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How to Fold a UN Flag

How to fold a UN flag

UNAmerican Obama Wants to Bring Us Blue Helmets to Use For Target Practice

This is America, and it will be ruled by Americans.  Bring in the blue helmets, and we use them for target practice. And don’t think for a minute we will forget who invited them in.


Obama Administration and UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight ‘Extremism’ In U.S.

On Wednesday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced at the United Nations that her office would be working in several American cities to form what she called the Strong Cities Network (SCN), a law enforcement initiative that would encompass the globe.

This amounts to nothing less than the overriding of American laws, up to and including the United States Constitution, in favor of United Nations laws that would henceforth be implemented in the United States itself – without any consultation of Congress at all.

The United Nations is a sharia-compliant world body, and Obama, speaking there just days ago, insisted that “violent extremism” is not exclusive to Islam (which it is). Obama is redefining jihad terror to include everyone but the jihadists. So will the UN, driven largely by the sharia-enforcing Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the pro-Islamic post-American President Obama, use a “global police force” to crush counter-jihad forces? Continue reading

John Kerry Signs UN Gun Ban Treaty – US Now One Step Away From Revolution

We are now one step away from a revolution.  The senate needs to understand that if this treaty is ratified, and the government attempts to take our guns, or force us to register them (a prelude to confiscation), the government will have irrevocably crossed a line that we WILL NOT stand by and allow them to cross. 

Secretary of State John Kerry Signs United Nations Gun Ban Treaty Against Wishes of U.S. Senate

by Warner Todd Huston | August 26, 2015 4:13 pm

If U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has his way the United Nations will be able to say if Americans are allowed to have their Second Amendment rights. He has just signed an anti-gun treaty with the United Nations that the U.S. Senate has already said it is against.


The treaty Kerry signed[1] without authorization from the Senate would create an un-Constitutional registry of all US gun buyers and would lead to the UN controlling American’s gun rights.

Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday signed a controversial U.N. treaty on arms regulation, riling U.S. lawmakers who vow the Senate will not ratify the agreement.

As he signed the document, Kerry called the treaty a “significant step” in addressing illegal gun sales, while claiming it would also protect gun rights.

“This is about keeping weapons out of the hands of terrorists and rogue actors. This is about reducing the risk of international transfers of conventional arms that will be used to carry out the world’s worst crimes. This is about keeping Americans safe and keeping America strong,” he said. “This treaty will not diminish anyone’s freedom. In fact, the treaty recognizes the freedom of both individuals and states to obtain, possess, and use arms for legitimate purposes.”

U.S. lawmakers, though, have long claimed the treaty could lead to new gun control measures. They note the U.S. Senate has final say on whether to approve the agreement.

Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., in a letter to President Obama, urged his administration not to take any action to implement the treaty without the consent of the Senate.

He claimed the treaty raises “fundamental issues” concerning “individual rights protected by the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution.”

The National Rifle Association blasted the plan, claiming it would impose an “invasive registration scheme” by requiring importing countries to give exporting countries information on “end users.”

“The Obama administration is once again demonstrating its contempt for our fundamental, individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms,” Chris Cox, executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, said in a statement. “These are blatant attacks on the constitutional rights and liberties of every law-abiding American. The NRA will continue to fight this assault on our fundamental freedom.”

Once again Obama’s regime tries to end the Second Amendment by stealth.

Link to Article:  http://rightwingnews.com/democrats/secretary-of-state-john-kerry-signs-united-nations-gun-ban-treaty-against-wishes-of-u-s-senate/

Obama and UN DON’T Condemn Hamassholes for Using Civilians as Human Shields

Notice that the Obama administration and the UN don’t condemn the hamassholes for hiding behind women and children to launch their rockets, and to store their weapons?  And when the freaking UN inspectors go into the UNRWA schools and find weapons stored there, they call the local authorities and turn the weapons over to them. Who are the “local authorities?” FREAKING HAMAS!!!! The UN is trafficking weapons for the hamassholes.  UNRWA is supposed to stand for UN RELIEF WORKS Agency, not UN ROCKET WAREHOUSING Agency.

UN, US Condemn Strike on UN-run Gaza School

by VOA News August 03, 2014

A United Nations school sheltering displaced people in the southern Gaza Strip was hit Sunday by what a U.N. official said appeared to be an Israeli airstrike, an attack that killed 10 people as Israel signaled a possible scaling back in the ongoing war.

At least 10 people were killed and another 35 injured at the Rafah school, which housed 3,000 displaced Palestinians, U.N. officials said.

Witnesses said the explosion at the school occurred as people were waiting in line for food. In the chaotic aftermath, several bodies, including those of children, were strewn across the ground in pools of blood.

The Israeli military said it was looking into the reported attack, the second to hit a school in less than a week, and the third strike in 10 days on a U.N. school used for refugees. Continue reading

Obama May Seek UN Help to Disarm Americans

From this point forward, we must resist ANYONE who tries to take our guns. No matter who they are.  Whether they call themselves UN “peace enforcers,” military, national guard, police, or some other form of “law enforcement,” if they come for our guns they are now the enemy.  You can make tyranny legal, as we have seen many times through history, and we are seeing again right here, right now.

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
— Declaration of Independence

“When tyranny becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”
–Often attributed to Thomas Jefferson

Continue reading

Obama to allow UN to tax US for Green Climate Fund

In our form of government with 3 supposedly separate, but co-equal branches of government, isn’t it the purview of congress to levy taxes, the president to sign treaties, and the senate to approve those treaties?

So, the fact that Obama is about to commit to a treaty which allows a foreign entity to tax US citizens without the approval of the senate is wrong on several levels.

We are already way past the threshold for impeachable offenses. This one is just the icing on the cake.


Obama to allow UN to tax US for Green Climate Fund

by Joel Gehrke Commentary Staff Writer
December 5, 2011 11:29am
President Obama’s team of negotiators at the United Nations Climate Change Conference may agree to a tax on foreign currency transactions, designed to pay for a “Green Climate Fund,” that would fall disproportionately on American travelers and businesses, according to a group attending the conference that is skeptical of the UN position on global warming.

Negotiators at the conference are considering “a new tax on every foreign currency transaction in the world,” according to the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). “Every time you travel abroad, you’ll have to pay a climate tax,” explains CFACT, the group that released the “Climategate” emails. “More importantly, every time we import goods, every time we export our fine products (think jobs) we will do so with a climate tax skimming off the top.”

European countries would evade much of the tax burden, however, because “transactions within the Eurozone won’t have to pay this new tax.”

CFACT suggests that Obama is open to implementing this tax and similar policies in the absence of a full climate treaty, which would require congressional approval. “We have learned that while many have discounted this conference, knowing that a full climate treaty is difficult to achieve especially with a U.S. Senate that will not vote to ratify,” CFACT says. “Obama and his fellow climate travelers are working around the Senate and planning to stick America with the bill.”

U.N. asks Texas to commute Mexican’s death sentence

The UN is an anti-American, anti-sovereignty entity that will ALWAYS work counter to the interests of America.

There is a LONG list of Mexican and other illegal immigrants who come to this country ILLEGALLY, commit crimes including murder, and many, many times they are not deported, released from jail, and they commit MORE crimes and kill MORE American citizens. When you come to America and murder our citizens, I don’t care what country you come from, you are now subject to OUR LAWS.

Screw the UN. And if Obama wants to keep turning our sovereignty over to them, screw him to. It’s past time to get the UN out of the US, and the US out of the UN.


U.N. asks Texas to commute Mexican’s death sentence


By Stephanie Nebehay | Reuters – Fri, Jul 1, 2011

GENEVA (Reuters) – The top U.N. human rights official urged the governor of Texas on Friday to call off the execution next week of a Mexican citizen convicted of murder who was not told of his right to diplomatic advice when arrested.

Continue reading

Are Liberals Actually Human?

Well, maybe. Just barely…


Are Liberals Actually Human?

By Burt Prelutsky (Archive) · Thursday, May 26, 2011

Two questions that often plague me are what planet do liberals hail from, and why don’t they go back?

For instance, Michael Moore, who looks more and more like Helen Thomas every day, along with many of his fellow leftists, has insisted that, morally, there was no difference between Osama bin Laden’s killing 3,000 people on 9/11 and our killing him. Just how fatheaded do you have to be to even suggest such a thing?

But it’s not uncommon for liberals to cite moral equivalence where there isn’t any. They do it when it comes to equating cold-blooded murder of innocent people with the state’s execution of the murderer; they do it in regards to the Middle East not only when they condemn Israel for defending itself against Arab and Muslim terrorists, but when they equate Christian martyrs with the blood-thirsty Egyptian mobs who burn down their churches and slaughter them in the streets.

The reaction to the killing of Osama bin Laden was interesting on many levels. To begin with, people argued whether the proper term was assassinate, kill, execute or even murder. I think the appropriate word was exterminate, which is generally the way we refer to rodent and pest control.

Then we had the problem inherent in Barack Obama, a liberal who not only opposes capital punishment, but who campaigned for terrorists to be tried like common criminals in civilian courts, serving as judge, jury and executioner, of a man who was never Mirandized, provided with an attorney or given the opportunity to face his accusers; and, for good measure, whose fate was Seal-ed without the okay of the U.N., the World Court or Rosie O’Donnell.

Can you imagine the stink that would have been raised by the MSM if George W. Bush had green-lighted the operation? At the very least, the environmentalists would have gone berserk, comparing the dumping of bin Laden’s carcass to BP Oil’s contamination of the ocean.

Finally, if any additional proof of the Left’s intellectual dishonesty were needed, we have Nancy Pelosi stating, back in 2006, that, “Even if Osama bin Laden is caught tomorrow, it is five years too late…the damage he has done is done. And even to capture him now I don’t think makes us any safer.” But five years later, she has the gall to announce: “The death of Osama bin Laden marks the most significant development in our fight against Al-Qaida. I salute President Obama, his national security team, Director Panetta, our men and women in the intelligence community and military, and other nations who supported this effort for their leadership in achieving this major accomplishment. The death of Osama bin Laden is historic.”

