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"RIGHT": I Do Not Think That Word Means What You Think It Means

Once again, AOC illustrates the truth that socialism/communism/Marxism is for the people, not for the socialist/communist/Marxist. People like her who want to rule OVER you will NEVER live by the same standards they wish to impose ON you. They will talk about “fairness” all day long, but will never share in the same “fairness” they impose on you. Often they sell their utopian lie of “fairness” by saying that certain things that are POPULAR are somehow “rights.” One of the clearest examples is the left, and many uninformed on the right, saying that healthcare is a “right.” To quote “The Princess Bride,” I do not think that word means what you think it means.

A “right” by definition is something that does not take away from or diminish the rights of others. To say that healthcare is a right is to say that theft and/or slavery are acceptable, which would take away the property and liberty of another. IF healthcare were a right, that would mean that it’s acceptable to take money from others to pay for your bills, which is theft, or it’s acceptable to force a doctor to provide his labor and expertise for free, which is slavery.

Cortez making the claim that housing is a “right” is yet another example of this leftist/socialist/communist/Marxist smokescreen attempting to portray what they are trying to sell you as something good. Mizzzzz Cortez has been caught “red” handed (communist pun intended) admitting herself to the privileged class, and she’s trying to make YOU feel good about it. You need to recognize people like her for what they are. Tyrants.

AOC Downplays Luxury Apartment, Says Everyone Should Have One

VIDEO: Ocasio-Cortez likens her building with rooftop pool and golf simulator to NYC public housing

lexandria Ocasio-Cortez / Getty Images

BY: Brent Scher

June 3, 2019 1:50 pm

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) downplayed the amenities available in her expensive Washington, D.C., apartment building last week, saying her unit was comparable to apartments in a new public housing complex in New York City.

Ocasio-Cortez made the comparison during a Bronx town hall, saying people have been conditioned to view things that should be available to everyone as "luxury" amenities.

"What we have been taught that [sic] is a luxury should not be a luxury," Ocasio-Cortez said.

"Another world is possible," she said. "We can live in buildings that are not-for-profit, or tenant-owned, there are so many ways we can slice this and we can structure it in a way where all people have the right to a dignified home."

"What we have been taught and what we have been conditioned is that basic rights are a luxury and a privilege when they are not."

Ocasio-Cortez came to this conclusion after touring a new public housing complex for senior citizens, noticing the units in the building "look just like my luxury apartment."

Read entire article here: https://freebeacon.com/politics/aoc-downplays-luxury-apartment-says-everyone-should-have-one/

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10 signs the double-dip recession has begun

Double-dip begun? Really? For that to be true, the FIRST recession would have to have ended, and the signs of that having occurred would seem to be missing.

Nonetheless, whether it’s a new recession, or just an acceleration of the first, things aren’t getting better, and all the deficit spending in the world isn’t going to change that. Without a return to historically proven and sound economic principals (i.e. NOT Keynesian liberal/progressive/communist/socialist drivel), this ‘recession‘ WILL turn into a depression, and potentially an economic collapse.


10 signs the double-dip recession has begun

By Douglas A. McIntyre
updated 7/31/2011 1:53:54 PM ET

Friday’s news on GDP shows the double dip has arrived — an expansion of only 1.3 percent and consumer spending up 0.1 percent in the second quarter. Astonishingly low by any account. The debt ceiling trouble and lack of a longer term resolution to the deficit will make it worse.

The U.S. has entered a second recession. It may not be as bad as the first. Economists say that the Great Recession began in December 2007 and lasted until July 2009. That may be the way that the economy was seen through the eyes of experts, but many Americans do not believe that the 2008-2009 downturn ever ended. A Gallup poll released in April found that 29 percent of those queried thought the economy was in a “depression” and 26 percent said that the original recession had persisted into 2011.

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Obama Recovery Fireworks Extravaganza

Thanks to my friend at http://speakingez.wordpress.com/ for the cartoon.

The imagery in this cartoon is very accurate.  Lots of people sitting in the dark waiting for the “Big Bang.” What they don’t realize is the “bang” they are about to get will be an implosion rather than an explosion.


US Economy Falling Off Cliff Under Obama/Dem “Leadership”

Brace yourselves, folks. Just when the liberal media, Obama, and the deceive-o-crats almost had you convinced it couldn’t get any worse, that things are looking up, that we are recovering, REALITY SETS IN.


Horror for US Economy as Data Falls off Cliff

Posted By: Patrick Allen | CNBC EMEA Head of News
| 01 Jun 2011 | 02:09 PM ET

The last month has been a horror show for the U.S. economy, with economic data falling off a cliff, according to Mike Riddell, a fund manager at M&G Investments in London.

