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Biden AGAIN Trying to “Forgive” Other People’s Debt with YOUR Money

Even after being shot down by the courts, Biden and the democrats just will not stop trying to do unconstitutional things. In this case, we’re talking about the student loan “forgiveness” program. They are putting forward five groups of people that initially qualify for the vote-buying giveaway program they are trying to institute. These are the categories Biden is assigning to people for “loan forgiveness:”

1. Loans repaid more than 25 years ago

  • These were the adults in the room who lived up to their obligations. Leave them alone. 

2. Loans with balances greater than the original amount borrowed

3. Loans for career training programs that resulted in “unreasonable debt loads or provided insufficient earnings”

  • These people CHOSE to get loans for degrees like “women’s studies,” 18th century lesbian poetry, and underwater basket weaving. Sorry, you should have chosen more wisely.  Now live like a pauper and repay your loan like the adults did.

4. Eligible for forgiveness under other repayment plans but have not applied for it

  • There should be no such category under the FEDERAL government. This is vote buying.

5. Experiencing financial hardship that current student loan system does not currently adequately address

  • See “vote buying” above.

There is no line of text in the Constitution that empowers the federal government to confiscate wealth from one individual and redistribute it to another for these purposes. KNOCK IT OFF.

Link to article: https://www.oann.com/newsroom/biden-admin-updates-its-student-debt-forgiveness-plan/

Comrade Biden Says His Family Business Dealings Pose NO National Security Threat

This headline might be true except for the FACTS that prove it to be bullcrap. To date, EVERYTHING Biden has done as “president” has first benefited China rather than America. He has jeopardized our energy security by cutting back on oil and gas production, while simultaneously putting in place a moratorium on on mining the minerals necessary to produce the batteries for all the EVs he is trying to force us to drive.

Who does that benefit first? China.

He allows China to not simply buy land in America, but to buy land strategically located near critical military installations. He also does nothing about China flying reconnaissance balloons over our country, gathering untold amounts of intelligence as they do so.

Who does that benefit first? China.

I could go on and on and on about all the things Biden is doing that are harming America, and the millions of dollars his family has received in obvious pay-to-play schemes just make that so clear that only a brain-dead moron couldn’t see it.

So, Sippy-Cup Joe. While I know you are merely a puppet to the hardcore left at this point since you are too senile to remember what you had for breakfast, these obvious lies aren’t helping us or you. They’re pissing us off, and putting your future in serious question.


Does the FEDERAL Government Have the ACTUAL Authority to Implement a National Minimum Wage?

Time for some civic ejumication…


Feds Have No Constitutional Authority to Impose Wage Controls
by Mike Maharrey , Tenth Amendment Center (read this in your browser here)

Talk of hiking the minimum wage at the national level has ramped up in recent weeks. With the Democrats controlling the House and the Senate, and Joe Biden in the White House, it seems increasingly likely that we’ll soon see a federal $15 per hour minimum.

In other words, it may soon be illegal to take a job that pays less than $15 an hour.

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America is the Modern-Day Nineveh

Fellow conservatives and other Trump supporters, I’m advising and BEGGING you to stay away from all inauguration day protests and events. The left is hoping you’ll be there so they can turn you into scapegoats for whatever violence their shock troops (antifa and BLM) will instigate. Stay home, continue to organize and prepare for a down economy and whatever will be coming our way. If you’re a believer in God, you can probably see that America is like Nineveh in the book of Nahum. We strayed away, didn’t listen to His prophets, and are about to be destroyed as a nation. God will take care of His kids, but I believe America is on the way off the world stage. Be ready for what happens next. As Joseph prepared Egypt for 7 years of famine, so should you prepare for what is coming. We may or may not be able to change the course of America at this point in history. Be patient. Be where God wants you to be, doing what He wants you to do, and wait. If you stay in the Word, on your knees (spiritually), and obedient, you’ll know what to do, and when to do it.

GOP Capitulation? Or RINOs Showing Their Stripes?