You would have thought Mrs. Pelosi might at least have squeezed George W. Bush in there at some point, perhaps in place of those anonymous “other nations.” Come to think of it, which nations do you think she had in mind? Luxembourg? North Korea? Pakistan, perhaps?

But that’s the sort of embarrassing thing that’s bound to occur when, as is all too typical of liberal politicians, one values partisanship above principles, and make a practice of rewarding the vainglorious and the abysmally ignorant, people such as Mrs. Pelosi and Harry Reid, with leadership positions.

UN Gun Grab Plans are UN-American

You liberals, progressives, one-world-order types, UN bureaucrats, and wannabe dictators want to take American citizen’s guns?


It Doesn’t Matter What You Do, You Just Caused Global Warming

You see, Mr. Anderson?  This is the ridiculous mentality of the hardcore manmade global warming crowd.  They blame global warming for everything under the sun, and partly because of that destroy their credibility.  Global warming caused time to pass and the sun to rise.  It caused the stars to shine in the night sky.  Global warming causes flatulence in cows, fish, elk, moose, bears, and your wife when she rips one in bed.  People aren’t gay or straight because of choice or genetics, but because of global warming.  Proponents of manmade global warming say that CO2 caused the earth to both warm AND cool.  Does anyone else see a problem with this logic?

If flawed logic weren’t enough to make you doubt the veracity of the global warming argument, then the chief purveyor of the myth admitting he has no data to support any of what he has published, and that they were wrong the Himalayan glaciers melting (they traced the data for that to a non-scientific magazine article) should seal the deal for you.

I won’t say definitively that global warming isn’t at least a possibility, but it’s not likely, and there is NO conclusive evidence that man has any impact whatsoever on global temperatures.  As the author of the article below says, “Sloppy research, manipulated data and propagandizing scientists don’t disprove global warming theory. They just discredit those who support it.”


It Doesn’t Matter What You Do, You Just Caused Global Warming

Blizzards only the latest of hundreds of claims left uses to argue climate heating up while their science claims go into deep freeze.

By Dan Gainor
The Boone Pickens Free Market Fellow
Business & Media Institute

2/15/2010 10:37:08 AM

This column isn’t just brought to you by global warming. It was caused by global warming.

Why not? Everything else is. For years, Americans have been told global warming causes pretty much everything. Al Gore, the patron saint of all things toasty, blamed Hurricane Katrina on global warming. Lefty actor Danny Glover blamed it for the Haitian earthquake in January. After lamenting the failure of the Copenhagen climate conference, Glover talked about the earthquake and said “this is what happens.” Climate: the ultimate “Lethal Weapon.”

He’s not even an outlier. Joseph Romm, a former Clinton official, raised the issue of global warming after the Minnesota bridge collapse of 2007. Go to Dr. John Brignell’s site Numberwatch.co.uk and you’ll find at least 600 random things from sharks moving north to a rise in allergies to a rise in HIV – all blamed on global warming.

Now, the mid-Atlantic gets pounded by consecutive blizzards – five feet of snow in areas I shoveled. That led to some natural mockery. Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., said on Twitter: “It’s going to keep snowing in DC until Al Gore cries ‘uncle.’” Grandchildren of Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., put the snow to good use. They built an igloo on the National Mall, naming it “Al Gore’s New Home.”

Conservatives also made fun of global warming alarmist Robert Kennedy Jr. who just a year and a half before had complained about warming around D.C. and “today’s anemic winters.” Kennedy didn’t realize his heart-felt plea would be used as an icebreaker against global warming alarmism, not for it.

The liberal response was a blizzard of BS. First they were appalled. Once again, evil conservatives made them look bad. Liberals then tried another tack. Weather wasn’t climate, they bellowed, clueless that conservatives had been making that very point all along.

But liberals weren’t done. Next they said, while weather wasn’t climate, the blizzards were, drum roll please, because of global warming. On Valentine’s Day, The Washington Post ran its latest impassioned pro-alarmist opinion piece. This one was written by Bill McKibben, another lefty making a career out of climate scare tactics.

McKibben, a carbon dioxide warrior and co-founder of the group 350.org, tried to dig out his flailing comrades. “Instead, the weird and disruptive weather patterns around the world are pretty much exactly what you’d expect as the planet warms,” he wrote.

One-time rational human turned MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan told viewers the same thing Feb. 9. “Here’s the problem – these ‘snowpocalypses’ that have been going through D.C. and other extreme weather events are precisely what climate scientists have been predicting, fearing and anticipating because of global warming.”

Meanwhile, the case for such claims was falling faster than the Washington snow. Britain’s Daily Mail reported that Climate Gate villain Dr. Phil Jones had undermined his own work in a new BBC interview.

According to the Feb. 14 article, Jones admitted his recordkeeping was “not as good as it should be” and that he might have misplaced a lot of the data integral to the famous hockey stick graph. That graph, a bulwark of climate alarmism, claimed to show the earth had been warming in an unprecedented way for many years.

Now Jones wasn’t sure whether the Medieval Warming Period was warmer or not and, even more, he admitted “that for the past 15 years there has been no ‘statistically significant’ warming.’”

