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Letter to our “Leaders”

Here is a letter I faxed to several key politicians today regarding their rush to pass the bill on socialized medicine.  I hope many of you were doing the same, as well as lighting up the switchboards with phone calls.  We can but try, and pray.

29 April 2009

From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



Subject: Socialized Medicine/Universal Health Care

Dear Senator,

We are literally at a tipping point for America. The bus that is America has run off of the road of freedom and prosperity, through the guard rail, and is teetering on the edge of the cliff of communism, socialism, and oppression. Mr. Obama, accompanied by those such as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, is at the back of the bus trying to push us over that cliff.

The final push that sends us into the abyss is likely to be “universal health care,” which is more accurately called “socialized medicine.” This will destroy the highest quality health care system in the world. Innovation and development of new products will be stifled, competent doctors will be driven from or simply leave the field of medicine, and the ability to get treatment will not be determined by my ability to pay, but by a committee who decides how much utility I have left to pay back to the state.

Many other nations around the world have tried government run health care, and it has failed or is failing miserably. In the models that are so often showcased to the American public, Canada and Great Britain, doctors and patients alike testify that their system has failed and beg us not to go down this road. Patients wait weeks, months, and sometimes years, or even die while waiting for crucial treatment that is available immediately in America. Those who have the ability to pay for their own treatment come to America to get it because they know there is no better health care in the world.

Ms. Pelosi and others have argued that the current health care system is class based. The socialized medicine system will actually implement this in spades. The average American will have no choice, while the political elite and those in political favor will get whatever they want. That is exactly what is happening in Canada, where current and former Prime Ministers and professional hockey players get moved to the front of the line while the average citizen rots. Citizens are even pulling their own teeth because they can not get in to see a dentist. Is this really what you want for America?

Senator, I highly encourage you to vote against universal health care. It is not what America needs, and like the other issues we have so blatantly been ignored on, it is not what we want. Americans can’t be ignored much longer before we look to those ignoring us and remove them from the process. We are watching these matters closely, and we will not be ignored any longer.




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