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Kamala Harris: DoJ Would Have No Choice But to Prosecute Trump After Presidency

We don’t question WHY you became a prosecutor, Kamala. We question HOW you became a prosecutor and moved up the ladder from there. By your own admission, you slept your way to the top, lying on your back waiving your ankles in the air. America doesn’t need a woman of the night leading our nation to destruction. So, to you, I say “no thanks.”

Kamala Harris: DoJ ‘Would Have No Choice’ But to Prosecute Trump After Presidency

‘There has to be accountability’


HOST: “If you become president, if he was never impeached would you want the Department of Justice, now that he is no longer a sitting president to go forward with those obstructions of justice charges?”
HARRIS: “I believe that they would have no choice and that they should, yes. There has to be accountability. I mean look, people might, you know, question why I became a prosecutor. Well, I’ll tell you one of the reasons — I believe there should be accountability. Everyone should be held accountable, and the president is not above the law.”

LINK to article https://grabien.com/story.php?id=239301