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Food Stamps for Lap Dances?!?

THIS is a perfect example of exactly why food stamps, EBT cards, and all forms of DIRECT PAYMENT welfare at the FEDERAL level MUST END.  These forms of welfare have been abused from the moment they were implemented, they are a HUGE waste of money, and a serious slap in the face to those of us who pay the bill.  

First of all, there is nothing in our Constitution that authorizes the confiscation of wealth from one individual for the direct benefit of another individual.  If a state, county, or municipality wishes to tax its residents for such purposes, they are free to do so unless their state constitutions prohibit such things.  

Second, the federal government, being so far away from where the funds are distributed, can’t possibly provide sufficient oversight to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse.  The bigger the government, and the farther removed it is from those being governed, the more inefficient and oppressive it is.  State and local governments aren’t immune from corruption and inefficiency, but they are closer to, and more accountable to those they govern.  

If government is to be involved in providing welfare, it should ONLY provide the BASIC necessities such as food staples.  Back in the days before internet and EBTs, there were government food stores where eligible recipients could get such things as cheese, bread, and sugar.  When you’re eating on someone ELSE’S dime, you don’t get to order the lobster, plus Champagne, and THEN get to go to the strip club.  Sorry, I’m not paying for that.

And DON’T give me the crap about having to go to the gubmint sto’ hurting someone’s self-esteem.  If being a lazy bum sponging off of your neighbors doesn’t hurt your self-esteem, nothing else will.  Government programs aren’t supposed to make you feel good about being dependent on them.  They are supposed to help you GET OFF OF THEM.


Strip Club Forced To Shut Down For Allowing FOOD STAMPS For Lap Dances

The government says that we give out food stamps to help people afford the basic necessities of life. Is a lap dance a necessity of life?


No, it isn’t.

If it is for you, then:

Trending: Watch: Beto Gets Booed During Debate – Cruz Takes Him To TruthCity

1) You have some pretty serious issues.
2) Pay for it your damned self.

It wasn’t just lap dances, though.

Sharkey’s Lounge in Dayton, Ohio was running quite the operation that was beyond the realm of strip club and bar — it was also a philanthropic organization.

Their gentlemen’s establishment seemed to be committed to caring for the underprivileged. For example, there was no cover charge to enter, and patrons could also use food stamps to pay for lap dances as well as illicit drugs such as heroin, fentanyl, carfentanil, cocaine, and methamphetamines.

How progressive of them!

They understood that some folks just didn’t have the cash on hand when they need their fix of whatever vice.

Unfortunately for Sharkey’s, that’s illegal, and they lost their liquor license. Of course, being unable to serve alcohol is just the beginning of their troubles.

Agents began investigating the Twenty Two Fifty, Inc., also known as Sharkey’s, in May of 2017. Officials say during the investigation at Sharkey’s, agents were able to purchase drugs and lap dances using food stamp benefits.

Throughout the five-month investigation, agents exchanged $2,404.87 in food stamps to purchase heroin, fentanyl, carfentanil, cocaine, methamphetamines and lap dances. In all, criminal charges were filed against employees and patrons for drug trafficking, food stamp trafficking, aggravated shipment and distribution of heroin, engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity, and illegal sexual activity.

Agents also filed 44 administrative charges that were heard by the Liquor Control Commission that included drug possession, drug sales, engaging in sexual activity, food stamp trafficking and solicitation.
Source: WDTN 2 News

Another strip club down the road, The Harem, had its liquor license revoked in May due to a similar investigation into food stamp and drug trafficking.

That’s just lovely, Dayton.

This is precisely the reason that conservatives don’t like government benefit programs.

Yes, there are people who are in legitimate need, but then there are people that abuse the programs.

There are also people that are willing to allow desperate people to destroy themselves in order to profit from the government program.

How is it compassionate to allow food stamps to be used for illegal drugs and lap dances?

Could it be the reliance on drugs is what is causing the vicious cycle of poverty?

It’s time to get tough on those that are abusing the food stamp program.

We know just the guy that’s badass enough to do it.

The Trumpinator: every time his rivals think they’ve got him down and out, he stands back up and keeps on coming.