“It seems that almost every bit of data about the health of the US economy has disappointed expectations recently,” said Riddell, in a note sent to CNBC on Wednesday.

“US house prices have fallen by more than 5 percent year on year, pending home sales have collapsed and existing home sales disappointed, the trend of improving jobless claims has arrested, first quarter GDP wasn’t revised upwards by the 0.4 percent forecast, durables goods orders shrank, manufacturing surveys from Philadelphia Fed, Richmond Fed and Chicago Fed were all very disappointing.”
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HR 1388 GIVE Act Aimed at “Re-Educating” and Indoctrinating Your Children

I started reading (yes, actually reading) the WHOLE bill last night. I’ve gotten about half way through it so far, and what I’ve seen so far SCARES THE LIVING CRAP OUT OF ME!

Here are some of things that scare me about what I’ve read so far:

  • “Service Learning”: Thinly veiled wording for indoctrination. This follows the model of Soviet Russia with their “re-education camps.” Though the original language of this bill called the re-education/indoctrination centers “camps,” they have since changed the names to “campuses.”
  • “Service Corps”: The more I read, the more these look like the basis for the mobs/militias that Obama mentioned in his campaign, but quickly covered up. He said he would form a security force funded as well as the military. Every dictator and despot ruler has had the same thing: a paramilitary force to “persuade” citizens to bend to the will of the despot.
  • Backdoor attack on home schooling: The more I read, the more it becomes apparent that Obama intends to make attendance in public, government run schools mandatory. In recent years there have been increasing attacks on those who wish to home school their children in order to teach more conservative values to them. The communists/socialists have known for a long time that if you control the children, you will eventually bypass the parents and control the society.
  • Prohibition on any display or exercise of religion: Sect 125 (a)(7) reads thusly…

    ‘(a) Prohibited Activities- A participant in an approved national service position under this subtitle may not engage in the following activities:
    (7) Engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship, or engaging in any form of religious proselytization.

The only way they’ll take my kids to these camps is over my cold, dead body.

I’m uncovering more and more bad stuff in this bill. Please read as much of this, and every other bill, as you have the opportunity to read. Expose what our corrupt politicians are trying to keep in the dark.

Read HR1388 here:


Next on the Obama Agenda… Price Controls

Yet another example of the damage a modern-day public school education can do. Most people don’t seem to remember how much of a disaster price controls have historically been, and Obama along with the rest of the communists are taking full advantage of it. Communist Russia is as good an example as anyone should need. When the government decides how much you can charge for your goods and services, you will end up with shortages, lines, no one who produces what you want/need, and black markets for almost everything. The only “good” thing (at least from the government point of view) to come from price controls is that they control EVERYTHING. Doesn’t sound like such a good deal to me.

Next on the Agenda… Price Controls

Posted By Bobby Eberle On March 17, 2009 at 6:35 am

With Democrats in control of the U.S. House, the Senate, and the White House, we have been witnessing an all-out assault on capitalism and the “American” form of government. Obama and others on the far left are using the current state of the economy to literally transform America. With each new bill that is said to “help” the economy, America is getting more government control over banks, health care, jobs, housing, and on and on.

Now, our dive toward socialism appears to be gaining steam and some elected officials around the country are considering another anti-capitalist move: price controls. That’s right… in the good, old U.S.A. you could be the owner of a rental property where the government tells you how much you can charge. Own a grocery store? Better not raise the price of milk unless the government says it’s OK.

As noted in a story on FOXNews.com, “One controversial solution (to the bad economy) being considered is a move back to price controls. The New York Legislature and the San Francisco City Council are considering expanding rent controls. Some politicians in Vermont are trying to limit the price of milk. And in Alaska, a bill to cap oil prices is pending in the state legislature.”

Thankfully, a number of economists are speaking out, and trying to remind people of just how bad price controls are.

“Economists widely agree that price controls often lead to shortages. There are many examples throughout history, and we have seen more recent demonstrations of this principle of economics in Venezuela and Zimbabwe,” said Dr. N. Gregory Mankiw, a Harvard University economics professor and former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President George W. Bush.

Speaking of Venezuela, the San Diego Union-Tribune is reporting that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez “is threatening to take over food company Empresas Polar, a company that makes the country’s top beer.”

Chavez’s popularity fell in 2007 after his efforts to enforce price controls led to shortages of staples like milk. … Chavez this month nationalized a mill owned by U.S. food giant Cargill after occupying two Polar rice mills on charges they were not producing enough rice at regulated prices. … In 2003 Chavez imposed price controls on staples, including much of what Polar produces, and frequently accuses it of selling above regulated prices or controls with specialty products such as flavored rice not subject to them.

Dr. Edward Glaeser, another Harvard University economics professor quoted by Fox News, said price controls “a whole litany of problems that make them among the most foolish forms of economic populism known to man.”

