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Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate

The global warming, er, global cooling, uh, climate change cover up continues.

REAL science is supposed to be open, seeking validation of the claimed results by having other scientists attempt to replicate them. Hiding and destroying data isn’t “science.” It’s an attempt to hide an agenda behind a thin veneer of “science.”

The other thing you hear from the global warming crowd in an attempt to silence dissent is that global warming is “settled science.”  Again, REAL science is NEVER settled.  It is always continually reexamined and reexplored as new ideas and questions arise, and as new technologies develop.  Only the dishonest, and intellectually feeble accept the drivel about “settled science.”  If science were “settled,” America wouldn’t have been settled because the world was flat and America just didn’t exist.  Man would never have flown airplanes, much less have broken the “sound barrier.”  Remember?  It was accepted that the sound barrier was an invisible wall that would smash any airplane that exceeded that speed.  What about going to the moon?  Never would have happened.  Modern health care?  We would still be “bleeding” people to cure them.  No, scratch that.  As misguided as that was, even that was a fledgling result of the scientific method. 

The global warming history of hiding, lying, and cheating is just too long to ignore. None of the “scientists” will OPENLY have their data and results reviewed, especially by skeptics.  Proponents, especially the godfather of global warming Al Gore, will NOT debate ANYONE, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE on the subject.  If you disagree with him, you are just a heretic and must be silenced or ignored. 

Until you are willing to have your theories INDEPENDENTLY and OPENLY verified and repeated, GLOBAL WARMING IS BUSTED.


Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate

A new batch of 5,000 emails among scientists central to the assertion that humans are causing a global warming crisis were anonymously released to the public yesterday, igniting a new firestorm of controversy nearly two years to the day after similar emails ignited the Climategate scandal.

Three themes are emerging from the newly released emails: (1) prominent scientists central to the global warming debate are taking measures to conceal rather than disseminate underlying data and discussions; (2) these scientists view global warming as a political “cause” rather than a balanced scientific inquiry and (3) many of these scientists frankly admit to each other that much of the science is weak and dependent on deliberate manipulation of facts and data.

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Who is the THUG known as Rahm Emanuel?

There are many sayings you’ve heard from your parents and others while growing up that apply to Obama in this situation.

  • “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.”
  • “The character and wisdom of a leader is reflected by those he surrounds himself with.”
  • “Actions speak louder than words.”

Obama surrounds himself with:

  • People who cheat on and don’t pay their taxes, yet want you to pay more.
  • Millionaires who attained their wealth by inheritance or less than ethical means, few if any who actually EARNED their wealth.
  • People who believe it is OK to forcibly take from those who deserve what they have because they earned it, and give it to those who have earned nothing and deserve nothing.
  • People who have no morals, and thus have no limits or guidelines on how to properly and ethically treat people.
  • People who think that destroying others is the way to better yourself.
  • Generally thugs, criminals, socialists, terrorists, and others who make the Star Wars Cantina look like a church social.

Rahm Emanuel is a perfect example. Obama spits out his lies that sound good to those too mentally weak to understand what crap they are being fed while Emanuel uses his mafia strong arm tactics on any who get in the way of Obama’s (and by association those whom Obama has surrounded himself with) socialist/communist agenda.

Character matters. Right now there is none in the White House, and almost none in the House or Senate. Character is not a trait that often finds its way to Washington D.C. anymore.

Obama’s Enforcer

Floyd and Mary Beth Brown
Thursday, March 26, 2009

In Obama’s entire circle of advisers, one man rises above the pack, gaining the reputation as the most ruthless political figure in America today. This man is Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s chief of staff. Instead of being an impassioned ideologue, he instead enjoys utilizing Machiavellian tactics to achieve more traditional political ends. A classic Chicago-style machine politician, Rahm will do whatever is necessary to get things done his way. With his aggressive tactics, he has earned the nickname of “Rahmbo.”

He lost a finger at the age of 17, and since then Emanuel has been a driven man. Working at an Arby’s he sliced his finger but he insisted on attending his prom and swimming in Lake Michigan before going to the hospital. His finger became badly infected, forcing him to have it amputated during a lengthy stay in Children’s Hospital. Never the same after the incident, Emanuel lives with an intense passion for life and a drive that alienates people, but achieves results.

Once a skilled and disciplined ballet dancer, he attended college on a dance scholarship. He became involved in his first campaign as an undergraduate, and his political career took off from there. His climb began while working on Richard Daley’s mayoral campaigns in the late ’80s, where he proved himself an avid fundraiser. As Emanuel called donors, if they gave less than he thought they could, he would refuse to accept their contribution. Then, he resorted to goading them by stating that he thought they were wealthier and bigger donors. Oftentimes donors would call him back, apologize, and then give Emanuel’s desired amount.

