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Propagandist Media ALWAYS Paints muslims as the Victims

How many times do you have to prove it? Over and over… The muslims have NO legitimate claim to the Temple Mount, Jerusalem, or ANYTHING in Israel. Judaism and Israel predate islame by many CENTURIES. The Israelis have been more than patient and tolerant of the muslims in their country. They need to expel them ALL. They also need to expel them all from Gaza, bulldoze it, and reclaim it.


Klein: Media Distort Muslim Riots on Temple Mount

By Aaron Klein | 12 Aug 2019

Muslims on the Temple Mount – Judaism’s holiest site – engaged in a clearly orchestrated assault on Israeli police protecting the site on the very day that Jews worldwide mourned the destruction of the First and Second Jewish Temples.

Despite the unprovoked violence in which Israeli police acted to protect themselves, Arab nations claimed that Israel was responsible for the riots and the mainstream U.S. news media painted a picture of seemingly spontaneous protests in which some 37 Muslims were injured, at least one seriously. Four Israeli police officers were wounded.

A widely-circulated Associated Press article titled “Muslims clash with Israeli police at Jerusalem holy site” was published by scores of major newspapers.

“Muslim worshippers and Israeli police clashed Sunday at a major Jerusalem holy site during prayers marking the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha,” the screed begins. “Clouds of tear gas swirled and stun grenades thundered across the stone-paved esplanade as masses of worshippers skirmished with police in the worst bout of fighting at the contested holy site in months.”

One needs to scroll down eight paragraphs to divine the reported origin of the clashes:

Large numbers of Palestinians had gathered at the gates of the compound early Sunday after rumors circulated that police would allow Jewish visitors to enter the site. The protesters chanted “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest) and threw stones at police, who then charged into the compound while firing stun grenades and rubber-coated bullets.

So Palestinian protesters already had stones (and other objects, according to numerous other mainstream media reports) ready to instigate clashes and the rent-a-mob “violence” began when these rioters threw stones at police, a potentially fatal assault on Israeli security forces.

To be clear, Muslims on the Temple Mount carried out a preplanned assault on Israeli forces, and those forces responded in self-defense.

NBC News published its own story titled, “Muslim worshippers clash with Israeli police at Jerusalem holy site.”

Read entire article here: https://www.breitbart.com/middle-east/2019/08/12/klein-media-distort-muslim-riots-on-temple-mount/

You Can’t Reason With A Rabid Animal

This is what the Palestinian rock throwers are teaching their children.  They are willing to strap bombs to their own children, and send them into battle when no battle is necessary.  How do you reason with this?  How do you have civilized negotiations and civilized discussion with someone who is NOT civilized?

As Golda Meir said, “There can be no peace until they love their children more than they hate us.”

No longer the WORST president, but still the DUMBEST

Words can not possibly describe how big of a foolish idiot Jimmy Carter actually is. Jimmuh, you keep talking about your prayers. WHO do you pray to? The god of the rock throwers, or God? It doesn’t seem to be the latter. Mr. Cahtuh, when you say “fairness and justice to the Palestinians,” what do you mean? When the Palestinians lob rockets into Israel and carry out suicide attacks day after day, killing Israeli civilians, I suppose you think “justice” means rewarding them for killing Israelis? Then you ramble on about there not being “equality in military power” between Israel and the Palestinians. If there were equality of military power, what do you think the Palestinians would do with it? Do you think they would show restraint with their newly found strength? NO, YOU IDIOT. They would do EVERYTHING they could to destroy Israel. Then you continue to prattle on about all the schools and hospitals being destroyed. Did you care to ask WHY they were destroyed? It couldn’t POSSIBLY be that the Palestinian terrorists were launching rockets from the those locations, and using them as weapons caches, and using ambulances with red crescents to move arms and soldiers, could it? As for the homes and other buildings that were destroyed, again, they were destroyed either because attacks were being launched from there, or the occupant was a suicide attacker who killed Israeli citizens. Did you know that the Israelis dropped leaflets, and even CALLED THE OCCUPANTS ON THEIR PHONES to warn them to leave the buildings before they were attacked to prevent unnecessary loss of life? Would your beloved Palestinian terrorists have given the same courtesy to Israelis? I bet you think so. How could such a brain damaged idiot become president of the United States? Yes, you relinquished the crown of “Worst President EVER” to Barack Obama, but that is only because his calculating evil outstripped your unimaginable stupidity.