So he owned up that he might have been wrong about history.  He said the earth wasn’t warming. And he said he doesn’t have data to back up his prior claims. That is the academic equivalent of the dog ate my homework. I’m surprised he didn’t blame his lost data on global warming. And on his advice we’re going to spend trillions of dollars remaking the world?

This came on the heels of Climate Gate and the embarrassment of the UN climate panel that admitted it was entirely wrong about Himalayan glaciers melting. And the Feb. 15 Washington Post pointed out even more errors and sloppy work in the UN report. Desperate scientists have played 6.7 billion people for fools. Maybe the earth is warming. Maybe it isn’t. That’s not science. That’s the toss of a coin. Sloppy research, manipulated data and propagandizing scientists don’t disprove global warming theory. They just discredit those who support it.

Yet, even now, President Obama and congressional Democrats are trying to limit U.S. emissions based on this very “science.” If we let them, they’ll wreck our economy. At least then we’ll be sure global warming caused something – the decline of the United States.

Dan Gainor is The Boone Pickens Fellow and the Media Research Center’s Vice President for Business and Culture. His column appears each week on The Fox Forum and he can be seen on Foxnews.com’s “Strategy Room.” He can also be contacted on FaceBook and Twitter as dangainor.

Utah delivers vote of no confidence for ‘climate alarmists’

Good for you, Utah!

CO2 is plant food. Without CO2 there would be no GREEN plants, and thus NO GREEN MOVEMENT, and probably no life on earth.


Utah delivers vote of no confidence for ‘climate alarmists’

The US’s most Republican state passes bill disputing science of climate change, claiming emissions are ‘essentially harmless’

Suzanne Goldenberg, US environment correspondent
guardian.co.uk, Friday 12 February 2010 18.20 GMT

Carbon dioxide is “essentially harmless” to human beings and good for plants. So now will you stop worrying about global warming?

Utah’s House of Representatives apparently has at least. Officially the most Republican state in America, its political masters have adopted a resolution condemning “climate alarmists”, and disputing any scientific basis for global warming.

The measure, which passed by 56-17, has no legal force, though it was predictably claimed by climate change sceptics as a great victory in the wake of the controversy caused by a mistake over Himalayan glaciers in the UN’s landmark report on global warming.

The Deniers of the Deniers are in Denial

Global warming/climate change theorists and supporters call those of us who don’t believe their load of crap “deniers” in an effort to associate us with people who deny the Holocaust.  This is like Mao Tse Tung calling Hitler a mass murderer.  A bit hypocritical, don’t you think?

The global warming theories have been repeatedly and scientifically debunked, yet the people who support these theories (and the control they hope to gain over us by implementing them) refuse to accept the fact that they have been exposed as frauds.

The naive who actually believe global warming/climate change theory to be true, ignore proof to the contrary and exposition of the attempts to “cook” the data in support of those theories.  Things such as temperature reporting points around the world being ‘cherry picked’ to provide only the reporting stations in the warmest locations.  Things like leaving solar activity data out of their theory.  Things like one sample from one tree in one spot on the earth being used to ‘extrapolate’ data on global warming.  Things like the never ending list of exaggerations and outright lies uncovered in report after report.

These “deniers of the deniers” have this Utopian mental snapshot of what they think the earth should be.  They think that it never changes, and isn’t supposed to change, but when it does that man caused it.

Were their theories about SUV’s and man-made global warming true, it would have to be so bad that Mars warmed, and is now cooling at the same rate as earth.  I’m pretty sure we didn’t cause Mars to warm or cool.

NOAA has the gall to release a report that global warming is still happening after the IPCC and East Anglia CRC balloon has already burst, and in the middle of most of the norther hemisphere experiencing the coldest winter on record.  Tell those in the northeast who are digging out from 36″ or more of “global warming” how hot the earth is getting.

These fools don’t understand that the earth has ALWAYS been changing.  Weather patterns change over time, ice ages come and go, tides rise and fall, animal species appear and disappear.  What they refuse to accept is that man is still around because of OUR ABILITY TO ADAPT TO THESE CHANGES.

Yes, man does pollute the world, and that needs to change.  The simple need to breathe clean air and drink clean water should drive that change.  To cook up some other lie in an attempt to redistribute wealth and exert control over populations is disingenuous, and downright evil.


U.N. climate panel admits Dutch sea level flaw

OSLO (Reuters) – The U.N. panel of climate experts overstated how much of the Netherlands is below sea level, according to a preliminary report on Saturday, admitting yet another flaw after a row last month over Himalayan glacier melt.

A background note by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said a 2007 report wrongly stated that 55 percent of the country was below sea level since the figure included areas above sea level, prone to flooding along rivers.

The United Nations has said errors in the 2007 report of about 3,000 pages do not affect the core conclusions that human activities, led by burning fossil fuels, are warming the globe. (To quote the Botox Bolshevik, Nancy Pelosi, “Are you serious? Are you serious?”)

