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Muslim Students at Duke to Begin Weekly Call-to-Prayer

How is it some kind of violation of everyone’s privacy and rights if a Christian says “God bless you,” or hands out a pamphlet on the street, but it’s somehow NOT a violation of anyone’s rights for this satanic death cult to blare a loudspeaker that NO ONE ELSE wants to hear, and we can’t choose whether or not we hear it?  In the very least, it’s disturbing the peace.  And since Duke receives some level of public funding like most other universities, where are the liberal progressives who scream “SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE” anytime a Christian wants to do or say anything religious in public?  The hypocrisy is mind blowing, as is the total ignorance of the threat islam poses to civilization as a whole, and America in particular.

Oh, by the way, Duke is now one more place scratched off the list of possible places my child might have gone to college.  Duke can get their money to appease the muslims who hate us somewhere else.

Muslim Students at Duke to Begin Weekly Call-to-Prayer

Members of the Duke Muslim Students Association will chant a weekly call-to-prayer from the Duke Chapel bell tower

Young man rehearsing prayer from Chapel bell tower

Ibrahim Saber with the Duke Muslim Students Association rehearses the traditional Muslim call-to-prayer from the Duke Chapel bell tower.

Durham, NC – Members of the Duke Muslim Students Association will chant a weekly call-to-prayer from the Duke Chapel bell tower beginning Friday, Jan. 16. Continue reading