“In a free market system,” Glaeser said, goods go to the people who value them most; in a price-controlled system, goods go to whoever is lucky enough to get them. As a result, people hold on to rent-controlled apartments even if they barely use them.”

However, the advice of economists and the results we’ve seen in places like Venezuela, are falling on deaf ears. New York State Assemblyman Jonathan L. Bing is a sponsor of a rent control bill and brushes aside the lessons of the past.

“The housing affordability crisis trumps any theoretical recommendations of economists,” he told Fox News.

Housing affordability crisis? Homes are going into foreclosure, and in some places, are being auctioned off for a thousand bucks or less. I’ve never heard such a ridiculous phrase. An “affordability” crisis? Again… I’m amazed. So, the government is supposed to come in and force goods, services, or whatever to be “affordable?” Affordable in whose eyes? Who is the affordability czar?

(In other words, who is going to decide what YOU can charge for what you produce or own and want to sell or lease? If you are a dairy farmer and it cost you $3 per gallon to produce the milk with enough profit to maintain your infrastructure and pay your bills, and the government decides you can only charge $2 per gallon, why would you continue to produce milk? That’s where we’re headed with these price controls. There will be rationing and an inability to get what you want or need, unless you’re the ruling class.)

Bing supports bills that would further limit the amount landlords can increase rent after tenants move out, and that would increase to $240,000 the maximum income of people who qualify for rent control.

San Francisco Tenant Union Director Ted Gullicksen supports legislation that would allow tenants to avoid rent increases that would make them pay more than 30 percent of their income in rent. The city’s proposed law would also force landlords to let tenants take in roommates, who, Gullicksen said, could help with the rent.

But should landlords be compensated for the new restrictions on their property? “I don’t think so,” Gullicksen said. “Rents are so extraordinarily high. Landlords in San Francisco are just making huge amounts of money.”

In Vermont, legislators are considering fixing the price of milk. In Alaska, the talk turns to oil. Faced with a poor economy, these legislators 1) seem to have forgotten history, and 2) are all to willing to throw capitalism out the door in favor of even more government control.

“You had gas lines in the ’70s…. The tougher thing is to think of cases where there was not a shortage due to price controls,” said George Mason University economics professor Dr. Tyler Cowen, author of “Discover Your Inner Economist.”

Rent controls are among the most pernicious of price controls, economists say.

“In many cases rent control appears to be the most efficient technique presently known to destroy a city — except for bombing,” said Swedish economist Assar Lindbeck, a former socialist who has been researching rent control since the 1960s.

We need to get our of this recession, and we need to do it fast — not just for the jobs and the families, but for the country. As White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel is quoted as saying recently, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” Well, they are not letting this crisis go to waste. Those on the far left are doing everything they can with their opportunity in power. I fear for our country and the American way of life.

Re: Obama voters: Is this what you voted for?

Original Post here: https://texan2driver.wordpress.com/2009/03/06/obama-voters-is-this-what-you-voted-for/

Sadly, based upon historical evidence, Obama’s type of approach has been proven only to hasten and/or lengthen economic decline. He can’t solve the problems caused by spending too much money by prodigiously spending more money.

You are correct to say that the downward spiral began before Obama took office. It started with Clinton, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and the like who forced banks to lower the threshold of viability for lending in order to “increase minority home ownership.” Once unfettered by common sense, the banks got on the runaway train by creating many forms of loans that sound good to those who don’t do their homework, but are essentially predatory. The only check in the system that attempted to maintain some sanity was the PRICES in the housing market. Sadly, President Bush threw capitalism under the bus last fall by pushing the first idiotic bailout package. Nationwide house prices adjusted for inflation hit an all time high in 2006 just before the wheels started to come off of the lending express. Even as far as home prices have fallen in the last 18 months, they are still way, way above the inflation adjusted averages over the last century. Watch this video from a recent episode of the Glenn Beck show that does a good job of explaining the concept http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrW6UO5Zkok

We’re All Keynesians Again

This explanation of the bailout does a great job of explaining in pretty simple terms what and who all of this fake money is benefiting. Once you “follow the money,” you see that the beneficiary of all of this isn’t us, but the GOVERNMENT! Now there’s a shocker for you.

We’re All Keynesians Again
OPINION JANUARY 13, 2009, 8:31 A.M. ET
Nobody can accuse the government and the Fed of inaction.

In 1935, six years after the 1929 Crash, the U.S. remained mired in the Great Depression — as it would be for five years more. At a congressional hearing, then Federal Reserve Chairman Marriner Eccles told Rep. Thomas Alan Goldsborough (D., Md.) that there was very little the Fed could do beyond what it was already doing to pull the country out of the doldrums.
“You mean you cannot push on a string,” said the congressman.