U.S. agrees to timetable for UN Gun Ban

In the words of our Campaigner-in-Chief, “Let me be clear.”  The liberals, progressives, communists, Barack Obama and all of his supporters, Hillary Clinton, and the UN want to take away our guns.  As long as Americans are armed, we stand in the way of their desire for total control.

In the early 1900’s in what became known as the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, there were two major parties pushing for the overthrow of the Czars.  There were the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks.  Menshevik is from the Russian word for ‘minority,’  where Bolshevik is from the word for ‘majority.’  Both parties believed in the communist revolution, but the Mensheviks were more moderate, trying to use persuasion and the ballot box to persuade people.  The Bolsheviks were intent on using force.  Bolshevik has evolved into a disparaging term meaning an extreme political radical; revolutionary or anarchist.

Obama and his minions aren’t yet in a position to completely bulldoze our rights.  They will first try the ‘menshevik‘ approach to taking our guns.  They will try to convince us to give them up. When you hear their Utopian arguments trying to persuade you to pound your guns into plowshares, remember that those who do pound their guns (swords) into plowshares will plow for those who did not.

WHEN their persuasion fails, they will reveal themselves to be the Bolsheviks we know them to be.  They WILL come for our guns.  It is only a matter of time.  The guns in the hands of patriotic, (constitutional) law-abiding citizens are the last line of defense between our constitution and a nation ending tyranny.

As Charlton Heston so eloquently phrased it, “…From my cold, dead hands.”


U.S. agrees to timetable for UN Gun Ban

The United Nations and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are moving forward with their plan to confiscate your guns.

The United States joined 152 other countries in support of the Arms Trade Treaty Resolution, which establishes the dates for the 2012 UN conference intended to attack American sovereignty by stripping Americans of the right to keep and bear arms.

Working groups of anti-gun countries will begin scripting language for the conference this year, creating a blueprint for other countries when they meet at the full conference.

The stakes couldn’t be higher.

Former United Nation’s ambassador John Bolton has cautioned gun owners about the Arms Trade Treaty and says the UN “is trying to act as though this is really just a treaty about international arms trade between nation states, but there’s no doubt that the real agenda here is domestic firearms control.”

Establishing the dates for the Arms Trade Treaty Conference is just the first step toward their plans for total gun confiscation.

The worldwide gun control mob will ensure the passage of an egregious, anti-gun treaty…

. . .and that’s where Secretary of State Hillary Clinton steps in.

Once the UN Gun Ban is passed by the General Assembly of the United Nations it must be ratified by each nation, including the United States.

As an arch enemy of gun owners, Clinton has pledged to push the U.S. Senate to ratify the treaty. She will push for passage of this outrageous treaty designed to register, ban and CONFISCATE firearms owned by private citizens like YOU.

That’s why it’s vital you sign the special petition I’ve made up for your signature that DEMANDS your U.S. Senators vote AGAINST ratification of the UN’s “Small Arms Treaty.”

So far, the gun-grabbers have successfully kept the exact wording of their new scheme under wraps.

But looking at previous versions of the UN “Small Arms Treaty,” you and I can get a good idea of what’s likely in the works.

Don’t let any of the “experts” lull you to sleep by saying “Oh, we have it handled” or “Until you know exactly what’s in the treaty you can’t fight against it.”

Judging by Ambassador Bolton’s comments — who certainly knows what to expect from the American-freedom-hating international crowd that infests the U.N. — we are certain the treaty’s going to address the private ownership of firearms.

If passed by the UN and ratified by the U.S. Senate (which is where we must ultimately make our stand), the UN “Small Arms Treaty” would almost certainly FORCE national governments to:

*** Enact tougher licensing requirements, making law-abiding citizens cut through even more bureaucratic red tape just to own a firearm legally;

*** CONFISCATE and DESTROY ALL “unauthorized” civilian firearms (all firearms owned by the government are excluded, of course);

*** BAN the trade, sale and private ownership of ALL semi-automatic weapons;

*** Create an INTERNATIONAL gun registry, setting the stage for full-scale gun CONFISCATION. So please click here to sign the petition to your U.S. Senators before it’s too late!

You see, this is NOT a fight we can afford to lose.

Here’s what you can do to help the National Association for Gun Rights fight Hillary Clinton and her United Nations cronies:

Click here and sign our petition to DEMAND that your United States Senators vote AGAINST the United Nations Small Arms Treaty.

• Forward this petition to your friends and relatives who share your concern for American sovereignty and protecting our right to keep and bear arms.

Please consider making a generous contribution to the National Association for Gun Rights to help us fight Hillary Clinton and the United Nations “Small Arms Treaty.”

Honduras Gives a Constitutional Lesson to Obama and the World

The Honduran people gave us a lesson on how a constitution is supposed to work and be followed.  While we are pissing on and shredding ours, they are honoring and following theirs.  They also showed great courage to continue following their convictions and their constitution in the face of political and economic pressure to cave in to the demands of both the thinly and not so thinly veiled communist countries and organizations around the world.  They are being led by people who are actually not afraid to speak the name of God in public, and to incorporate His guidance in their actions.

Here’s to you, Honduras.  Well played.