To the congressmen and senators like Brian Fitzpatrick, Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and many others who didn’t oppose the obvious voter fraud that legitimately cast doubt on the outcome of the election, and who are now supporting censure and/or impeachment of a president based on ANOTHER lie, I’ll ask you if it hurt your fingers to be crossing them so hard when you swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.  You ALL ran as conservatives (i.e. lied), and abandoned actual conservatism as soon as the polls closed.  And now you have abandoned the Constitution and rule of law for what?  The promise of keeping your seat?  Being “liked” by a media who will stab you in the back anyway?  To appease the very people who are destroying the Constitution and rule of law?  On what FACTUAL basis are you pushing to censure and/or impeach Donald Trump?  The one I’ve heard most frequently is that he gave a speech inciting violence against the government.  Remember when I asked you about facts?  The speech in question occurred over 2 miles away, and did not end until AFTER the violence had already begun, confirmed by the Hill and other less than conservative outlets.  Even IF he had encouraged violence, which he did not, none of the people could have reached the Hill for probably 45 minutes after the speech ended, which would be an hour or more AFTER the violence began, because of traffic and street closures.  This is just like what the media has been doing since Trump announced his candidacy.  They say things like “Trump called all Mexicans animals and rapists,” but they NEVER produce or play the FULL clip of what he ACTUALLY SAID, even though it exists and is readily available.  Don’t be one of those truth-twisting liars.  As for “insurrection,” did any of YOU, the media, or the democrats scream “INSURRECTION!” when Antifa was occupying and destroying police stations and federal court houses? Did any of you scream “INSURRECTION!” when DEMOCRATS occupied the capitol during the Kavanaugh hearings?  Were any of you screaming “INSURRECTION!” when Antifa was burning down cities and demanding overthrow of the police and government?  NO, you didn’t, even though those were far more legitimate examples of an insurrection.  What about when people like Maxine Waters were OPENLY encouraging violence against Trump and his supporters?  Crickets from all of you.  I encourage you to reconsider your course of action.  Doing what’s right is hard, but the consequences of doing what’s wrong will eventually be much harder to live with than doing what’s right to begin with. 

America’s Funeral Procession

To the US Supreme Court who refused to even hear the case that is CLEARLY under their jurisdiction, instead choosing to hide behind “procedure,” to the judges at the state level who are legislating from the bench, to the politicians at all levels who didn’t stop them, or were in league with them, you need to understand this. The funeral pyres of America have been lit, and as you watch America burn, as you watch the coming civil war rip us apart, as you cower in horror as the angry mobs kick in your door to drag you into the streets, your last thoughts should be “I could have stopped this.” May God have mercy on us all.

Why We Are Headed for a Civil War

CIVIL WAR 2020!!!RIGHT VS WRONG!!! - YouTube

November 3rd, 2020 culminated years, no, DECADES of straying from the civic foundation of our nation.  The journey has been an incremental one, but has accelerated to one of giant leaps and bounds in recent years away from the Godly, Constitutional REPRESENTATIVE republic we began with.  So, why do I say we are headed for a civil war?

In a word, UNDERSTANDING.  In this case, understanding of our system of government, how it was founded, and the benefits of our system of government when compared to every other form of government in the history of the world to this point.  And even MORE to the point, the problem is LACK of understanding.

How did we get to the point of this lack of understanding?  Lack of education, and transition to indoctrination.  Most schools today teach only a very superficial level of civics.  Ask a high school senior or most college students today a series of civics questions that go deeper than who was the first president, and the overwhelming majority will not be able to answer them.  What are the Federalist Papers?  How was the Constitution ratified?  What struggles were there in ratification?  Why are we a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC, and NOT a democracy?  Why did states INSIST on the electoral college as part of our system of national elections?  What would our country look like WITHOUT the electoral college?  Why didn’t we start by adopting something resembling socialism?  Has socialism EVER succeeded ANYWHERE in the world?  In the world’s history, what has socialism ALWAYS resulted in?  These and many, many more topics were things that CITIZENS were once upon a time REQUIRED to learn in school.  Part of being a responsible citizen, and casting an EDUCATED vote, is thoroughly understanding how your government is SUPPOSED to work.  If you don’t know your history, and you don’t know WHY your government is the way it is, you can EASILY be lied to and fooled into believing any number of falsehoods concerning government.  Thus, the INDOCTRINATION most of our students are receiving now at the hands of teachers who were first NOT educated, and THEN indoctrinated into a system of beliefs that is not based in reality, and which seeks to destroy our Constitution and the Republic.  Think I’m getting ahead of my skis?  How many stories have you heard of “teachers” literally humiliating, or school systems punishing students who espouse a conservative viewpoint or for wearing something with conservative logos?  Dozens, perhaps hundreds.  How many stories have you heard of the opposite, where a student is humiliated by a teacher for espousing a leftist viewpoint?  I won’t say it has never happened, but if it has, it is so infrequent as to not even register on the national radar.  This is ONE SIDED indoctrination, in a system that has been slowly and insidiously taken over by leftists/socialists/communists who HATE what our nation stands for.  Nikita Khrushchev, the former Soviet communist dictator, predicted this would happen.

