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Allen West: The case for impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama

While I wholeheartedly agree with Mr. West here, let us not forget that this willful breach of the law is just the latest in a long, long list of willful, knowing violations of the law, circumventing congress, taking power which the Constitution does not authorize him to have, and even aiding the enemies of the United States of America.  When compared to reasons other presidents have been impeached, Obama should have ALREADY been impeached a hundred times over.

Nixon was about to be impeached for his supporters breaking into the campaign offices of his opponent, but he at least was honorable enough to resign before the impeachment.  Clinton was impeached for lying about getting a blowjob in the oval office.  Obama has willfully directed his agencies to BREAK THE LAW, and in doing so has GOTTEN AMERICANS KILLED, and with the release of these high-ranking taliban members back into the cesspool, may lead to many more American deaths.  He has also cost America hundreds of billions of dollars because of his willful violations of our immigration laws, which is also circumventing both the legal and natural process for transforming our nation.

Barack Obama is without one shred of doubt a DOMESTIC ENEMY of America and our Constitution.  He MUST be removed AND imprisoned.  If congress won’t act to restore constitutional sanity to our government and nation (hard to imagine they will since they are also off their constitutional reservation), then Americans will be required to do it ourselves.  If that becomes the case, the president AND all of congress will be removed, and many of them jailed, or worse.  America is being pushed into a corner from which there are only two choices of escape.  Surrender and be a slave, or fight to restore the Constitution to its rightful place as THE rule of law in America.  It is now clearly the moment when we must choose our course.

The case for impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama

This morning on WMALs “Morning on the Mall” radio show with hosts Brian and Larry I was asked a simple question relating to the Taliban prisoner release and impeachment of the president. I responded yes that in this current case, the U.S. House of Representatives should file articles of impeachment against Barack Hussein Obama.

Now before all the detractors go apoplectic here, let me tell you about Article 2 signing statements, their intent, purpose, history, and usage, and the implications for the president’s impeachment.

President Obama used an Article 2 signing statement to deem unconstitutional a measure HE had signed into law contained in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The law stated that he must advise Congress within 30 days about any plans to transfer detainees from GITMO. Obama basically stated that this was “unconstitutional” and that his unilateral action fell within his purview. Once again Obama used selective discretion as to what law he feels he must adhere to — in this case it has severe ramifications for our national security. Continue reading

If We Took the Constitution Seriously, Obama Would Be Impeached

That’s just it.  We’re not serious about the Constitution anymore.  Progressives have succeeded in dumbing down America to the point they just don’t know any better, and/or just don’t care.  Watching the Superbowl, or American Idol seems to be much more important than holding politicians accountable for following the law and abiding by the Constitution which they swore an oath to defend.  Then all of a sudden people wake up and find their freedom gone, taxes through the roof, wondering what happened.

What does the republican leadership do about it?  Nothing.  Zip.  Zero.  Zilch.  Nada.  They spout some political bluster, then consistently FAIL to follow through.  Even in the rare case someone decides to draft articles of impeachment, the leadership will not allow a vote.

Flashback to the impeachment of Bill Clinton.  What did he get impeached for?  For lying about getting a blowjob from a star struck intern in the Oval Orifice… er… Office.  Compare that to the long laundry list of things Barack Hussein Obama is NOT being impeached for.

  • NOT enforcing DOMA
  • NOT enforcing immigration law
  • NOT complying with the War Powers Act when taking us into Libya
  • Violating contract law in the GM bailout and subsequent takeover
  • Ignoring court orders to lift moratoriums on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico
  • And the list goes on…

These offenses and others are arguably and obviously much worse than getting a Lewinsky at your desk, and easily arguable as impeachable offenses, yet NOTHING is being done about them.  NOTHING.  So, what’s with the republicans?  They have a slam dunk case and do nothing with it.  WHY?


June 16, 2012

If We Took the Constitution Seriously, Obama Would Be Impeached

Michael Filozof

If the citizens of this Republic still took the Constitution seriously, Obama would be impeached for his decision to unilaterally grant amnesty to certain illegal aliens.

Article 1, Sec. 8 of the Constitution, which enumerates the power of Congress, states that “Congress shall have the Power To… establish an [sic] uniform Rule of Naturalization.” Congress has passed numerous laws pertaining to immigration and naturalization, including laws requiring the deportation of illegals.

The role of the President, according to Article II, Sec. 3, is to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” Obama’s refusal to execute Congress’s immigration laws (or, for that matter, Congress’s Defense of Marriage Act) is an impeachable offense. Article II, Sec. 4 states that the President “shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for… Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.” The deliberate failure to enforce valid immigration law and allow hordes of foreigners to live and work in the U.S. is, arguably, “treason,” and doing so in an election year to appease Hispanic voters could certainly be considered “bribery.”

In theory, Obama could exercise his power in Article II, Sec 2. to “grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States” and offer a blanket pardon for all violators of immigration law. He’s not doing that, because he’d certainly lose in November if he did. (However we should be concerned that if he does lose in November, he’ll do it anyway on his last day in office).

The upshot of Obama’s policy not only to allow hundreds of thousands of illegals to live and work in the U.S. during a time of 8 to 10% unemployment, but even worse, since the vast number of illegals we’re talking about are Hispanics eligible for affirmative-action preferences, to actually get preferential treatment over native-born Americans.

Remember Obama’s speech in Berlin in 2008? Well, now you know what “citizen of the world” means: instituting an illegal and unconstitutional policy that favors Third Worlders, and disadvantages people actually born as U.S. citizens.

Of course, he’ll get away with it… if you think the gutless Republicans in the House actually represent the interests of their native born constituents and will introduce articles of impeachment, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you….

Impeach Obama Now!

Obama and the progressives joining him in pushing his constitution-destroying agenda are now posing a legitimate threat to our republic.


Here are some articles that codify many of the reasons why Obama should be impeached.

KUHNER: Impeach the president?

Steve Baldwin: Reasons to Impeach the President