With New Leader Installed, Shunned Honduras Seeks International Recognition

Friday, January 29, 2010

By Patrick Goodenough, International Editor

(CNSNews.com) – Honduras took a big step away from its protracted political crisis this week when its new president was sworn in and his deposed predecessor flew into exile, but the new government still faces a challenge in winning international recognition.

Only three presidents, those of Panama, the Dominican Republic and Taiwan, attended Wednesday’s swearing-in of conservative President Porfirio Lobo. Several other regional governments sent foreign ministers. (Notice that Che Gue-bama wasn’t anywhere near the place. Had it been a tin pot communist dictator taking power, Chairman Maobama would have been right there licking his boots.)

The United States, which recognizes the new government, was represented by the assistant secretary for the Western Hemisphere, Arturo Valenzuela.

Also on Thursday, Lobo’s leftist predecessor, Manuel Zelaya, left the mission and flew to the Dominican Republic. He vowed to return someday. Zelaya was ousted five months ago and later sought refuge at the Brazilian Embassy.

Wednesday’s developments in Tegucigalpa, the capital of the small Central American country, marked a defeat for Zelaya’s regional allies, led by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

Critics saw Chavez as a leading behind-the-scenes player in Zelaya’s bid to change the constitution to extend presidential term limits – as Chavez and several of his leftist allies have done in their own countries. (This is a key thing to note here. Continue to read about how a constitution is SUPPOSED to work…)

Zelaya’s move violated Honduras’ constitution and triggered a Supreme Court ruling that led to his ouster by the military. His abrupt departure, says Heritage Foundation senior policy analyst Ray Walser, was “a serious blow to a key Chavez ambition: a radicalized, anti-American Honduras.”

In line with constitutional rules of succession, Zelaya was replaced by congressional speaker Roberto Micheletti, who served as interim president until the previously scheduled presidential election in November.

In the election, 62 year-old rancher Lobo of the National Party took 56 percent of the vote, easily beating his nearest rival, the candidate for the Liberal Party (to which both Zelaya and Micheletti belong.).

Zelaya’s removal was viewed by many governments, including the Obama administration, as a “coup.” (This was all going on about the same time O-bow-ma was kissing My-mood I’m-in-a-jihad’s butt, and licking Hugo Chavez’s boots. Had a communist/Marxist dictator taken over, Obama would have hailed it as a “victory for the people.”)

Micheletti’s interim administration came under sustained international pressure to allow Zelaya to serve out his term. (Only the leftists were pushing for this. Conservatives and constitutionalists cheered the fact that Honduras actually obeyed and stood up for their constitution.) The U.S. froze aid, revoked diplomats’ visas, and backed a decision by the Organization of American States (OAS) to suspend Honduras’ membership. (Again, at the behest of the O-bow-minator.)

An accord negotiated by Costa Rican President Oscar Arias called for the reinstatement of Zelaya, the creation of a national unity government, and a “truth commission” to look into the circumstances of his ouster. (All very Stalin-istic. This is what we can expect from failed organizations with leftists goals like the OAS and the UN.)

But lawmakers in December overwhelmingly voted against reinstating Zelaya. The interim government refused to back down despite the outside pressure, choosing to hold out until the date for the formal start of the new presidential term. (I only wish America would display such a spine.)

Lobo has pledged to work to promote reconciliation between Hondurans who supported Zelaya – many or most of whom boycotted the election – and those who applauded his ousting.

During his inaugural speech, the new president signed a decree, approved earlier by lawmakers, granting amnesty to Zelaya and shielding from future prosecution anyone involved in his removal from office.

The move drew criticism from Amnesty International. “Failure to sanction abuses that took place during the coup d’etat could give a green light to further violations in Honduras,” said the group’s Americas program deputy director, Kerrie Howard. (Kind of reminds you of Al Gore crying about the outcome of the 2000 presidential election, doesn’t it? These are the same voices from around the world who want to see Bush and Cheney tried for “war crimes.” To these nut jobs, it’s only a war crime if you’re not a communist dictator murdering millions of your own people.)

‘Bible and constitution’

Micheletti, who will now return to Congress, attended a special Mass Wednesday at a church in Tegucigalpa, where said he wanted to thank God and his supporters for their help during the crisis. (Finally, someone who understands that “separation of church and state” only applies if a) you’re trying to impose a state mandated religion, or b) you’re trying to destroy the moral base of a country so you can institute a communist system.)

He urged Lobo to govern with the Bible in his right hand and the constitution in his left, and called on the international community to support the new government, saying that Honduras had done nothing but defend its democracy. (I think these fellows are more in touch with our founding fathers than we are. The GET IT!)

Governments refusing to recognize Lobo base their stance on the fact he was elected in a vote organized under an “illegitimate” interim administration. (Only viewed as “illegitimate” by those who weren’t happy with the outcome. The Hondurans followed their constitution and the law to the letter. This should be viewed as a victory for law and order.)

In the region, they are led by Venezuela and its leftist allies, as well as members of the Mercosur trade bloc, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.

Venezuela’s ambassador to the OAS, Roy Chaderton, protested during an OAS council meeting on Wednesday that Lobo’s inauguration had completed “the successful circle designed by the coup plotters in Honduras.” (Communist propaganda.)

Critics of the OAS decision to freeze Honduras’ membership over what they considered essentially an internal constitutional matter contrasted the move with the regional body’s decision just months earlier to scrap a 47 year-old resolution that expelled Cuba for its alignment with the communist bloc. (THIS says it all. A bunch of communist dictators trying to prevent a seed of freedom from sprouting in their back yard.)

With its member states divided over the issue – those recognizing the new government include Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala and El Salvador – it remains unclear how the OAS envisages dealing with Lobo.

OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza said last week developments in Honduras would have to be “evaluated by countries.”

“In the case of the OAS, a process of gradual return of Honduras to the democratic community will have to be initiated,” he said. “We hope it will happen as soon as possible, and we are ready to help in whatever is necessary.” (Unlike the communist and/or dictatorial regimes making this phony offer, the Hondurans are quite able to handle this change of administration because they followed THE LAW.)

Regional powerhouse Brazil’s role will be particularly important.

Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim on Thursday seemed to leave the door open for a shift in the future, saying that his country’s position remained unchanged “for the moment” but it would watch how Lobo governs. “Everything depends on the new president.”

Meanwhile, Lobo faces not just a struggle for recognition but also severe economic challenges. Even before the political crisis and punitive steps by the international community Honduras already had the highest proportion of people living below the poverty line in Central America and, according to the CIA World Factbook, “extraordinarily unequal distribution of income and high un- and under-employment.”

“The costs of Honduras’s isolation have been substantial,” says Walser. “It has created a climate of uncertainty for businesses and investors. Honduras also suffers from generalized economic recession and a loss of remittance earnings that undercut its already fragile economy.”

Walser said the Obama administration must quickly end sanctions against Honduras, including the denial of visas. It should also press for the country’s return to the OAS, and international recognition.

Al Gore’s Logical Fallacies of Global Warming

It’s funny how a divinity school drop-out is viewed by a large (and deceived) segment of society as being able to predict what will happen to God’s creation.

There are so many holes in Al Gore’s arguments that his global warming boat is now finally starting to sink.  It is taking on water at an even faster rate with the exposure of the fraud perpetrated by the East Anglia crowd (who are the primary providers of “data” to the UN’s IPCC, who the uninformed have viewed as an authority on global warming UNTIL NOW).

Mr. McDurmon does a passable job of explaining how just the LOGICAL errors in Gore’s “reasoning” shoot down his own arguments.  The documented evidence McDurmon provides (supported authoritatively by many, more credible scientists than those proponents of “global warming”) also highlights the logical AND scientific fallacies of the global warming argument.

As Mr. McDurmon sums up, “global warming”/climate change is simply a CONVENIENT LIE to push an agenda of CONTROL over populations and money.  IT HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH SAVING THE PLANET.


Logical Fallacies of Global Warming

by Joel McDurmon, Dec 18, 2009

Excerpts from Biblical Logic: In Theory and Practice

One of the “Fallacies of Cause” I address in my book Biblical Logic is one that confuses simultaneity for causation. In other words, just because two things occur at or near the same time, someone may fallaciously assume that one caused the other. We call this Cum Hoc Propter Hoc, which is Latin for “With this, because of this.” The same exposure of folly as the After This Fallacy applies here to the With This Fallacy: a myriad of possible causes exist—many we may not even see or know of—for every given occurrence. This creates a high probability for false causes, even for events that seem to concur in time. Correlation in time cannot guarantee a causal link.

Al Gore’s False Cause

One of the concerning examples I use comes from Al Gore’s crusade against global warming. In his video An Inconvenient Truth, he uses correlational data to back his points: “If you look at a thousand years worth of temperature, and compare it to a thousand years of CO2, you can see how well they fit together.” He admits that the relationship between carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and temperature is very complicated, but states that the most important relationship is this: “when there is more Carbon Dioxide, the temperature gets warmer, because it traps more heat from the sun inside.” Gore, famously now, presents pictures of melted glaciers and icecaps, along with warnings of increases in hurricanes and storms, flooded port cities due to rising ocean levels, and other climate catastrophes should we not immediately begin to reduce carbon emissions and our use of hydrocarbons (a scare-tactic, or Appeal to Fear). More importantly, he correlates modern human activity with the increase in carbon dioxide levels, implying that since humans cause global warming we must take drastic measures to reduce it.