They laughed when he announced his candidacy. They thought he was going to some circus act.

They couldn’t have been more wrong.

He survived the primaries and got the nomination. He knocked out Crooked Hillary.

He beat CNN at their own game, and their ratings are now circling the toilet.

Mueller and the Dossier aren’t just coming up empty, they’re exposing the misdeeds of Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok and all the rest.

And Trump is still keeping promises, and getting things done.

The economy is doing exactly what he promised it would. #PromisesKept

And in 2020, The Trumpinator is gonna do it again.

He’ll be back.

Link to article: https://clashdaily.com/2018/09/strip-club-forced-to-shut-down-for-allowing-food-stamps-for-lap-dances/

Democrats Have Been Lying to Black Americans for Decades

Obama’s ‘Transparent’ Secrecy

We’ve seen what Obama’s style of “transparency” gets us. Trillions of dollars in debt, more unemployed than the Great Depression, a crumbling economy, a worthless dollar, a decaying military, increasing dependence on government, record poverty, a declining stature around the world, a constitution under attack. He. Can. NOT. Be. Trusted.

I believe we are girding for our last stand as a nation. If we let the politicians play politics as usual, and try to kick the debt can down the road, failing to take responsibility for both our past and our future, I firmly believe that our economy and way of life will collapse.

Do you believe what’s left of America is worth fighting for?  I do.


Obama’s ‘Transparent’ Secrecy

Two Republican senators protest.

1:45 PM, Jul 1, 2011 • By FRED BARNES

Imagine the reaction if President Obama and congressional Democrats had released a sweeping health care bill, drafted in closed-door meetings, and demanded its approval by Congress immediately. There would have been national outrage over the secrecy, lack of time for public hearings, and the absence of discussion, revisions, amendments, and multiple votes.

Yet that is exactly what the White House and Democrats are proposing once – and if – a deal on raising the debt limit by as much as $2 trillion is reached. The administration now insists on an agreement by July 22 in order for the government to avert a default on August 2.

Continue reading

Obama to Allow 80,000 (Muslim) “Refugees” in 2011

Why, why, WHY? We have between 15 and 30 million AMERICANS unemployed, depending on whose numbers you believe, and 1 in 7 Americans can’t afford to eat.  Yet the government, lead currently by Mr. Obama, is flooding our country with muslim immigrants, many of whom wish us ill, and will not close our borders to the flood of illegal immigrants. WHY???

Obama says the large number of muslim immigrants “is justified by humanitarian concerns or is otherwise in the national interest.”

Riddle me this, Batman.  When are the “humanitarian concerns” in our OWN country going to justify taking action?  What in the world could possibly make flooding our nation with MORE muslims be in any way in our “national interest?”  Huh?

These are NOT the actions of someone who has the best interests of America at heart.


Obama to Allow 80,000 (Muslim) “Refugees” in 2011



Will Obama let them  VOTE in 2012 election?

By Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.  “The Last Crusade”

Hat tip: BareNakedIslam

President Barack Hussein Obama, in a determination letter to Congress, has announced that he will allow an additional 80,000 immigrants – – mostly from Islamic countries – – to resettle in the United States during fiscal year 2011.

Mr. Obama says that the increase in Muslim immigrants “is justified by humanitarian concerns or is otherwise in the national interest.”

The following “goals” for new immigrants has been set as follows:

Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000
East Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,000
Europe and Central Asia . . . . . . . . . . 2,000
Latin America/Caribbean. . . . . . . . . . . 5,500
Near East/South Asia. . . . . . . . . . . 35,500
Unallocated Reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000

Continue reading

In Other Words…

Ann Coulter does a good job in this article of debunking a false attack by the left on Senator Coburn of Oklahoma, and of reiterating why the left is lying about their health care “reform” plan.

They are lying, and it’s not hard to uncover.

The liberals said the goal was to insure EVERYBODY.  By their own admissions 20 million people will still be uninsured by 2019.

