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Warning to all Politicians –WE WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO DISARM US

It is time to speak plainly for the good citizens and patriots of this nation who believe unbendingly in the Constitution of the United States of America. Though foreign governments may disarm their subjects, we will not go down that road. We will not disarm and see our freedoms stripped away. The lessons of history are numerous, clear, and bloody. A disarmed population inevitably becomes an enslaved population. A disarmed population is without power, reduced to childlike obedience to-and dependence upon –the organs of a parental state. A disarmed population will lose-either piecemeal or in one sweeping act –those basic rights for which the citizens of America gave their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor over 200 years ago.

We will not disarm. The right to self-protection, the internal directive of every living creature, be it mouse or man, is the most fundamental right of all. It is a right that must be exercised against the of the streets, against the predators hidden within agencies of law enforcement, and against the most dangerous predators of all –those to be found in government, whose insidious grasping for power is relentless and never-ending.

We will not disarm. Not in the face of robbers, rapists, and murderers who prey upon our families and friends; nor in the face of police and bureau agents who would turn a blind eye to the Constitution, who would betray the birthright of their countrymen; nor in the face of politicians of the lowest order-those who pander to the ignorant, the weak, the fearful, the naive; those indebted to a virulent strain of the rich who insulate themselves from the dangers imposed upon other Americans and then preach disarmament.

We will not surrender our handguns.

We will not surrender our hunting arms.

And we will not surrender our firearms of military pattern or military utility, nor their proper furnishings, nor the right to buy, to sell, or to manufacture such items.

Firearms of military utility, which serve well and nobly in times of social disturbance as tools of defense for the law-abiding, serve also in the quiet role of prevention, against both the criminal and the tyrannical. An armed citizenry, the well-regulated militia of the Second Amendment, properly armed with military firearms –is a powerful deterrent, on both conscious and subconscious levels, to those inclined toward governmental usurpation.

An armed citizenry stands as a constant reminder to those in power that, though they may violate our rights temporarily, they will not do so endlessly and without consequence.

Should Americans again be confronted with the necessity of, may God forbid it, throwing off the chains of a tyrannical and suffocating regime, firearms designed to answer the particular demands of warfare will provide the swiftest and most decisive this end. Any law which prohibits or limits a citizen’s possession of firearms of military utility or their proper furnishings, provides an open window through which a corrupt government will crawl to steal away the remainder of our firearms and our liberties.

Any law which prohibits or limits a citizen’s possession of firearms of military utility or their proper furnishings, being directly contrary to the letter and spirit of the Second Amendment, is inimical to the Constitution, to the United States of America, and to its citizens. Now-today-we are witnessing the perilous times foreseen by the architects of the Constitution. These are times when our government is demanding –in the guise of measures for the common good –the relinquishment of several rights guaranteed to Americans in the Constitution, foremost among which is the right to keep and bear arms for our own defense.

These are times when our government has abdicated its primary responsibility-to provide for the security of its citizens. Swift and sure punishment of outlaws is absent, and in its place is offered the false remedy of disarming the law-abiding. Where this unconstitutional action has been given the force of law, it has failed to provide relief and has produced greater social discord. This discord in turn now serves as the false basis for the demand that we give up other rights, and for the demand for more police, more agents of bureaucratic control to enforce the revocation of these rights. Legislators, justices and law officers must bear in mind that the foundation of their duties is to uphold the fundamental law of the land-the Constitution.

They must bear in mind that the unconstitutional act of disarming one’s fellow citizens will also disarm one’s parents, spouse, brothers, sisters, children and children’s children. They must bear in mind that there are good citizens who, taking heed of George Washington’s belief that arms are the liberty teeth of the people, will not passively allow these teeth to be torn out.

There are good citizens who, taking heed of Benjamin Franklin’s admonition that those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety, will surrender not one of their rights. Those who eat away at our right to own and use firearms are feeding on the roots of a plant over two centuries old, a plant whose blossom is the most free, most powerful nation ever to exist on the face of this planet. The right to keep and bear arms is the tap root of this plant. All other rights were won at the point of a gun and will endure only at the point of a gun. Could they speak, millions upon millions of this world’s dead souls would testify to this truth. Millions upon millions of the living can so testify today. Today is a critical moment in our history.

Will we Americans passively lie down before a government that has grown disdainful of its best citizens? Or will we again declare, “We are the government, government functions at our behest, and it may not rescind our sacred rights?” Will we place our faith in public servants who behave like our masters? Or will we place our faith in the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ and remember the words and deeds of the daring, far-seeing men and women whose blood, sweat and tears brought forth this great nation?

Will we believe those who assure us that the police officer will shield us from the criminal? Or will we believe our eyes and ears, presented every day with news of our unarmed neighbors falling prey in their homes, on our streets, in our places of work and play?

Will we bow our heads to cowards and fools who will not learn and do not understand the lessons of human history? Or will we stand straight and assume the daily tasks and risks that liberty entails?

Will we ignore even the lessons of this present era-which has seen the cruel oppression of millions on the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa and South America-and believe that the continent of North America is immune to such political disease? Or will we wisely accept the realities of this world, wisely listen to and make use of the precautions provided by our ancestors?

Will we be deceived by shameless liars who say that disarmament equals safety, helplessness equals strength, patriotism equals criminality? Or will we mark the words of our forefathers, who wrote in plain language: The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed?

Let us make known: We will choose the latter option in every case.

Legislators: Do your duty to your country. Uphold the Constitution as you swore to do. Do not shame yourselves by knocking loose the mighty keystone of this great republic –the right to bear arms.

