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The Democrat “Green” Money Laundering Operation is Falling Apart

The continuous theft of our money for these “green” handouts is nothing more than a money laundering scheme.  Obama has poured BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars into an industry that is not commercially viable, all to payback his political supporters, and launder money to the democrat party.

Solyndra grabbed headlines, but has now faded as the “mainstream” media ignores the continuing story.  Oh, yes, there is more to the Solyndra bankruptcy.  They are now handing out millions of dollars in “bonuses” to their failed executives, funded by the taxpayer supplied bailout money.

Now the rate of “green” failures is accelerating, and with them accelerating the rate at which taxpayer money disappears with ABSOLUTELY NO BENEFIT TO THE TAXPAYERS FROM WHOM IT WAS STOLEN.

And no one is doing jack squat about it.  Isn’t socialism great? At least until you run out of other people’s money.  Have you seen our national debt which is accelerating like the Millennium Falcon?  To mix metaphors, we’re heading off into deep space where no one can hear us scream…


Drip, Drip, Drip: Yet Another Green Energy Stimulus Recipient Hits the Skids (the third this week!)

by William Yeatman on January 27, 2012

in Blog

Post image for Drip, Drip, Drip: Yet Another Green Energy Stimulus Recipient Hits the Skids (the third this week!)Earlier this week, Stimulus beneficiary Evergreen Energy bit the dust. Then, Ener1, a manufacturer of batteries for electric vehicles and recipient of Stimulus largesse, filed for bankruptcy. And today, the Las Vegas Sun reports that Amonix, Inc., a manufacturer of solar panels that received $5.9 million from the Porkulus, will cut two-thirds of its workforce, about 200 employees, only seven months after opening a factory in Nevada.

I foresaw this spate of bad news last November. As I explained yesterday,

In a previous post, I compared renewable energy spending in the 2009 Stimulus to a green albatross burdening the President. I argued that Stimulus spending was inherently wasteful, because politics invariably corrupts government’s investment decisions. The result is taxpayers losses on bankrupt companies that existed only by the grace of political favoritism, a la Solyndra. I predicted the green stimulus would haunt the President, in the form of a slow drip public relations nightmare, as a litany of bad investments go belly-up in the run up to the 2012 elections.

Mr. President, are you still sure you want to “double down” on renewable energy giveaways?
