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New STDs You Can’t Ignore… Unless You’re Not Having Promiscuous Sex

There are some really nasty diseases rearing their ugly heads in the world today, many of which have no cure. Some of these diseases you can’t necessarily ensure you will not catch them, but some you can. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) fall into this category.

Life is about choices and consequences. If you understand the risks involved in a choice you are about to make, and the potential reward outweighs the potential risks, you’re more likely to choose whatever it is you’re mulling over. Sadly, we are increasingly being taught that there are no consequences for our actions, and that we don’t have to take responsibility for our choices. Sorry, but life simply doesn’t work that way.

STDs and pregnancy are the two main risks involved in unprotected, promiscuous, non-monogamous sex. The message we hear from so many today is the distilled message of the 60s. If it feels good, do it. Today, in addition to that, we are told that everything is someone else’s fault, and we/you are just a victim, no matter the circumstance. If you CHOOSE to have sex and a pregnancy or disease results, you’re NOT a victim. You were a willing participant (rape victims aside).

Remember, the ONLY thing that is scientifically proven to be 100% effective at preventing pregnancy and STDs is abstinence.


Four emerging STDs that you can’t afford to ignore

By Bryn Nelson, Mosaic

Updated 1819 GMT (0219 HKT) December 7, 2018

New diseases emerge all the time, and sexually transmitted infections, also known as sexually transmitted diseases, are no exception. Here are four bacteria that could become serious public health threats. (Warning: contains a description of animal auto-fellatio.) Continue reading

Plague of Locust

There are many diseases that we thought had been eradicated that are making a resurgence, and many new ones not common to America that are appearing directly in parallel with the tsunami of third-world invaders surging across our border. 

Not only is stopping the flow of illegal immigrants and controlling our border a national security imperative, and an economic imperative, but it’s a national health crisis as well.



REPORT: One-Third Of Migrant Caravan Sick: HIV, Tuberculosis, Chickenpox

Mario Tama / Staff / Getty Images


Thousands of migrants marched from Central America to the U.S. border over the last six weeks, but many of them are suffering from respiratory infections, tuberculosis, chickenpox and other serious health issues — including HIV.

Continue reading

Liberals Launch Christian Witch Trials

Christians knew it was coming. It was only a matter of when. The direction of the attack was only slightly a surprise, as many thought the crusade against Christianity was going to me lead by muslims. They are complicit agents in the assault, but it is liberal/progressive “thinkers” who have placed themselves above God, and decreed themselves to be supreme beings.

I have news for these liberal/progressives. They should look at history of ALLLLL the times God has put people like you in their place. Remember the “great” liberal Voltaire, who thought that he was living in the “twilight of Christianity,” and that the Bible would disappear from the earth within 100 years? Kind of ironic that after Voltaire’s death his house was used to print, or at least store Bibles. Time and time again throughout history, those who mock God are proven to be nothing but deceived, and deceivers.


Return to the Article

July 21, 2011

Liberals Launch Christian Witch Trials

By Peter Heck

Break out the pitchforks and light the torches!  The leftist media is in the midst of launching a modern day version of the Salem Witch Trials.  Except this time the target isn’t those who blaspheme against the Christian religion, but rather those who practice it.  The inquisition began almost two weeks ago when Diane Sawyer and her ABC World News Tonight team christened a very provocative and alarming “investigation” into the beliefs of Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann and her husband, Dr. Marcus Bachmann.

‘Gays’ warned they’ll be thrown under health-care bus

It doesn’t matter which “team” you “play” for, your healthcare is in danger, and so are you if the government takes it over.  Good intentions are not enough.  The inefficiencies of government are already killing people, and it will only get worse when government eliminates the competition.  EVERY government run program serves as a warning to us not to go down that road.  EVERY state-run healthcare system is bankrupt, EVERY federal program is wasting BILLIONS of dollars, and usually making the problem they set out to solve even worse.

How much evidence do you need to convince you that letting the government take over any more of our lives is bad?


‘Gays’ warned they’ll be thrown under health-care bus

Obama extends act blamed for costing AIDS patients their lives

Posted: October 30, 2009
11:35 pm Eastern

By Drew Zahn


Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla.

President Obama today extended a federal AIDS program that an unlikely pair of Republicans – one blasted for being “anti-gay” and the other chairman of an organization for homosexual conservatives – criticized earlier this month as a foreshadow of the rationing and waiting lists sure to come if the U.S. adopts even more government-run health care programs.

