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White House Communications Director Anita Dunn Idolizes Communist Dictator

If one cabinet member sneaks through who has some less than reputable ties, that can be considered a mistake.  But when cabinet member after cabinet member, czar after czar are exposed as having communist ties, not paying their taxes, and engaging in activities that are very easy to argue as being anti-American, then it’s no coincidence.  Now it has more than reasonably been exposed as a concerted effort on the part of Obama to stack the government deck with socialists, communists, and all sorts of people whose ideological beliefs are exactly opposite of those which founded and made America great.

Ms. Anita Dunn, White House Communications Director, has the gall to state that the White House is going to treat Fox News, the only network who provides ANY objectivity or opposing view point to Obama, as an opponent and not a normal cable network.  Again, classic communist tactics.

Who does Ms. Anita Dunn turn to for inspiration and guidance?  Would you believe it is communist Chinese dictator Mao Tse-tung?  The very same communist Chinese dictator responsible for the deaths of 70 million of his own people in peace time.  The very same communist Chinese dictator who personally participated in the torture and murder of thousands of his own citizens.  The very same communist Chinese dictator who video taped many of these torture sessions and executions so he could watch them over and over.  Yes, this is the ideological role model for White House Communications Director Anita Dunn.

Once upon a time, people like this would never pass any security check or be allowed within a million miles of a position of power in our government.  Now we have nearly every political appointee since Obama’s election being exposed as a pedophile, socialist, communist, tax cheat, or any number of things that make them unacceptable to the American people, and dangerous to our nation.  Again, a reflection on the (lack of) character and real personality of Barrack Hussein Obama.

Ms. Dunn needs a large boot planted in her posterior shoving her out of the government door.  The media formerly known as mainstream is ideologically in bed with Obama, and has demonstrated their total lack of objectivity in any matter concerning him or his government.  It is up to us to get the word out, and take action to clean up our government.

Let’s help Anita pack her bags.


War between White House and Fox News hots up as Anita Dunn is exposed as a fan of Chairman Mao

By Stephanie Gutmann World Last updated: October 17th, 2009

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It’s not exactly a bloody horse head left in the bed overnight, but Fox News has sent a message it’s ready to play hardball with the White House Communications Director who says she’s going to treat Fox News “the way we treat an opponent” and not like an ordinary cable network. (See Toby Harnden’s post, “Barack Obama’s Silly Obsession with Fox News“.)

Anita Dunn went on one of the Sunday talk shows last weekend to fulminate about Fox, calling it “a wing of the Republican Party” and “not a news organization in the sense that CNN is a news organization.” By Thursday, researchers for Fox’s very popular Glenn Beck Show had unearthed video of Dunn giving an inspirational address last June to an audience of high school students in which she quotes from one of her “favorite political philosophers”, one of the “two people she turns to most”, who turns out to be Mao Tse-tung. By Friday, the clip had gone as viral as can be. (To watch clip, go to about 4:00 to get past Beck’s introduction and see Dunn’s speech.)

Voice brimming with emotion, Dunn says:

In 1947, when Mao Tse Tung was being challenged within his own party on his plan to basically take China over, Chiang Kai‑shek and the Nationalist Chinese held the cities, they had the army, they had the air force, they had everything on their side. And people said, “How can you win? How can you do this? How can you do this against all of the odds against you?” And Mao Tse Tung said, you know, “You fight your war, and I’ll fight mine.”

She then asks the youngsters to “think about that for a second” and draw the conclusion that “You don’t have to accept other’s definition of how to do things…You don’t have to let external definitions define you internally… You figure out what’s right for you. Everybody has their own path.”

How very profound

I’m not one of those shrieking “There’s a Maoist lose in the White House!” I grew up in one of the most left-wing cities in America, Ann Arbor, Michigan, surrounded by actual, declared Maoists — people who would pull The Little Red Book out of the breast pocket of their denim bib coveralls, and wave them around during demonstrations, so I should know what a real, or even just a summer semester Maoist looks like. Mostly, I agree with a friend who says “I know. She was using the reference in a sort of “Aren’t-I-cute-and-kinda-eccentric-and-actually-really-ballsy-at-the-same-time-Lefty-librarian,wannabee-Vietcong-warrior-way.