The liberals said access to health care would increase.  By cutting compensation to doctors, the doctors will either quit taking new patients on the plans that don’t sufficiently compensate them, or leave medical practice altogether if forced to operate at a loss.  Since we already have a shortage of doctors, and the democrats intend to add between 30 and 50 million new people to the insurance rolls, how is access to doctors and health care going to INCREASE?

The liberals said health care would be cheaper.  Here’s what came out of their own bill.  An UNMARRIED couple each making $30,000 per year would pay approximately $1,500 to $3,000 more for health care under the new plan.  A MARRIED couple would pay approximately $12,000 more for health care under the democrat plan.  Double whammy.  Everybody pays more, and you further promote the destruction of the American family by HEAVILY penalizing MARRIED couples.  There are myriad other taxes and fees associated with this bill that impact EVERYBODY, not just the top 5% of wage earners in the country as Mr. Obama promised.

The bill they are trying to pass is unconstitutional under the 10th Amendment.  The government does NOT have the authority to force anyone to buy their insurance.  Hate to break it to you liberals (i.e. Diane Feinstein) who think they do, but the commerce clause and general welfare clause don’t give them that authority.

Assuming that the senate and congress are able to reconcile their versions of the bill and get it to Chairman Maobama’s desk for signature, there will be immediate constitutional challenges.

Can you afford $1,500 to $12,000 more in medical insurance costs?  Can you afford it when Obama’s economic development plan costs you your job, or at least results in a pay cut?  Will you choose to pay your mortgage, or pay the mandatory health care insurance premium levied unconstitutionally by the government?  What about your car payment?  Are you willing to risk jail time for not paying the mandatory insurance bill?  These and many other choices are ones you are about to be forced to make.


In Other Words…

by Ann Coulter
Posted 12/23/2009 ET
Updated 12/23/2009 ET

Irritated at the bumps on the road to the Democrats’ Thousand-Year Reich, liberals are now claiming that Republican Sen. Tom Coburn requested a prayer for the death of Sen. Bob Byrd during the health care debate last Saturday night.

Here is what Coburn actually said: “What the American people ought to pray is that somebody can’t make the vote tonight. That’s what they ought to pray.”

After reporting Coburn’s remark, The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank added: “It was difficult to escape the conclusion that Coburn was referring to the 92-year-old, wheelchair-bound Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.V.).”

Contrary to Milbank’s claim, I find it extremely easy to get away from that conclusion. In fact, I’m a regular Houdini when it comes to that conclusion. That conclusion couldn’t hold me for a second.

There are a million ways a senator could miss a vote, other than by dying. Ask Patrick Kennedy. At 1 a.m. on a Sunday night in the middle of a historic blizzard in the nation’s capital, I don’t think the first thing that came to anyone’s mind was death. More likely it was: “Last call.”

Milbank was employing the MSNBC motto, “In Other Words,” which provides the formula for 90 percent of the political commentary on that network. The MSNBC host quotes a Republican, then says “in other words,” translates the statement into something that would be stupid to say, and spends the next 10 minutes ridiculing the translated version. Which no one said. Except the host.

Also, by the way, Sen. Coburn did not “go to the Senate floor to propose a prayer,” as Milbank reported. He was giving a floor speech in which he used the turn of phrase, “What the American people ought to pray is …”

Inasmuch as liberals want to talk about anything but their plan to take over one-sixth of the American economy, let’s talk about health care!

Democrats tout Medicare as their model for a government-run health care system, bragging about what an extremely popular government program it is.

Medicare is tens of trillions of dollars in the red. It is expected to go bankrupt by 2017. In order to pay for Medicare alone, the government will either have to cut every other federal program in existence, or raise federal income taxes to rates as high as 77 percent.

Medicare is like a $500 hamburger: I assume it’s good — it had better be — but no one would say, “THAT’S A FANTASTIC SUCCESS!”

Until 10 minutes ago, the liberal argument for national health care was that it wasn’t fair that some people — “the rich” — have access to better health care than others.

In liberals’ ideal world, everyone lives in abject poverty and stands in long lines, but we all live in the same abject poverty and stand in the same long lines — just like in their beloved Soviet Union of recent memory! (Except the commissars, who get excellent health care, food, housing, maid service and no lines.)

Instead of being honest and telling us that their plan is to make health care worse and more expensive — but fairer! — liberals have recently begun claiming that providing universal health care will actually save money. Overnight, they went from wailing about basic human needs being “more important than bombs” to claiming: “Our plan will be cheaper!”

Hmmm, I didn’t make any notes to debate the manifestly insane points. But I’m pretty sure that extending full medical benefits to 30 million people who don’t currently have them — 47 million once the federal health commission rules that illegal aliens are covered — will not be less expensive than the current system.

You can say — mistakenly — that the liberals’ plan is more compassionate. You can say — also incorrectly — that it will be fairer. On no set of facts can you say it will be cheaper.

Democrats keep citing the Congressional Budget Office’s “scoring” of their bills as if that means something.

The CBO is required to score a bill based on the assumptions provided by the bill’s authors. It’s worth about as much as a report card filled out by the student himself.

Democrats could write a bill saying: “Assume we invent a magic pill that will make cars get 1,000 miles per gallon. Now, CBO, would that save money?”

The CBO would have to conclude: Yes, that bill will save money.

Among the tricks the Democrats put into their health care bills for the CBO is that the government will collect taxes for 10 years, but only pay out benefits for the last six years. Will that save money? Yes, the CBO says, this bill is “deficit neutral”!

But what about the next 10 years and the next 10 years and the next 10 years after that? Will the health care plan continually pay benefits only in the last six years of every 10-year period? I think their plan assumes we’ll all be dead from global warming in a decade.

Also, I note that the Democrats claim it’s urgent that we pass ObamaCare by Christmas, but the bill doesn’t get around to paying out any benefits until 2014. Poor uninsured chumps.

In other words … Democrats are praying for the death of Bob Byrd!

Ann Coulter is Legal Affairs Correspondent for HUMAN EVENTS and author of “High Crimes and Misdemeanors,” “Slander,” “”How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must),” “Godless,” “If Democrats Had Any Brains, They’d Be Republicans” and most recently, Guilty: Liberal “Victims” and their Assault on America.

Obamanomics: Deficit Has TRIPLED, and Will Likely Increase by at Least $1 Trillion a Year

By the White House’s own estimates, the deficit over the next decade will increase by not just $1 Trillion, but by $1 Trillion EACH YEAR! That’s a conservative estimate, as most experts are beginning to feel that under Obama’s “leadership” our deficits will increase by nearly double that.  Russia and the Soviet Union already tried this and failed.  WHY ARE WE LETTING THIS COMU-SOCIALIST AND HIS DEMOCRAT MINIONS TRY IT AGAIN HERE IN AMERICA?


With this new admission of debt guilt, shouldn’t this pretty much drive the last nail in the coffin of Health Care Reform/Takeover?  Not to mention Cap-and-Tax.

Our economy and nation can’t hide behind fake figures and phony numbers for much longer.  Not with the staggering debt Obama is piling on to the next 10 generations.  It’s like Michael Moore trying to hide behind a blade of grass.  As the rate of decay of our economy increases at a blistering pace, pretty soon everything we own will be worthless, our currency will be worthless, and no one will earn enough money to buy even a loaf of bread.  Anyone remember pre-war Germany?  A wheelbarrow full of D-Marks wouldn’t buy a loaf of bread.  We will all be peasants.

The scene towards the end of “History of the World, part 1” is especially poignant here.  As the peasants are storming the castle, the king is told by his adviser that “the peasants are revolting!”  The king ignorantly and snobbishly replies “They certainly are!”  Dictator Obama and the liberal rats in Washington better wise up before they find themselves roasting on a spit.


Cumulative Deficit Estimate for Next Decade Increased $2 Trillion… Since May

By Trader Mark
Posted 24 August 2009 @ 07:45 am ET

I guess we’ll post this along the lines of “if you pass the stimulus plan, unemployment will only go to mid 8%” or “if you don’t give Goldman Sachs the TARP money, the world will end immediately” and other such incorrect mythologies. Long time readers know where I stand on government figures which are backwards looking; not to mention guestimates of the future… if the guess from government is correct THIS time around (chuckle here) the budget deficit for the next decade now will stand at $9 Trillion.