That is the short version of how we have gotten to the point where half of the population is willing to vote for a candidate whose platform does not contain a SINGLE thing that is based in OUR Constitution.  If you open a copy of our Constitution, and sit it side by side with the Ten Pillars of Communism, then look at each point in the democrat party platform, you will not find ONE thing they support that is Constitutionally based.

Now that we are in the aftermath of the November 3rd election, and awaiting the final outcome, with half of the country that has NO understanding of civics, half that does, and a system that has been compromised to the point that NEITHER side trusts it, it doesn’t matter WHO ultimately wins the election, half of the voters will not accept the outcome.  The civically uneducated half have also not been raised as ADULTS who can cope with life in general, and can’t handle not getting their way.  This is the half that will FORCE us into a civil war.  They are ALREADY burning down cities, shooting police officers, threatening to storm the White House to “remove” President Trump, threatening to “punish” Trump supporters simply for voting for Trump, etc, etc.  The left does NOT say let’s have a FAIR election that is fully transparent.  They do NOT allow people from the opponent’s side to simultaneously verify votes and processes so NO ONE can say anything was done illegitimately.  No.  The left in areas they control, exclude their opponents from poll watching, verifying signatures, counting ballots, monitoring election machines, etc.  The left demands removal of safeguards designed to prevent corruption at the ballot box.  So, when one side demands fairness, and will accept whatever the outcome as long as it’s fair, and the other side demands cheating and will only accept the outcome they want, the outcome is going to be predictable.  Civil war.

The only way to legitimately head it off now in a way that no one could argue with would be to do the election over again.  This time, it MUST be done with STRICT controls, deadlines, and thorough oversight of EVERY part of the process by BOTH sides so that NO ONE can say at the end of the day that the other side cheated.  What are the odds that will happen?  ZERO.

So, what alternative remains in a country so divided, with one side that refuses to even attempt consensus, and refuses any concession to the other side?  As I see it, the LAST opportunity to avoid bloodshed is for both sides to go their separate ways.  That means an old-fashioned word known as SECESSION.  We agree to divide the nation, do our own thing, and leave the other side alone.  We can trade with each other, but there is no TAKING or redistribution.  How would this play out?  Think of who produces the overwhelming majority of things in this country, and where they are produced.  It’s NOT in the deep blue cities that dominate the POPULAR vote in this country.  Your food is grown largely by conservatives.  Most of the things you NEED to survive on a day to day basis are produced by conservatives, in conservative states.  If red and blue states separate, within a week when the store shelves stop being stocked by trucks coming from conservative states, you will see a zombie apocalypse in the “blue country.”  That will mean either BEGGING us to reunite, or the same civil war we saw in the 1860s, but for somewhat different reasons.

Again, do I think either of these will ACTUALLY be the chosen path, and will either of these avoid a bloody civil war?  No.  I pray to God for a civil, peaceful, Constitutional resolution to our problems.  But I just don’t see it happening.  I fear a civil war is inevitable, and a lot closer than we think.

Corona Hunger Games

Washington State Preparing to Implement Death Panels

Remember when democrats and others on the left bristled at Sarah Palin referring to the IPAB panels in Obamacare that would ration healthcare as “death panels?”  She was 100% right, but just hit too close to the target for the left to allow her truth to go unpunished/unchallenged.

Now, a decade after Obamacare’s implementation, and a gutting of our healthcare system as a result, we see one state overtly making preparations to implement… wait for it…  DEATH PANELS.

Ezekiel Emanuel was one of the chief architects of Obamacare, and the author of the “death panel” system.  Here’s a brief synopsis.

