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Propagandist Media ALWAYS Paints muslims as the Victims

How many times do you have to prove it? Over and over… The muslims have NO legitimate claim to the Temple Mount, Jerusalem, or ANYTHING in Israel. Judaism and Israel predate islame by many CENTURIES. The Israelis have been more than patient and tolerant of the muslims in their country. They need to expel them ALL. They also need to expel them all from Gaza, bulldoze it, and reclaim it.


Klein: Media Distort Muslim Riots on Temple Mount

By Aaron Klein | 12 Aug 2019

Muslims on the Temple Mount – Judaism’s holiest site – engaged in a clearly orchestrated assault on Israeli police protecting the site on the very day that Jews worldwide mourned the destruction of the First and Second Jewish Temples.

Despite the unprovoked violence in which Israeli police acted to protect themselves, Arab nations claimed that Israel was responsible for the riots and the mainstream U.S. news media painted a picture of seemingly spontaneous protests in which some 37 Muslims were injured, at least one seriously. Four Israeli police officers were wounded.

A widely-circulated Associated Press article titled “Muslims clash with Israeli police at Jerusalem holy site” was published by scores of major newspapers.

“Muslim worshippers and Israeli police clashed Sunday at a major Jerusalem holy site during prayers marking the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha,” the screed begins. “Clouds of tear gas swirled and stun grenades thundered across the stone-paved esplanade as masses of worshippers skirmished with police in the worst bout of fighting at the contested holy site in months.”

One needs to scroll down eight paragraphs to divine the reported origin of the clashes:

Large numbers of Palestinians had gathered at the gates of the compound early Sunday after rumors circulated that police would allow Jewish visitors to enter the site. The protesters chanted “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest) and threw stones at police, who then charged into the compound while firing stun grenades and rubber-coated bullets.

So Palestinian protesters already had stones (and other objects, according to numerous other mainstream media reports) ready to instigate clashes and the rent-a-mob “violence” began when these rioters threw stones at police, a potentially fatal assault on Israeli security forces.

To be clear, Muslims on the Temple Mount carried out a preplanned assault on Israeli forces, and those forces responded in self-defense.

NBC News published its own story titled, “Muslim worshippers clash with Israeli police at Jerusalem holy site.”

Read entire article here: https://www.breitbart.com/middle-east/2019/08/12/klein-media-distort-muslim-riots-on-temple-mount/

Let’s Give Iran Our Nuclear Technology

I say we give Iran and the mullahs our nuclear technology. We’ll deliver it to them using a Polaris missile.


Iran Will Restart Contested Nuclear Work Unless Cash ‘Demands Are Met’

Tehran will keep violating nuclear accord until banking, oil rights restored


BY: Adam Kredo

May 29, 2019 5:00 am

Top Iranian leaders issued a series of warnings on Tuesday, telling world leaders it is on the brink of restarting a significant portion of its most contested nuclear work, including the enrichment of uranium to prohibited levels that could be used as part of a weapons program. Continue reading

American caught fighting with the Taliban has been released from prison

John Phillip Walker Lindh has been released from prison. You may remember that name. He is the American who went to Afghanistan to fight for the Taliban terrorists, i.e. AMERICA’S ENEMY. That’s called TREASON. And we were “at war.” There’s a prescribed punishment for that, and it usually involves a stretched neck or lead poisoning. This scumbag should not be walking free in America today, or ever.


LINK to article https://popularmilitary.com/american-caught-fighting-with-the-taliban-has-been-released-from-prison/?fbclid=IwAR1Ngdb85f9ylAoZIvuS_0pN03luaWxH5JWiS5rKwBtx8MC-JJxlbeHnhco

ISIS Leader Who Beheaded Army Ranger Gets Droned

Some stories do have a happy ending…


ISIS leader who executed Army Ranger killed by coalition forces in Syria

By | December 3rd, 2018

An ISIS leader who took part in the abduction and beheading of a US veteran has been killed in Syria by way of drone strike, according to a NATO coalition spokesman.

Coalition spokesman Colonel Sean Ryan reported the death of Abu al-Umarayn, who was killed over the weekend by ordnance released by a US drone.

Al-Umarayn played a major role in the kidnapping and murder of Peter Kassig, a former US Army Ranger turned aid worker.

“Al-Umarayn had given indications of posing an imminent threat to coalition forces and he was involved in the killing of American citizen and former US Army Ranger, Peter Kassig,” Ryan told reporters. “He has been linked to and directly involved with executing several other prisoners as a senior ISIS member. Coalition airstrikes continue to disrupt ISIS command and control on the battlefield as we remove key figures from their ranks.”

According to Express, the Kassig was working as an aid worker in Syria when he was abducted in 2013, and was killed after ISIS executed British aid worker Alan Henning.

Since being defeated in Iraq and Syria, ISIS has been forced to recede from their once large caliphate, and are currently being targeted in their few remaining Middle Eastern strongholds.

Link to article:  https://popularmilitary.com/isis-leader-who-executed-army-ranger-killed-by-coalition-forces-in-syria/?fbclid=IwAR26gGQOVn3d84sS37C2qW1oP7Gy-9iONjRENrAra1IuH9QbuxAEKNn2JgM

Wish Osama a Happy Shot-In-The-Face Day!

A little belated, but wish your favorite terrorist a Happy Shot-In-The-Face day.

Happy Shot In The Face Day

The Hydra of Islam

Just cutting off the heads will NEVER be enough. For each one we cut off, two more grow in its place, just like the mythical hydra.

We will likely never be completely free of the terrorism and savagery that comes from islam, but if we ban it from OUR country, and expel all of its adherents, they will have a much harder time attacking us from within.

Islamic Hydra

The Betrayal of the USS Cole (by Barack Obama)

Like most other Americans who actually love America, I am still wondering how in the world an anti-American muslim sympathizing Marxist was elected not just once, but twice.  He is destroying America and our military from the inside, and at the same time aiding our enemies.  This is just another in the long line of his betrayals.

“In 2009, Obama had met with USS Cole families and promised them swift action. But a year later the families were accusing his administration of inaction and broken promises. His statement on the tenth anniversary of the attack made no mention of bringing the attackers to justice. Instead he stated that, “We will honor their legacy of selfless service by advancing the values that they stood for throughout their lives.” What were these values and how did they justify releasing one of the Cole cell terrorists?”

The Betrayal of the USS Cole

On Thursday morning, sailors on board the USS Cole were lining up for an early lunch. Seventeen of them died as an Al Qaeda bomb on board a fishing boat tore through the hull outside the galley. The dead included 15 men and 2 women, one of whom had a young child. For three weeks the crew of the USS Cole struggled to keep their ship from sinking while working waist deep in water with bucket brigades, sleeping on the deck and living surrounded by the terrible aftermath of the terrorist attack.

The survivors, wounded and whole, received the words “Glory is the Reward of Valor” written on the bent steel removed from the site of the explosion that tore through their ship and their lives.

The President of the United States promised that justice would be done. “To those who attacked them we say: You will not find a safe harbor. We will find you and justice will prevail.”

Despite Clinton’s words, justice did not prevail. Continue reading

Mitch McConnell Trying to Give MORE Power to Obama, Ability to Delcare International Martial Law

Progressive RINOs Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and others are once again seeking to give away even more of congress’s constitutional power to the office of the president, read as Barack Obama.  As hard as they keep trying to do this, one could easily be forgiven for believing these progressive RINOs and their democrat friends want a monarchy in this country.  Or a dictatorship…


Link to article:  http://tothedeathmedia.com/breaking-senator-desperately-warns-america-obama-is-changing-consitution-to-declare/


A new bill making its way through Congress contains “dangerous and unprecedented” language that could be considered a “declaration of international martial law,” a US senator warned last Thursday.

“This resolution is a total rewrite of the War Powers clause of the Constitution. Let’s be clear about that,” Democrat Senator Chris Murphy said on the Senate floor last week in regards to S.J. Res. 29, a bill purporting to give the sitting US president the power to declare war on ISIS.
“It is essentially a declaration of international martial law,” Murphy said. Continue reading

Al Queda Leader Captured Dressed As Woman. Should The U.S. Ban Burqas?

Burka [boo r-kuh]
1. a loose garment covering the entire body and having a veiled opening for the eyes, (usually) worn by muslim women.
2. a method of hiding shame of muslim women at being slaves to their cowardly men
3. a disguise used by effeminate, inbred, cowardly muslim men to evade detection either for the purposes of making a cowardly escape, or to facilitate a cowardly attack

Ban the Burka2

Al Queda Leader Captured Dressed As Woman. Should The U.S. Ban Burqas?

By Ed Mccain

After the reported arrest of an Al Qaeda leader dressed as a woman in Syria, several media outlets are raising important questions: Are burqas safe? Should the U.S. implementing stronger security processes when it comes to burqas?

According to the report, “Abu Muhammad al-Jawlani had managed to pass several military checkpoints dressed as a woman, until he was arrested by the Syrian army in al-Jaswiya, al-Qusayr, in his attempt to flee to neighboring Lebanon.” Authorities said the jihadist covered his face with a burqa and was even wearing makeup and lipstick.

“He shaved his beard, worked his eyebrows, and put on mascara and lipstick till he looked exactly like a woman.” Syrian forces told reporters.

France made headline news worldwide when they banned the use of burqas in public places last year.

Should the U.S. join France and other countries by banning burqas in all 50 states? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Link to article:  http://christiantelegram.com/al-queda-leader-captured-dressed-as-woman-should-the-u-s-ban-burqas/

They ALL Read the SAME Book. Allah IS Satan, Video Explains

Yet ANOTHER moslem terror attack overnight.  This time in Denmark.  The cancer of islam is spreading rapidly.

The response of liberal-progressives and RINOs without a spine will be the usual.

“Lone wolf…”  “Radical moslem…”  “Don’t label ALL moslems…”  etc.

Rather than condemning the attacks, the response from moslems will also be predictable.

“Woe is us…”  “Racism…”  “We’re so picked on…”

Bullcrap.  They are using civilization against civilization, and lying to buy themselves the time needed to gain sufficient strength to conquer us.  They have done this throughout history, if you care to look it up.

There is no such thing as a “moderate” moslem.  The cancer is NOT “radical” islam, or a “perversion” of islam.  The cancer is islam itself.  You must define your terms when arguing this to the idiot left.  A “good” moslem to US is one who doesn’t kill people.  A “good” moslem to a moslem is one who follows the koran.  The koran tells moslems to kill infidels (i.e. you and me) wherever they find them.  A “bad” moslem to a moslem is one who doesn’t believe the koran as written, or who leaves the faith (apostate).  As I heard it said the other day…

“A radical moslem will cut off your head while the “moderate” moslem holds your ankles.”

MAKE NO MISTAKE.  The ideology that we MUST defeat is not “radical” islam, but islam itself.  ALL of it.  We must ban it from our civilized societies because it has demonstrated since it was invented by the murdering pedophile Mohammed that islam CAN’T and WON’T coexist with any other ideology.

I often quote Sir Karl Popper’s paradox of tolerance, and will do so again because it explains so well the paradox that a tolerant civilization MUST confront if it wishes to survive the onslaught of the intolerant.

Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law, and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal.
–Sir Karl Popper, From The Open Society and Its Enemies. Princeton 1971

I will leave you with a video from Alfonso Rachel that explains all this very well.  We must eradicate islam from our midst, or we will not survive.  It is literally US or THEM.  I choose US.

Allah IS Satan, and HERE is the proof.

My Thoughts on Mohammed

He was a greedy, power hungry, pedophile warlord who created his own cult.


‘A Subtle Message to ISIS’ From a Ticked Off Military Veteran

May I add a few things to this most excellent letter?

You inbred, goat-banging, child-molesting, pedophilic, homosexual, barbaric followers of a satanic, pedophilic, lying sack of crap “prophet” need to listen, and listen clearly. Your bluster may anger us, but it doesn’t scare us. You act tough when you can anonymously behead a defenseless man, rape and/or stone a defenseless woman, molest defenseless children and livestock, all while hiding your cowardly faces behind your masks. When faced with the soul-takers whom you KNOW you will face if you choose to pursue your threats against us, you will wet you pants and scream for mercy like you have always done. When you were having goat-banging parties with your buddies, and some terrorist recruited you into this satanic cult with the promise of 72 virgins, you were too stupid to understand how easy you are to manipulate when you are desperate enough to bang a goat. You are going to be terribly disappointed to find out what “paradise” REALLY will be for you, and what the 72 “virgins” are going to be like. My money is on 72 virgin rabid wild boar pigs. Have fun with that. We’ll arrange the meeting as soon as possible.

‘A Subtle Message to ISIS’ From a Ticked Off Military Veteran Should Send a Chill Down the Spine of Every Terrorist

Obama and UN DON’T Condemn Hamassholes for Using Civilians as Human Shields

Notice that the Obama administration and the UN don’t condemn the hamassholes for hiding behind women and children to launch their rockets, and to store their weapons?  And when the freaking UN inspectors go into the UNRWA schools and find weapons stored there, they call the local authorities and turn the weapons over to them. Who are the “local authorities?” FREAKING HAMAS!!!! The UN is trafficking weapons for the hamassholes.  UNRWA is supposed to stand for UN RELIEF WORKS Agency, not UN ROCKET WAREHOUSING Agency.

UN, US Condemn Strike on UN-run Gaza School

by VOA News August 03, 2014

A United Nations school sheltering displaced people in the southern Gaza Strip was hit Sunday by what a U.N. official said appeared to be an Israeli airstrike, an attack that killed 10 people as Israel signaled a possible scaling back in the ongoing war.

At least 10 people were killed and another 35 injured at the Rafah school, which housed 3,000 displaced Palestinians, U.N. officials said.

Witnesses said the explosion at the school occurred as people were waiting in line for food. In the chaotic aftermath, several bodies, including those of children, were strewn across the ground in pools of blood.

The Israeli military said it was looking into the reported attack, the second to hit a school in less than a week, and the third strike in 10 days on a U.N. school used for refugees. Continue reading

This is what Obama traded for a Deserter

Mohammad Fazi - set free by Obama

Allen West: The case for impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama

While I wholeheartedly agree with Mr. West here, let us not forget that this willful breach of the law is just the latest in a long, long list of willful, knowing violations of the law, circumventing congress, taking power which the Constitution does not authorize him to have, and even aiding the enemies of the United States of America.  When compared to reasons other presidents have been impeached, Obama should have ALREADY been impeached a hundred times over.

Nixon was about to be impeached for his supporters breaking into the campaign offices of his opponent, but he at least was honorable enough to resign before the impeachment.  Clinton was impeached for lying about getting a blowjob in the oval office.  Obama has willfully directed his agencies to BREAK THE LAW, and in doing so has GOTTEN AMERICANS KILLED, and with the release of these high-ranking taliban members back into the cesspool, may lead to many more American deaths.  He has also cost America hundreds of billions of dollars because of his willful violations of our immigration laws, which is also circumventing both the legal and natural process for transforming our nation.

Barack Obama is without one shred of doubt a DOMESTIC ENEMY of America and our Constitution.  He MUST be removed AND imprisoned.  If congress won’t act to restore constitutional sanity to our government and nation (hard to imagine they will since they are also off their constitutional reservation), then Americans will be required to do it ourselves.  If that becomes the case, the president AND all of congress will be removed, and many of them jailed, or worse.  America is being pushed into a corner from which there are only two choices of escape.  Surrender and be a slave, or fight to restore the Constitution to its rightful place as THE rule of law in America.  It is now clearly the moment when we must choose our course.

The case for impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama

This morning on WMALs “Morning on the Mall” radio show with hosts Brian and Larry I was asked a simple question relating to the Taliban prisoner release and impeachment of the president. I responded yes that in this current case, the U.S. House of Representatives should file articles of impeachment against Barack Hussein Obama.

Now before all the detractors go apoplectic here, let me tell you about Article 2 signing statements, their intent, purpose, history, and usage, and the implications for the president’s impeachment.

President Obama used an Article 2 signing statement to deem unconstitutional a measure HE had signed into law contained in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The law stated that he must advise Congress within 30 days about any plans to transfer detainees from GITMO. Obama basically stated that this was “unconstitutional” and that his unilateral action fell within his purview. Once again Obama used selective discretion as to what law he feels he must adhere to — in this case it has severe ramifications for our national security. Continue reading