Last time government chimed in with an estimate? Way back… 3 whole months ago; when they said the deficit would be $7.1 Trillion. Missed it by *that* much. That’s ok, government estimates are made to be broken. Usually I try to give them more than 3 months to be wrong by a factor of 27% but I think within government circles that accuracy (+/- 25%) is considered “dead on”, and reason for promotion.

$9 Trillion over a decade is just under $1 Trillion a year. Consider until this year (partly by phony accounting for wars and financial rescues that were not counted in the budget by the former administration) the largest annual budget deficit we ever had was under $500 Billion. [Jul 28, 2008: US Budget Deficit to Half a Trillion] This year we have an excellent chance of $1.6 Trillion. Heck we just put up a $180B month [Aug 12, 2009: July Budget Deficit $180.7B]. With the economy only slowly recovering in 2010 (and subject to a double dip with higher inflation), and the main drivers of tax revenue (employment, real estate, consumption) not expected to be recovering much next year I think we have an excellent chance for another $1.5ish Trillion year in ’10. Especially after Obama and the Dems number fall this winter as the “Main Street” economy is not quite so awesome as the “Wall Street” economy and plans for Stimulus 8.0 are drawn up. Plus the next housing program give away; the next cars program; and helping the states out with their budget shortfalls in 2010. Oh yes, increased food stamps, another 13 week extension of long term unemployment, increased welfare for those who still fall out of unemployment, and I am sure a few other things I am forgetting. (cursory green shoots inserted here)

Now the good thing by layering on debt to inflate asset values AND stoke “prosperity” [Jun 5, 2009: 1 in 6 Dollars of Income Now Via Government; Highest Since 1929] [Jul 30, 2009: Cash for Clunkers a Bit Hit, Government Asks “What Can we Buy You Next?”] , is you might punish your currency month after month, but it should drive incremental tax revenue gains from stocks and (gosh) even real estate as more (ahem) “wealth” is created. Not in real terms, but in nominal… and most Americans only live in a nominal world. So if the currency drops 15% and your government is able to stoke some combination of your 401k, and house up 15% – you really gained nothing but you’ll feel great because most people only look at their 401k and housing values, without understanding the currency. Now if you happen to be one of those American souls who simply is trying to get by in a harsh world, and you don’t happen to own stocks or real estate? Well, you’re job then is to pay for your life with 15% more of a devalued currency – making everything 15% more expensive in real terms. But really, it’s not about you – we have a financial and political elite to take care of and only by coming together as one can we do it. Reverse Robin Hood style. Remember, inflation is GREEEEEEAT! (as long as your are not in the bottom half) [Aug 18, 2009: Bloomberg Opinion – Deflation Theory is Lemon We’ve Been Sold]

Even more funny is that the nominal increase in tax revenue (created by government shuffling money from the future to now to create “GDP growth”) might put a dent in near term deficits … by pathetically adding to long term deficits. Remember – in a nominal world there is no cost benefit analysis; only benefit benefit analysis. We get our goodies today, and the costs get stuffed “somewhere else” for “someone else” to deal with. Listen to the masses with the siren call of “free government money, I want mine!” not realizing they are taking from themselves… with interest. That’s called living in a nominal world. And not being real.


(Don’t miss this last paragraph.  This sums up why our money and economy will be worthless in the very near future if we don’t STOP THIS INSANE SPENDING AND ALL OF THESE SENSELESS BAILOUTS.  Obama and the democrats are killing our country.  We MUST stop them, any way we can.)

America is (but not for long) still under 100% debt to GDP. We are on a clear path to surpass Japanese debt to GDP (a staggering 200% debt to GDP) within the decade. US Debt Clock (as of Aug 09) read $11.7T; GDP is say $13.5T. Throw the next decade’s (conservative) $9T on top and you are at a juicy $21T debt circa 2019 aka 150% of GDP. I think that’s conservative – we are overachievers and will “beat” that. Since the government figures just were raised $1.9T in 3 months you can see how quickly we could jump from $21T in 2019 to (some higher number). Once we pass 200% debt to GDP, it will all be uncharted territory for a modern developed country. Our annual growth rate of debt is now trouncing Japan, so it’s the story of the tortoise and the hare. Although in this case you don’t really want to be the hare. I also conveniently left out the $40T in unfunded liabilities (i.e. IOUs) sitting in Medicare. I’ve also left out the healthcare “reform” – considering the original estimates of Medicare were off by a factor of 10x within the first year of it’s implementation… well, you can do the math. And just for kicks let’s throw in the $1 Trillion pension disaster that is looming (currently being hidden by… accounting tricks) [Mar 4, 2009: Bloomberg – Hidden Pension Fiasco May Foment Another $1 Trillion Bailout] That’s just sort of icing on the cake at this point.

Did I mention how the debt will increase even more quickly if government debt interest rates permanently jump up as the world sees the increasing risk of investing in America?

Stanford University economics professor John Taylor, an influential economist, told Reuters Television Friday the U.S. budget deficit poses a greater risk to the financial system than the collapse in commercial real estate prices.”If that gets out of control, if interest rates start to rise because people are reluctant to buy all that debt, then that can slow the economy down. So, that’s the more systemic concern I have,” Taylor said.

Via Bloomberg

  • The U.S. government’s long-term budget outlook is darker than expected, with projected deficits over the next 10 years totaling $2 trillion more than had been forecast, according to an Obama administration official.
  • A White House budget review set for release Aug. 25 will show cumulative deficits over the next decade amounting to $9 trillion, up from $7.1 trillion that the administration predicted in May, the official said on condition of anonymity because the figures haven’t been made public.

Really a trillion here, a trillion there – what does it matter. All I know is many Americans were gleeful per my review of national news this weekend they got new cars. (granted many now have a new layer of debt) Others are gleeful they can get their first house via money trees grown in D.C.. (and when many default on their close to no money down mortgages in 3 years – it will be ok, no skin in the game after all) Citigroup and Bank of America bondholders are happy that they never had to take a hit despite the biggest crisis in 80 years. Goldman Sachs is happy they got fulfilled dollar for dollar on AIG counterparty risk. AIG is just happy to be in existence and seeing its stock surge 20% a day, subsidized by US taxpayer. And we’re all happy these actions plus more are making the stock market inflate. It’s really all about happiness after all. Can we put a price on that?[Mar 31, 2009: Financial Rescue Pledges Now $12.8 Trillion] Hey! That was supposed to be a rhetorical question!

[May 29, 2009: In 1 year, US Taxpayer on the Hook for $55,000 More per Household] Stop it! There is no price too high to bear for happiness of our people and concurrent transfer of wealth from the middle to our financial oligarchs. Get with the program!

For another source to fact check the Administration:

  • The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has estimated deficits between 2010 and 2019 will total $9.14 trillion.

Considering the CBO thought we’d be $1.1 T in hock for 2009 in (one third of the way into the fiscal 2009 year) December 2008 – they only understated the reality by 45% …Now we want them to guestimate how bad things will be not 1 year but 10 years out, so let’s take it all with multiple grains of salt. If they are only off in the decade by the same amount they were off in this 1 year it is really +/- $5 Trillion over 10 years. And since no one really knows how it will turn out, the best course of action is to continue policies as is and buy happiness (not to mention higher equity prices). “Someone else” (benefit benefit) analysis will worry about these things in 2019.

[May 23, 2008: David Walker on CNBC this Morning]

[Mar 26, 2008: Annual Spring Entitlement Warning Falls on Deaf Ears]

[Nov 23, 2008: David Walker in Fortune Magazine]

[Jun 12, 2009: NYT – America’s Sea of Red Ink was Years in the Making]

[Aug 5, 2009: Federal Tax Revenue Plummeting]

Republican Budget: Real Hope to Counter the Audacity of a Dope

Finally, some conservative leadership.  This budget proposal could not do a better job of illustrating the difference between totalitarian left (the two camps which are either devoid of ideas other than taxing and spending to buy votes to stay in power, or their ideas are the destruction of freedom and capitalism which they plan to accomplish by taxing us all into poverty and legislating away our freedoms until they can control us) and the conservative right offering REAL hope.  If you think our nation can survive the poison Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Frank and others are trying to force us to swallow, you are “stuck on stupid.”  We might be able to survive the bites we’ve already received from these snakes if we’ll just quit letting them bite us any more.  It’s time for the voters in these snake’s districts to have a roundup.

Morning Bell: A Budget We Can Believe In

Posted April 2nd, 2009 at 8.25am in Ongoing Priorities.

There are now two ten-year budget plans being offered in Washington. One budget dumps a staggering $9.6 trillion in new debt onto the American people; the other borrows $3.6 trillion less. One budget creates $63,000 in debt per household; the other creates $23,000 less. One budget raises taxes by $1.4 trillion; the other avoids all tax increases and even simplifies the tax code. One budget does nothing to address the unsustainable costs of Social Security and Medicaid; the other begins to reform these programs. One budget permanently raises federal spending to over 22% of GDP; the other lowers it to pre-recession levels.

When President Barack Obama unveiled his budget he told the American people: “We need to be honest with ourselves about what costs are being racked up, because that’s how we’ll come to grips with the hard choices that lie ahead. And there are some hard choices that lie ahead.” But then his budget went on to avoid all of those hard choices, instead moving to borrow and spend at historic levels. Yesterday, House Budget Committee ranking member Paul Ryan (R-WI) offered a clear alternative that does make hard choices. Heritage analyst Brian Riedl details what Ryan’s budget does:

  • Freezes non-defense, non-veterans discretionary spending at its current level for five years.
  • Reforms entitlement programs like Medicare and Medicaid, which are currently growing 8 percent annually.
  • Takes back stimulus spending that would be spent in 2010 and beyond, when the recession is expected to be over.
  • Places a moratorium on earmarks until the system can be cleaned up.

The most ambitious part of Ryan’s budget is the effort to contain the $43 trillion, 75-year unfunded liability in Social Security and Medicare. Specifically, it would slowly transition Medicare into a premium support program for individuals who are currently below age 55. This would provide seniors with a health plan similar to the one that Members of Congress and federal employees currently enjoy—one based on consumer choice and competition. The alternative budget would also allow future adjustments to Social Security benefits for upper-income seniors.

The alternative budget would also go a long way to restoring American competitiveness by making the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts permanent, lowering the corporate tax rate from 35% to 25%, and simplifying the tax code by allowing individuals the choice of opting into a system with a 10% marginal tax rate on all incomes below $100,000 and 25% rate on incomes above $100,000. Even with all these changes, the alternative budget would bring in revenues averaging just below 18% of GDP, which is near the historical average.

The contrast the two budgets create could not be starker. President Obama’s plan saddles Americans with historic tax increases, runaway spending, and a doubling of the national debt. Ryan’s alternative reins in spending, simplifies taxes, and lessens the debt burden on American families. Which vision do you believe in?

Are ‘Hope’ And ‘Change’ Still Tax-Deductible?

Even if you believe the lie that only those making more than $250K per year will get a tax increase, that’s pretty much all of Obama’s buddies. Based on their record of avoiding taxes thus far, I’m sure they’ll find a way not to pay more or any taxes now.

Are ‘Hope’ And ‘Change’ Still Tax-Deductible?

by Ann Coulter (more by this author)
Posted 03/11/2009 ET
Updated 03/11/2009 ET

Are you sitting down? Obama plans to pay for his $3.6 trillion-dollar spending bill by raising taxes on “the rich.” I know, I know … I was pretty shocked, too.

The bad news is, by hiking taxes in a recession, Obama will turn a disaster into a catastrophe. But there’s good news, too. The “rich” include most of Obama’s biggest supporters.

While liberals love being praised for their looks, their style, their brilliance and their courage, the one quality they don’t want talked about is their money. To the contrary, Democrats are constantly boasting about how poor they are — as if that’s a virtue in a capitalist society with no class barriers.

No matter how much money they have, liberals will be damned if they’re giving up the poor’s mantle of angry self-righteousness. This is especially true if their wealth came by inheritance, marriage or the taxpayer, the preferred sources of income for Liberalus Americanus.

