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The 3 Shortest Books in the World

Below are the 3 shortest books in the world. If you blinked, you probably missed them.

  1. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Rahm Emanuel
  2. Humility and Its Virtues by Barack Obama
  3. What the Constitution Means to Me by Nancy Pelosi

Texan Teachers Being Brainwashed to Brainwash

This is brainwashing.  Plain and simple.  Is this the crap you want taught to your children?  This is EXACTLY why my kids will not darken the door of a public school as long as I can afford a decent REAL education for them.  The day I can’t afford the school they are in is the day I start home schooling.


Friday, January 01, 2010

WorldNetDaily Exclusive

Texas teachers warned against being ‘heterosexist’

‘We must help people to become committed to social change’

Posted: December 31, 2009
11:10 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh

Candidates for certification to teach in public schools in Texas are being told that they will be held accountable for any “heterosexist” leanings and must become agents working to change society, according to one candidate who was alarmed by the demands.

The applicant, who requested anonymity for fear of repercussions, told WND part of the teachings on multiculturalism required him to read several online postings about the issue inside the education industry.

One warns that “teachers and administrators must be held accountable for practices deemed to be racist, sexist, heterosexist, classist, or in any other way discriminatory.” And a second warned that educators must not define education as the basic skills. (WTF?!?! Reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic.  When we had these three skills mastered, and they were the cornerstone of our education, we lead the world in EVERY arena.  Now, as we destroy the moral fabric of our nation and corrupt our education system, we lead the world in nothing but consumption and confusion.)

“How do we create a better world? How do we do more than simply survive? As educators, we must help people to become committed to social change,” the article demanded.  (“Social change” happens when educated and RESPONSIBLE people see that something isn’t working and try to improve it.  It does not come from a minority forcing their view on the rest of a nation and by brainwashing the children to accept a minority view.)

The teacher candidate told WND the studies were mandated by the Region 10 service center for the public school educators’ program.

The center had a recording that it was closed throughout the holidays and officials could not be reached by WND.

But spokeswoman Debbie Ratcliffe at the Texas Education Agency said the state rules require teacher preparation programs to cover 17 curriculum topics, but not multiculturalism. (Right.  And Barney Frank didn’t recognize what his gay lover was growing in his living room was marijuana.)

“Although the training should address educating special populations such as English language learners and children with disabilities,” she added.

“While we establish the broad rules that are to be followed, we do not write or approve a training program’s curriculum,” she said.

She said the articles, if part of the program, were chosen at the region level.

One of the articles was on the EdChange Multicultural Pavilion and discussed defining “multicultural education.”

There it states that there are several focuses for such programs, including those that insist “on education change as part of a larger societal transformation in which we more closely explore and criticize the oppressive foundations of society and how education serves to maintain the status quo – foundations such as white supremacy, capitalism, global socioeconomic situations, and exploitation.” (This is right out of the communist manual.  Demonize the engine of economic success, break down the educational and moral fiber of the nation, and build a framework for centralized control.)

The article demands, “Schools must be active participants in ending oppression of all types, first by ending oppression within their own walls, then by producing socially and critically active and aware students.”  (The REAL oppression is being generated by liberals, and by the very tyrants they hero worship.  Liberals kiss the a$$ets of people like Hugo Chavez and Mymood I’m-in-a-jihad while calling true liberators and heroes Nazis and oppressors.  Up is down, and black is white.)

“The underlying goal of multicultural education is to affect social change. The pathway toward this goal incorporates three strands of transformation: 1. The transformation of self; 2. The transformation of schools and schooling; and 3. The transformation of society,” the teaching material said.  (At least they’re honest about one part.  Multiculturalism is designed to “change” a society.  Rather than immigrants and those of different races ASSIMILATING into a homogenous society, multiculturalism seeks to fracture a society by pitting each of its component parts against one another.  Under multiculturalism, we are no longer Americans who just happen to be black, asian, white, Hispanic, etc.  Under multiculturalism we are divided into African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Chinese-Americans, etc.  We are hyphenated.  Hyphenation in this context is destroying America because we are being divided so we can be conqured.)

