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How Obama and Allies Are Suppressing News of Economic Disaster Ahead

This is what tyrants, liars, wannabe dictators, and those who will do anything to gain power do.  People who will lie to you this easily and willingly DO NOT have your best interests at heart.  People like this want to RULE you, not LEAD you.  Most dictators through history have done the same thing.  They lie to gain power, then kill their own people, and/or throw them into the cauldron of war to hide their intentions.

Here’s the other part about this.  Those who know history don’t need the news to know how Obama’s actions will affect us.  We’ve seen it all before.

How Obama and Allies Are Suppressing News of Economic Disaster Ahead

Posted By Arnold Ahlert On September 28, 2012 @ 12:45 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage

On May 7th, it was revealed that the Obama administration spent $8.35 billion on a “demonstration project” designed to postpone the vast majority of Obamacare’s Medicare Advantage cuts until after the election. On July 31st, it was revealed that the Labor Department warned defense contractors against notifying workers of impending layoffs before the election as well, despite the fact that it would require violating the law to do so. On September 21, it was revealed that a report on the Greek bailout will also be postponed until after the U.S. election. On September 13th, Fed Chief Ben Bernanke announced that he will be pursuing a third round of Quantitative Easing (QE3), once again under the auspices of “stimulating” the economy. The over-arching theme here is clear: anything that constitutes an “inconvenient reality” for this president, especially with respect to economics, will be delayed until after the election.

Thus, the president can continue to campaign on the “heartless” cuts a Romney administration will administer to healthcare in general, and seniors’ healthcare in particular, even as those same seniors remain oblivious to the reality that $7.4 billion will be cut from the Medicare Advantage program in 2013. As a result, enrollees will lose an average of $515 in benefits. Americans remain equally oblivious to the reality that family health insurance premiums have gone up by an average $2,730, despite a 2008 promise Obama made to lower premiums by $2500 by the end of his first term.

With respect to layoffs of employees who work in the defense industry, the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act is quite clear: employers are required to give employees 60 days notice before mass layoffs take place. As a result of the failure of the congressional super-committee to reach a budget deal during the debt ceiling negotiations last August, automatic cuts in defense spending, aka sequestration, are scheduled to kick in on January 2nd. If the WARN Act were enforced, thousands of defense employees would receive their layoff notices on November 3rd–three days before the election.

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Obama Gives Away OUR Security, AND Great Britain’s

Not only did the traitOrOus sOb give away our security with the new START deal, he also gave away the security of our allies without their knowledge or permission. The POS says he’s rebuilding our image around the world. Rebuilding it into what? After two years of this idiot in charge, the rest of the world now sees us a weak, broke, and untrustworthy.  Would you trust someone who just gave away all of your military secrets to one of your worst enemies after insulting your Queen and Prime Minister?  Not likely.

Can we REALLY afford to wait until 2012 to flush this turd?


WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain’s nuclear secrets

The US secretly agreed to give the Russians sensitive information on Britain’s nuclear deterrent to persuade them to sign a key treaty, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.

HMS Vanguard is Britain’s lead Trident-armed submarine. The US, under a nuclear deal, has agreed to give the Kremlin the serial numbers of the missiles it gives Britain  Photo: TAM MACDONALD

By Matthew Moore, Gordon Rayner and Christopher Hope 9:25PM GMT 04 Feb 2011

Information about every Trident missile the US supplies to Britain will be given to Russia as part of an arms control deal signed by President Barack Obama next week.

Defence analysts claim the agreement risks undermining Britain’s policy of refusing to confirm the exact size of its nuclear arsenal.

The fact that the Americans used British nuclear secrets as a bargaining chip also sheds new light on the so-called “special relationship”, which is shown often to be a one-sided affair by US diplomatic communications obtained by the WikiLeaks website.

Details of the behind-the-scenes talks are contained in more than 1,400 US embassy cables published to date by the Telegraph, including almost 800 sent from the London Embassy, which are published online today. The documents also show that:

• America spied on Foreign Office ministers by gathering gossip on their private lives and professional relationships.

• Intelligence-sharing arrangements with the US became strained after the controversy over Binyam Mohamed, the former Guantánamo Bay detainee who sued the Government over his alleged torture.

• David Miliband disowned the Duchess of York by saying she could not “be controlled” after she made an undercover TV documentary.

• Tens of millions of pounds of overseas aid was stolen and spent on plasma televisions and luxury goods by corrupt regimes.

A series of classified messages sent to Washington by US negotiators show how information on Britain’s nuclear capability was crucial to securing Russia’s support for the “New START” deal.

Although the treaty was not supposed to have any impact on Britain, the leaked cables show that Russia used the talks to demand more information about the UK’s Trident missiles, which are manufactured and maintained in the US.

Washington lobbied London in 2009 for permission to supply Moscow with detailed data about the performance of UK missiles. The UK refused, but the US agreed to hand over the serial numbers of Trident missiles it transfers to Britain.

Professor Malcolm Chalmers said: “This appears to be significant because while the UK has announced how many missiles it possesses, there has been no way for the Russians to verify this. Over time, the unique identifiers will provide them with another data point to gauge the size of the British arsenal.”