In a ceremony this morning, Obama signed the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act, which continues a federal program that provides up to $2.5 billion annually in medication for AIDS patients.

The move was lauded by many homosexual advocates, including Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese, who called the extension a “tremendous step” on behalf of people with HIV and AIDS.

But in a joint opinion piece called “Govt.-Run Health Care Isn’t the Answer,” published in the online version of The Advocate, a leading homosexual magazine, Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., and GOProud’s Christopher R. Barron warned the homosexual community that the Ryan White CARE Act has already demonstrated how government-run health care has introduced rationing and waiting lists and cost the lives of the people under its provisions.

Send Congress a message – no government health care, or you’re outta there – through WND’s exclusive “Send Congress a Pink Slip” campaign!

“The federal government will spend $15 billion on AIDS treatment alone this year,” wrote Coburn and Barron, “yet due to the inefficiencies of the public-run program, thousands will not receive appropriate care.”

The Republicans leveled a list of accusations against the government program Obama extended and the recipient of most of its spending, the AIDS Drug Assistance Program, or ADAP. They alleged:

  • “In recent years, two patients in West Virginia and five in Kentucky died while awaiting care on waiting lists for the RWCA AIDS Drug Assistance Program.
  • “Today there are 247 Americans on waiting lists for lifesaving AIDS drugs in eight states. The number is expected to reach 500 by Christmas.
  • “Many other ADAP patients, while receiving care, are being denied the best treatment. Fuzeon, the AIDS drug of last resort that has been successful in treating patients who no longer benefit from other drugs, for example, has been denied to ADAP patients in our nation’s capital.
  • “The Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector found that tens of millions of dollars were going unspent at the same time as patients languished on ADAP waiting lists.
  • “Millions of dollars have been misspent on beachside junkets by AIDS executives and bureaucrats or lost to fraud and abuse.
  • “Investigation by the Government Accountability Office found that the program was overpaying for many of the drugs it provided.”

“These bureaucratic inefficiencies and mismanagement have literally cost lives,” the unlikely Republican pairing summarized. “The attractiveness of a public plan to ensure care for those with no insurance is understandable. But as we have seen with ADAP, a public health program is not a panacea.”

The Republicans’ appeal to the homosexual community – whose activists often take up the cause of advocating assistance for AIDS patients – has been met mostly with fierce criticism, in part because of Coburn’s reputation on homosexual issues.

“Of all the people to write an op-ed for The Advocate, why Tom Coburn?” commented Jason Linkins of the Huffington Post. “Coburn has opposed gay marriage, gay adoption and anonymous HIV testing, and he has called the ‘gay agenda’ the ‘greatest threat to our freedom that we face today.'”

In fact, the Human Rights Campaign, the largest national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization, as recently as 2006 gave Coburn a zero rating on its scale of homosexual issues pending before the legislature.

Comments on The Advocate’s website turned outright angry:

“I can’t figure out what’s more repulsive, a gay ‘leader’ teaming up with a loud-mouth ignorant bigot like Tom Coburn or the Advocate providing the two of them a platform,” spouted a post from David La Fontaine, reportedly of Philadelphia.

David Hamburger, reportedly of Boston, added, “Why would anyone listen to what a homophobe and gay traitor say about health care and HIV/AIDS? If the Republicans would actually support spending more money on HIV/AIDS and on health care in general, then we wouldn’t have any of this rationing they’re complaining about.”

James Kirchick, a contributing writer to The Advocate, however, praised Barron for teaming with Coburn in making his appeal.

“If there is to be progress in this country on gay rights,” Kirchick wrote in the New Republic, “Republicans, and conservative ones especially, are going to have to be a part of it.”

Coburn and Barron concluded the op-ed by pointing out that RWCA and ADAP aren’t the only government-run health care programs to suffer inefficiency.

“Medicare only recently began offering seniors prescription drug coverage that had long been covered by private plans, and no one would claim that those in Medicaid are receiving the best possible care,” the Republicans wrote. “Indeed, 40 percent of doctors currently refuse to treat Medicaid patients. Medicare teeters on the verge of bankruptcy, Medicaid is bankrupting state budgets and both programs are rife with billions of dollars of waste, fraud and abuse.”

Instead of more government-run health care, the op-ed proposes prohibiting insurance companies from refusing customers with preexisting conditions, allowing all Americans the same choices of health care coverage enjoyed by members of Congress and passing the Patients’ Choice Act.