But I also agree with him that “she wasn’t speaking about Johnny Apple Seed” here. It’s really not cool to make cute little jokes about the outreness of combining Mao and Mother Teresa in an inspirational lecture. And why do you need Mao to make such a bland, Hallmark cards-ish point? Aren’t there plenty of people who’ve said something inspirational about “going your own way”? Like that Thoreau guy. Remember him? Didn’t he say something about “marching to a different drummer”?

It’s not outrageous, just kind of embarrassing for the White House, and all too indicative of how many pin-head old Lefties swept in with this administration.


2 Responses

  1. A tale of two marches on Washington….

    One took place in the late summer of 1963, the other in the late summer of 2009. One was promoted by a preacher from Georgia named Martin Luther King, the other by a former “shock jock” from the state of Washington named Glenn Beck. Ouch! Even mentioning the two of them in the same paragraph is somehow disconcerting.

    In 1963, the the people were singing, We Shall Overcome.

    Forty-six years later, the chant was, We Shall Undermine.

    In 1963, a vast and varied demographic of the American people – all races and religions – descended on the nation’s capitol to peaceably and nonviolently protest an injustice that was occurring in certain areas of the country to people of a certain skin pigmentation.

    Forty-six years later, a Convention of Pissed-Off White People – united only by the fact that they were all habitual viewers of a single cable news channel – rolled into Washington to hurl invective at an African American president for creating a mess that he had absolutely nothing to do with creating.

    In 1963, the signs people held up were optimistic: “With Liberty and Justice for All.”

    Forty-six years later, the signs were ominous: “We Came Unarmed – THIS TIME!”

    On August 28, 1963, the hearts of people who marched on the city of Washington DC were filled with love and hope.

    On September 12, 2009 they were just full of shit.

    Let us boil the comparisons down to their juicy essentials, shall we? Martin Luther King had a dream. Glenn Beck has a scheme.


    Tom Degan
    Goshen, NY


  2. Tom,
    Are you an assistant to Anita Dunn? Where you at the 9/12 rally? I know people who were there, who can tell you first hand that the “mainstream” media only cherry picked its coverage to portray a movement out to destroy Obama. You speak of “a Convention of Pissed-Off White People – united only by the fact that they were all habitual viewers of a single cable news channel” attending just to denigrate the president. It is you, sir, who are only listening to one “news” source. That source would be the White House via every other media outlet besides Fox News. Doesn’t it sound a bit Marxist to you when the White House pats EVERY OTHER news outlet on the head and says “good dog” for only reporting things that agree with Obama’s agenda while THE PRESIDENT PERSONALLY ATTACKS a single news outlet that happens to voice an opinion different than his own? I’m sure you didn’t utter a peep of protest when the same media sources who now utter not a word of criticism of a far left president spent eight years trying to tear down George W. Bush. I’m sure you stood up and cheered when far left authors wrote books about how to assassinate President Bush. EVERY news outlet should be critical, or at least skeptical of EVERY president. Had you watched Fox News during the previous eight years you would have seen more stories than you can count which were critical of Bush.

    You have missed the point, perhaps intentionally, in your analogy of two marches. In the first march, people were trying to GAIN freedom. In the second march, people were trying to SAVE their freedom. Your failure to properly analyze the situation says to me you are either misinformed and will receive a rude awakening, or you are one of the people trying to strip freedom from the American people. So which is it?

    The FACT that you follow the standard pattern of liberal behavior by resorting to name-calling (“they were just full of ****”) when you have nothing substantial to back up your argument just further illustrates your hypocrisy. You only want freedom of speech if it agrees with you. You and those like you define “hate speech” as anything that DOES NOT agree with you. You are attempting to undermine the constitution of the United States, and destroy the freedom that made this country great. If you don’t like America, you are free to leave. I’m sure that you will find that in whatever country you choose to call your new home, you will not have the same freedoms which you have taken for granted here and chosen to abuse.

    My hope for you is that you, and enough of those like you, wake up before it is too late for America.

    Be a citizen, not a subject.



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