The Complete Lives System, co-authored by Ezekiel J. Emanuel, M.D., Ph.D., is based on five underlying principles: Youngest First, Prognosis, Save the Most Lives, Lottery, and Instrumental Value. The aim of the system is to achieve equal outcomes so as to achieve “complete lives.” The system basically seeks to redistribute “life years” from older individuals to younger individuals. The proposed mechanism to achieve this is a centralized system of rationing medical care that limits care for older individuals in favor of providing it to younger individuals. The authors of the Complete Lives article claim this is not age discrimination because all individuals are subject to aging and older individuals have already lived through the age of younger individuals and thus have a greater number of life years.
Continue reading

Pelosi Gavels House Out Of Session After Just THREE Minutes, Refuses To Vote On Coronavirus Relief

America, and Californians in Nancy Pelosi’s district who are expecting to see checks in the mail and money flowing to address THE CHINA/CORONA VIRUS crisis (not strengthening labor unions, implementing Green New Deal agenda, paying favors to donors, growing government, etc), you need to remember the MULTIPLE occasions where Nancy Pelosi has loaded up the relief package with pork, causing people to RIGHTLY vote against it, and now she is stonewalling the package that has finally passed.  If your business is suffering and your expecting relief, if you are unemployed because of this crisis and you’re expecting relief, you can BLAME NANCY PELOSI FOR DELAYING IT.

Nancy Pelosi should have been impeached for unethical behavior long ago, and if her constituents had any morals and ethics of their own, she would have been voted out long ago.  She is the face of establishment government that is destroying our liberty and our Constitution.

Pelosi Gavels House Out Of Session After Just Three Minutes, Will Not Commit To Vote On Coronavirus Relief

By  Emily ZanottiDailyWire.com

WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 23: U.S. Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) delivers a statement at the hallway of the Speaker’s Balcony at the U.S. Capitol March 23, 2020 in Washington, DC. Speaker Pelosi spoke on the 10th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act and introduced the Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act in response to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, also known as coronavirus. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Wednesday morning, as the House gaveled into session, it suddenly became clear that Pelosi did not intend to have House members review the bill; the House went in and out of session in just under three minutes.

NY Doctor Confirms Trump Was RIGHT About Virus Treatment

In short, the treatment works. Now imagine how many more people would die unnecessarily if we had to wait around for the bureaucracy of the FDA to approve this treatment. I’m not an anarchist. I do believe that SOME government is necessary in a civilized society. However, what we see being increasingly true as Trump has managed to cut THOUSANDS of burdensome regulations is that the government that governs best is the one that governs LEAST.

NY Doctor Confirms Trump Was RIGHT About Virus Treatment, Despite The MSM Disinformation Against Him

The mainstream media has been on a smear campaign against President Trump after he announced that an anti-Malarial drug, Hydroxychloroquine, showed promise in fighting coronavirus. They blamed Trump for doctors hoarding the drug and a man who killed himself after overdosing on cleaner.

Now, a New York doctor named Dr. Vladimir Zelenko is thanking President Trump for approving Hydroxychloroquine for use against the coronavirus and is touting fantastic results among 350 patients treated:

Here’s a summary of Zelenko’s results:

Read entire article HERE.

China Virus Exposing the Theft of Our Liberty

Guard your liberty jealously, for it is being stolen from you at an alarming and ACCELERATING rate.  We are told all the time how the government that works for us CAN’T enforce the laws, CAN’T live by the Constitution, and that we MUST give away our country to anyone who wants to come here.  If you’re paying attention, you realize that they don’t enforce the laws on the illegals, but YOU must abide by each and every single law.  There are no carveouts or sanctuaries for you, the citizen.

We are likely going to come out of this Wuhan China virus episode a less free nation.  We are going to be far more in debt, which we, the citizens, are on the hook to pay for.  Many of our liberties will be gone or substantially eroded by a power hungry government.

We have already ceded more of our liberty than we can afford, and are quickly approaching a point where the ballot box isn’t capable of restoring them.

Government Regulation: It’s What’s in the Way of Corona Virus Testing

The one thing that prevented a test from being available sooner was a creation of liberal/progressive government, and it’s the one thing that Trump has been so successful at reducing.

Government regulation.

Dan Crenshaw Confirms COVID-19 Testing Issues Are Absolutely Not Trump’s Fault

By Christine Favocci
Published March 16, 2020 at 9:52am

As the nation begins to effectively shut down in an effort to slow the spread of a new, deadly strain of coronavirus that has caused a global pandemic, the left is full steam ahead in blaming President Donald Trump for just about everything, including a delay in useful testing for the virus.

Although a test was available through the World Health Organization before the virus arrived in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention opted to create its own test that would include COVID-19 as well as a wide array of other potentially deadly strains of coronaviruses.