“We can and should work to make sure that every man, woman and child in this country has access to quality, affordable health care,” they conclude. “We can do it without creating an inefficient and expensive government program, and we can do it in such a way that empowers individuals to take control of their own health care.”


The Ass and His Purchaser: A Fable About Character

Here is yet more evidence that you are a reflection of the company you keep.  In this case there isn’t much of a reflection since floating excrement in a cesspool doesn’t reflect very well.

Here’s more insight into the long laundry list of thugs, murderers, socialist, and communists with whom our pretender to presidency CHOOSES to associate.



If You Are Known by the Company You Keep, What do Obama’s Associates Say About Him?

October 26, 2009 by Bob Livingston

If You Are Known by the Company You Keep, What do Obama’s Associates Say About Him?

In the Aesop’s Fable, The Ass and His Purchaser, a man looking to buy a donkey wanted to test the animal before completing the purchase. So he put the donkey in his field with the other donkeys to see what would happen.

The donkey immediately strayed from the majority of the herd and cozied up to the laziest donkey of all.

Seeing that, the man led the donkey back to his owner. When the owner asked how he could judge the donkey’s character so quickly the man explained, “I didn’t even need to see how he worked. I knew he would be just like the one he chose to be his friend.”

A person is known by the company he keeps.

Fables are popular because they tell the story of the way things in life really work. In business, when someone takes over a department or company, that person promotes those he or she likes to positions of authority. The new manager seeks out those who have a philosophy, work ethic and disposition similar to his.

One would expect a president to do the same thing. After all, a president is elected—supposedly—based on the vision, ideas and proposals he championed during the campaign. It would then make sense that he would put in place those who supported his vision and would therefore be enthusiastic in working to achieve it.

So who are President Barack Obama’s friends, and who has he put in charge of the effort to enact his policies? And what do the friends he has chosen and the people he has put in position of authority in his administration say about him?

Following, in alphabetical order, is a list of some of Obama’s friends, advisors and people charged with enacting his policies:

  • William Ayers—Now a professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Ayers spent 10 years as a fugitive in the 1970s when he was part of the domestic terrorist organization known as the Weather Underground. In the early 1970s the Weather Underground was responsible for bombing the U.S. State Department in Washington, D.C., and setting a bomb that didn’t go off at a military induction center in Oakland, Calif. The group also murdered two policemen and a Brink’s truck driver in a botched armored car robbery, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) website. Ayers surrendered to face charges in the 1980s, but the charges were dropped because of improper surveillance. Coincidentally, on Sept. 11, 2001, Ayers was being interviewed about a book he had written and he told the interviewer he didn’t think the Weather Underground had done enough. Ayers and Obama first crossed paths in Chicago in the 1990s and served together on the board of the not-for-profit Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a boondoggle to spend tens of millions of dollars for their pet “education” projects. Obama downplayed his friendship with Ayers as casual, but evidence indicates their relationship was much more. Many now believe that Ayers penned Obama’s “autobiography” Dreams from My Father.
  • Carol Browner—Obama’s Director of the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change Policy, Browner is an avowed socialist. She served as one of 14 leaders of Socialist International’s Commission for a Sustainable World Society, which calls for global governance and says rich countries must shrink their economies to address climate change, according to an article in The Washington Times. The group supports socialism and has been harshly critical of U.S. policies. She is also a supporter of smart growth policies, as we have described previously. Browner also served on the board of Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection, though her name was scrubbed from the site after Obama tapped her for the director’s position. Not surprisingly, Obama’s transition team told The Times Browner’s membership in a socialist organization was not a problem.
  • Frank Marshall Davis—You won’t find Davis’ name on an organizational chart of White House staff, but he was instrumental in forming the political philosophy of Barack Hussein Obama. Called “Uncle Frank” in Dreams from My Father, Davis was a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), according to a 1951 report of the Commission on Subversive Activities to the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii. Obama has admitted to spending time with Uncle Frank—who he cryptically describes as being a person of some modest notoriety at one time—and listening to his poetry and getting career path advice. Davis may also have been a pedophile. Writing under the pseudonym Bob Greene, Davis wrote a debased pornographic novel entitled, Sex Rebel: Black (Memiors of a Gash Gourmet), in which he describes group sex encounters and sex he and his wife had with a 13-year-old girl named Anne. Davis died in 1987.
  • Anita Dunn—As White House Communications advisor, Dunn has been seen a lot lately as the face of the Obama administration’s strategy to try and discredit Fox News. She is described on Politico.com as a veteran Democratic strategist and top advisor on Obama’s presidential campaign. As the war between the Obama White House (see more under Rham Emmanual) and Fox has escalated, videotape has surfaced showing Dunn gloating over how the campaign “controlled” the media. Another videotape surfaced showing Dunn speaking at a June high school graduation ceremony where she praised Marxist/Communist Chinese Premiere Mao Zedong as one of her favorite philosophers and one of the two people she turns to most. It’s difficult to understand how Mao had time to philosophize as he was busy killing somewhere between 50 million and 70 million of his country’s citizens during his 27-year reign of terror.
  • Ezekiel Emanuel—The president’s Special Advisor for Health Policy, Ezekiel is brother to White House Chief of Staff Rham Emanuel. Ezekiel is the source of Sarah Palin’s death panel idea. This Emanuel has written that he believes many healthcare treatments should be denied to those under 15 and over 65 to save money, the rationale being that only people between 15 and 65 are beneficial to society.
  • Rahm Emanuel—Obama’s White House Chief of Staff, Emanuel is a thug Chicago politician who once sent a two-and-a-half foot long, dead and decomposing fish to lobbyist Allen Secrest to express his displeasure. He’s known for his full-time use of gutter language and once told then-British Prime Minister Tony Blair just before an appearance with Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal: “This is important. Don’t f**k it up.” He also coined the phrase, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” He’s also behind the ridiculous policy of starting a fight with television news agency Fox News.
  • Chai Feldblum—Nominated by the president to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Feldblum signed a radical 2006 manifesto which endorsed polygamous households and argued traditional marriage should not be privileged “above all others,” according to a report in Catholic News Agency. According to a statement from the White House, Feldblum has worked on advancing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights…” She is co-director of Workplace Flexibility 2010, which she described at a UCLA symposium as a homosexual rights group that aimed to change the American workplace and revolutionize social mores, according to a report on the WorldnetDaily website.
  • Patrick Gaspard—White House Political Director, Gaspard was formerly a lobbyist for Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the organization that sent its thugs out to disrupt Tea Party protests and stir up trouble at town hall meetings in August. Prior to that, Gaspard worked as national field director for American Coming Together (ACT), a sub-group of the Association for Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). ACT was fined $775,000 in civil penalties by the federal government for various voter fraud offenses. You can read more about ACORN here.
  • Eric Holder—The Attorney General of the United States is an anti-gun racist who earlier this year referred to the United States as “a nation of cowards” on race relations. He also has an interesting take on justice. He worked to convince President Clinton to pardon billionaire fugitive Mark Rich (convicted of fraud and racketeering), Weather Underground (where have we heard of that organization before?) terrorists Susan Rosenberg and Linda Evans, and he declined to prosecute New Black Panther brutes who stood over a Pennsylvania polling station with baseball bats intimidating voters. Oh yes, he also wants to bring Guantanamo Bay prisoners to the United States.
  • John Holdren—Obama’s Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is not only an abortion supporter, he is an abortion nut who believes that compulsory abortions could be sustained under the existing U.S. Constitution if a population crisis arose. He also supports mass sterilization of the U.S. population through lacing the country’s water supply with drugs. Holdren authored with two other people a book called Ecoscience promoting their loony ideas about population control and One World Government—or what they called a Planetary Regime—to regulate international trade, the food supply and determine the optimum population for the world.
  • Valerie Jarrett—The New York Times called Jarrett, Obama Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, the ultimate Obama insider. She has also been called the other half of Obama’s brain. She’s another one of those Chicago thug politicians who has gamed the system—including operating as a slum lord—for her own benefit. Her company, Habitat, Inc., managed the Grove Parc housing complex which was located in the district represented by State Senator Obama. As state senator, Obama coauthored a bill to give tax credits for developers which Jarrett used on the complex. As U.S. senator, Obama pressed for increased federal subsidies for like projects. Despite receiving government funds and tax credits, Grove Parc was ordered demolished because of its deplorable condition. She also served the administrations of Chicago mayors Harold Washington and Richard Daly, both scandal-plagued. Washington, by the way, was backed in his bid for mayor by Chicago’s Communist Party and the local branch of the Democratic Socialists of America. Called by the Washington Post a tutor to Obama and his wife Michelle, Jarrett is the step-daughter of Chicago journalist Vernon Jarrett. Vernon Jarrett was an associate of Frank Marshal Davis, Obama’s mentor, when Davis lived in Chicago prior to moving to Hawaii.
  • Kevin Jennings—This former school teacher and long-time gay rights activist was named Obama’s Safe Schools Czar. He has accused Baptists, the Boy Scouts and sports fans of anti-gay bias, and advocates a special high school for gay teens and gay-straight alliance clubs for every high school in America, according to a report in CNSNews.com. He believes that kindergartners should be taught to respect all sexual orientations while insisting that “ex-gay messages” and “Christian values” are misused to isolate or denigrate lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and have no place in the nation’s public schools, CNSNews.com reported. Oh yeah, he also supports pedophilia. While Jennings was a teacher, a minor student told Jennings that he was having gay sex with an adult. Jennings covered it up. He also has praised Harry Hay, a defender of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), which promotes legalization of sexual abuse of young boys by older men.
  • Van Jones—Once Obama’s White House Environmental Advisor, Jones was fired in the dead of night on a holiday weekend after a video surfaced in which he called Republicans a bodily orifice, and after a controversial document he signed was revealed. That document accused former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney of either planning or knowing about ahead of time the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. In addition to being a 9/11 Truther, Jones is an avowed Communist. He was appointed to his position by Valerie Jarrett, who has been seen on video praising Jones and saying she and Obama had been watching Jones for a long time.
  • Mark Lloyd—FCC Diversity Czar, is also known as the man who wants to stifle free speech in America like Hugo Chavez does in Venezuela. He has been videotaped saying the Chavez revolution in Venezuela was almost lost because of the privately-owned media. Chavez, of course, is the Marxist dictator of Venezuela, personal friend to Communist dictator Fidel Castro of Cuba and Islamic terrorist dictator Mahmoud Ahmadenijad of Iran. In 2006, while at the liberal Center for American Progress, Lloyd wrote a book entitled, Prologue to a Farce: Communications and Democracy in America. In it he presents the idea that all private broadcasters should be charged licensing fees at a rate equal to their operating expenses and that money should go to the Public Broadcasting System (PBS). In a 2007 report entitled The Structural Imbalance of Political Talk Radio, Lloyd complains about the fact that people want to listen to Christian and conservative talk radio rather than liberal radio, and lists ways the Federal government can fix the “problem.” His solution would include caps on the number of local stations a corporation can own, ensure greater local accountability on radio licensing and require owners who fail to fulfill their obligations to pay a fee to support PBS.
  • Cecelia Munoz—Now White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, Munoz was previously Senior Vice President of The National Council of La Raza, the largest Hispanic lobbying organization in the country, which has called national anti-immigration groups “hate groups.” La Raza, which literally translates The Race, funds extremist groups and supports illegal immigration as a way of obtaining political power. The group advocates taking the Southwest U.S. for the purpose of creating a new Hispanic state.
  • Cass Sunstein—Recently confirmed by the U.S. Senate as Administrator of the White House Office of Administration and Regulatory Affairs, Sunstein is a Harvard Law School professor and dingbat who has—in writings and speeches—called for a ban on all hunting and claims that animals should be represented by lawyers in animal abuse cases. He is a socialist who has advocated for gun control and heavy regulation of the Internet. He also wrote in his 2008 book, Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth and Happiness, that he believes people’s organs can be harvested without their consent. Sunstein would like to see personal email communications regulated by the government and believes the Internet is anti-democratic because of the way users can filter out information of their own choosing.
  • Rev. Jeremiah Wright—Obama sat in Wright’s church for 20 years yet claims to have never heard any of the hate-filled racism that crossed his lips. Wright’s anti-Semitic, anti-American sermons came to light during the campaign. Among his claims: the U.S. government was responsible for infecting blacks with the virus that causes AIDS, America was responsible for the 9/11 attacks—“the chickens have come home to roost”—and Jews are responsible for ethnic cleansing in Gaza and are pressuring Obama associates to keep Wright and Obama separated.

These are just a few of the folks who have occupied or currently occupy Obama’s inner circle. He was passed off by the mainstream media as being a centrist and moderate, but many of friends are anything but that, and some are quite radical. And when you parse some of his words or find video or audio from several years ago you know that Obama himself has some radical views.

But the media ignored Obama’s ties to radicals and communists. That, and Obama’s soaring rhetoric led many otherwise thoughtful and good people down the primrose path, and they voted for him without realizing what they were getting.

But as the truth gets out about his associates, the cover is coming off. He’s becoming known by the company he keeps, as well as his own deeds.