Cutting his teeth in Chicago machine politics helped him develop his no- holds- barred style of campaigning. As a member of the Daley machine, Obama’s chief of staff has been involved in his share of shady dealings. In Emanuel’s 2002 congressional race, Daley forced city patronage workers to run a get-out-the vote campaign that is still being investigated for campaign violations.

Emanuel’s exploits are legendary. Once he had a disagreement with a pollster, so he sent him a rotten fish. At a dinner party in 1992, the day after Clinton’s hard-won election, Emanuel viciously attacked those whom he called betrayers. Spouting their name and shouting, “Dead! . . . Dead! . . . Dead!” he plunged a knife into the table after each name. Now, he is bringing these tactics along with his foul mouth to the White House.

This hardnosed political operative employs methods and tactics that would make Karl Rove blush. Rahm fights like a rooster in a cock fight. A political street fighter, he is the enforcer lurking behind Obama’s pretty words about bipartisanship and unity.

Emanuel retired from the Clinton White House in 1998 and moved to Wall Street to make his fortune. He worked for Bruce Wasserstein, a major Democratic donor and Wall Street financier. Over the course of two and a half years, he milked his political connections to help broker deals, and he made $18 million. Emanuel is not ashamed to look out for number one. Once rich, he headed back to politics.

As the chairman of the Democratic Campaign Committee in 2006, he is largely credited as the architect of the Democratic landslide. He did it, in large measure, by remaking the Democratic Party in his own image. He won by aggressively recruiting candidates and then relentlessly driving his candidates to raise money. With money in hand, they launched a series of negative ads that are unmatched in campaign history.

Emanuel famously said, “Rule one: Never allow a crisis to go to waste.They are opportunities to do big things.” He is pushing Obama’s administration to do that now. Obama is the star of the show and Rahm is the one who is directing the play. Rahm is well connected inside DC and uses his friendships with John Podesta, James Carville and Paul Begala to great effect. Obama, the inexperienced “outsider,” is being taught the ropes by Rahm, the insider. One of the best examples of this inside- and outsid- the-White House coordination is the campaign to demonize and target Rush Limbaugh. You can bet that Rahm Emanuel helped to make it happen.

Rahm has brought his aggressive attitude to work in implementing Obama’s agenda. He personally was instrumental in rounding up votes for the stimulus bill, by intensely pressuring three moderate Republican senators and threatening conservative Democrats. Now he is working hard to push through the $3.6 trillion Obama budget. Will he be successful? If the past is any indication, Rahm will shout, curse, stab and claw his way to victory no matter what the cost. Washington, D.C. has definitely gotten uglier as Rahmbo storms through it, hell-bent on taking no prisoners.

HR 1388 GIVE Act Aimed at “Re-Educating” and Indoctrinating Your Children

I started reading (yes, actually reading) the WHOLE bill last night. I’ve gotten about half way through it so far, and what I’ve seen so far SCARES THE LIVING CRAP OUT OF ME!

Here are some of things that scare me about what I’ve read so far:

  • “Service Learning”: Thinly veiled wording for indoctrination. This follows the model of Soviet Russia with their “re-education camps.” Though the original language of this bill called the re-education/indoctrination centers “camps,” they have since changed the names to “campuses.”
  • “Service Corps”: The more I read, the more these look like the basis for the mobs/militias that Obama mentioned in his campaign, but quickly covered up. He said he would form a security force funded as well as the military. Every dictator and despot ruler has had the same thing: a paramilitary force to “persuade” citizens to bend to the will of the despot.
  • Backdoor attack on home schooling: The more I read, the more it becomes apparent that Obama intends to make attendance in public, government run schools mandatory. In recent years there have been increasing attacks on those who wish to home school their children in order to teach more conservative values to them. The communists/socialists have known for a long time that if you control the children, you will eventually bypass the parents and control the society.
  • Prohibition on any display or exercise of religion: Sect 125 (a)(7) reads thusly…

    ‘(a) Prohibited Activities- A participant in an approved national service position under this subtitle may not engage in the following activities:
    (7) Engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship, or engaging in any form of religious proselytization.

The only way they’ll take my kids to these camps is over my cold, dead body.

I’m uncovering more and more bad stuff in this bill. Please read as much of this, and every other bill, as you have the opportunity to read. Expose what our corrupt politicians are trying to keep in the dark.

Read HR1388 here:
