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Fake News Needs to be Punished

This story of a so-called “journalist” publishing libelous material, and then trying to hide behind the 1st Amendment, is a perfect example of why journalists need to be held to a standard of ethics, or be prevented from acting as a journalist if they fail to uphold that standard.

The 1st Amendment protects free speech, but not false or slanderous speech.  Spreading lies about someone should be punished swiftly and severely.

The 1st Amendment protects a free press, but not a propaganda machine.  The 1st Amendment protection is meant to prevent government or private entity from influencing or stifling HONEST reporting.  But what we are seeing now is a press that has become a propaganda arm of one political entity.

If journalists can’t leave their personal bias outside the press room, and their bias becomes their reporting as we are seeing now almost uniformly across the mainstream media, they are no longer journalists.

Trump’s push to update libel laws is sadly sorely needed.

Trump seizes on NYU professor’s tweet to push change of libel laws

By Frank Miles, Edmund DeMarche

Published May 27, 2019

President Trump on Monday seized on a New York University professor’s false tweet as an example of journalistic malpractice while calling for the U.S. to modify its libel laws to hold news media accountable.

In his early morning tweet while on an overseas trip to Japan, the president said a fake quote attributed to him by Ian Bremmer shows “what’s going on in the age of Fake News.”

“People think they can say anything and get away with it,” Trump wrote. “Really, the libel laws should be changed to hold Fake News Media accountable!”
Continue reading

Mainstream Media ALL Rush to be First to be Wrong

Why is it SOOOOOO easy to call the mainstream media “fake news?”  Because they are trying so hard to earn the title.

How the story of these Kentucky kids became news clearly illustrates a tragic truth in America:  JOURNALISM IS DEAD.

The mainstream media in America is entirely, lock-stock-and-barrel in bed with one political party, and one ideology, that being the democrats and socialism/communism/Marxism.  Rather than responsibly and cautiously approaching a story in order to present the TRUTH, no matter who it makes look good or bad, the mainstream media has become a propaganda arm for the democrats in the distilled spirit of Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels.  One of Goebbels’ most famous quotes illustrates the day-to-day existence of the mainstream media.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

How did the leftist propaganda media handle the story of the Covington Catholic High School kids?  By IMMEDIATELY looking at how the story could be manipulated to damage Donald Trump and ANYONE on the conservative side of the political spectrum, truth and facts be damned.  It wasn’t the Catholic school kids who were causing the problem.  It was the racist blacktivists who were taunting them, calling them all manner of vile names, trying to provoke a fight.  As for this Nathan Phillips fellow, it was he who walked into group of kids and started chanting.  It was NOT the kids who surrounded Phillips.  The kid standing in front of the indian fellow was doing NOTHING, taking NO action whatsoever, in order to PREVENT an altercation.  He even told his classmates to be quiet and do nothing.  But the LIARS in the mainstream Goebbels media won’t tell you that.  All they know is the kids were wearing MAGA hats, and thus must be destroyed.

They are even openly admitting it now.  Joy(less) Behar for ONCE spoke the truth on The View when she said this:

“So many people admitted they made snap judgments before all these other facts came in,” co-host Whoopi Goldberg said. “Why is that? Why do we keep making the same mistake?”

“Because we’re desperate to get Trump out of office,” Behar responded. “That’s why.”

And there you have it.  Game, set, match.  The mainstream media are OVERWHELMINGLY democrat, OPENLY biased against Trump and conservatives in general, and have abandoned any pretense of REAL journalism.

They have crossed the line of irresponsibility, and they need to be held accountable.  Because of their irresponsible reporting, people’s lives are now in jeopardy.  These kids who did NOTHING wrong are now receiving death threats, their parents are receiving death threats, and their school is receiving threats.  If I were these kids parents, I would be suing every one of these media outlets who not only irresponsibly ran with a false narrative, but CONTINUED to run that narrative many hours after the truth was known.  I would sue them for slander, reckless endangerment, pain and suffering, and anything else I could nail them for to the tune of millions of dollars, and the jobs of as many executives and glass-table coffee mug holding anchors as I could get.  They MUST be held accountable.

If we don’t have an honest, responsible, independent, UNBIASED and ACCOUNTABLE media, we have nothing more than a propaganda arm being used to enslave us.

Kentucky town reels from fallout over viral National Mall faceoff


JournoList ‘Sick Puppies’ – Rev. Wright Cover Up, Now Coordinated Attacks on Sarah Palin

Oh, this just gets better and better. First the “revelation” (only surprising if your head was in the sand) that the mostly left leaning media formerly known as mainstream was covering up stories about Rev. Wright to deflect negative attention away from Barack Obama’s campaign. Now we find that the attacks on Sarah Palin were also coordinated on the left, possibly with ties to the Obama campaign and White House. Can you say Rahm Emanuel? I knew you could.

Can anything being reported as “news” from the MSM be trusted as news anymore? I think not.

Yet more of the left’s famous “journalistic integrity…”


JournoList ‘Sick Puppies’ Planned Attacks on Sarah Palin

Systematic Femisogyny In Action

Posted by Lori Ziganto (Profile)

Thursday, July 22nd at 7:00PM EDT

The most insidious form of media bias is deciding what to cover and, more importantly, what not to cover.  The revelations uncovered by The Daily Caller in regard to Journolist have been damning on that front. The latest involve Sarah Palin and while anyone with a speck of honesty already realized that the media has been out to marginalize her from the very beginning, Journolist members took it to an even more egregious level. I know. I didn’t think that was possible either, but apparently it is.

While it is obviously not unheard of for colleagues to discuss stories of the day, that wasn’t the case here. This was a group of reputed (or refudiated!) journalists colluding with openly leftist opinionators to not report the news, but to shape it. As evidenced in these postings to JournoList:

Chris Hayes of the Nation wrote in with words of encouragement, and to ask for more talking points. “Keep the ideas coming! Have to go on TV to talk about this in a few min and need all the help I can get,” Hayes wrote.

Time’s Joe Klein then linked to his own piece, parts of which he acknowledged came from strategy sessions on Journolist. “Here’s my attempt to incorporate the accumulated wisdom of this august list-serve community,” he wrote. And indeed Klein’s article contained arguments developed by his fellow Journolisters

Worse, the goal of the framing of the narrative was to marginalize and diminish a woman by using her womanhood itself against her for political means. In fact, one member, Daniel Levy of the Century Foundation, referred to the list as Obama’s “non-official campaign” and admitted he believed it was their job to discredit Palin:

This seems to me like an occasion when the non-official campaign has a big role to play in defining Palin, shaping the terms of the conversation and saying things that the official [Obama] campaign shouldn’t say – very hard-hitting stuff, including some of the things that people have been noting here – scare people about having this woefully inexperienced, no foreign policy/national security/right-wing christia wing-nut a heartbeat away ……

That wasn’t even the worst of it.

What followed was a clear attempt to, once again, Use the Women ™ under the guise of being For The Women ™ by playing up the perpetual victim-hood sexist trump card as a way to dehumanize and demean Sarah Palin and her accomplishments. How did they attempt to do this?  An idea first proffered by Suzanne Nossell, ironically of Human Rights Watch. It was then enthusiastically agreed to by more on the list, showing a classic case of femisogyny from the Left:

“I think it is and can be spun as a profoundly sexist pick.  Women should feel umbrage at the idea that their votes can be attracted just by putting a woman, any woman, on the ticket no matter her qualifications or views.”

Mother Jones’s Stein loved the idea. “That’s excellent! If enough people – people on this list? – write that the pick is sexist, you’ll have the networks debating it for days. And that negates the SINGLE thing Palin brings to the ticket,” he wrote.

Another writer from Mother Jones, Nick Baumann, had this idea: “Say it with me: ‘Classic GOP Tokenism’.”

The single thing she brings to the ticket — her fancy womb. Once again, liberal femisogynists reducing a woman to the sum of her girly parts only. All while hilariously claiming that they believe women should feel umbrage that their vote should be attracted merely by dint of a fellow woman on the ticket. Hello? That is their entire modus operandi! Even down to the Supreme Court. Aren’t we always supposed to be thrilled when, say, a woman is nominated for the Supreme Court merely because she’s a woman?

This is how they ultimately will end up failing; their hypocrisy knows no bounds and is now incredibly transparent. The depth of their insane hatred for Sarah Palin has done more to expose their femisogyny than anything in my lifetime.

Sarah Palin, with customary courage and straight-talk openness, spoke out about the media to the Daily Caller:

“With the shackles off, I relish my freedom to call it like I see it, while starving the media beast that was devouring the false reports about me, my staff and my loved ones,” she said….

“…The lamestream media is no longer a cornerstone of democracy in America. They need help. They need to regain their credibility and some respect. There are some pretty sick puppies in the industry today. They really need help,” Palin said.

Sick puppies, indeed, as further evidenced by an earlier revelation regarding the more than disturbing desire of a JournoList member to watch Rush Limbaugh die in agony, while she “laughed loudly like a maniac.” What’s more, the list, comprised of mainly white males near as I can tell, indulged in the systematic patriarchal oppression (that’s right, faux feminists, I’m using your own term against you. Because you lie) of a woman merely because she didn’t suit their political agenda. An agenda that they used their positions as alleged journalists to further.

While they may have succeeded in aiding Barack Obama to win the election, ultimately they will fail. In part, we can thank Sarah Palin for that. The woman they tried to destroy has actually hoisted them on their own petard, by exposing them for what they are – not journalists, but corrupt ideologues who will stop at nothing, not even personal destruction, to further an agenda.

I, for one, thank her immensely.


Is the (Formerly) Mainstream Media Growing a Spine?

There may still be a chance that EVEN the liberal media may wake up and realize that they can either be JOURNALISTS with the freedom to think for themselves, or they can be PROPAGANDISTS who print and say what they are told by the government or whichever dictator happens to be in power.

It doesn’t matter if a journalist is liberal or conservative, but what a REAL journalist MUST be is OBJECTIVE.  They have to ask the tough questions, they have to play devil’s advocate, and they have to be skeptical.

It would appear that some in the media are seeing that Obama isn’t just attacking Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.  Obama, the White House staff, and the Commu-crats are attacking journalism and the freedom of speech.

There is a spark of hope…



Administration Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

The Obama administration on Thursday tried to make “pay czar” Kenneth Feinberg available for interviews to every member of the White House pool except Fox News. But the Washington bureau chiefs of the five TV networks decided that none of their reporters would interview Feinberg unless Fox News was included.


Friday, October 23, 2009

The Obama administration on Thursday failed in its attempt to exclude Fox News from participating in an interview of an administration official, as Republicans on Capitol Hill stepped up their criticism of the hardball tactics employed by the White House.

The Treasury Department on Thursday tried to make “pay czar” Kenneth Feinberg available for interviews to every member of the network pool except Fox News. The pool is the five-network rotation that for decades has shared the costs and duties of daily coverage of the presidency and other Washington institutions.

But the Washington bureau chiefs of the five TV networks consulted and decided that none of their reporters would interview Feinberg unless Fox News was included. The pool informed Treasury that Fox News, as a member of the network pool, could not be excluded from such interviews under the rules of the pool.

The administration relented, making Feinberg available for all five pool members and Bloomberg TV.

The pushback came after White House senior adviser David Axelrod told ABC News’ “This Week” on Sunday that Fox News is not a real news organization and other news networks “ought not to treat them that way.”

Media analysts cheered the decision to boycott the Feinberg interview unless Fox News was included, saying the administration’s gambit was taking its feud with Fox News too far. President Obama has already declined to go on “Fox News Sunday,” even while appearing on the other Sunday shows.

“I’m really cheered by the other members saying “No, if Fox can’t be part of it, we won’t be part of it,'” said Baltimore Sun TV critic David Zurawik, calling the move to limit Feinberg’s availability “outrageous.”

“What it’s really about to me is the Executive Branch of the government trying to tell the press how it should behave. I mean, this democracy — we know this — only works with a free and unfettered press to provide information,” he said.

Several top White House advisers have appeared on other news channels to criticize Fox News’ coverage of the administration, dismiss the network as the mouthpiece of the Republican Party and urge other news organizations not to treat Fox News as a legitimate news network.

On Wednesday, Obama, speaking publicly for the first time about his administration’s portrayal of Fox News as illegitimate, said he’s not “losing sleep” over the controversy.

“I think that what our advisers simply said is, is that we are going to take media as it comes,” Obama said when asked about his advisers targeting the network openly. “And if media is operating, basically, as a talk radio format, then that’s one thing. And if it’s operating as a news outlet, then that’s another. But it’s not something I’m losing a lot of sleep over.”

Obama’s comments also came after he met Monday with political commentators Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow of MSNBC; Eugene Robinson and E.J. Dionne of the Washington Post; Ron Brownstein of the National Journal; John Dickerson of Slate; Frank Rich, Maureen Dowd and Bob Herbert of the New York Times; Jerry Seib of the Wall Street Journal, Gloria Borger of CNN and U.S. News and World Report, and Gwen Ifill of PBS.

House Republican leaders rushed to the defense of conservative commentators Thursday after the president’s comments.

Rep. Mike Pence, chairman of the House Republican Conference, said conservative commentators speak more for Americans than the national media outlets that have targeted them for criticism.

“Goaded on by a White House increasingly intolerant of criticism, lately the national media has taken aim at conservative commentators in radio and television,” the Indiana Republican said on the House floor. “Suggesting that they only speak for a small group of activists and even suggesting in one report today that Republicans in Washington are ‘worried about their electoral effect.’ Well, that’s hogwash.”


Michael Jackson: Illustrating What’s Wrong With America

The coverage of the life and death of Michael Jackson does a pretty good job of illustrating what is actually wrong with America for those who have at least half a brain. In reference to the things that SHOULD be grabbing headlines and getting non-stop coverage, let me ask a few questions about Michael.

  • Does coverage of the death of Michael Jackson, or who gets custody of his children, or who owns Neverland effect our nation or economy in a way that will cost each American household from $4,000-$15,000 per year? The cap-and-tax/climate change/global warming/environmental BS bill does. Not exactly a lot of investigative reporting on that, is there?
  • Does coverage of the death of Michael Jackson affect our ability to defend our country? Obama pledging to dismantle our nuclear arsenal does. Appeasing people who historically want us enslaved or dead does. It’s more important to cover Michael Jackson than an emerging nuclear threat that could wipe out millions of American?
  • Does coverage of the death of Michael Jackson saddle your grandchildren’s grandchildren with a debt they can’t hope to repay? Does coverage of the death of Michael Jackson enslave us to debt and possibly to new, despotic rulers and government? The first Obama “stimulus” does, and the if they pass a second one it will in spades. Yet all we see or hear is “Beat It” replayed for the millionth time.
  • Does coverage of the death of Michael Jackson expose how liberals are lying to you to gain wealth and power? No, it covers it up by giving too much air time to something that while tragic, in the larger scope of our nation’s affairs is unimportant. Not important enough for our liberal dominated press to cover.
  • Does coverage of the death of Michael Jackson decide if you have enough earning potential left in your life to justify and repay the state for giving you the surgery that will save your life? Does coverage of the death of Michael Jackson mandate state run health care that will lower quality, cause rationing, drive qualified doctors from practice, and remove incentive for more doctors to enter practice thus increasing the shortage of health care? The Obama/democrat health care reform bill will. Yet no coverage of that.
  • Is Michael Jackson a hero? Perhaps if you’re standards for being a hero are pretty low.
  • Are there REAL heroes out there who for low pay and little or no recognition voluntarily put their lives on the line every day to protect America? You bet. Apparently people don’t want to hear about that. Or is it that the liberal press doesn’t want YOU to hear about that?
  • When those heroes die in the sewers of the world not only to protect Americans and their way of life, but to provide the people living in those sewers a chance at freedom, does the American press cover their death, or more importantly their accomplishments, with any sense of gratitude? Never. They have forgotten that poets and journalists were not the ones who gave them the freedom of the press that they now enjoy.

There are so many things that REALLY MATTER to the future of our country, yet all you can find on TV is Michael Jackson. He was a talented performer with a justifiably questionable personal life. That’s great, but does it really matter? Whether he was or was not a pedophile in the larger view of world events is unimportant. What percentage of his face was plastic is unimportant compared to the issues that should be investigated, exposed, discussed, and solved in America. When our population is more interested in American Idol, Michael Jackson, soap operas, and sports than in being informed, responsible citizens, they are not citizens at all. They are merely subjects of those who wish to exercise power over them. Don’t bother them with news or facts. Just keep the “reality” TV coming.

Michael Jackson, I bid you farewell and hope that you had a chance to make your relationship with God right before you passed away. America will soon be joining you in the ash heap of history unless her subjects reawaken and become citizens again and retake their nation by whatever means necessary. God help us.

The Power of the People and the Disgrace of the Media

– The Loft – http://www.gopusa.com/theloft

The Power of the People and the Disgrace of the Media

Posted By Bobby Eberle On April 16, 2009 at 8:04 am

Thousands and thousands of people took to the streets on Wednesday to send a message. They gathered in groups large and small, waving signs, shouting slogans, and calling for real change. Was this a one-time event or the start of something bigger? I’ll look at it further, but one thing is clear, in many places across the country, people had to brave the wind, rain, and cold in order for their voices to be heard… and they still showed up.

On the other end of the spectrum was the behavior of the so-called mainstream media. Their actions, comments, and coverage of the tea party protests were beyond unprofessional. They showed in one brief day that there is no such thing as journalistic standards and that they will do everything they can to belittle the voice of concerned Americans if that voice runs counter to their left-wing agenda. Pathetic.

First, the good news. The Tax Day Tea Parties were a huge success. Hundreds of protest rallies occurred on Wednesday, ranging in size from the hundreds to the thousands. From the reports I received, the energy level was tremendously high.

In Cincinnati, 700 WLW radio reported 7,000 people at noon time on Fountain Square. It is pretty big, and it was packed. No politicians speaking just some citizens. It looks like better than 25,000 people attended 12 events in Ohio.
–Bill Kintner

The estimate I heard on the turnout in Lansing, Michigan was 4,000 on the Capitol steps/lawn. I ws there, the turnout was fantastic, and the natives are indeed restless!! Joe the Plumber spoke, as well as a few others, but perhaps the most important points made were to the effect that it’s not Congress’ job to keep an eye on Congress, it’s OUR job!
–Cheryl Singleton-Thompson

We had 5,000 patriots at Lagrave Field in Fort Worth, Texas! Governor Rick Perry was there and gave a rousing speech to the excited throngs of people! The amazing thing was the diversity of the crowd. There were a lot of vets, and I met two active duty Marines who were in uniform at the event. It was GREAT!
–Billy Haas

I attended in Santa Clarita, CA. There were 1000+ I’d estimate. I talked to the organizers. They were simply ten people who were fed up. They all pitched in to get it going, and none of them were “professionals.” Massive drive by support – we connected with thousands. Kids with families, empty nesters, young adults in attendence.
–Mike Kennedy

We had about 6,000 in Sacramento. Great group of people, mostly first timers. The silent majority is waking up. Lots of great signs.
–Bob Lackner

And now some pictures:
–Oklahoma City, Samantha Votaw — The turnout here was great. I’m not a great estimator, but it was more than 5000, could have been 7500, or so. Good stuff!
–Ann Graper Manion — They estimated 5000 people on the capital grounds. There were a lot of enthusiastic and passionate people. This kind of passion can truly bring about CHANGE!
–Greg Henson — It was a great turn out in St. Louis. Some estimates I heard were over 5,000. ACORN was a no-show. I walked around for over 2 hours and only found 1 lonesome counter protester.
–Eric Scroggin — From the Louisville, KY Tea Party
–Michael Koffenberger — From the Harrisburg, PA Tea Party
–Becky Flowers — Tremendous, awe-inspiring turnout! Jones Plaza was full! The overflow was spread all around the perimeter, into the streets. Channel 11 had a helicopter overhead.
–Nancy Hite Duerstine — We were at the San Angelo, TX Tea Party. We had a crowd of 1200! What a day!

It was often asked by some of the Fox News anchors last night about the meaning of the tax day protests. To me, the meaning is clear. People are fed up. They are fed up with taxes, fed up with spending, and fed up with having no voice. The other point that should be mentioned is that Americans from both political parties turned out on Wednesday. From reports I received, some speakers were booed if they got too partisan. The point? The point is that we’ve seen both Republicans and Democrats turn their back on the American people. Spending, spending, spending, and taxes, taxes, taxes. It is too much, and we’ve all had enough.

As my friend Shaun Barcelow commented, “I heard somebody on the local radio station suggest that attendees shouldn’t bring their kids. Why not? They’re the ones paying for it!”

Now, for the media. The coverage was pathetic… but not only that… it was how it was covered that really showed the complete bias and agenda-driven nature of today’s “journalists.” First, we have this clip from a CNN “reporter.” (This idiotic liberal bar wench shows her obvious bias, and shows that she is ABSOLUTELY not credible in any sense of the word. And they wonder why Bill O’Reilly beat MSNBC, CNBC, NBC, and CNN in ratings and total number of viewers in prime time last night…)
Here’s two videos that I thought needed to be added to this article to completely illustrate and illuminate Susan Roesgen’s far left bias, and total lack of credibility and objectivity. Notice how she handles the protesters at a far left rally with kid gloves.

Anderson Cooper on CNN also carried on with a phrase that was echoed on MSNBC as well. Rather than referring to yesterday’s events as tax day protests or tea party protests, these Cooper and others referred to the events as “teabagging” and the attendees as “teabaggers.”

In this case, “teabagging” is a sexual reference, and I’ll leave it to you to look it up. The main point here is that the media have thrown all credibility aside in the pursuit of their left-wing support for Obama and a socialist agenda. Just imagine if this had been an anti-war protest!

Yesterday, during the day, I was monitoring some of the news web sites to see what kind of coverage was being generated by the tea party protests. Around noon, there was nothing on CNN, MSNBC, or ABC. There was a story on the CBS web site about the tea parties, but it was not so much about the fed-up Americans across the country as it was trying to make the events some kind of Republican operation.

Many Americans are finally speaking out. We need it to continue. We need to keep up the pressure on both the media and Washington. There is so much at stake, and this is just the beginning.

Will the “Fairness Doctrine” Apply to NPR, too?

Don’t laugh. We all know the answer to that question is likely an emphatic “heck no!” Since according to liberals like Chucky Schummer, conservative talk radio is hate speech and akin to pornography, it should be censored. Hate speech is by definition anything a liberal disagrees with.

National Public Unfairness

By Brent Bozell
March 26, 2009

There’s a huge hole in all of the public discussion about the reimposition of a “Fairness Doctrine” or a return to “localism” on the talk-radio format: What about National Public Radio (NPR)? Liberals would like to “crush Rush” and his conservative compatriots by demanding each station balance its lineup ideologically. But since when has NPR ever felt any pressure to be balanced, even when a majority of taxpayers being forced to subsidize it are center-right?

Why no Fairness Doctrine attention to NPR? It is because those preaching “fairness” on the radio are hypocrites.

Conservatives argue that the media’s liberal bias drives people to talk radio for an opposing viewpoint. Limbaugh jokes: “I am the balance.” But new numbers from NPR suggest its ratings may be nearly as imposing as Limbaugh’s: The cumulative audience for its daily news programs — “Morning Edition” and its evening counterpart, “All Things Considered” — has risen to 20.9 million per week.

It’s not just news that’s drawing listeners in. Talk-radio programs increasingly have become part of the nationally distributed NPR diet. Indeed, NPR’s developing talk-show lineup was an obvious factor in the commercial failure of competing liberal networks like Air America. One could argue that NPR’s audience gains came directly in response to liberal desires to vent about Team Bush.

Radio shows like “Fresh Air with Terry Gross” were a regular forum for Bush-bashing authors and experts, especially on the War on Terror and the liberation of Iraq. Gross was memorably upbraided by NPR’s ombudsman in 2003 for showing great hostility to Bill O’Reilly, in stark contrast to her giggly rapport with liberal Al Franken. Now NPR is touting that “Fresh Air” was NPR’s “first non-drive-time show in public radio to better 5 million weekly listeners” on over 300 stations.

NPR also sounded thrilled at the news that its afternoon show “Talk of the Nation” showed “remarkable gains,” up 21 percent to 3.5 million listeners weekly. On Inauguration Day, that show featured NPR Baghdad Bureau Chief Lourdes Garcia-Navarro reporting that Iraqis wished good riddance to President Bush and hoped for change under Barack Obama. She said she had yet to find a single Iraqi who was grateful for the American defeat of Saddam Hussein. She asked many Iraqis: “Did this invasion, do you feel, give you a better life? And across the board, I didn’t find one Iraqi who said to me, actually, I’m glad this happened.”

Only on NPR does one hear journalism that calmly suspends logic.

The other talk show NPR publicists touted was “Tell Me More,” hosted by Michel Martin, a former reporter for ABC. Martin recently told NPR listeners she is far too similar to Michelle Obama to feel objectively about her, and she thinks Rush Limbaugh is racist, and explains thusly: “Some people hate the federal government because they can’t get past the fact that the government switched sides from being a weapon in the violent oppression of black and sometimes brown people, to being one of the tools creating opportunity for them, as well as other people.”

NPR regularly airs liberal commentators (like former CBS reporter Daniel Schorr), and its idea of a conservative is David Brooks of the New York Times. A few weeks ago, in one of their regular evening political roundtables with liberal columnist E.J. Dionne, “All Things Considered” anchor Robert Siegel asked Brooks if he, as a moderate, was comfortable with Obama: “Are you getting more or less comfortable or more or less moderate?” Brooks replied candidly: “I’m getting less comfortable. I don’t know about my gross ideological disposition these days.”

Neither do conservatives, and yet Brooks is the man who’s supposed to represent us.

Public broadcasting has been incredibly hostile to anyone who would dare to police it for fairness and balance. Conservatives ought not forget what happened to Kenneth Tomlinson, the former board chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Fur flew when liberals discovered Tomlinson had conducted a private study to determine if PBS and NPR shows tilted to the left. An inspector general’s report suggested Tomlinson somehow had violated CPB bylaws, and he was forced to resign.

Liberal congressman John Dingell insisted Tomlinson had “inserted politics” into public broadcasting, and yes, feel free to insert a laugh track at this point.

It’s only “inserting politics” when anyone bothers to object to the everyday liberal politics of NPR and PBS. Ever since Congress passed the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, the nation’s taxpayer-funded news outlets have operated free of any real fear that someone would disturb their pattern of putting their big broadcasting thumb on the scale of liberalism.

If NPR’s drawing a Limbaugh-sized audience, isn’t it time someone started asking why a “Fairness Doctrine” shouldn’t apply to them?

L. Brent Bozell III is the president of the Media Research Center.