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Muslim Congress 2011 Kansas City

Muslim Congress 2011 Kansas City

The mainstream media gave effectively ZERO coverage to this event.  A lot more Americans might be interested to know that something like this is going on in their country, completely in the open, allowed to hide in plain sight because the media will not do their job.  Make no mistake, the speakers at this “congress” were not all speaking about dealing with “personal struggles.”  There were speakers, many of whom openly support terrorist organizations like hammas and hezbollah, speaking about “slow revolution” or evolution of islam in America, destroying Israel, and other things that don’t exactly fit the image of sweetness and light that is being painted for us.  Watch these videos carefully, and do more research on your own.  But don’t rely on the mainstream media to help you in that research because all you will find in their library on the subject is empty shelves.

Part 1:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETm-uwvBTWk&feature=player_embedded#!

Part 2:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUUjWMWnqBs&feature=related

Part 3:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMtYvJ6IoGk

(pay special attention to the fellow speaking starting at 13:21 in part 3)

One Response

  1. 2 more videos of the Muslim American Society Conference at the Marriot in Overland Park Kansas have been posted to the CausingFitna youtube channel. They go along with these videos, I have been going to these because the media ignores them…….


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