Democrats’ claims of poverty merely serve to show how out of touch elected Democrats are with actual incomes in America.

At the Democratic National Convention, for example, there were heartfelt tributes to the daunting self-sacrifice of both Barack and Michelle Obama for passing up lucrative jobs to work in “public service” — which apparently is now defined, such as in Michelle Obama’s case, as “working as a ‘diversity coordinator’ at a big city hospital for $300,000 a year.”

Seriously, even with a company car, full medical benefits and six weeks’ paid vacation thrown in, how do people live on that?

Meanwhile, the average salary for a lawyer with 20 years or more experience in the U.S. is a little more than $100,000. If Michelle Obama doesn’t lay off all this “giving back” stuff pretty soon, she’s going to find herself in Warren Buffett’s tax bracket.

During the campaign, Joe Biden was also praised by the Democrats for being the poorest U.S. senator — as if that were a major accomplishment.

Howard Dean, then-chairman of the Democratic National Committee, touted Biden as “a good example of a working-class kid,” adding that, to this day, Biden was “one of the least wealthy members of the U.S. Senate.” Only a Democrat would list “never really made anything of myself” on his resume.

On the Huffington Post, operated by a woman who acquired her wealth by marrying a rich gay guy connected to Big Oil, liberal blogger Steven Clemons gloated that, unlike John McCain, Biden wouldn’t “forget the number of houses he owns,” adding that, in 2006, Biden was ranked the poorest U.S. senator.

And at his high school reunion Biden was voted “most likely to try to bum a ride off of somebody.” Vote Biden!

According to tax returns for Biden and his public schoolteacher wife, in 2006, their total income was $248,459; in 2007, it was $319,853 — putting the couple in the top 1 percent of all earners in the U.S.

This, my friends, is the face of poverty in America. At least in the Democratic Party. It’s located just below that row of hair plugs. The Bidens are yet another heart-rending example of America’s “hidden poor” — desperately needy families hidden behind annual incomes of a quarter million dollars or more paid by the taxpayer. My fellow Americans, we can do better.

The national median household income was $48,201 in 2006 and $50,233 in 2007. Working for the government pays well.

If liberals are going to show how in touch they are with normal Americans by demanding a Marxist revolution against the rich every time they control the government, how about taking a peek at the charitable giving of these champions of the little guy?

According to their tax returns, in 2006 and 2007, the Obamas gave 5.8 percent and 6.1 percent of their income to charity. I guess Michelle Obama has to draw the line someplace with all this “giving back” stuff. The Bidens gave 0.15 percent and 0.31 percent of the income to charity.

No wonder Obama doesn’t see what the big fuss is over his decision to limit tax deductions for charitable giving. At least that part of Obama’s tax plan won’t affect his supporters.

Meanwhile, in 1991, 1992 and 1993, George W. Bush had incomes of $179,591, $212,313 and $610,772. His charitable contributions those years were $28,236, $31,914 and $31,292. During his presidency, Bush gave away more than 10 percent of his income each year.

For purposes of comparison, in 2005, Barack Obama made $1.7 million — more than twice President Bush’s 2005 income of $735,180 — but they both gave about the same amount to charity.

That same year, the heartless Halliburton employee Vice President Dick Cheney gave 77 percent of his income to charity. The following year, in 2006, Bush gave more to charity than Obama on an income one-third smaller than Obama’s. Maybe when Obama talks about “change” he’s referring to his charitable contributions.

Liberals have no intention of actually parting with any of their own wealth or lifting a finger to help the poor. That’s for other people to do with what’s left of their incomes after the government has taken its increasingly large cut.

As the great liberal intellectual Bertrand Russell explained while scoffing at the idea that he would give his money to charity: “I’m afraid you’ve got it wrong. (We) are socialists. We don’t pretend to be Christians.”

Ann Coulter is Legal Affairs Correspondent for HUMAN EVENTS and author of “High Crimes and Misdemeanors,” “Slander,” “”How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must),” “Godless,” “If Democrats Had Any Brains, They’d Be Republicans” and most recently, Guilty: Liberal “Victims” and their Assault on America.