There were early problems with manufacturing, distribution and accuracy as the test produced false positives for some of the other strains included in the testing. This delay was serious but short-lived as the private sector was able to create a better test.

Despite the seriousness of the global pandemic, media outlets such as Politico were quick to pounce on the administration’s handling of the situation, including the tests, in an effort to blame Trump for the spread of a virus.

In his usual straight-shooting style, Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas destroyed that narrative. Continue reading

Mitch’s RINO Roots are Showing Again

THIS is why Mitch McConnell MUST go. Why in the world should our government spend a trillion dollars when half of that would be more than enough? He’s been hiding his establishment roots for a little while, but they’re showing again.

McConnell to Senate Republicans Opposed to Coronavirus Bill: ‘Gag and Vote for It Anyway’

By Andrew J. Sciascia
Published March 17, 2020 at 3:56pm

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell cracked the whip this week on potentially foot-dragging GOP colleagues in an effort to respond quickly as the coronavirus spreads across the country.

After the weekly Republican caucus meeting, McConnell expressed understanding regarding some of his colleagues’ concerns over a recently passed House pandemic response bill, but urged them to “gag and vote for it anyway” in order to quickly aid those affected by the outbreak.

“A number of my members think there are considerable shortcomings in the House bill,” McConnell told reporters following the meeting.

“My counsel to them is to gag and vote for it anyway, even if they they it has some shortcomings, and to address those shortcomings in the bill that we’re in the process of crafting.

“I cannot predict how long we will be here. But we will be here as long as it takes to pass yet another measure beyond the one that came over from the House,” the Kentucky Republican added. Continue reading

DOJ Catches DEMOCRAT PARTY in Multi-Million Dollar Illegal Foreign Campaign Donations Scheme

The democrat party is so corrupt and anti-American that it needs to be abolished, and those in it punished for there misdeeds.  Our government has been dragged so far off the constitutional reservation by people like this that we are quickly approaching the point where a revolution will be the only way to restore it.  The citizenry has lost faith in government, and that’s a very dangerous place to be.  If the government doesn’t take this opportunity to ferret out the corrupt anti-American people in the government, it will be up to us to fix it, and that is a party no one wants to attend.



DOJ Catches DEMOCRAT PARTY in Multi-Million Dollar Illegal Foreign Campaign Donations Scheme… Guess What Fake News NY Times Uses as Their Featured Photo?

The Liberal Media Is Not Only Covering This Up — They’re Lying about it!…

On Friday The Gateway Pundit reported on the news that Democrat operative and Robert Mueller chief witness George Nader was indicted for his involvement in illegal campaign contributions from foreign entities to the Hillary campaign in 2016

Nader was one of Mueller’s top witnesses and he is a top Democrat donor and convicted child molester.

But there is more to the story.

Bill Barr on Friday indicted eight individuals for illegally funneling millions of dollars in foreign money to Adam Schiff, Hillary Clinton and several Democratic senators.

According to News Thud:

The list of the Dem organizations taking this illegal money is astounding – almost every Dem state organization and many super PAC’s including the big one Priorities USA.

All of the leading names in the Democratic party took in this money including Adam Schiff and Ted Lieu, Jon Tester, Cory Booker, Hillary Clinton, etc.

The DOJ report is here.

The scandal involves Ahmad “Andy” Khawaja from Los Angeles and seven others.

The 53 count indictment charges Khawaja with two counts of conspiracy, three counts of making conduit contributions, three counts of causing excessive contributions, 13 counts of making false statements, 13 counts of causing false records to be filed, and one count of obstruction of a federal grand jury investigation. Nader is charged with conspiring with Khawaja to make conduit campaign contributions, and related offenses. Boulos, Dekermenjian, Diab, El-Saadi, Hill, and Whipple are charged with conspiring with Khawaja and each other to make conduit campaign contributions and conceal excessive contributions, and related offenses.

Khawaja donated OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS to Democrat PAC Priorities USA!


The list is endless.

This is being covered up by the liberal mainstream media!

In fact if you look at the featured image in The New York Times on this scandal look at what they posted…



Link to article:  https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/12/doj-catches-democrat-party-in-multi-million-dollar-illegal-foreign-campaign-donations-scheme-guess-what-fake-news-ny-times-uses-as-their-featured-photo/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=the-gateway-pundit&utm_campaign=dailypm&utm_content=weekend