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Parkland Now Leading the Call to Arm Teachers

THIS should make liberal lefties’ heads explode.  I’ll make the popcorn…


Parkland Now Leading the Call to Arm Teachers

The left claims that they love expertise. They hide behind specific climate scientists in order to push draconian policy. It might be a strong stance if they were at all consistent, but the truth is that objective knowledge and skill have never been part of the qualifications for the left.

In their eyes, an expert is someone who fits their fluid moral code. An expert is someone who drinks the Kool Aid. Most of all, an expert is someone who is victim enough to automatically gain the moral high ground. Only victims are allowed to speak and have opinions. Well, that philosophy just blew up in their collective faces. A panel of Parkland victims just recommended that the state of Florida arm teachers.

The Panel

When Parkland was struck by such an immense tragedy last February, few people had realistic visions of how to move forward. Students protested, parents vilified, politicians squabbled. In the wake of all of that confusion, a 14-person panel was arranged to fully investigate the shooting and make recommendations. The panel consists entirely of Floridians who are closely tied to the community. They had varying degrees of expertise, and they put their diverse skills into the task.

Several months later, they released a report that exceeds 400 pages. It covers every possible detail in as much scrutiny as you can imagine. Despite the report’s length, there are few concrete suggestions for change. The one call that stands out is a demand to allow teachers to volunteer for additional training and screening in order to be allowed to conceal a gun on campus.

The panel voted in favor of this motion 13 to 1, showing that the people closest to the Parkland shooting are convinced that more guns in the school are the best defense for innocent students.


Liberals long ago abandoned logical scrutiny. Instead, they attack the emotional validity of people who counter their claims. In this case, the Parkland panel is suggesting something they can’t allow, so you can expect the outrage to come full steam. As sad as it is, multiple members of the panel lost loved ones in the Parkland shooting. They have as much vested interest in seeing successful reform as anyone. In fact, their “emotional qualifications” will dramatically dwarf those of the liberals who are coming after them.

For those who base their vetting on something more than who is the biggest victim, the panel has actual qualifications as well. Multiple members work in law enforcement and safety analysis. They helped review the specific policies in place with the Parkland school system and the Broward County Sheriff’s Department.

The Whole Report

With such a large report, it’s difficult to imagine that there was only one concrete suggestion. There were a few, and we’ll get to one of them in a moment, but one of the biggest takeaways from the report is what the panel chose not to support. They looked into additional safety measures for schools that include bulletproof glass, additional metal detectors, a stronger lockdown procedure and even smoke screens for the hallways. Ultimately, the panel decided that those measures wouldn’t really save student lives in a repeat scenario. Only hot lead is a reliable means to stop an active shooter.

There was a second call to action in the report that is worth noting. The panel gave a scathing review to the Broward Sheriff’s Department. They criticized standing policy for giving deputies an excuse not to engage the shooter. They called for a complete overhaul of standard procedure and a retraining of personnel to ensure that they are ready to engage shooters and save lives despite the danger.

Lastly, they called for a suspension of Sheriff Scott Israel. This was clearly a leadership problem, and he was the man whose deputies failed to engage a man shooting up a school. There is blood on his hands, and the Parkland panel is not letting him hide from that ugly truth.

Let’s put this in perspective. For the better part of a year, liberals have been parading Parkland students around and telling us that only victims have a right to speak. Meanwhile, the people who want real change investigated the shooting as thoroughly as possible. The findings of this group of liberal-approved victims is that more guns are the solution to gun violence. That has to sting.

Link to article:  Parkland Now Leading the Call to Arm Teachers

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