The traditional teaching approaches, it continued, “must be deconstructed to examine how they are contributing to and supporting institutional systems of oppression.”  (Oppression?  Forcing me or my children to accept a view that we do not believe in is oppression.  This should remind everyone of the Soviet “re-education” camps.)

It demands that the “transformation of society” be part of a school’s goals.

“It is not enough to continue working within an ailing, oppressive, and outdated system to make changes, when the problems in education are themselves symptoms of a system that continues to be controlled by the economic elite.”  (Who controls the economic system in America?  It is controlled by LIBERALS!  All the rejects from the 60’s and many of their progeny are the administrators, professors, and teachers in our schools and universities now.  They have infiltrated these former institutions of higher learning to the point that traditional conservative thought or speech is overtly frowned upon, and covertly forbidden.  This is Saul Alinsky, communist strategy in action.  Control the youth, control their minds, and you control their future.)

A second article that was assigned to the student, the candidate told WND, was “Multicultural Education and Developmental Education: A Conversation About Principles and Connections with James A. Banks,” and included the same concepts of change.

“In the Pedagogy of the Oppressed [the author] says that we must teach students to read the word, which is basic skills, but we also must teach them to read the world, and that is to critique and change society,” the article said.

“One of the things that is happening in this assessment mania that is going on is that we’ve defined education too narrowly. We’ve defined it as only basic skills: reading, writing, and arithmetic. We’re missing that the biggest problem of humankind is not basic skills but how to get along. How do we create a better world? How do we do more than simply survive? As educators, we must help people to become committed to social change,” it stated.  (This is the difference between conservatism and liberalism.  Conservatives teach their children HOW to think.  Liberals teach their children WHAT to think.)

The article also warned instructors must lead their students in a specific social direction.  (Again, teaching what to think instead of how to think.  I believe that’s the basic definition of INDOCTRINATION.)

“I think it is essential that students acquire basic skills and I don’t think they’re neutral. The skills are as value laden as the commitments we want students to share. Although it’s essential that students acquire basic skills, this alone is clearly not sufficient for them to become effective citizens in a global society. They must also develop the commitment and ability to critique and change society,” the article said.

A similar issue of demanding a specific social perspective arose recently at the University of Minnesota.

Officials at the school there backed off a proposal after publicity about its planned requirements to examine teacher candidates about “white privilege” as well as provide “remedial re-education” for those who hold the “wrong” views.  (Oh, dear Lord!  Can’t everyone see clearly that this is a blatant cut-and-paste from the old Soviet Union?)

That case was taken up by the the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, which promotes civil liberties on the campuses of America’s colleges and universities.

FIRE officer Adam Kissel said the report from the Race, Culture, Class, and Gender Task Group apparently would involve screening teacher applicants for “wrong” views and withholding their degrees if “the university’s political re-education efforts proved ineffective.”  (This should TERRIFY you!  These are the socialist/progressive/communists who are INDOCTRINATING your children!)

By any “nontotalitarian” standards, he wrote, the plans being made so far by the school are “severely unjust and impermissibly intrude into matters of individual conscience.”

In Minnesota, among the issues discussed in the plans, are requirements that teachers would be able to instruct students on the “myth of meritocracy” in the United States, “the history of demands for assimilation to white, middle-class, Christian meanings and values,” and the “history of white racism.”  (What is the “myth” of meritocracy?  This is the belief that your standing, promotion, etc. should have nothing to do with your ability.  The Soviets did away with meritocracy, and they wound up with a system of division by class, and nepotism.  Rather than putting the competent people in charge, the privileged people of the “party” were in charge, resulting in incompetent leadership which ultimately led to the downfall of the Soviet Union.  This is where these communists are trying to lead us.  Assimilation provides a national identity.  Without it, you have a fractured society that can’t stand against outside forces, or progress beyond separatist bickering, group identity, and self interest.  Christian meanings and values were what this nation was founded on.  They were and have been proven to work.  History of white racism?  That has been supplanted by the history of liberal racism.  Liberals divide us into groups that they can pit against one another.  They keep groups down so they can have people to exploit.  They give them just enough handouts for them to believe the lie that “liberals are for the little people.”  Then they tell them the reason they are still “oppressed” is because white conservatives want it that way.  Liberals give these groups just enough rope to keep from drowning, but never enough to climb out of the water.  Liberals have to keep these groups dependant on them, or they lose power.)

