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The Senate and House of Representative of the United States are Hereby Evicted

The bums aren’t listening, so it’s (past) time to throw them out.  There might be 10% of the elected officials in Washington who have voted faithfully in line with the constitution and American values, but the rest are merely the flotsam and jetsam of the American political scene.  For them to simply be swept away with the tide would be a good thing for America.




On the following grounds I serve notice that you, the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, are hereby EVICTED.

  • You have broken your contract with America by violating your oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States by expanding the powers of the Government in exchange for our God-given Liberties.
  • You have ignored the pleas of the majority of Americans by forcing a takeover of our private health care industry and exchanging it for a bureaucratic nightmare.
  • You are attempting to control our economy by empowering “Pay Czars” to regulate the income of workers.
  • You are increasing taxes on small business owners, the life blood of our free economy, while bailing out the banking industry.
  • You are overstepping your Constitutional Boundaries by agreeing with this present Administration to seize control of private industries, such as banking, automobile manufacturing, and health care.
  • You have jeopardized the international value of our currency with deficit spending.
  • You have failed to secure our national defense by refusing to tap the vast natural resources within our own borders and off our own shores.
  • You have punished citizens and private business establishments with further regulation with hysteria and false claims of “climate change”.
  • You have borrowed against our children’s future for political gain today


Choose Freedom

These are the types of things our children used to watch when our country actually produced productive, responsible citizens.  My, how far we’ve fallen.

You will notice a strong resemblance between the snake oil salesman in the cartoon and a certain “hope and change” peddler, and Pied Piper we are stuck with today.

God, help us.


Your Stimulus Dollars at Work

Do you want to know where your stimulus dollars are going, and who TAX PAYER FUNDED organizations like ACORN are targeting?  Here ya’ go.

This is the level of education and civic knowledge that our country is sinking to.  If you’ve followed the discussion on my post “Obama Zombies Brainwashing Your Children,” you will be up to date on where our education system is going and why.  This is the kind of voter the liberals want.  Dumb and dependent.



Stimulus funds at work in Detroit

By Crippy, Section News
Posted on Wed Oct 07, 2009 at 06:36:15 PM EST
Tags: Economic Stimulus, Detroit Homeless, WJR, Ken Rogulski (all tags)

Thousands of Detroiters line up Tuesday, outside Detroit City Halls, to apply for for a share of federal, economic, “stimulus”.  $15 million dollars was taken from taxpayers and given to the City of Detroit to battle homelessness.  There were so many people in line that they ran out of applications.Here are the guidlelines for eligibility from ClickOnDetroit dot com:

Application Guidelines
To qualify, a person must have been a resident of Detroit for more than six months, must be homeless or facing eviction and must be able to maintain housing after receiving assistance.

Also, a resident must make 50 percent less than the median area income, which would be less than $24,850 for single Detroit residents and less than $35,500 for a family of four.

No mortgage assistance will be available through this program.

Once applications are reviewed, only applicants eligible for funding assistance will receive notification from a service provider.

Earlier in the day, WJR’s Ken Rogulski, interviewed one of the people in line.

Here’s the dialouge: H/T Maha Rushie

ROGULSKI:  Did you get an application to fill out yet?
WOMAN:  I sure did.  And I filled it out, and I am waiting to see what the results are going to be.

ROGULSKI:  Will you know today how much money you’re getting?

WOMAN:  No, I won’t, but I’m waiting for a phone call.

ROGULSKI:  Where’s the money coming from?

WOMAN:  I believe it’s coming from the City of Detroit or the state.

ROGULSKI:  Where did they get it from?

WOMAN:  Some funds that was forgiven (sic) by Obama.

ROGULSKI:  And where did Obama get the funds?

WOMAN:  Obama getting the funds from… Ummm, I have no idea, to tell you the truth.  He’s the president.

ROGULSKI:  In downtown Detroit, Ken Rogulski, WJR News.

“Some funds that was forgiven (sic) by Obama.”

God help us!

Here’s another example of a model liberal constituent from the 2008 election.

You Can’t Compromise with Evil

Today’s letter to the senate. Many of them are working on a compromise with the democrats that will indeed involve a public option to healthcare. Any option that gets the government involved in our healthcare is a bad one. The Republicans have already let the camel’s nose get under the edge of the tent with their “democrat-lite” act over the last 15 years. The camel is still there, trying to get in. The Republicans have an opportunity to smack the camel’s nose and keep him outside for a little while longer. Petition your elected officials to reject this move toward socialized medicine.

From:     Gadget

October 8, 2009

To:  Senate Republicans

Subject: Compromises on Health Care and the Relevancy of the Republican Party

Dear Senators:

News reports indicate that several of you are bending to pressures to compromise on the democrat healthcare plan.  This is exactly why Republicans lost so many seats in the last election, and exactly why you will become totally irrelevant in the next election should you compromise on this and several other issues important to American voters such as illegal immigration, and gun control.

Conservative voters have come to view the Republican Party as “Democrat/Liberal Light.”  Since losing the momentum in 1994, you have compromised your way into being indistinguishable from the democrats.  You spend too much, and on the things that you are constitutionally mandated to do, most notably provide national defense, you spend far too little.  As an example, you recently passed a bill that would prevent the Air Force from retiring old fighters until they explain how they will be able to sustain the air sovereignty mission.  The simple answer is THEY CAN’T!

Why can’t the Air Force realistically sustain the air sovereignty mission?  Because you and the congress have shorted them year after year on the money they need to keep ahead of emerging threats.  The money you have given the military has so many political strings on it that the effectiveness of each dollar provided has been cut in half or worse.  You only signed on for 187 F-22’s.  When China, Russia, and their surrogates are now and in the near future fielding large numbers of similarly capable 5th generation fighter aircraft, tell me how 187 fighters can maintain air superiority over a nation as large as the United States, and simultaneously maintain air superiority over the battlefields we can expect to be on in the (possibly) near future?  As good as the F-22 may be, it can only be in so many places at once.  The same can be said of the C-17 that has not been purchased in large enough numbers to replace the C-141.  The fleet can carry more tons of cargo than the C-141 fleet, but can’t be in all the places you ask it to be at the same time.  Not to mention that much of that fleet is already aging to the point where replacement or service life extension is needed.  Our 1950’s era tanker fleet?  Don’t get me started.

While depriving the military of the men and equipment so badly needed to ensure that the daily premiums on our national freedom insurance policy are paid in full, you and the congress squander that money on unconstitutional vote buying measures.  You give benefits to illegal aliens, you won’t stop illegal immigration, and you prevent local and state law enforcement from doing the job that you WILL NOT DO.

You are wasting OUR MONEY, and our TRUST IN YOU.  This is your last chance to prevent the hard left turn away from the centerline of the American way of life.  Realize that the democrats do not need you to pass the healthcare legislation.  They are trying to use you as “human shields” when their plan fails.  Do not compromise on this.  Do not let them make “useful idiots” out of you.
