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China, Russia Building Super-EMP Bombs for ‘Blackout Warfare’

This is what I’ve been warning my students about because they are so reliant on the technology they are being allowed to use.  WHEN we go to war with these folks, the first thing our enemies will do is try to deny us use of the technology that makes it easier for us to kill them.  The treasonous Clintons sold nuclear secrets and missile guidance technology to the Chinese, the Russians have been stealing both from us for years, and they have been giving it to some of these 3rd world nations as well.  They can and will attack our technological centers of gravity immediately to make it MUCH harder for us to wage war against them.  When that happens, all the sheeple with no basic survival skills will become zombies.  No phone, no internet, no water, no trucks delivering food to super markets…  If you think zombies are a myth, just wait until this happens.  You need to be preparing for it NOW while the sun is shining and times are good.  If you don’t have provisions and/or the ability to hunt, and the knowledge to utilize what you have, you’re going to have to risk being shot by the neighbors from whom you try to steal it from.

China, Russia Building Super-EMP Bombs for ‘Blackout Warfare’

Report reveals electromagnetic war scenarios


The sun sets behind power lines and poles in Rosemead, California, on July 9, 2018. - While temperatures have dropped slightly from the record heatwave which hit Southern California on July 6, thousands of people are still suffering from power outages resulting from the heatwave. (Photo by Frederic J. BROWN / AFP) (Photo credit should read FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP/Getty Images)


Several nations, including China and Russia, are building powerful nuclear bombs designed to produce super-electromagnetic pulse (EMP) waves capable of devastating all electronics—from computers to electric grids—for hundreds of miles, according to a newly-released congressional study.
A report by the now-defunct Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from EMP Attack, for the first time reveals details on how nuclear EMP weapons are integrated into the military doctrines of China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran.
The report discloses how those states could use EMP attacks in theaters of battle in the Middle East, Far East, Europe, and North America.
“Nuclear EMP attack is part of the military doctrines, plans, and exercises of Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran for a revolutionary new way of warfare against military forces and civilian critical infrastructures by cyber, sabotage, and EMP,” the report states.
“This new way of warfare is called many things by many nations: In Russia, China, and Iran it is called Sixth Generation Warfare, Non-Contact Warfare, Electronic Warfare, Total Information Warfare, and Cyber Warfare.”
Nuclear-electronic warfare also is called “Blackout War” because of its effects on all electronic devices.
EMP attacks will be carried out at such high altitudes they will produce no blast or other immediate effects harmful to humans. Instead, three types of EMP waves in seconds damage electronics and the strikes are regarded by adversaries as not an act of nuclear war.
“Potential adversaries understand that millions could die from the long-term collateral effects of EMP and cyber-attacks that cause protracted black-out of national electric grids and other life-sustaining critical infrastructures,” the report said.
The attacks are regarded by enemy military planners as a relatively easy, potentially unattributable means of inflicting mass destruction and forcing opponents to capitulate.
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