“That is a very good way to put it,” replied Mr. Eccles. “One cannot push on a string. We are in the depths of a Depression and beyond creating an easy money situation through reduction of discount rates, there is very little, if anything, that the reserve organization can do to bring about recovery.”
The Fed is in that position once again. With a federal-funds interest-rate target near zero, the Fed has pumped tons of newly created dollars into the economy over the last four months. This has doubled the monetary base (bank reserves and currency), a phenomenal increase that has shocked market watchers and raised fears of inflation. But all economic indicators are flashing recession.
Last week brought the dispiriting news that the U.S. suffered a net loss of 2.6 million jobs in 2008, the most since 1945. Now 7.2% of the work force is idle. New factory orders, housing construction and retail sales have shriveled. Mortgage foreclosures are rising.
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Last year’s crash was caused primarily by the deflation of a real-estate bubble that those two government-sponsored behemoths, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, had a large role in inflating. As the Japanese demonstrated in 1990, real-estate crashes cause far more collateral damage than mere stock-market slumps. It’s amazing that the U.S. policy makers chose to ignore the danger, despite repeated warnings from these pages.
Between 2002 and the fall of 2007, funds raised in U.S. credit markets nearly doubled. Talk about a credit explosion! Easy money, much beloved by politicians and Wall Street, is a sure recipe for an asset bubble.
So the Fed is again in the position of “pushing on a string” and finding that nothing happens. Some economists describe this as a “liquidity trap.” Money creation loses its stimulative power — vastly overrated even in ordinary times — because public demand for loans is weak. Americans are too strapped financially, too short on investment opportunities, or too concerned about the future to borrow. They prefer to save instead.
Some economists argue that “trap” is an inappropriate description. The new money the Fed has pumped into the economy to replace the financial-sector liquidity wiped out by the collapse of the bubble has to go somewhere, they point out. It has to end up in someone’s bank account and banks have to quickly convert deposits (liabilities) into investments or go broke even faster than some have by loading up on polluted, mortgage-backed securities. Maybe “liquidity malfunction” is a better term than “trap.”
With 30-year mortgage rates now hovering near 5%, banks are spending a lot more of their time and resources responding to householder demands for refinancing at the lower rates. That doesn’t do much for bank profits, but it does improve household balance sheets, cushioning to some degree the impact of the recession.
But what the Fed has mainly been doing since Black September has been transferring economic resources to government from the private sector on a massive scale. There is one thing the banks can do with their deposits if they can’t find willing and qualified borrowers — the word “qualified” was rather neglected when Fannie and Freddie stood ready to buy any cats and dogs offered. They can put those deposits into U.S. Treasury securities.
Banks and investors around the world fleeing for safety have been doing just that, holding down federal borrowing costs, at least temporarily. The global flight for the presumed safety of Treasurys has also shored up the U.S. dollar in foreign-exchange markets, sending crude oil prices plunging. Because of the Treasury mania, 30-year Treasury bonds were yielding only 3.06% and the popular 10-year bond 2.39%.
So the Treasury has a good deal. The Fed pumps money into the economy by buying Treasurys with checks written on thin air. The Treasury quickly spends those dollars on the huge ongoing expenses of a government running a trillion-dollar deficit. Recipients of its spending put the money into bank accounts and, presto, the money comes right back to the Treasury to finance yet more government spending.
The government is thus the main beneficiary of the phenomenal rise in the monetary base. The base remained relatively stable through the ups and downs of Fed interest-rate policies in this decade, until it went on its fourth-quarter skyrocket trip. For what it’s worth, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, a student of the 1929 crash, has at least made sure that no one in the future will be able to accuse him of starving the economy into a Depression, as conventional wisdom has held that the Fed did 80 years ago.
Keynesians were banished in the 1980s by Reaganomics but made a comeback years ago and again control U.S. levers of power. They argue that massive deficit spending by the federal government is the right policy for these times. Paul Krugman of the New York Times has asserted that the Great Depression lasted 10 years because the New Deal didn’t spend enough. Japan tried to spend its way out of its postbubble malaise in the 1990s but ended up with a mountain of debt and a “lost decade” of little or no economic growth. Nevertheless, the incoming Obama administration is promising close to a trillion dollars in fiscal stimulus, and the Bernanke Fed seems to believe the way to deal with a collapsed bubble is to reinflate it. That of course takes no account of how we got the bubble in the first place.
Well, there’s a lot of high-powered money out there in the huge monetary base the Fed has created. It’s at the Treasury’s disposal. All that can be said to the Keynesians is, “better luck than last time.”
Mr. Melloan is a former deputy editor of the Journal’s editorial page.