Obama and UN DON’T Condemn Hamassholes for Using Civilians as Human Shields

Notice that the Obama administration and the UN don’t condemn the hamassholes for hiding behind women and children to launch their rockets, and to store their weapons?  And when the freaking UN inspectors go into the UNRWA schools and find weapons stored there, they call the local authorities and turn the weapons over to them. Who are the “local authorities?” FREAKING HAMAS!!!! The UN is trafficking weapons for the hamassholes.  UNRWA is supposed to stand for UN RELIEF WORKS Agency, not UN ROCKET WAREHOUSING Agency.

UN, US Condemn Strike on UN-run Gaza School

by VOA News August 03, 2014

A United Nations school sheltering displaced people in the southern Gaza Strip was hit Sunday by what a U.N. official said appeared to be an Israeli airstrike, an attack that killed 10 people as Israel signaled a possible scaling back in the ongoing war.

At least 10 people were killed and another 35 injured at the Rafah school, which housed 3,000 displaced Palestinians, U.N. officials said.

Witnesses said the explosion at the school occurred as people were waiting in line for food. In the chaotic aftermath, several bodies, including those of children, were strewn across the ground in pools of blood.

The Israeli military said it was looking into the reported attack, the second to hit a school in less than a week, and the third strike in 10 days on a U.N. school used for refugees. Continue reading

Orwell Was Right. Or in Newspeak, was he wrong? Or incorrectly correct?

Those who we today refer to as liberals have been deceptively changing our language to hide their agenda for decades. And we, the sheeple have been letting them get away with it.

Once upon a time, the label “liberal” used to mean “one who cherished and supported LIBERTY.” With all of the things they have done over the years to chip away at the REAL liberty guaranteed to us in the Constitution, “lover of liberty” is DEFINITELY NOT a label that can be ascribed to a modern liberal.

Liberals share this morphing trait with Marxists, communists and socialists. Several decades ago, communists realized that being identified as a communist was not very popular. Any guess as to what they began calling themselves? Time’s up. They began calling themselves “progressives.” Well, that’s funny. Many people that used to identify themselves as “liberals” now call themselves “progressives.” Since we have pulled back the curtain on what “progressives” are, that clears things up a bit.

Here are a few example of “newspeak” by liberal/progressive/Marxist/communist/socialists that we have allowed to seek refuge in our government:




Liberal Someone who believed in liberty Someone who thinks you have too much liberty
Communist Someone who believes in the use of force for gaining state control of the means of production, and all aspects of your life. Still means the same thing, but even though “liberals” believe this, they run from the term and claim they are being slandered.
Progressive Someone who believed in “progress” Communist/Socialist/Marxist
Entitlement Something you EARNED (furnished proper grounds for claiming something) Belief that one is deserving of or entitled to certain privileges (you no longer have to EARN anything, you only have to BELIEVE you are “entitled” to what I have earned)
Freedom of Speech Freedom to express thoughts and opinions as long as they were true Freedom to agree with a liberal
Tax Money taken from those who earn it to fund necessary and constitutional functions of government The portion of the government’s money that they are not allowing you to borrow.
Tax Cut Allowing those who earn money to keep more of what they earn Loss of government revenue

(see: “Can’t “afford” a tax cut)

Can’t “afford” a tax cut Government is spending more of your money than it’s supposed to, and doesn’t want to stop spending. You’re keeping too much of the government’s money which is keeping them from spending it for you.
Christmas Holiday celebrated by the majority of Americans, based on the religion that is woven into the founding fabric of our nation. A hateful, discriminatory, racist expression of religion being forced down people’s throats.
Christian Someone who believes that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior, and wants to share the good news with others. Hateful, racist, bigot who hates gays.
Israel Historical home of the Jewish people for thousands of years. Place that Palestinians now are somehow “entitled” to.
Israelis People who get thousands of rockets and mortars lobbed at them by Palestinians, who get them from hammas and the Iranians, before they are forced to defend themselves, and people who are attack by suicide bombers and other terrorist acts on a regular basis Terrorists who aren’t allowed to defend themselves.


KNIGHT: Free speech vs. sound of silence

Secularists wish us a merry non-Christmas

By Robert Knight   |  The Washington Times  |  Friday, December 7, 2012

In George Orwell’s futuristic novel “1984,” a tyrannical government masks its activities through the use of Newspeak — saying or doing something opposite of a word’s meaning.

The Ministry of Plenty oversees rationing and starvation; the Ministry of Peace wages war; the Ministry of Truth dispenses propaganda; and the Ministry of Love conducts torture. The operative slogans are: “War is peace,” “Freedom is slavery,” and “Ignorance is strength.”

Continue reading

Israeli Gaza Remodeling Service

(updated to correct spelling & grammar)

If your next door neighbor stepped out his front door and fired a gun at your house every day, you would just sit back and do nothing, right?  How many of your family members would you allow to die before you took action to punish and stop the neighbor who was destroying your home and killing your family?

That’s what is happening to Israel.  They usually turn the other cheek, and only occasionally swat back at the terrorists in Gaza.  But enough is enough.  The Palestinians have been asked nicely to stop, they’ve been warned to stop, but they didn’t listen and keep launching rockets into Israel, killing innocent civilians.

Well, you dirt bag terrorists.  You bought the ticket, now it’s time to watch the show.  I hope Israel lines up tanks and bulldozers side by side and bulldozes Gaza into the Mediterranean before permanently annexing it.  They should at least be nice and give the residents 24 hours to get across the border into Egypt, or hit the beach and start swimming.  After that, no more Gaza.  The Palestinians have been given chance after chance to act like civilized human beings, but have chosen to be rabid animals instead.  They should be treated like what they have chosen to be.

The Palestinians are just innocent victims! And Barack Obama is a fiscally conservative American Patriot…

THIS is why the Israelis have a blockade.


This is why the “innocent victims” in Gaza can’t be trusted.

This is a captured Palestinian garbage truck from Gaza.

The truck is set up to fire 9 Kasem rockets and then drive off innocently.

The note pasted on the drivers door says In case of traffic violations, please contact The Palestinian Authority.

The Israelis have evidence of ambulances and emergency vehicles set up the same way.
This is why the Israeli Government inspects every ship bringing “aid” to the Gaza Strip.

Liberals Showing Antisemitism, Thinly Disguised Until Now

This is the face of anti-semitism in America. And what a lovely face it is 😦

How is it that liberals are NEVER called out for things like this, or having been a high ranking member of the KKK (Byrd), or being blatant race-baiters (Sharpton/Jackson), yet when a conservative simply advocates FOLLOWING THE LAW he/she is labeled as a racist by the left and pummeled by the willing accomplice media? As a friend of mine once said, “Standards are good, but double standards aren’t twice as good.”



I Told You So – Yes I Did

Here is some very astute political analysis of the first 6 months of O-Bow-ma’s undocumented presidency. He is indeed a train wreck in the making for America. Unfortunately, just like a wounded animal, he is very dangerous and likely to do much damage before he is “contained.”


I Told You So – Yes I Did

By: Howard Galganov
Thursday, July 23, 2009

When Obama won the Presidency with the help of the LEFTIST Media, Hollywood and Entertainment Liberals, Ethnic Socialists (ACORN), Stupid Non-Business Professionals and Bush Haters, I wrote:

It won’t take 6 months until the people figure this guy out and realize how horrible a mistake they’ve made. And when they come to that realization, the damage to the United States of America will be so great, that it will take a generation or more to repair – IF EVER.

The IDIOTS who not only voted for the Messiah, but also worked their sorry asses-off to promote his Lordship, are now left holding the bag.

Here are two things they will NEVER do:

  • 1 – They will NEVER admit to making a blunder out of all proportion by electing a snake-oil salesman with no positive social history or management experience of any kind.
  • 2 – They will NEVER take responsibility for the curse they’ve imposed upon the immediate and long-term future of their country.

In essence, the people responsible for putting this horror-show in power are in themselves responsible for every cataclysmic decision he makes and the consequences thereof.

In just 6 (SIX) months, the Messiah’s polls are showing the following:

  • On Healthcare Reform – He’s going under for the third time with polling well under 50%, even within his own Party.
  • Even though he might be able to muscle a Healthcare Reform Bill by using Chicago BULLY tactics against his fellow Democrats, it will just make things worse.
  • On Cap And Trade (Cap & Tax) – The Fat-Lady is already singing.
  • On the Stimulus Package (Tax and Spend) – His popularity is in FREE-FALL.
  • On the TARP package he took and ran with from President Bush – It’s all but Good-Night Irene.
  • On the closing of GITMO and “HIS” war on what he no longer wants called the War On Terrorism – He’s standing in quicksand with his head just about to go under.
  • On a comparison between himself and George W Bush at the same 6 months into their respective first term Presidencies – Bush is ahead of him in the Polls.
  • On a comparison between He Who Walks On Water and the 12 preceding Presidents between WW II and now – Obama ranks 10th.
  • On a Poll just conducted, that asks who would you vote for today between Obama and Mitt Romney – It’s a dead heat.
  • Between Obama and Palin – Obama’s ONLY ahead by 8 points and she hasn’t even begun to campaign.

It seems to me that Obama wants to be everywhere where he shouldn’t be.

He’s personally invested in screwing-over America’s ONLY REAL Middle Eastern ally (Israel) in favor of Palestinian Despots and Murderers.

He’s traveling the world apologizing for the USA while lecturing others on how to do it right, when in fact and truth, he has no experience at doing anything other than getting elected.

He went to the Muslim world in Egypt to declare that America IS NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION while he heaped praises on Islam, where he compared the “plight” of the Palestinians to the Holocaust.

The Russians think he’s a Putz. The French think he’s rude. The Germans want him to stop spending. The Indians want him to mix his nose out of their environmental business. The North Koreans think he’s a joke. The Iranians won’t acknowledge his calls. And the British can’t even come up with a comprehensive opinion of him.

As for the Chinese, he’s too frightened to even glance their way.

Maybe, if America’s first Emperor would stay home more and travel less, and work a little bit instead of being on television just about everyday, or forget about his Wednesday Date Nights with his Amazon Wife, or stop running to “papered” Town Hall Meetings, perhaps he would have a little bit of time to do the work of the nation.

In all fairness, it wasn’t HARD to be RIGHT in my prediction concerning Obama’s Presidency, even in its first 6 months, so I’m going to make yet another prediction:

OBAMA WILL PROBABLY NOT FINISH HIS 4-YEAR TERM, at least not in a conventional way.

He is such a political HORROR-SHOW, and so detrimental to the USA and his own Democratic Party, that the Democrats themselves will either FORCE him to resign or figure out a way to have him thrown out.

Who knows, maybe he really isn’t a BORN US Citizen and that’s a way the Democrats will be able to get rid of him.


I don’t believe the Democrats have nearly as much love for their country as they do for their own political fortunes. And with Obama, their fortunes are rapidly becoming toast.

The Democrats can keep on blaming Bush for EVERYTHING. But, that game’s already begun to wear real thin.

Their mantra was “WE DON’T WANT 4 MORE YEARS”, which the STUPID people bought, since McCain was nothing at all like George W Bush.

The new mantra will soon become: WE DON’T WANT 6 MORE MONTHS.

Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov

Palestinians accuse U.S. of killing peace prospects

Screw the Palestinians.  They demand, and demand, and demand.  The Israelis have given in over and over, and to what end?  Give a man an inch and he wants a mile.  Give him a rope and he wants to be a cowboy.  They just demand more and more.  How do they respond to concessions?  How do they “negotiate?”  They kill innocent civilians by using suicide bombers and lobbing rockets into Israel.  You never hear about this in the media.  But the instant that Israel decides to defend herself and fires even one single shot in retaliation, the media formerly known as mainstream proclaims Israel as baby killers and war mongers.  They have vowed to destroy Israel, and they won’t stop killing Israelis until they succeed.  It doesn’t matter what they are given by Israel.

Israel should give the Palestinians one week to vacate Gaza, then they should bulldoze it into the sea and occupy it.  The Arabs started this war, and they never ended it.  They just got their collective assets kicked and haven’t been in a position to do anything about it.  Rest assured that if they ever think they are strong enough to win, the Arabs will again try to destroy Israel.


Palestinians accuse U.S. of killing peace prospects

Sun Nov 1, 2009 11:14am EST

By Jeffrey Heller

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Pointing an accusing finger at the United States, the Palestinians on Sunday said Washington’s backing for Israeli refusal to halt Jewish settlement expansion had killed any hope of reviving peace negotiations soon.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, buoyed by new-found support from the Obama administration, urged the Palestinians to “get a grip” and drop their settlement freeze precondition for restarting talks suspended since December.

