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Elijah “Mob Mentality” Cummings Says Removing the Confederate Flag is Not Enough

Well, Representative Elijah E. Cummings. If you’re going to erase history like ISIS is trying to do, don’t stop with just the Confederate flag. You must erase any likenesses or references to racists who hid behind it, like all the democrats who filibustered the Civil Rights Act led by KKK member democrat senator Robert “Sheets” Byrd of WV, and his good friend Al Gore Sr. Don’t forget the democrats who actually founded the KKK, and the democrats who implemented poll taxes and Jim Crow laws, and democrat president LBJ who said “we’ll have these ni***rs voting democrat for 200 years.” Don’t for democrat presidents like Bill Clinton and even Barack Obama who campaigned behind the Confederate flag while pandering for votes.  I’m sure I missed MANY who deserve your ire and energy to erase. It seems that if you carry your mob mentality madness to a logical conclusion, you’ll have to erase the entire democrat party.

June 28, 2015, 11:57 am

Dem: Removing Confederate flag ‘not enough’

By Timothy Cama


Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) on Sunday welcomed the movement in South Carolina and elsewhere against the Confederate flag, but said much more needs to be done to help race relations.

“It is a major thing that has to happen, and it will happen, I agree,” he said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

“And I applaud the folks in South Carolina for doing that. I also applaud the Governor of Alabama for doing what he’s done, taking down the flag,” Cummings continued. “But that is simply is not enough.”

Read entire article HERE.

Obama Thinks Ensuring the Identity of Voters is RACIST™!… Except When HE Does It.

Is anyone surprised to learn that Obama engaged in the very activity which he now calls ‘RACIST™!’ and seeks to prevent?

I’m sure only the worshipers of the mOssiah who have shrines to him with little Obama bobble head dolls which they pray to every day would be surprised if they would actually listen to the facts.  The progressives and democrats aren’t surprised because they know that cheating was the only way Obama and many of them came to power, and the only way to maintain that power is to close the door behind them.

Does anyone REALLY believe the ‘statistic’ often repeated by the left to dissuade voter ID efforts, that 25%, or 1 out of every 4 black persons in the country doesn’t have some form of ID?  It’s a made up statistic.  How are you going to find all the people who don’t have ID if they don’t have ID and don’t attempt to engage in activity that requires ID?  Talk about “The soft bigotry of low expectations.”

What does it feel like to realize that the party and the candidates you CONTINUALLY vote for think you are too stupid, and incapable of obtaining an ID, even when the state offers to BRING IT TO YOU FOR FREE?

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks at the National Action Network  

Even Obama can be accused of voter suppression

Hughey Newsome
Advisory Council, Project 21

At the recent annual convention of Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, President Obama said his political opponents are “pass[ing] laws to make it harder, not easier, to vote.”

It was another attempt by the president and his supporters to energize their base — in this case, African-Americans — through scare stories they hope will move the masses to the polls in November.

Claims that voter ID and other polling place protections are intentional attempts to suppress minority voters continue to garner headlines. That this has happened in the past cannot be denied, but there have been numerous attempts to deny voters’ voices, and not all are Jim Crow analogies.

For example, there was an upstart community organizer from Chicago who ran for a state senate seat in Illinois in 1996. He won his party’s nomination, in part, by invalidating thousands of names on his opponents’ petitions – including those supporting the incumbent – by looking for inconsistencies in names, addresses and pertinent registration information. Continue reading