Duncan Lennox, editor of Jane’s Strategic Weapons Systems, said: “They want to find out whether Britain has more missiles than we say we have, and having the unique identifiers might help them.”

While the US and Russia have long permitted inspections of each other’s nuclear weapons, Britain has sought to maintain some secrecy to compensate for the relatively small size of its arsenal.

William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, last year disclosed that “up to 160” warheads are operational at any one time, but did not confirm the number of missiles.


Fed Hiding Truth about “Stimulus”: Seeks Delay of Bank Data Release

Don’t you as a taxpayer have a right to know, and wouldn’t you like to know where all that “stimulus” money went that didn’t seem to do any actual “stimulatin’?”  Why all the effort to keep us from seeing what the government is actually doing?  They couldn’t possibly have anything to hide, COULD THEY?


Fed Seeks Delay of Bank Data Release While Considering Appeal

By Bob Ivry and David Glovin – // Aug 25, 2010 11:01 PM CT

Aug. 23 (Bloomberg) — Bloomberg’s Amanda Bennett talks about an appeals court’s refusal to reconsider a decision compelling the Federal Reserve Board to release documents indentifying banks that might have failed without the U.S. government bailout. Unless the court stays its decision, the Fed will have seven days to disclose the documents. Bennett talks with Matt Miller on Bloomberg Television’s “Street Smart.” (Source: Bloomberg)

The Federal Reserve Board sought to delay the court-ordered release of documents identifying banks that might have failed without the U.S. government bailout while it considers an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Fed asked the U.S. Court of Appeals in New York yesterday to delay implementation of a ruling that compels the central bank to release the documents.

“The stay is necessary to permit the board to consult with the Department of Justice regarding an appeal to the Supreme Court,” Fed spokesman David Skidmore said.

The appeals court on Aug. 20 denied the Fed’s request to reconsider its decision requiring it to release records of the $2 trillion U.S. loan program.

If the stay is granted, the central bank and the Clearing House Association LLC, an organization of 20 commercial banks that joined the Fed in defense of the lawsuit, will have 90 days to petition the Supreme Court to consider an appeal. The Clearing House has said already it will ask the high court to rule on the case.

At issue are 231 “term sheets” documenting Fed loans to financial firms during 2008. The records, which include the banks’ names and the amounts borrowed, were originally requested by late Bloomberg News reporter Mark Pittman through the Freedom of Information Act, which allows citizens access to government papers.

The appeals court upheld a decision of a lower-court judge who in August 2009 ordered that the information be released.

The Fed argued in the case, which was brought by Bloomberg LP, the parent of Bloomberg News, that disclosure of the documents threatens to stigmatize borrowers and cause them “severe and irreparable competitive injury,” discouraging banks in distress from seeking help.

The case is Bloomberg LP v. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 09-04083, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (New York).

To contact the reporters on this story: David Glovin in New York at dglovin@bloomberg.net; Bob Ivry in New York at bivry@bloomberg.net.


The Arrogance of Treachery

Nancy “Nazi” Pelosi, the Botox Bolshevik, and the rest of her Brown Shirts displayed their utter contempt and disregard for America, again.  As they went to the house today to start the voting process on the health care takeover, they went OUT OF THEIR WAY to parade in front of the thousands of protesters, who represent the nearly 80% of Americans who want this bill dead.  They have all received literally millions of faxes, e-mail, letters, and phone calls that make it clear that this bill is NOT what America wants.  They have hidden behind closed doors WITHOUT the aid of any Republicans or conservatives to craft a bill that has nothing to do with improving health care.  They have made corrupt deals and bribes to win votes along the way.  They lie about what is in the bill.  Nancy Pelosi says we have to pass the bill before we can see what’s in it.  Then to add insult to injury, they march past the Americans they have ignored for so long silently, but at the same time very loudly saying “F*** YOU, America!  We will do what we want.  We don’t work for you peasants. You work for us!”

And now we wait.  We wait to see the final displays of courage and cowardice on the house floor.  As I type this, I listen to the vacuous bimbo Pelosi spouting her sugar coated lies with her fake smile and Morse code eyes.  Should this pass, as I suspect it will, we have only procedure and time standing between us and the collapse of American society.  There will be immediate legal challenges to the constitutionality of the bill, and many states will flex their 10th amendment muscle and refuse to take part in the nightmare.  If the bill stands, there will likely be economic collapse, and ensuing anarchy.  Expect several of the states who exercise their 10th amendment rights and possibly secede, possibly forming a new nation.

When the taxes, fines and fees start stacking up, when what’s left of the middle class is destroyed, when Atlas shrugs, the American dream as our founders dreamt it will be over.  Whether or not the constitution can ever be restored, and America with it, is be a question that can’t be answered for another hundred years.   I pray that God will be merciful on us, and stop this madness before it’s implemented.  However, I feel as though we are just the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah, about to be wiped off the map and erased from the pages of history.

I will close by reminding Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and the rest of the progressives bent on RULING us, that we will not go quietly or give up America without a fight.  Bring it.

OBTW, it just passed.  Keep smiling, democrats. We’re coming for you.