On a one-day Middle East visit on Saturday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton endorsed Israel’s view that settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank should not be a bar to resuming negotiations — contradicting the Palestinian position.

Netanyahu has proposed limiting building for now to some 3,000 settler homes already approved by Israel in the West Bank. He does not regard building in occupied East Jerusalem, annexed in defiance of international opposition, as settlement.

U.S. President Barack Obama himself, after persuading Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in September to meet Netanyahu in New York, called only for “restraint” in settlement, not the “freeze” he had previously proposed.

Stung by Obama’s about-face and Clinton’s remarks, the Palestinians voiced their frustration.

“The negotiations are in a state of paralysis, and the result of Israel’s intransigence and America’s back-pedaling is that there is no hope of negotiations on the horizon,” Abbas spokesman Nabil Abu Rdainah said.

He said the Palestinians were calling for the Arab League to formulate a “unified Palestinian-Arab position” on the stalled peace process.

Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said it was a “critical moment” and insisted settlement must halt to revive peace moves.

“Pressuring Palestinians to make further concessions to accommodate Israeli intransigence is not the answer,” he said.

Netanyahu told his cabinet that U.S. envoy George Mitchell would continue efforts on Sunday to revive negotiations.

“We hope very much that the Palestinians will get a grip and engage in the diplomatic process,” Netanyahu said. “It is in the interests of Israel and the Palestinians.”


Abbas faces intense domestic pressure from Hamas Islamists who control the Gaza Strip, and any compromise on settlements could hurt him politically in a run-up to Palestinian elections he has scheduled for January 24. Hamas has rejected holding a vote.

Some 500,000 Israelis live in the West Bank and East Jerusalem alongside 2.8 million Palestinians. Israel captured the territories in a 1967 war with its Arab neighbors. Palestinians say settlements could deny them a viable state.

Netanyahu’s coalition, including pro-settler groups, does not believe Abbas is strong enough to deliver Israeli security in any deal. Some analysts see Netanyahu’s cooperation with Obama’s demand for a resumption of talks on establishing a Palestinian state as intended mainly to ensure U.S. support against Iran.

Palestinians warn that popular frustration with the failure to produce statehood deal could spill over into an upsurge in violence, even if few have appetite for a broad new uprising.

George Giacaman, a political analyst at Birzeit University in the West Bank said, “The Palestinian Authority is weak and has not been achieving any results.

“I believe we are at a dangerous stage. With no credible political process, this could create a political vacuum that might lead to violence.”

Nadir Saeed, at the same institution, said Abbas had little option but to try and keep talking with Israel and the Americans, adding: “It is no better for him to come back to his public empty-handed.

“(Abbas) has built his career on the idea of negotiations. He cannot credibly back away.”

(Additional reporting by Ali Sawafta and Erika Solomon in Ramallah and Tom Perry and Ori Lewis in Jerusalem; Editing by Alastair Macdonald)

Israeli Outposters Vow To Stay

Good for them! It’s about time someone stood up for themselves against the hordes of islam and liberalism. All the bleeding hearts out there are getting sand in their private parts about the Israelis building settlements and making a better life for her citizens on land that seized during a time of war. Good for them.

Let’s come to an understanding here. I think most REASONABLE people would agree that if violence can be avoided by HONEST negotiations, both parties will usually be better off. But if country A attacks country B who was not being hostile, then country B has the right to respond to that attack, defend herself, and do what it takes to protect herself from country A in the future. Throughout the history of warfare, this means that there must be VICTORY. That doesn’t mean retreating when you make the enemy uncomfortable. That doesn’t mean having the UN step in and interrupt the battle (notice I didn’t say “keep the peace”) before one side achieves victory. It means beating the other side until they (a) can no longer resist, or (b) they sue for peace because they no longer have the will to fight. This involves exacting a price upon the enemy which they can’t or are not willing to pay. Think of conflict as cancer. Warfare is the scalpel that removes that cancer. If you quit cutting before the cancer is completely removed, it festers, returns, and spreads to become worse than it was before. For example, the Korean War had no clear winner, and is in fact still going on. The 1991 Gulf War was stopped before the cause of that war (Saddam Hussein) was removed from power. That fact came back to haunt us.