Of course, all of this abuses the “With This” correlational fallacy many times over. To begin with, CO2 is not the primary cause of the “greenhouse effect” that results in higher temperatures. At least two other factors greatly outweigh it: solar activity and another more important greenhouse gas, water vapor. The Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine argues in a detailed paper, “Atmospheric temperature is regulated by the sun, which fluctuates in activity … by the greenhouse effect, largely caused by atmospheric water vapor (H2O); and by other phenomena that are more poorly understood.”[1] Changes in solar radiation correlate more closely and for a longer period of history with temperature changes than do Gore’s graphs of CO2. As well, “While major greenhouse gas H2O substantially warms the Earth, minor greenhouse gases such as CO2 have little effect.[2]

On top of this, while global temperatures have indeed risen in recent decades, proponents of Gore’s scare-tactics rarely mention that temperatures for centuries prior cooled considerably. The current rise merely corrects the previous “Little Ice Age.” The warming trend has occurred for much longer than Gore emphasizes, and has created effects that belie more of his claims:

[M]easurements show that the trend of 7 inches per century increase in sea level and the shortening trend in average glacier length both began a century before 1940, yet 84% of total annual human hydrocarbon use occurred only after 1940. Moreover, neither of these trends has accelerated during the period between 1940 and 2007, while hydrocarbon use increased 6 fold.[3]

This scientific paper, which stands behind a petition signed by over 31,000 American scientists, concludes,

There are no experimental data to support the hypothesis that increases in human hydrocarbon use or in atmospheric carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are causing or can be expected to cause unfavorable changes in global temperature, weather, or landscape. There is no reason to limit human production of CO2, CH4, or other minor greenhouse gases as has been proposed.[5]

So it seems that—despite Al Gore’s claims about having a “scientific consensus” (a fallacious Appeal to Authority)—other obvious, more relevant, and powerful causes exist to explain global temperature changes other than those claimed by Al Gore (as well as the United Nations and those who follow it). Al’s An Inconvenient Truth contains little more than one big craftily presented With This Because of This Fallacy (packaged with a few other fallacies).

So why would Gore and others present the story this way? Note how he and other liberals intend to “solve” the problem: they propose a tax on carbon emissions as well as a global system of “cap-and-trade” on hydrocarbon usage. In plain language, these measures amount to a redistribution of wealth where more prosperous people and nations that use more fuel end up paying tons of money to third-world nations that do not. “Global Warming” simply acts as a mask and a fear factor for advancing the leftist political agenda, and increasing global government control of free and prosperous nations like the United States. Global warming is not an “inconvenient truth,” it is a convenient lie.[5]

Al Gore’s Slippery Slope

The Fallacy of Slippery Slope involves the claim that if a particular action is taken it will inevitably lead to another particular and undesirable event, or series of events. The idea imagines, for example, that a person who takes a first step onto a steep slope will slide all the way to the bottom. Therefore, it argues, it is better to avoid that first step altogether. But this assumes a number of things (keeping with the metaphor): 1) that the slope actually exists; 2) that the slope is steep enough to cause someone to slip; 3) that the person stepping has not prepared some means of adequate footing, for example, special boots or ropes; and 4) that the slope actually leads exactly where the arguer claims it does. All of these assumptions, and probably more, indicate that Slippery Slope thinking is fallacious without lots of supporting qualifications.

Al Gore creates a gross Slippery Slope argument with his claims about increasing greenhouse gases in the future. The now-debunked graph that his film An Inconvenient Truth popularized earned the nickname “the hockey stick” because it shows only mild fluctuations in the amount of CO2 until the last few decades, and then drastically shoots upward—thus forming the shape of a hockey stick. Even if his graph represented the data accurately (it does not), this would still not warrant the conclusion that Gore draws from it. In order to make his rhetorical point he mounts a man-lift and elevates it several feet high. He then points to the top of a big screen where the spike on his graph goes “off the charts.” Such is the radical future we face if we do not cut CO2 emission!

Of course this unwarranted extrapolation commits classically fallacious Slippery Slope thinking. Anyone could make any kind of radical prediction like this by simply extending the last upswing or down-tick of data indefinitely. The real question remains, “Is such an extrapolation warranted?” (Remember the books DOW 30,000, DOW 36,000, and DOW 40,000, all predicting wild extrapolations for the stock market?) And still then, even if the data warrants such a speculation, it cannot prove such a speculative event will come to pass, simply because many factors could yet affect the future.

Peter corrected a reverse application of “Slippery Slope to doomsday” thinking in his day. Instead, God’s judgment did loom very near on the Jewish people as Jesus had predicted. Critics of the promised return of Christ argued that since Christ had not yet returned for sometime (probably nearing 40 years) therefore the promise was a hoax and Christ would never return. Peter relates their fallacy:

Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation” (2 Pet. 3:3–4).

Peter corrects their fallacy by reminding them who actually controls the slope of history:

But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance (2 Pet. 3:8–9).

Like so many fallacies that people commit, the remedy lies in the fact that God reigns supreme, and His Word shall come to pass. Any human reasoning that deviates from this standard risks all manner of fallacy. Al Gore may have learned that had he not quit divinity school. Instead, he is abusing human reason hoping to further break God’s law: to steal from some nations and give to others. At least it’s easy to see through.


[1] Arthur B. Robinson, Noah E. Robinson and Willie Soon, “Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide,” Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons 12:3 (Fall 2007):79. Available at http://www.jpands.org/vol12no3/robinson.pdf (accessed February 11, 2009).
Arthur B. Robinson, et al, “Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide,” 79.
Arthur B. Robinson, et al, “Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide,” 82. Emphasis mine.
Arthur B. Robinson, et al, “Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide,” 89.
See also Christopher C. Horner, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism (Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2007).