trillions of dollars that we don’t have ensuring our financial demise.  They created our current financial crisis and now have the gall to claim that more of the same corruption and spending is the solution to the problem.  After creating the problem and enabling certain businessmen/women to take advantage of the problem created by government, they turn around and criticize those businessmen for doing what they were told to do by the government.  They are extorting the AIG execs into giving back their LEGAL bonuses by threating to publish their names on a list so the Obama Brown Shirts can go pay them a visit.   They have taken steps to finish what they started in the destruction of our health care system by completely socializing it. Now they unlimited authority to step in and take over your business if they don’t like the way you’re running it.  Don’t have any illusions that this power grab will stop with banks and financial institutions.  That is just the camel’s nose under the tent.  Obama and many of his fellow leftists that are now running our government and universities are hard-core socialists brought up under the tutelage of Anti-American socialists/terrorists like Saul Alinsky and Bill Ayers.  They will not let this opportunity to destroy capitalism and the American way of life slip away quietly.  If we do not wake up and get rid of these people who are bent on destroying our freedom, wealth, and nation, we deserve the suffering that will surely ensue.

U.S. Seeks Expanded Power to Seize Firms
Goal Is to Limit Risk to Broader Economy
By Binyamin Appelbaum and David Cho
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, March 24, 2009; A01

The Obama administration is considering asking Congress to give the Treasury secretary unprecedented powers to initiate the seizure of non-bank financial companies, such as large insurers, investment firms and hedge funds, whose collapse would damage the broader economy, according to an administration document.

The government at present has the authority to seize only banks.

Giving the Treasury secretary authority over a broader range of companies would mark a significant shift from the existing model of financial regulation, which relies on independent agencies that are shielded from the political process. The Treasury secretary, a member of the president’s Cabinet, would exercise the new powers in consultation with the White House, the Federal Reserve and other regulators, according to the document.

The administration plans to send legislation to Capitol Hill this week. Sources cautioned that the details, including the Treasury’s role, are still in flux.

Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner is set to argue for the new powers at a hearing today on Capitol Hill about the furor over bonuses paid to executives at American International Group, which the government has propped up with about $180 billion in federal aid. Administration officials have said that the proposed authority would have allowed them to seize AIG last fall and wind down its operations at less cost to taxpayers.

The administration’s proposal contains two pieces. First, it would empower a government agency to take on the new role of systemic risk regulator with broad oversight of any and all financial firms whose failure could disrupt the broader economy. The Federal Reserve is widely considered to be the leading candidate for this assignment. But some critics warn that this could conflict with the Fed’s other responsibilities, particularly its control over monetary policy.

The government also would assume the authority to seize such firms if they totter toward failure.

Besides seizing a company outright, the document states, the Treasury Secretary could use a range of tools to prevent its collapse, such as guaranteeing losses, buying assets or taking a partial ownership stake. Such authority also would allow the government to break contracts, such as the agreements to pay $165 million in bonuses to employees of AIG’s most troubled unit.

The Treasury secretary could act only after consulting with the president and getting a recommendation from two-thirds of the Federal Reserve Board, according to the plan.

Geithner plans to lay out the administration’s broader strategy for overhauling financial regulation at another hearing on Thursday.

The authority to seize non-bank financial firms has emerged as a priority for the administration after the failure of investment house Lehman Brothers, which was not a traditional bank, and the troubled rescue of AIG.

“We’re very late in doing this, but we’ve got to move quickly to try and do this because, again, it’s a necessary thing for any government to have a broader range of tools for dealing with these kinds of things, so you can protect the economy from the kind of risks posed by institutions that get to the point where they’re systemic,” Geithner said last night at a forum held by the Wall Street Journal.

The powers would parallel the government’s existing authority over banks, which are exercised by banking regulatory agencies in conjunction with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Geithner has cited that structure as the model for the government’s plans.