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Gaza Spice says “F**k a National day of Prayer”


Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) decided to endorse an explicit insult against the National Day of Prayer through a retweet on her official social media account.

Tlaib endorsed the divisive message posted by vocal gun control activist David Hogg on Twitter by pushing it to her nearly one million followers.

“Don’t let this administration address COVID-19 like our national gun violence epidemic,” tweeted Hogg. “F**k a National day of Prayer, we need immediate comprehensive action.”

Critics of the congresswoman denounced the use of extreme language against what is a tradition of prayer that is inclusive of many religions, including her Muslim faith.

This isn’t the first time Tlaib has employed expletives while pushing her political agenda. One of the first controversies of her tenure in Congress was when she screamed, “We’re gonna impeach the motherf***er!” about the president to a cheering crowd of supporters.

On the other hand, she objected mightily when a citizen expressed their disfavor against her policies by paying for a billboard that called her and her congressional compatriots “idiots.”


Democrat Spice Girls