Justices: Do your duty to your country. Examine the origins of our right to weaponry and uphold the letter and spirit of the Constitution.

Lawmen: Do your duty to your country. Do not be misguided and misused. Your task is to serve and to protect-not to oppress, to disarm and to make helpless your countrymen. To the blind, the ignorant, the apathetic, the safe and sheltered, these may seem to be concerns of another age. They are not. They are as vital as they ever have been through history. For times may change but human nature does not. And it is to protect forever against the evil in human nature that the Founding Fathers set aside certain rights as inviolable.

For these reasons we must now make known: We will not passively take the path that leads to tyranny. We will not go down that road. We Will Not Disarm.


Nationwide Concealed Carry Permit?

Senator John Thune (R – SD) has added an amendment to the Defense Authorization Bill that would permit citizens with a concealed carry permit to travel across state lines with their weapons, as long as they obey the laws of that state. I find it very appropriate that this proposed legislation be added to the Defense Authorization Bill, as this would be probably the first time in recent history that a rider added to the Defense Bill actually had something to do with defense.  Sadly, at the time of this writing the amendment was just defeated in the senate.

As is usually the case, the left lead by New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg and New York senator Charles E. “Chuck” Schumer are screaming bloody murder (literally) and using the usual fear tactics of the left to keep you under control.  Chucky Schumer is threatening a filibuster on the floor and is joined by the likes of Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ).  As usual, the left can’t be bothered with the facts.  They strike out with an emotional argument based on misrepresented facts to get you pointed in the direction they want.

Let’s take a look at the fallacies being presented by Schumer and Bloomberg among others and do a little debunking.

Chuck Schumer says…

“This amendment is a bridge too far, and could endanger the safety of millions of Americans.  (only the criminals) Each state has carefully crafted its concealed-carry laws in the way that makes the most sense to protect its citizens. (and those laws would still have to be obeyed by someone bringing a gun into their state) Clearly, large, urban areas merit a different standard than rural areas. To gut the ability of local police and sheriffs to determine who should be able to carry a concealed weapon makes no sense. It could reverse the dramatic success we’ve had in reducing crime in most all parts of America.  (Where have those reductions come?  In areas where recent laws were passed ALLOWING THE CARRY OF CONCEALED WEAPONS.) In the past, the gun lobby has had as its rallying cry, ‘Let each state decide.’ With this amendment, they are doing a 180-degree flip. (Wrong again, Chucky.  The amendment explicitly states that you must obey the laws and meet the standards of the state into which you intend to carry a weapon.  If you are a criminal, do you meet that standard and were you issued a permit in the first place?  I think not.) Whether you are pro-gun or pro-gun control, this measure deserves to be defeated. We will do everything we can to stop this poisonous amendment from being enacted.”

And this…

“To say that someone who gets a license in another state can then take their gun into Central Park or into Eisenhower Park without any checking with local law enforcement is appalling and could affect our safety,…”  (This is where he’s right.  It would affect the safety of New Yorkers by making them SAFER.  What these despicable liberals won’t admit or tell you is that 99.9999% of all gun crime is committed by CRIMINALS who were BREAKING THE LAW to possess the gun in the first place.  LAW ABIDING citizens don’t use their guns to commit crimes.  The data from around the world shows that when you restrict LEGAL gun ownership, law abiding citizens become victims because they have obeyed a law that criminals will not.  Senator Thune makes some good points for this argument when he says “Reliable, empirical research shows that states with concealed carry laws enjoy significantly lower violent crimes rates than those states that do not. For example, for every year a state has a concealed-carry law, the murder rate declines by three percent, rape by two percent, and robberies by over two percent. Since criminals are unable to tell who is and who is not carrying a firearm just by looking at a potential victim, they are less likely to commit crimes when they fear that they may come in direct contact with an individual who is armed. This deterrent is so strong that a Department of Justice study found that 40 percent of felons had not committed crimes because they feared the prospective victims were armed.”)


“In Vermont you only need to be 16 years old and you can get a concealed carry permit,” (I’m pretty sure the 16 year old would not be allowed in most states to carry a gun under this amendment, due to that nagging provision about “obeying the laws of the state” into which you are carrying the gun.) Schumer said. “Somebody from Vermont could come to New York with a backpack of guns, even if they were a member of the Crips or the Bloods, even if they had all kinds of problems and our police officers could do virtually nothing.”  (This is classic liberal fear mongering based on lies and ignorance. Again, Schumer is comparing apples and oranges.  Maybe in his state, and in NYC, Crips and Bloods roam the streets with backpacks full of guns because there is no one who is armed and can stop them.  EVERYWHERE else in the country, it is illegal to own or possess a gun if you are a felon.  That would prevent you from LEGALLY having the gun, much less getting a permit to carry it.  Again, Mr. Schumer, let me remind you of the FACTS that armed, law abiding citizens REDUCE crime.)

Bloomberg said

“It would make it a lot easier for illegal gun traffickers to walk the streets of any city with multiple hand guns and that’s particularly problematic.”

He is just as foolish as his liberal senator friend.  Indeed, that is already happening in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and other major cities where “gun control” laws have been enacted.  When there is no one to stop them, the criminals will run amuck.

One of the “funniest” things about all of this is how Michael Bloomberg and Chuck Schumer turn back flips over the possibility of a law abiding citizen having the CHOICE to carry a gun, but they don’t bat an eyelash over FORCING other states who want nothing to do with it to accept gay marriages from New York or other states with legalized gay marriage.  Removing your right to CHOOSE is what liberals and democrats like Bloomberg and Schumer are all about.