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Obama Doesn’t Want America to be a Super Power

Here’s another spoonful of sand on the mountain of evidence that Obama hates America and everything she stands for.

Obama and the progressives are hell-bent on destroying everything Americans have worked for over 200 years to build. Freedom, liberty, wealth, and prosperity are about to be destroyed in America unless he is stopped.

As I’ve said before, Obama may not be THE anti-Christ, but he sure as heck is at the very least a false prophet.


Obama: “Whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower”

posted at 7:52 pm on April 14, 2010 by Cassy Fiano
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I know how many of you just hate the fact that the United States is a dominant military superpower in the world. But don’t worry. Obama is our president now, and he’s here to change all that. Unfortunately, for the time being, we have to reconcile ourselves to this: that, like it or not we remain a dominant military superpower.

In all seriousness now, this is a disturbing way of phrasing this. This statement was made at the closing of his Nuclear Security Summit. It’s a nice coincidence, considering he’s doing his best to weaken us with his new policy on nuclear weapons.

And I guess this video explains why he would enact such an awful policy. Apparently, there are just tons of people — Obama included — who can’t stand the fact that we are a dominant military superpower in the world.

Why would that bother an http://www.cassyfiano.com/wp-admin/post-new.phpyone? Why would anyone want America to become a weaker country? (Yes, that was a rhetorical question.)

Now, Obama may have been simply referring to the fact that we get dragged into world conflicts. As a world superpower, that is true. But as I recall, we are supposed to be a force for good in the world. Part of being a force for good in the world means that, occasionally, we have to be the “world’s police”.  (This part I don’t necessarily agree with.  As a “force for good,” we don’t have to be “world police.”  We establish relations with nations, possibly station forces their, and defend our interests and allies.  It’s pretty much that simple.  The more people who are our LEGITIMATE allies, not just money leeches, and the stronger we are to deter aggression, the more stable the world becomes, and the less we are called upon to “walk a beat.”) Let’s think about WWII and Germany. If Obama was president then, would he have bothered fighting the Nazis? Or would he have just let them continue their evil reign throughout Europe, murdering millions along the way? Yeah, sure, it’s easy to say now, in retrospect, that of course he would have helped to liberate Europe and destroy the Nazis. But remember his position on preventing genocide during the campaign? Specifically, he said that preventing genocide in Iraq was not a good enough reason to keep our troops there. Why should we believe he’d have wanted to stop Hitler if he wouldn’t have had a problem letting Hussein continue his tyranny and terrorization of Iraq? The point is, being a superpower in the world is a good thing. There will always be a superpower in the world, and if it isn’t us, who would it be? China? Russia? During FDR’s term as president, we weren’t a superpower, and look at what happened. Germany and Japan took our place, and look what that led to. England was bombed relentlessly for years. Major countries in Europe were invaded and taken over, like France and Poland. Japan joined with the Axis Powers and invaded China and French Indochina. Had we been a stronger superpower in the word at the time, we might have been able to prevent these countries from coming to power. The lives of millions and millions of innocent people could have been saved.

The point is, we are needed in the world to be a superpower, and to use our military power as a force for good in the world. The United States is a rare country in this. We may have to act as the world’s police occasionally, but we never act for our own gain. If we fail to be that force for good in the world, it will open the door to another situation similar to what enabled WWII to be possible. If we’re not the superpower, then we can’t keep countries like Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea in check. Al Qaeda will be able to unleash their terror on the world with literally no one to stop them. Who will step up against them if we won’t? Canada? England? France? Yeah, right.

The scary thing is that our Commander-in-Chief can’t see this. He looks at our military dominance, and our role in the world as a force for good, and thinks it’s a bad thing.