Those demands appeared to be similar to those promoted earlier at the University of Delaware.

As WND reported, the Delaware university’s office of residential life was caught requiring students to participate in a program that taught “all whites are racist.”

School officials immediately defended the teaching, but in the face of a backlash from alumni and publicity about its work, the school decided to drop the curriculum, although some factions later suggested its revival.

FIRE, which challenged the Delaware plan, later produced a video explaining how the institution of the university pushed for the teachings, was caught and later backed off:


Delaware School Brainwashing

Minneapolis Star-Tribune columnist Katherine Kersten said the Minnesota plan would have required teachers to “embrace – and be prepared to teach our state’s kids – the task force’s own vision of America as an oppressive hellhole: racist, sexist and homophobic.”

She wrote, “The first step toward ‘cultural competence,’ says the task group, is for future teachers to recognize – and confess – their own bigotry. Anyone familiar with the re-education camps of China’s Cultural Revolution will recognize the modus operandi.  (Cultural competence?  What kind of Orwellian big-brother brainwashing crap is that?  How to think vs. what to think.)

“What if some aspiring teachers resist this effort at thought control and object to parroting back an ideological line as a condition of future employment?” she posed. “The task group has Orwellian plans for such rebels: The U, it says, must ‘develop clear steps and procedures for working with nonperforming students, including a remediation plan.'”

The Democrats AIG Bonus Scam

How is it that lying to congress is a federal offense, but congress lying to the American people is no problem at all? At the very least all of these clowns are guilty of impeachable offenses of lying to their employers (that’s US!). Actually, following the Democrat-set precedent of the Scooter Libby trial, they are guilty of criminal offenses that should land them all in jail. The Democrats lead by Obama are destroying truth, real justice, and personal responsibility in America. They, along with the Democrats posing as Republicans, all need to go to jail for their contributions to the destruction of America.

The Dems’ AIG Bonus Scam

by Fred J. Eckert (more by this author)
Posted 03/24/2009 ET
Updated 03/25/2009 ET

The Democratic Congress put on quite a show for us last week (and this week may top last).

In a memorable performance, they feigned surprise and shock that $165 million of taxpayers’ dollars were spent on bonuses for executives of the failed insurance giant AIG.

“If they don’t give the money back, we will put in place a new law that will allow us to tax these bonuses at a very high rate so that it is returned to its rightful owners — the taxpayers,” New York Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer fumed in a Senate speech. “So, to those of you getting these bonuses, be forewarned: you will not keep them.”

It was a scene reminiscent of the one in the movie Casablanca in which Captain Renault tells Rick he is closing down his saloon down because, “I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here” as a casino worker hands Renault a wad of money and says, “Your winnings, sir.”

Schumer knows perfectly well that this $165 million for AIG executive bonuses is something he voted for just a few weeks earlier.

The same is true of each of the other ten Democrats, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who have joined Schumer in signing a letter making the same threat he announced in his floor remarks.

It’s a farce — a sham.

What’s going on here is that the news media finally got around to mentioning that this $165 million for bonuses is part of the more than $170 billion of taxpayer money that Congress and President Obama insisted must be awarded in haste to the failed insurance giant American International Group, Inc (AIG). The public, understandably, is really angry.

So the Democrats are terrified that the public might actually start figuring out what an incredibly incompetent job President Obama and the Congressional Democrats are doing.