Keep the bleeding heart sissies out of the picture and let Israel take care of her business. If Israel goes on an unprovoked offensive, we spank them and pull the plug. If Israel is attacked, we provide Israel aid and let them take care of business.



Israeli outposters vow to stay

By Heather Sharp
BBC News, Jerusalem

The hills stretch out, barren and hazy, towards the Dead Sea. But as Danny Halamish gazes out from his caravan, he imagines gleaming towns.

“I’m here to claim this land on behalf of the Jewish people,” he says.

“We are at the forefront of Zionism… In past generations there were similar places that are now major cities. This region will eventually also become a big populated area.”

The father of two shows me around the cramped mobile home he has lived in for much of his seven years in Ma’ale Rehavam.

The cluster of about 10 such dwellings perched on the unforgiving West Bank hills is one of about 100 sites known as outposts, which have hit the headlines as US President Barack Obama has increased pressure on Israel to end settlement activity.

At least 280,000 Jews live in settlements (excluding another 180,000 in East Jerusalem), established in the occupied West Bank with government backing, in contravention of international law.

But the outposts are unofficial, illegal even under Israeli law.

Both settlements and outposts break up the contiguity of the land which Palestinians want for their own state – as do the roads linking them and military exclusion zones.

Rights groups say about 30% of the land they cover is privately owned by Palestinians.

Piles of debris

Half an hour’s drive away, past the red-roofs of the settlement of Kochav Hashahar, the bulldozers have just left.

Figures move among piles of debris.

Two weeks ago, the same day as the tiny cluster of wooden shacks was destroyed, the 40 or so residents of the Maoz Ester outpost began rebuilding.

Now, again, they are pulling their religious books from the wreckage and vowing to rebuild.

Left-wingers such as Dror Etkes of the Israeli rights group Yesh Din say that in this cat and mouse game of destructions and rebuilding, the authorities are “cooperating perfectly with what the settlers want them to do”.

By focusing on a handful of “dummy outposts”, he says, they are distracting attention from wider government-sanctioned construction in existing settlements and of related infrastructure.

Left wingers say the building is a continued effort to grab strategically important land.

The government says it is merely keeping pace with settler population growth.

Former US President George Bush apparently turned a blind eye to such “natural growth,” but Mr Obama has explicitly called for it to stop.

Under the 2003 Road Map – a staged peace plan agreed under Mr Bush – Israel pledged to remove all outposts and freeze settlement activity.

The first phase was the immediate removal of outposts established since 2001.

Israel says there were 26 of these, of which 4 have been removed.

Government support

The Israeli organisation Peace Now says there are close to 50, and the few evacuations that have taken place have been partial or the settlers have returned.

Ma’ale Rehavam, Mr Halamish’s home, is among the 26, but he thinks the residents will “probably not” be evicted.

He disputes that the outposts are illegal, saying government policy has been changeable and contradictory over the years.

Indeed, as foreign minister in 1998, former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Israelis should “run and grab as many hilltops as they can”.

And a 2005 government commission found state funds had been funnelled extensively to the outposts – Mr Halamish says Ma’ale Rehavam’s power lines, water supply and access road were “partially built by the government”.

He says the military post some soldiers at the outpost.

The outposters are armed – Mr Halamish spent a few months in jail for assault for firing what he says were “warning shots” at some Palestinians who tried to “invade” the unfenced community.

He says the security forces “always take the Arab’s side”.

But the human rights group B’tselem accuse the Israeli authorities of “leniency” towards settlers, who they say commit “substantial violence” against West Bank Palestinians.

Amona experience

Further north, Amona, at the end of a winding road up a rocky hill, was the scene of the last major battle over a closure of an outpost, when nine houses were destroyed in 2006.

The clashes between thousands of settlers and police were described as “unprecedented” and loom large over any plans for future evacuations of outposts.

Resident Yehoyada Nizri, 33, a father of six, says all but one of the families evicted three years ago have returned.

Mr Nizra and Mr Halamish both believe God gave the land to the Jews rendering all other claims to it irrelevant.

They talk passionately about their sense of connection to the land, and believe the God is still on their side.

As for the Palestinians, “eventually they will not live here” says Mr Halamish.

Where will they go?

“That you will have to ask them.”

“Uganda,” half-jokes Mr Nizra, in reference to the early Zionist idea of creating a Jewish state in the African nation, “they could live very well over there.”

And then he turns serious.

“I’m very sad for them. Truly I am. I have no problem with them,” Mr Nizra says.

“But this land was given to us, almost 4,000 years ago. It belongs to the Jewish people, and not to anyone else.”
Story from BBC NEWS:

Are the Wheels of the (very expensive, taxpayer funded) Obama Train Coming Off?

As your humble correspondent puts two and two together, it would seem that despite what you hear from all the Obamedia outlets that all is not well in the hood of Camelot.  The m-O-ssiah isn’t getting his way on everything, and hasn’t managed to save the world from itself despite all of his promises and the expectations of his idiotic electorate.

The tea parties to protest excessive taxation and government spending were the first weed in Obama’s lawn.

Then you have the house and senate vote to deny the funds to fulfil Uh-bamas executive order to close Gitmo.  Seems that issuing an executive order to appease those who funded your campaign without having a plan on how to carry out that order isn’t such a good idea.

Next, the most liberal state in the country says “H-E-double-hocky-sticks NO” to the Obama-style tax more and spend more solution to too many taxes and too much spending.  The real implications of how far this refferendum will reach remain to be seen, but I’m betting on the national pendulum swinging, if not more right, at least a lot more to the center.

There are now an increasing number of states who have passed, or are working on state sovereignty resolutions.  There are mentions even of state tax revolts should the out of control federal spending continue.

Next we have the muslim sympathizing, anti-Israel Obama trying to force a simplistic, childish, unthought out 2-state solution down Israels throat, while “warning” the Israelis not to do anything against Iran.  The Israeli response?  “Yeah, right.”

Then there are those nagging complaints about Barry Soetoro, er, uh, Barack HUSSEIN Obama not having sufficiently proven his legitimacy for the office which he now holds.  It seems there are now grand juries sprouting up to pursue these and other matters casting shaddows upon the Obama oval office occupation.  I’d say Barry’s got some ‘splainin’ to do.

The wheels of the Barry Soetoro/Barack Hussein Obama train are beginning to squeak.

Tax tea parties triggered by tone-deaf politicians

Israeli hawks mock two-state solution

Californians ‘Just Vote No’ Against Tax Hikes

Senate Votes to Deny Money for Gitmo Closure

States’ rights, sovereignty still an issue



Sympathy for the Devil

You can’t bargain with the devil and expect to benefit from it.


Every President’s administration sends signals about its foreign policy intentions by the people the President selects and the various statements they make.

The Obama administration’s intentions are becoming clearer and clearer to discern. The message to the world: America has been arrogant. The message to Muslims: America has been arrogant. The message to Israel: See below.

There is a difference between acknowledging mistakes and communicating weakness. The Obama administration is, unfortunately, repeatedly communicating weakness to those who mean us harm. One could understand pursuing such a policy if there were historical precedent for it actually working. If the goal of the Obama administration is to secure lasting peace in the Middle East that includes safety and security for Israel, and if its goal is to secure peaceful co-existence with radical Islamists, the paths he is following will fail.

Not because any of us wishes they would fail, but because, as George Santayana wrote, “He who does not know history is condemned to repeat it.” We’re reasonably sure most Brits wanted Neville Chamberlain to succeed when he declared after his meeting with Hitler that he had secured “peace in our time.” Why did he fail? Because he refused to acknowledge the reality of the evil he was dealing with and deluded himself into believing such evil could be appeased with accommodations and concessions.

Obama’s Signal to Israel: Submit

By Mona Charen

May 12, 2009 / 18 Iyar 5769

http://www.JewishWorldReview.com | In early April, Vice President Biden was asked if the administration was concerned that Israel might strike at Iran’s nuclear facilities. “I don’t believe Prime Minister Netanyahu would do that,” Mr. Biden replied. “I think he would be ill advised to do that.”

A few weeks later, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton explained the administration’s solution to the threat of an Iranian bomb: “For Israel to get the kind of strong support it’s looking for vis-a-vis Iran, it can’t stay on the sideline with respect to the Palestinians and the peace efforts … they go hand in hand.”

And on May 10, National Security Adviser James Jones spelled it out further: “We understand Israel’s preoccupation with Iran as an existential threat. We agree with that. … By the same token, there are a lot of things that you can do to diminish that existential threat by working hard towards achieving a two-state solution.”

By what reasoning has the administration decided that pushing Israel to permit a new Palestinian state would — in any way — diminish the threat from Iran? Do they believe that Iran’s (or I should say the Iranian leadership’s) genocidal hostility toward Israel is the result of lack of progress toward an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza? Will the Iranian leadership, which has characterized Israel as a “cancerous tumor,” declared that “Israel must we wiped off the map,” and promised that “Israel is destined for destruction and will soon disappear” is going to change its mind if Israel enters into negotiations with the Palestinians?

“Obama will be a great friend to Israel.” So said a Jewish Democrat in a pre-election debate with me. I asked her whether she had any hesitations about someone who had been steeped in academic pieties and Hyde Park leftwing intellectual fashions, and who had tamely absorbed the Rev. Wright’s sermons for 20 years? Her response was to mouth some of the platitudes about support for Israel that were to be found on the Obama campaign’s website. I wonder if she is having doubts now.

Does it give her pause that Rose Gottemoeller, assistant secretary of state and America’s chief nuclear arms negotiator, has called on Israel (along with Pakistan, India, and North Korea) to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty? By including Israel on a list of nations known to either have nuclear weapons or be close to acquiring them, the Obama administration is introducing a sinister note of moral equivalence to the problem of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. All previous U.S. governments have implicitly accepted that Israel’s nuclear weapons pose a threat to no nation and are maintained only to deter Israel’s enemies from genocidal attacks.

Like other liberals, my debate opponent probably believes that Obama’s apology tour of global capitals was pitch perfect. Of course, it’s one thing for the United States, still the world’s superpower, to delude itself that winning international popularity contests will make us safer (though it’s a dangerous delusion), but Israel, which always sits inches from the precipice of destruction, cannot afford such fantasies at all.

We have recent history to guide us. In 2000, Israel withdrew from the security corridor it had established in southern Lebanon. The world had long been clamoring for Israel to do this. The Iranian-sponsored Hezbollah movement immediately seized the area — trumpeting its triumph in driving out the enemy. In 2006, southern Lebanon became the launching pad for Hezbollah’s missile campaign against northern Israel.

Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005. The Iranian-backed Hamas movement moved quickly and took control there (not without significant internecine bloodshed with Fatah), and again used the territory not to build a peaceful Palestinian enclave but to launch 10,000 missiles against southern Israel.

Fatah (which is called moderate because it wants to destroy Israel on the installment plan rather than all at once) retains tenuous control of the West Bank. But even Mahmoud Abbas admits that if Israel were to withdraw completely from the area, Hamas would gain control in a heartbeat.

Next week, Prime Minister Netanyahu will meet with President Obama in Washington. It is hard to see how this relationship can go well. President Obama has sent abundant signals that his foreign policy is 50 percent wishful thinking and 50 percent leftwing mush. There may not be any easy answers to the problem of a nuclear Iran. But pressuring Israel to take suicidal risks is clearly the worst possible approach. Iran will conclude, as its proxies Hezbollah and Hamas at various times concluded, that force and the threat of force work.

If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. … We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. –Sir Karl Popper

US puts up $20 million for Gaza relief

20 million MORE American taxpayer dollars being spent contrary to the wishes of American taxpayers. Why? Since the Europeans, the UN, and the rest of the Arab world are so upset about it, why don’t they pony up more to help? When the Palestinians throw rock(et)s in a glass house, their stuff gets busted.

US puts up $20 million for Gaza relief
Associated Press
January 31, 2009

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration on Friday made an emergency contribution of more than $20 million for urgent relief efforts in the Gaza Strip, a day after the United Nations launched a flash appeal for $613 million to help Palestinians recover from Israel’s three-week military operation there.

The State Department said President Barack Obama had authorized the use of $20.3 million from the U.S. Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund for humanitarian assistance to the 1.4 million Palestinians in Gaza.

The money will go to U.N. agencies and the International Committee of the Red Cross, which are distributing emergency food assistance, providing medical care and temporary shelter, creating temporary employment and restoring access to electricity and potable water, the department said in a statement.

The Israeli offensive killed nearly 1,300 Palestinians, including hundreds of civilians, and caused an estimated $2 billion in damage, Palestinian officials say. The assault was launched to halt years of Hamas rocket fire on southern Israel.