What if average citizens begin asking themselves the sort of questions that the Democrats can depend on the mainstream media to cover for them by not asking? Questions such as,

  • Why was Congress so reckless in writing the bailout legislation that it didn’t include limitations to preclude waste such as those big bonuses?
  • Anyone who reads the news knows that the financial markets are truly global. When writing the legislation, Congress had to know that AIG would pass billions of U.S. tax dollars to foreign banks. Why didn’t Congress make that contingent on equal or greater contributions by foreign governments? Why are the French, the Germans and the British having their banks rescued by American taxpayers?
  • What other questionable expenditures of taxpayers’ dollars are buried in the barrels of billions the Democrats are rush delivering to seemingly anyone who puts his hand out? Weren’t there better alternatives than simply giving away taxpayers’ billions to anyone and everyone who got into severe trouble by taking reckless risks? Why no public hearings on this?
  • Was the main reason for such a great rush to avoid close scrutiny of where the money was going? How many so-called “stimulus” expenditures are really nothing but gigantic rewards to political allies?

What the Democrats decided is that they needed a stunt to divert attention away from their stunning incompetence.

So, last week, the House voted to “take back” those contractually obligated bonuses, and the Democratic leadership has promised that the Senate will do the same this week. This is not a comedy the Democrats are performing for us — it’s a tragedy.

Equally tragic is the blatant disrespect for the Constitution of the United States that is on display throughout these shenanigans. Article 6 of the Constitution requires that the President and Member of Congress swear to support the Constitution. Of course, the Constitution doesn’t require them to understand it or even to read it, but let’s give the driving force behind this sham, Chuck Schumer, the benefit of the doubt and presume he has read it. He is, after all, a graduate of Harvard Law School, a member of the Senate’s Committee on the Judiciary, and was a member of the Judiciary Committee when he served in the House.

Schumer knows better — and so should every member of Congress and the President. Article I, Section 9, paragraph 3 of the Constitution prohibits what they are doing because it specifies that: “No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.” And what they are doing constitutes a bill of attainder.

As the Heritage Foundation’s Guide to the Constitution says, “In common law, bills of attainder were legislative acts that, without trial, condemned specifically designated persons or groups to death…,” but the Supreme Court — going back to a case in 1810 — reads the Constitutional bar to prevent legislative confiscation of property.

As James Madison explained in The Federalist Papers No. 44: “Bills of attainder, ex post facto laws, and laws impairing the obligations of contracts, are contrary to the first principle of the social compact, and to every principle of sound legislation.”

Freedom from bills of attainder and ex post facto laws are the only individual rights which the Framers deemed so important as to insert in the original document protection against both federal and state infringement.

In 1965, in United States vs. Brown, the Supreme Court once again affirmed that the purpose of Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 3 is to prohibit “legislative punishment, of any form or severity, of specifically designated persons or groups.”

The position of the U.S. Supreme Court over the years has been that this clause of the Constitution is deemed violated if 1) The legislation in question specifies a specific group; 2) It includes some form of punishment; and 3) It does not include a judicial trial.

One, two, three — guilty on each count. Which means that what’s coming next is that the Supreme Court will give thumbs down to their pathetic pretense. And then they will feign surprise and say they tried. Trying to con the American people into believing they have nothing to do with something the public is incensed about — that’s what this big charade is really all about.

This sham is an affront to the Constitution of the United States by the Congress of the United States and the President of the United States. They are violating the solemn oath they took to bear “true faith and allegiance” to the Constitution — and by doing this, they are guilty of neglecting to “well and faithfully discharge” the duties of their offices.

Many of them don’t know what they are doing.

Many of them know but don’t care.

That’s how bad things are in Washington right now.

It’s change, all right — an appalling change from what the Founders of the American Republic had in mind for governing this great country.

Fred J. Eckert is a former conservative Republican Congressman from New York and twice served as a US Ambassador under President Reagan, who called him �a good friend and valuable advisor.